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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?


Well-known member
I thought it would of all melted by now

"The sea ice cover in May 2024 was marked by an unusually early opening of eastern Hudson Bay. Overall, the rate of decline in the Arctic was near average for the month.

'The average Arctic sea ice extent for May 2024 was 12.78 million square kilometers (4.93 million square miles)

You forgot this bit ^ Igrowone

View attachment 19020943
climate projections is very much an evolving art
when I opened the thread I was careful to leave the politically charged global warming and predictions in the background
and for the most part I've been a chronicler of events, so I keep to the spirit of that
ice has shrunk plenty, too damn much actually
thank God it hasn't all melted out! but that doesn't mean things are fine


In my empire of dirt
climate projections is very much an evolving art
when I opened the thread I was careful to leave the politically charged global warming and predictions in the background
and for the most part I've been a chronicler of events, so I keep to the spirit of that
ice has shrunk plenty, too damn much actually
thank God it hasn't all melted out! but that doesn't mean things are fine
ice melt is a serious matter but i think the world has a way of balancing itself out over time(yes, this would be geological time but its not going anywhere)
and i appreciate a thread to look at mans impact on the climate
i just feel at least in a lot of the first world" there is a coupling of $$$ and the environment and its not always in our best interest

we are all part of the problem so that means we are all part of the solution
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Well-known member
It's a great thread and I do apologize for my part in fn it up on you. It is being used politically and that's where the problem is for me. It's so hypocritical that it leads to skepticism. It's all about the environment and making individuals pay and punishing then they drill anyway and keep it up and completely destroy their own credibility..


Well-known member
It's a great thread and I do apologize for my part in fn it up on you. It is being used politically and that's where the problem is for me. It's so hypocritical that it leads to skepticism. It's all about the environment and making individuals pay and punishing then they drill anyway and keep it up and completely destroy their own credibility..
thank you for the reasonable reply, the thread gets pulled politically from time to time
and that's inevitable, it comes back on course after some steam gets blown off
the mods have been quite patient and their light touch is appreciated
if weather events grow you will see it here with the heat of the arguments


In my empire of dirt
the mods have been super cool letting the thread play out

im all for ideas on making the planet a better place, energy is a big part of it, population growth is a major issue, and waste management is something we will all need to think about going forward


Well-known member
ohhh poor @Porky82
i can see him right now,clenching his little hands in a rage! other people actually have nice shit?
but you were doing so good there buddy, with all your knowledge on stuff
tell us how you are so much smarter than everyone else and how we are all the problem but you are not
dont give up now! lets post a stupid link or maybe some clown face selfies?
Ahh that's the point you just don't get! I don't think I know more about climate science than actual climate scientists.
You on the other hand have the arrogance to think you do know more about climate science than actual climate scientists!
Pretty simple really. 🤣🤡


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Ahh that's the point you just don't get! I don't think I know more about climate science than actual climate scientists.
You on the other hand have the arrogance to think you do know more about climate science than actual climate scientists!
Pretty simple really. 🤣🤡
This is the crux of it for me. There's no doubt some reasonably intelligent people posting here, but to make out they know more than those scientists actually studying in the field is beyond bonkers.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It's a great thread and I do apologize for my part in fn it up on you. It is being used politically and that's where the problem is for me. It's so hypocritical that it leads to skepticism. It's all about the environment and making individuals pay and punishing then they drill anyway and keep it up and completely destroy their own credibility..
Great post Dime.

I'll add that I think this thing was politicised initially through the film, An Inconvenient Truth, through who presented it. Being Al Gore it immediately got half of the US off side because that's what 2 party politics is all about; oppose what the opposition is saying. Added to that climate change doesn't sit well with those who think we can just go on consuming as we have done in the past with finite recourses.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I thought it would of all melted by now

"The sea ice cover in May 2024 was marked by an unusually early opening of eastern Hudson Bay. Overall, the rate of decline in the Arctic was near average for the month.

