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Have You Been Vaccinated?

Have You Been Vaccinated?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 62 31.5%
  • No!

    Votes: 41 20.8%
  • Soon!

    Votes: 15 7.6%
  • No Way!

    Votes: 65 33.0%
  • I Just Wanna Watch!

    Votes: 14 7.1%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Stick to software.

Louis Pasteur is the father of modern germ theory.
yeah, i know that. he was wrong. terrain is more important than allopathic medicine.

this approach would at least get people to be more healthy - to take control of their health, in other words. which few feel the need to do.


Well-known member
list of lies my government told me about covid and the transfection ...
  • safe and effective
  • stays in the arm and degrades quickly
  • you will not get infected and you will not spread the infection
  • transfection is better than natural immunity
  • novel virus
  • there is a pandemic
  • PCR can be used to test for covid (kary mullis said it doesn't work that way)
i am sure glad i did my own research. i wish all the jab injured had gotten truthful advice.

"codon sequence optimization" tipped me off to the scam.
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Well-known member
This is for you guys that like all of the lizard stuff.

He was triple vaxed


Well-known member
“The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government.” ~ Dr. Martin Makary (Johns Hopkins Surgeon)
list of lies my government told me about covid and the transfection ...
  • safe and effective
  • stays in the arm and degrades quickly
  • you will not get infected and you will not spread the infection
  • transfection is better than natural immunity
  • novel virus
  • there is a pandemic
  • PCR can be used to test for covid (kary mullis said it doesn't work that way)
i am sure glad i did my own research. i wish all the jab injured had gotten truthful advice.

"codon sequence optimization" tipped me off to the scam.

You seemed to have forgot about the one where it was NOT naturally occurring and looks to indeed come from a lab.

Did you hear the one about moderna's patent from 2016 being found in the sequencing of C19?

If anyone cared to look into the science behind the makeup of the toxic spike protein they would know it was indeed designed by man and made to infect man using a cleavage site borrowed from HIV. Without this little "insert" it would still be in the animal kingdom. Thanks $cience!

- This was even shown on a BBC clip at the start, they were explaining how the vax was made etc. the clip quickly got taken down but it may be possible to find it on the alternative media sites. To add to this, a QLD Uni tried to make thier own version but it got shut down due to the trial participants false testing positive to HIV.

What else? The spike protein was indeed supposed to stay at the arm, but instead it's been found in all major organs of the body including brain and skin. - No recalls or further studies into that though, right? Nup! Not good for business. The LNP's are nano and specifically designed to be accepted by cells of the body. Any decent scientist would have known they would not be staying put at the arm.

What does the spike do? Firstly it's toxic, so anywhere it ends up in the body, the body will attack it. Auto-immune issues, cancers etc. a whole range of issues potentially.

What else? The spike has been found to down regulate cancer protective genes and up regulate cancer causing genes. The cases of aggressive cancers returning in survivors and younger folks getting the surprise diagnosis of advanced cancers etc., could certainly be explained if the body was overloaded with toxic spike. They have found jab spike in people up to two years later, meaning their bodies are still creating it that long after their last jab.

What else? Look into absolute risk vs relative risk. The jabs was marketed using a flawed method and the effectiveness has been calculated to be less than 1%. Ever wonder why the jabbed where getting it time and again, even though jabbed? Because it did more harm than good.

What else? Many small govs and counties of the U.S have declared the jab a bio()weapon. The Surgeon general of Florida has been trying to get the word out about how unsafe it is, but of course the media who get paid hundreds of thousand by pharma "sponsorships", will not go against them as that would be biting the hand that feeds them.
Pfizer has a well known criminal capacity, they have had to pay out billions in the past for being shady. Guess who was the number one contender and brand for C19? Does that make sense to anyone, that they would be given full immunity despite thier hoistory?

What else? Major clots being found by embalmers etc. only started when the jabs came out.

What else? Fauci being found out red handed in terms of the lab leak theory coverup. A prominent U.S intel agency team tasked to look into it was payed off internally to change their stance, that was another eye opening one.

What else? Heaps more, but by now if you still believe the Gov propaganda you haver been deeply programmed and are part of the problem.

For those that got lied to and are living with this crap in thier bodies, there are certain detox protocols that have been found to help, go look them up and get to it.

Peace to all.


Well-known member

A recent pre-print study by a team of Japanese researchers has ignited a heated debate within the medical community, revealing serious risks associated with blood transfusions taken from individuals who have received COVID-19 vaccinations. The study highlights six key areas where COVID jabs destroy the continuity and biochemistry of human blood. The study has called into question the safety of using such blood in medical procedures. According to the researchers, the COVID-19 vaccines — which have failed to stimulate a meaningful immune response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus — have unintended consequences that affect blood integrity. The team’s findings suggest that the vaccines can induce harmful changes in blood, which could pose risks not only to recipients of blood transfusions but also to those receiving organ transplants from vaccinated donors.

link to study:



Well-known member
@TheGreatWizardOfOz - looks like you have been doing your own research, too.

government liars didn't mention it, but it turns out the mRNA with the n1-methylpseudouridine (instead of uracil) ablates the toll like receptors which degrades the innate immune system response to the what would otherwise be recognized as alien RNA.

so a special thanks to the nobel committee for pointing this out in their award for physiology or medicine. this was also mentioned in Kariko&Weissman's 2005 paper.

the systemic biodistribution was reported in a mar 2020 paper - plenty of time to stop the world wide injections.

my government hates humans. maybe they want to eliminate the NPCs with their sheep like acceptance of poison is the preferred method. as Morpheus said, "i can only show you the door. you have to go through it."


Well-known member
what were they injected with? the answer is you don't know.

Mike Yeadon said it was probably placebo. He would know.
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