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Green Mountain Seeds distribution agreement with ACE Seeds


Active member
Yes I have one pic, but ist's not very detailed. You can see the purple colour comes through in the buds. I harvested this plant around the 20th of October, 2022. I'm at 50 degrees north. I liked that the PS added a nice warm glow to the high, maybe from the Napalese genes, and the Zamaldelica and the Oaxacan gave it clarity and a heightened sense - somewhat psychedelic. I'll certainly grow this again. Also I crossed that plant with Golden Tiger X Sinai. I call it the United Nations hybrid, and I look forward to planting that F1 too.
Hi Zembretti,
good to know, as I also live at 50N and look to use Purple Satellite to pollinate Ace Strains that take a little to long in my environment (Bangi Haze, Violetta, Kali China).

I wouldn't have thought that a cross with Zamaldelica will finish around the 20th of October at 50N. It makes me want to try the same cross as well as pollinate Nepal Mist, ThaixPanama and ThaiChi that I have lined up for indoor.

Thank you for sharing and the inspiration!
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Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
A couple shots of my ZT as she moves along.
Smells really sweet.


Active member
Yeah, I Love that Old Style very sweet mary jane....BSHW and Oaxacan

I would not even trim the tops.... Lightly pressed 7 month old sinsemilla from Mexico

That's a world away from the Near Opioid OG Cookie fest happening all around us....Hey, it can be OK but common!


You can see it in those colas...Mexican structure

Very Nice:smokeit:


Well-known member
awww snap. Zac t at 25 days. A few stray nanners that show up very late in flowering I can live with because they're not going to have time to develop or be sterile in most cases, but at week 3 to 4 is fatal. I have three going and they all three looks spectacular but this one may have to go this week. I'm going to keep an eye on it. No other branches are showing problems.


Well-known member
@MIGreenman, @Cactus Squatter, Been admiring your ZT grows. Mine is doing well, but isn't quite as chunky as some of your pics. Could be because she's extremely root bound in her 5gal pot. I'm also getting a very sweet smell from her as CS described.

Today is D74 of 12/12. She's getting close - maybe another week, though I'm still watering her every other day. I defoliated about a week ago with the exception of the top fans. So far, no nanners! :)

Zacateca Tribute FD74.jpeg


Well-known member
Why not let a nanner or two develop? If you like the strain feminized seeds could be a nice gift, as long as not many nanners. I like getting a few bonus female seeds.
My world is a little different but you make a good point. I cannot afford to contaminate the rest of the significant variety going on in my garden with stray pollen. I would love to have a separate room or tent in another area where I could develop pollen. That's an eventual dream of mine. Bucket list type stuff.


Well-known member
@MIGreenman, @Cactus Squatter, Been admiring your ZT grows. Mine is doing well, but isn't quite as chunky as some of your pics. Could be because she's extremely root bound in her 5gal pot. I'm also getting a very sweet smell from her as CS described.

Today is D74 of 12/12. She's getting close - maybe another week, though I'm still watering her every other day. I defoliated about a week ago with the exception of the top fans. So far, no nanners! :)

View attachment 18821888
Omg, thanks for the update! I am so stoked about the two that I have left. Okay, one in particular. There is always a favorite right? I actually have an old dental probe I bought at a flea market out in the middle of nowhere here in Michigan and I use that to pull the nodes apart about halfway through flowering to look for manners. It's my Herm notification system. I have one ZT that is so frosty and delicious. Pure sweetness like sticking your nose in Caro syrup. I'm hoping and praying that it's going to hang out for the end of the line.

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
@MIGreenman, @Cactus Squatter, Been admiring your ZT grows. Mine is doing well, but isn't quite as chunky as some of your pics. Could be because she's extremely root bound in her 5gal pot. I'm also getting a very sweet smell from her as CS described.

Today is D74 of 12/12. She's getting close - maybe another week, though I'm still watering her every other day. I defoliated about a week ago with the exception of the top fans. So far, no nanners! :)

View attachment 18821888
Lookin good! Mine is just starting to foxtail a little and will probably end up looking just like yours. Mine is in a 7 gallon bag.


Well-known member
@MIGreenman, @Cactus Squatter, Been admiring your ZT grows. Mine is doing well, but isn't quite as chunky as some of your pics. Could be because she's extremely root bound in her 5gal pot. I'm also getting a very sweet smell from her as CS described.

Today is D74 of 12/12. She's getting close - maybe another week, though I'm still watering her every other day. I defoliated about a week ago with the exception of the top fans. So far, no nanners! :)

View attachment 18821888
Dude that looks fantastic. I do believe in topping them once. There is however a lot to be said about letting them go and seeing how they develop naturally


Curious Cannivore
Grape fems...I was going to keep the one in the square container small and compact for a bonsai grow. But, I'm thinking now I may just up pot and encourage more size.

My efforts to save electricity this winter were definitely effective, and our usage was far less than last year. But...because it's been colder than usual in my basement I have not been getting robust growth. It's been interesting to see what the combo of reduced light and reduced heat has done to my plants this winter. They cannot take up as much nutrients and so the cycle is off a bit. Not a problem, just observations.

Lady #2 is very small but is well along in flowering. She is quite smelly in a Welches grape juice kind of way, hehe...



Well-known member
Grape fems...I was going to keep the one in the square container small and compact for a bonsai grow. But, I'm thinking now I may just up pot and encourage more size.

My efforts to save electricity this winter were definitely effective, and our usage was far less than last year. But...because it's been colder than usual in my basement I have not been getting robust growth. It's been interesting to see what the combo of reduced light and reduced heat has done to my plants this winter. They cannot take up as much nutrients and so the cycle is off a bit. Not a problem, just observations.

Lady #2 is very small but is well along in flowering. She is quite smelly in a Welches grape juice kind of way, hehe...

View attachment 18822477 View attachment 18822478 View attachment 18822479

Very nice, looking frosty and healthy!!!!!!!!!

I had the same experience in my tent over the MILD 2023 winter in SENE @42 degrees

Got down into the high 40’s and averaged 50 degrees for Jan Feb

I almost swapped out my 6 QB board LED for a CMH 315 but the hydro shop nearby went under I guess.

Weather is warming up anyhoo. I too wanted to see what the impact might be. Lots of color and nice tight buds but not as stacked as outdoors or in warmer conditions.

I wasn’t trying to save $$ just a cold spare room and always life intrudes. Still got some nice buds to chop before my son visits early April
I’ll be moving everything into the barn and then outdoors anyway

Grow on


Well-known member
Vermontman huh? We shall see, hopefully your not yet another out of stater, ripping folks off under the vermont name. All the great farmers up here wouldn't be caught DEAD postjng here. Let alone aligning with Spanish co from VT...we're all about support small buis and farmers.
vermontman seems pretty fucking legit to me, though didnt you/he move to florida Vtman? i was born in vt too. shelburne, 1980. lived on spear st. the house is worth millions now, giant pool in the back now, amazing how fast the trees grow after you leave a place and nature takes over a pasture. peace.


Well-known member
Hey Rob!
Looks a smells pretty stable for first run again a bit wilder that the line I have been running as in not as dense or squat but looking pretty nice in their own right,
beautiful work on that line VTman. I like how the plant is so productive, yet it still seem to keep some of its wild looking roots. That sort of crazy, spiky, undomesticated look. Good work. I gotta find a place that sells this seed line to us customers with credit card. I've been using WellGrown Seeds for ACE varieties so far. They had your Zacates Tribute for 24 hours before it got bought out! I was so pissed! Looks killer. Is it related to OAXACAN? Just curious. Thanks again. -Andrew

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