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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?


Well-known member
Sorry I don't understand what you are saying
You have to explain to everyone now how and why the earth is fkt and your suggestions on fixing the causes....you called bullshit to
A) be a part of the conversation that can bring change
B) wants to fight someone and your crosshairs landed on my arrogant post


Well-known member
Some science for you believers that never consider a alternative view

looks like you need to click on the PDF for it to show up, fuck knows why ?


  • Climate_garbage (1).pdf
    3.9 MB · Views: 16


Well-known member
climate projections is very much an evolving art
when I opened the thread I was careful to leave the politically charged global warming and predictions in the background
and for the most part I've been a chronicler of events, so I keep to the spirit of that
ice has shrunk plenty, too damn much actually
thank God it hasn't all melted out! but that doesn't mean things are fine

I agree lets keep the politics' out of it and stick to the facts, in your view the ice as shrunk and it has if you pick the right year to start from.
If Co2 drove the climate and its getting hotter every year like the IPCC and others claim, surly there would be less summer ice every year, but todays ice is more than it was in 2007, todays ice loss is only the 12th lowest recorded and its only been recorded since supposedly 1979.

What's the problem ?, we have supposedly had the hottest years ever in human history the last 20 years or so, but the artic ice refuses to play melting game, and the latest peer reviewed science claims the Antarctic is getting colder despite more Co2 getting pumped into the atmosphere every year.

I'm surprised that after 35 or so years of failed predictions there are any believers left


Well-known member
We went from the coming Ice Age in the 70's to global warming ,then now they settled on the safest ,climate change. I think it's hard to keep politics out of it when it's a political cash cow and climate decisions are made by politicians.Anyone notice the wealth transfer?


In my empire of dirt
The latest Co2 spewing toys
View attachment 19021033

The dead Landcruiser, at least it saved the planet from global boiling for a micro second by dying
View attachment 19021035
wtf, did you roll it? that sucks
/i hope no one was hurt
i like a truck with a little ass too, v-8 all the way; when you are in the backcountry you sometimes need the extra muscle
hope you get an even sweeter ride to replace her, she looked like it was a fun truck

i called it even before you posted,, you idiot!
more stupid links! no real thought
do you want me to tell you your next more porky or should we all act surprised
you pull the same stupid act over and over again
back to the outdoors stuff, eh porky
do you know how to swim? can you run (and i mean over a distance? not just chasing the ice cream man down the street)
have you ever climbed anything in your life?
/im not even talking about with rope, i just mean hand climbing or rock scrambling?
i thought you would at least have a schwinn? do you have a mtn bike!
next up, lets talk about education, another topic you seem to avoid while criticizing others
did you graduate high school, do you at least have some college?
how about any secondary training?
weve been down this walk before...
i await your insults and stupid links!! and thank you in advance
/if you could just answer one of those questions straight up i will be impressed

We only inhabit 10% of the land of planet...while i agree we are having a disproportionate impact for that 10% the earth isn't fkt...we're fine.
I call bullshit on that 👍
im not sure about the numbers but he could be close
we only occupy a small portion of the land mass, tending towards water ways and coast lines
i know here in america we have huge portions of land you will drive through and see nothing
i think aus is the same with the majority of the population being located near the coast
canada? the canuke are crazy and eat snow for breakfast and wash it dow witha glass if ice water
they go everywhere, but i think the northers parts are very sparsely populated
i bet there are still places no man has ever seen in some parts of the world
but it is true we do have a huge impact on the environment
but what do we do to mitigate this? i know im living ok, not @Dime level
/i wish i had a tractor!
but shouldent the next generation have nice things too? what about the third world
how do we balance peoples needs and desires with the environment?
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In my empire of dirt
Doing 65 kmh ? taking the young bloke to footy, , lost the rear on some oil on a slippery rd and round it went into the paddock, couldn't of picked a better spot, its a long way down on most of the rds round here, the drop was only 3-4,ft better than rolling for a few 100m's and ending up dead
good thing you were in a sturdy car! porky and his bike would have been f'd

/glad to hear no one was hurt


Well-known member
I agree lets keep the politics' out of it and stick to the facts, in your view the ice as shrunk and it has if you pick the right year to start from.
If Co2 drove the climate and its getting hotter every year like the IPCC and others claim, surly there would be less summer ice every year, but todays ice is more than it was in 2007, todays ice loss is only the 12th lowest recorded and its only been recorded since supposedly 1979.