'The average Arctic sea ice extent for May 2024 was 12.78 million square kilometers (4.93 million square miles)

You forgot this bit ^ Igrowone

View attachment 19020943
I don't think that quote is your smoking gun by any means. Key words being "rate of decline".

We can all find predictions that were off from articles years ago. Whatever. The ice is still in decline. It's not a rate of increase.


Well-known member
Teach people to grow their own vegetables at home,give incentives,compost,. People did it before technology. Eventually most people will end up doing it anyway.There's close to a third to a half of your food problem,trade with others growing different types. If you grow your own you won't be as wasteful.The farms could be focused on meat,eggs and dairy,many people could have chickens etc. The government gets into it too deep.People won't do things like that,it's too much of a hassle for them. Everyone here grows weed, add a room for your veggies,if you have a back yard it's even easier.


Well-known member
Our government is going to hit the farmers yet again because they figure there is a lot of waste. If you have ever farmed or know anyone farming then you know farmers don't waste or buy more consumables than they need because it's so expensive ,regulated and monopolized. Then you have crop insurance and many taxes to pay.You only get so much for it on the market and the smaller farmers struggle,the money comes in volume. this raises the prices needlessly,my point is the green push, it's more political than people think
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Well-known member
An acre of clay farmland is honing in on 20k in my area,the land taxes are incredible. I saw a natural gas bill on a big farm and the carbon tax alone was 60k+ for the month.Many have to sell their farms and cash in their chips and the farms will sit idle till a buyer starts it up again and now there's less food on the market so the price goes up more. People wonder why groceries are so expensive,ask the people raping the farmers but if you do they redirect the blame at the grocery stores who they also tax. When people see nice farms they think the farmer is loaded but it took many generations to build that and they chipped away at it and went without for generations and there's sometimes still a big note on it . It's all about the money.The government opposes a logical decision,I don't see how this tackles climate change. They have no idea what they are doing beyond taking money,the problem gets worse and people have a shittier life.


In my empire of dirt
In 2019 it was 11k an acre,just like the small businesses,the green narrative is getting rid of the small farmers and being bought up by banks and resold
but this whole green thing is not a scheme? right
@Porky82 right?
Ahh that's the point you just don't get! I don't think I know more about climate science than actual climate scientists.
You on the other hand have the arrogance to think you do know more about climate science than actual climate scientists!
Pretty simple really. 🤣🤡

fun fact: what @Porky82 is resorting to is a common logical fallacy called an appeal to authority

tell me , who are these scientists? can you sum up their thoughts? or even your own
and more importantly what is the solution
i know where this will go, keep posting those selfies!
how about lets see a pic of that schwinn bicycle! i bet shes a racer!


Well-known member
My friend who delivers fertilizer and seed to farms said they are even selling seed bags with yield on it,if you have a greater yield then it creates suspicion . It's quite regulated and farmers are pissed. The only one making money is the government.


In my empire of dirt
My friend who delivers fertilizer and seed to farms said they are even selling seed bags with yield on it,if you have a greater yield then it creates suspicion . It's quite regulated and farmers are pissed. The only one making money is the government.
but i thought they were the good guys?right @Porky82
i mean we need more taxes and regulation, to make sure people comply and do what right for the earth
i mean what good is life is you dont have that government boot on your neck?

but just wait, porky has links to post and will solve hunger as well!


Well-known member
The Saudis have ended the petro dollar agreement,BRICS trades without it and it has the oil and cheap labor and a strong military. The US wants that contract renewed that's why Biden is over there all the time to kiss some ass and make a deal. If the deal was settled the green push would be on the back burner,they need$


Well-known member
This is the crux of it for me. There's no doubt some reasonably intelligent people posting here, but to make out they know more than those scientists actually studying in the field is beyond bonkers.
I wonder if these idiots got to a doctor when there sick and tell them nah your wrong that's not what I have or take their car to the mechanic and say nah I know more about engines than you or go to the butcher and say nah that's not how you make sausages or maybe even get a hair cut and say nar sorry I know more about cutting hair than you!!
Fuck me these clowns just have the most over inflated delusions of intelligence. 🤣
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