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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?


Well-known member
Anyone with half a brain would know that a .09 c drop in global temps would be virtually undetectable and would get lost in the daily weather fluctuations.

I won't mention your dwarfism to the small hand brigade they would probably only make fun of your stature
I won't mention your homelessness either mate!! 🤣
Although yours and Dimes living standards look fairly similar! 🤣


Well-known member
Gee Porky, I'm on your side but you make it hard. :LOL: Maybe a decade arguing with kickarse/pedro has taken its toll. I get that. Been there myself but these are respected growers and long time members.
Funny how they felt threatened enough to start talking about their growing expertise in a climate thread! 🤣
Or my hands or how good I am at rock climbing, swimming and running or my knowledge of geology. 🤣
Maybe they should read the links I post instead! You know climate thread and all that!!
This is the best laugh I've had on a forum in ages! 🤣


In my empire of dirt
how stupid do you want to look @Porky82
you post no effort content and stupid links, then insult others

Do either of you actually grow plants or you just hang around weed sites looking at other people's grows?? 🤣
Talking utter shit seems to all you 2 are good at!
How about you both post some pic of your epic cultivation skills in my thread.
Love to see some of ya work because if yous grow like you post they will be pathetic little things I'll bet!!
Actually I'll bet neither of you have ever grow a plant in ya miserable lives!! 🤣
you are the one who brought it up in the first place
i would ask about your grow but i know you would just post some stupid link or deflect the question

so do you like the outdoors? and if you understood geology you would have a lot more cred posting about climate change
but i guess these ideas are just too much for you to grasp
lets do the next post for @Chi13, he is a good person
put some effort into it and say something smart


Well-known member
how stupid do you want to look @Porky82
you post no effort content and stupid links, then insult others

you are the one who brought it up in the first place
i would ask about your grow but i know you would just post some stupid link or deflect the question

so do you like the outdoors? and if you understood geology you would have a lot more cred posting about climate change
but i guess these ideas are just too much for you to grasp
lets do the next post for @Chi13, he is a good person
put some effort into it and say something smart
No I wasn't. Wrong again champ! 🤣
Porky your posts are like your grows,very amateurish
Your idiot mate was the one who brought up growing in a climate change thread! 🤣


Well-known member
how stupid do you want to look @Porky82
you post no effort content and stupid links, then insult others

you are the one who brought it up in the first place
i would ask about your grow but i know you would just post some stupid link or deflect the question

so do you like the outdoors? and if you understood geology you would have a lot more cred posting about climate change
but i guess these ideas are just too much for you to grasp
lets do the next post for @Chi13, he is a good person
put some effort into it and say something smart
Sorry I was unaware that liking the outdoors was a prerequisite to posting in this thread! Fuck your an A class idiot! 🤣
"Lets do the next post for Chi13" what the fuck are you on about? This is a new level of stupidity even for you! 🤣
Just more irrelevant of topic garbage!


Well-known member
This is also interesting.
Well to the uneducated who never leave the house and live at home with mum and sleep till midday like I apparently do. 🤣


Well-known member
This is also interesting.
Well to the uneducated who never leave the house and live at home with mum and sleep till midday like I apparently do. 🤣
Rubbish as usual

Most of the human races will be lucky to last out the century if you climate change idiots have your way


Well-known member
Hands down porky you're the biggest goof on here. Id like to have a chat with you in person one day.
No I wasn't. Wrong again champ! 🤣
Your idiot mate was the one who brought up growing in a climate change thread! 🤣
Oh you're such an evil little man porky


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In my empire of dirt
way to back peddle as usual
you say stupid stuff, then when called out on it you just deflect
obviously there are no requirements to posting in this thread, just like there are no requirements to being an internet enviro warrior
thats what you think you are right? you think you are so green and guys like me are the problem in the world
ive asked you even the most basic questions and you cant seem to give a straight answer to any of them
and to make fun of some ones home, i would love to live on a farm
tell us about your home @Porky82
is it all manicured lawns and fountains? how many acres is your home on?
do you garden or compost? how about raising animals?
/yeah i am not expecting you to say anything intelligent or even straight forward
got any links?
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Well-known member
I won't mention your homelessness either mate!! 🤣
Although yours and Dimes living standards look fairly similar! 🤣
I wouldn't normally do this porky but since you're such a fucking idiot acting like you're made of money and better than others. You're always right porky,the worst part about a poor lifestyle is there's nothing to do. Not that it matters but is there even a remote chance I may not be destitute and you're just a brain dead loser? How's that e-bike,does it have all the bells and whistles,is she fast,have you taken the training wheels off and is she almost paid off? Don't forget your helmet,be careful you don't get scared of the big petrol trucks flying by and leave a puddle of soy piss on your seat. . I sure wish I was you,even if it did mean having toddlers hands I'm gonna burn lots of fuel this weekend little fella from the money I made at work burning diesel. Any chance you could float me a few bucks to keep me solvent Elon?


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Well-known member
and a fine end of week to all on this friday afternoon
what's better than checking out some melting ice? in moderation of course, too much of anything isn't good for you
the northern ice, she be melting, not record lows but well below normal


so that's just a dull graph, what does it mean?
check out the low areas and Hudson bay stands out, along with adjoining parts where the northwest passage forms
gonna be a northwest passage this year, getting to be a regular occurrence
consequence? more economic use of this area - shipping and resource extraction
I hope we can all agree on this point


Well-known member
I thought it would of all melted by now

"The sea ice cover in May 2024 was marked by an unusually early opening of eastern Hudson Bay. Overall, the rate of decline in the Arctic was near average for the month.

'The average Arctic sea ice extent for May 2024 was 12.78 million square kilometers (4.93 million square miles)

You forgot this bit ^ Igrowone



Well-known member
I wouldn't normally do this porky but since you're such a fucking idiot acting like you're made of money and better than others. You're always right porky,the worst part about a poor lifestyle is there's nothing to do. Not that it matters but is there even a remote chance I may not be destitute and you're just a brain dead loser? How's that e-bike,does it have all the bells and whistles,is she fast,have you taken the training wheels off and is she almost paid off? Don't forget your helmet,be careful you don't get scared of the big petrol trucks flying by and leave a puddle of soy piss on your seat. . I sure wish I was you,even if it did mean having toddlers hands I'm gonna burn lots of fuel this weekend little fella from the money I made at work burning diesel. Any chance you could float me a few bucks to keep me solvent Elon?
Arsekick is not homeless. He's rich with heaps of very expensive toys just like you champ!! 🤣
Capitalism has served you well.
Nice of you to share but.
I can't afford to lend ya anything sorry I'm unemployed, live at home and sleep till midday! 😉


Well-known member
Arsekick is not homeless. He's rich with heaps of very expensive toys just like you champ!! 🤣
Capitalism has served you well.
Nice of you to share but.
I can't afford to lend ya anything sorry I'm unemployed, live at home and sleep till midday! 😉
We already knew that


In my empire of dirt
ohhh poor @Porky82
i can see him right now,clenching his little hands in a rage! other people actually have nice shit?
but you were doing so good there buddy, with all your knowledge on stuff
tell us how you are so much smarter than everyone else and how we are all the problem but you are not
dont give up now! lets post a stupid link or maybe some clown face selfies?