What's the problem ?, we have supposedly had the hottest years ever in human history the last 20 years or so, but the artic ice refuses to play melting game, and the latest peer reviewed science claims the Antarctic is getting colder despite more Co2 getting pumped into the atmosphere every year.

I'm surprised that after 35 or so years of failed predictions there are any believers left
I'll commend you for taking a step away from politics
but you cherry pick without shame
2007 was the year of the plunge up in the arctic, a record low arctic ice pack
2007 was quite a shock, it was a dramatic lowering of the arctic ice
this appears to be a pattern for the future, the climate isn't going to move in a smooth straight line
last year's low antarctic ice was similar, a sharp move out of nowhere


Well-known member
lucky for us heat escapes or we would of fried long ago
Radiative heat is not molecules leaving the system...molecules do leave earth, and earth is bombarded by debris but these do not constitute what is called statistically significant. They have absolutely no impact on the system as a whole


Well-known member
I'll commend you for taking a step away from politics
but you cherry pick without shame
2007 was the year of the plunge up in the arctic, a record low arctic ice pack
2007 was quite a shock, it was a dramatic lowering of the arctic ice
this appears to be a pattern for the future, the climate isn't going to move in a smooth straight line
last year's low antarctic ice was similar, a sharp move out of nowhere

If the chart went back to the 1920s it would show less ice than the 50s, and no doubt a lot less than today


This chart, from Gagné et al, shows the area-averaged annual mean sea ice concentration anomaly between 1950 and 2005. The red line reflects Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) data, which is based on historical sea ice charts from several sources (aircraft, ship, and satellite observations). The blue Walsh & Chapman data includes additional historical sources and uses slightly different techniques for merging various data streams. The black line is a simulated mean sea ice concentration from the CanESM2 large ensemble, a group of models developed at the Canadian Center for Climate Modelling and Analysis. Anomalies are relative to climatological averages between 1975 and 2005. The time series have been lightly smoothed with 5-year running mean. The gray shading shows the 5-95 percent range over the individual simulations of the model ensemble. The dotted lines are the piecewise linear approximated trends.


Well-known member
Radiative heat is not molecules leaving the system...molecules do leave earth, and earth is bombarded by debris but these do not constitute what is called statistically significant. They have absolutely no impact on the system as a whole
Several hundred tons of atmosphere a day escape
Co2 escapes from Antarctica, not sure what volume buggered if I can find it now

"Earth loses several hundred tons of its atmosphere to space every day. In particular, oxygen escapes when it harnesses enough energy from the energetic collisions that produce the northern lights."

Quote from NASA ^^

"but these do not constitute what is called statistically significant. They have absolutely no impact on the system as a whole"
Just like the amount of Co2 in the atmosphere atm ^


In my empire of dirt
Can't we just simplify this thread and ask everyone , Do you think the human race has f.cked the earth or not . The answer would be pretty f.cking simple. Get real everyone wants to drive a car , everyone wants power, most people like beef, lots of people love take away food. Oceans are rising . The human race has f.cked the earth it's simple.
so much stupid in a single post!
so what do we do?
are you and @Porky82 friends?
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Well-known member
There is 149000000 sq km of land on earth. There 7900000000 people on earth. That means there is 52.2 people for every sq km of land.

