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Have You Been Vaccinated?

Have You Been Vaccinated?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 62 31.5%
  • No!

    Votes: 41 20.8%
  • Soon!

    Votes: 15 7.6%
  • No Way!

    Votes: 65 33.0%
  • I Just Wanna Watch!

    Votes: 14 7.1%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
just one man's opinion ...

Japan's most senior oncologist professor Fukushima drops bombshell: "Genetic vaccines are totally unacceptable. The introduction of transgenes into the human body is gene therapy. How can this be considered acceptable for creating vaccines? If you encapsulate mRNA in nanoparticles and administer it you only get off target effects starting from the ovaries, to the brain, liver, spleen and bone marrow. The biggest problem is going to the bone marrow, the reproductive organs like the ovaries and then every possible organ. The fact that spike proteins are still detected in the rash after more than a year makes it obvious that mRNA is producing spike proteins. There is no way for a year old spike protein to remain in the rash and be detected. I didn't choose to get vaccinated because I think it was a foolish decision from the beginning..."


yep, any day now we will start seeing serious and widespread fx... any... day... n--

so how many years do we have to wait for these widespread problems and fx?

cause the virus did the problems pretty much right away...

moose eater

Well-known member
yep, any day now we will start seeing serious and widespread fx... any... day... n--

so how many years do we have to wait for these widespread problems and fx?

cause the virus did the problems pretty much right away...
Wait!! What??!! Common sense and assessment based on first-hand observations and grounded science, however subjective the personal observations might be??

Come on man, you're disrupting the flow of minimally informed paranoid conspiracy theories spoon-fed by fringe sources, wherein posters ignore the plain verbiage in their own links!.

What do you want? Sanity and sensibility in this thread?


Or was that ' 'shish...'

Thanks, don't mind if I do....


Well-known member
so how many years do we have to wait for these widespread problems and fx?


Well-known member
another opinion ...

Aaron Siri, the world’s leading legal expert on vaccines is being called to testify in hearings across the US by politicians who want to understand what happened with the Covid Vaccine. In order to educate they must first understand the mind blowing difference in the safety follow up for vaccines as opposed to any other pharmaceutical product. Drugs are usually followed up for years but childhood vaccines are not even followed up for a month. ‘If you see clinical trials for a childhood vaccine you would understand from the FDA’s perspective the Covid 19 vaccine clinical trial was incredibly robust. From the perspective of other drugs it was laughable.’ Vaccines are the only product in the world where we have gutted market forces which ensure safety. Where the Government defends the product against the consumer! This must change.


Well-known member
and how many millions have the NIH, CDC, FDA staff gotten from jab mandates?

be very afraid ... there is a new rogue virus ... at least they say there is, so they are funding Moderna to squash that one, too. jabs incoming. STAT!


Well-known member
there is a new rogue virus
bird flu, which is being detected in MANY cattle herds, has already jumped into humans that had contact with those cattle. only 3 folks so far, and it's mild to date. but, that is subject to change. i bet you'd blow off checking to see if your brakes work because "nobody has pulled out in front of me yet..." as Bugs would say "what a maroon..." :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
bird flu, which is being detected in MANY cattle herds, has already jumped into humans that had contact with those cattle. only 3 folks so far, and it's mild to date. but, that is subject to change. i bet you'd blow off checking to see if your brakes work because "nobody has pulled out in front of me yet..." as Bugs would say "what a maroon..." :ROFLMAO:
it would be great if they could detect a brain inside your head


Well-known member
Dr. William Makis: "'Lipid nanoparticles are circulating throughout your entire body and they're delivering the payload which is the genetic material the mRNA and the DNA contamination, they're dumping it into the bone marrow while we're seeing lymphomas and leukemias, we're seeing blood cancers, bone marrow cancers. They dump it into the testicles and ovaries, we're seeing an explosion of testicular cancers and ovarian cancers. And guess what, the lipid nanoparticles are cleared by the hepatobiliary system and so they get picked up by the bile ducts and we're seeing liver cancers, we're seeing cancers of the entire hepatobiliary system, we're seeing pancreatic cancers, we're seeing cholangiocarcinomas, these are the bile duct cancers and guess where they end up. They end up in the colon and we're seeing an explosion of colon cancers." Source: CR Podcast with Daniel Horowitz (Rumble)


Well-known member
now, this advertisement from doctor death ...

Dr. Peter Hotez: " And there you started to see some deaths among the vaccinated because of waning immunity and the virus was so different from the original lineage which ultimately got corrected in the boosters. What you really needed to ensure that you weren't going to lose your life was to get a booster, get that third immunization, which unfortunately the for the same reasons a lot of people didn't get...I kept on pleading with Americans: Get your booster. And because immunity is waning for reasons we don't quite understand. I think that it does seem to be a weakness of the mRNA technology, that it doesn't hold up...it really became important for Americans to get their booster so I pushed that and I'm still pushing it. I pushed on the bivalent booster last September and I pushed on this new annual immunization... Source: American Society for Microbiology (YouTube)


Well-known member
biodistribution studies show preferential accumulation of mRNA in the testes and ovary (and liver, i forgot liver). mRNA persists for as long as the studies measure it.

... or ... maybe it's just wide spread background signal that can be measured, or claim to be measured. Kary Mullis said don't use PCR for diagnostic testing - he would know - and he died just before this shit hit the fan.

... so many questions, so few answers ... just consensus being passed off as answers.