I wouldn't call that sparsely populated.
Who ever thinks we are not over populated is a complete fool!! 🤣🤡
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In my empire of dirt
There is 149000000 sq km of land on earth. There 7900000000 people on earth. That means there us 52.2 people for ever sq km of land.
I would call that sparsely populated.
Who ever thinks we are not over populated is a complete fool!! 🤣🤡
52 people: sq/km?!?! hahhaha
i live in a place called san diego, its by the coast
do you know how many people live in my community, let alone the county
do you know why people live here? because its nice

....deletes rest of the post
/got any links porky im just about done with you
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Well-known member
good thing you were in a sturdy car! porky and his bike would have been f'd

/glad to hear no one was hurt
so much stupid in a single post!
so what do we do?
are you and @Porky82 friends?
wtf, did you roll it? that sucks
/i hope no one was hurt
i like a truck with a little ass too, v-8 all the way; when you are in the backcountry you sometimes need the extra muscle
hope you get an even sweeter ride to replace her, she looked like it was a fun truck

i called it even before you posted,, you idiot!
more stupid links! no real thought
do you want me to tell you your next more porky or should we all act surprised
you pull the same stupid act over and over again
back to the outdoors stuff, eh porky
do you know how to swim? can you run (and i mean over a distance? not just chasing the ice cream man down the street)
have you ever climbed anything in your life?
/im not even talking about with rope, i just mean hand climbing or rock scrambling?
i thought you would at least have a schwinn? do you have a mtn bike!
next up, lets talk about education, another topic you seem to avoid while criticizing others
did you graduate high school, do you at least have some college?
how about any secondary training?
weve been down this walk before...
i await your insults and stupid links!! and thank you in advance
/if you could just answer one of those questions straight up i will be impressed

im not sure about the numbers but he could be close
we only occupy a small portion of the land mass, tending towards water ways and coast lines
i know here in america we have huge portions of land you will drive through and see nothing
i think aus is the same with the majority of the population being located near the coast
canada? the canuke are crazy and eat snow for breakfast and wash it dow witha glass if ice water
they go everywhere, but i think the northers parts are very sparsely populated
i bet there are still places no man has ever seen in some parts of the world
but it is true we do have a huge impact on the environment
but what do we do to mitigate this? i know im living ok, not @Dime level
/i wish i had a tractor!
but shouldent the next generation have nice things too? what about the third world
how do we balance peoples needs and desires with the environment?
but this whole green thing is not a scheme? right
@Porky82 right?

fun fact: what @Porky82 is resorting to is a common logical fallacy called an appeal to authority

tell me , who are these scientists? can you sum up their thoughts? or even your own
and more importantly what is the solution
i know where this will go, keep posting those selfies!
how about lets see a pic of that schwinn bicycle! i bet shes a racer!
Wow you are nothing but a pathetic attention seeking loser!
You have the hypocrisy to say I contribute nothing! You have contributed not 1 post in relation to this thread.
I can't even be fucked reading the last dribble but I know it'll be some garbage about the outdoors and how superior you are in them. 🤣
I get your old and stupid but your deep insecurities about your physical abilities and continued efforts to challenge me is both sad and pathetic! 🤡
Maybe just have a read of how stupid your off topic posts are. 🤪🤣
The one where you attempted to sound like you had a shread of intelligence with the "appeal to authority" post was particularly funny! 🤣
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Well-known member
52 people: sq/km?!?! hahhaha
i live in a place called san diego, its by the coast
do you know how many people live in my community, let alone the county
do you know why people live here? because its nice

....deletes rest of the post
/got any links porky im just about done with you
Oh so you don't understand maths either by the looks of it! I'm not surprised! 🤣


Well-known member
Several hundred tons of atmosphere a day escape
Co2 escapes from Antarctica, not sure what volume buggered if I can find it now

"Earth loses several hundred tons of its atmosphere to space every day. In particular, oxygen escapes when it harnesses enough energy from the energetic collisions that produce the northern lights."

Quote from NASA ^^

"but these do not constitute what is called statistically significant. They have absolutely no impact on the system as a whole"
Just like the amount of Co2 in the atmosphere atm ^
Yeah, CO2 are molecules in our zero sum game, in this closed system...we have to shove them back into a carbon sink, they arent going to fly off into space. Increase by .09c and we spend more of gdp for quality of life, climate control works harder, runs longer, things break down faster.
If 3 CO2 molecules are lost does that help us? The earth mass of 5.9722×10^24kg needs a hell of a lot more than 5,000 tons of space dust to affect the system.
Do you know the threshold for statistical significance in science? ...i think not
Annual space dust is
Of earths mass. Im losing patience.
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