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Got my seeds in, 1800 Watts here we go!

Shot HB Bro, shits looking tight over your way too! That must be all good getting such a regular supply of gnarly buds! Can't wait till Im up there too!

Anyway...Finished flushing today and took some pics.

Reserva Privada OG Kush#18 1




Forgot to take pics of 3



Dinafem White Widow 1



Now these next pics are PK. Loving the PK. For free seeds, I gotta say I like them more than the expensive stuff I bought so far! Nice and uniform, budding quickly, healthy, no headaches. I would gladly run a room of dinafem in the future. I'd love to do a straight room with Sensi Black Domina and Dina Fem Power Kush. Plants havn't stretched to much, or got too huge. Just lovely compact, tight, little plants with lots of heads!

So without further adue.

Dinefem Power Kush 1




Currently we have PK, and WW, are two weeks in today, OG's are 1 week in today, and Black Domina and Lavender 6 weeks in today.

Now for a couple of random bud shots of Lavender 3



Sweet as people stay safe, take care.
Cheers HB bro!

I'm figuring that L3 and 4 and BD will get two more weeks, I will start flushing in around 4 days. That way they will get 10 days of flush with Final Rinse.

Buds are looking pretty tasty right about now, LOTS of crystal, especially on the BD.

The free seeds are mighty impressive, and the power kush is looking incredible! Considering they are only 4 weeks in they have a lot of crystal!

I will be back at some stage with photo's.
Gidday every one!

Well took some quick pics of the buds tonight!
Everything is coming along nicely the first stage (L and BD) are 52 Days in and the WW and PK are 31 days in, and the OG are 17 days in.

Anyway some quick photos








Looking very nice Kronik!!! looks like you will be swimming in nuggs before too long. I got 2 ounces from my last Iced Grapefruit I took some Pics of her but they never uploaded and I deleted them before I could try and upload again. I have another one coming down next friday but I waited to long to up pot her and she became root bound so she didn't put on the mass like the last one, but the smoke is out of this world. I have only taken her to 9 weeks this will be the first one that has been past 10 weeks I will get pics of her before I chop. I have been super busy getting my outside together I have clones just pouring out of my veg box about 30 in all for this round then I have about 30 more in my cloner waiting for dirt. Looking very good man keep up the great work man and keep it green HB
Gidday everyone

So shits not good down my way, got that sack for stupid shit, now Ive got a wife, 2 kids, and a world of debt with no job! Fuck my boss!

So thats enough of that on with some positive vibes!

Plants are looking EXCELLENT!

Got in there and took lots of photo's yesterday, I put them up in another thread so I figured I should chuck them up here as well.

So here we go....






And finally one of the White Widow, these girls are certainly nothing to right home about, however IO believe they have never received enough light as they share a light with the PK and the PK has stretched quite high, I will go in to the hard ware shop this week and get buckets to put these girls on to bring them up to the light a bit more (this did a world of difference to my BD)


Now the WW and PK are 6 weeks in tomorrow, the others are 9 weeks in tomorrow and as such the 2 ready look Lavenders and the Black Domina will be getting the chop. The other 3 Lavenders look like shit to be honest, they are huge but incredibly fluffy, I will give them 12 weeks however I can't ever see them being a quality product.

I didnt grab any photo's of the OG Kush#18 as its still pretty sparse, however she is very slow and is only just starting to form bud's now at 4 weeks in so she might be a poor yielder or she may just be really slow....

I have 4 big GHS Chem Dog's waiting to go in followed by 4 Sensi Black Domina's.

I've popped a White Siberian a Sweet Deep Grapefruit, and a Power Kush so they will all be vegged up and going in soon. I am just so incredibly impressed with the Power Kush, and I think that so far my keepers will be the Black Domina, the chunkier early finishing Lav pheno, and the Power Kush. I have taken 9 clones from the PK however they were taken 5 and a half weeks in budding so they will take some time to reveg.

So yeah things are definitely starting to turn over here....

Much love to all.

Big up HB bro your grows looking EPIC! I know what you mean about clones pouring out of your vegging box, I had to dump a whole batch of perfectly rooted healthy clones the other day cause I couldnt use them and it all counts towards plant count if I get raided, the excuse "I was just gonna dump them" isnt gonna wash in the New Zealand court system unfortunately. Id love to have the perpatual system you have and be pulling 2 zips a week, Ive got way more lights, plants, etc and Im still only hoping I can get what you get, your at the top of your game bro and Im starting to watch what you do real close, much love my bro!

Take care everyone!
Stay safe!
Cheers G81 bro!

Plants have been given a reprieve. I decided that they still didnt look quite ready, also despite 10 days of flush they are still very green, so I have decided to give them as long as another week. I'll check on them every day to see progress but yeah a week is probably about it.

I'm running a dehumidifier and LOTS of oscillating air in there as Im really worried about mold at this point. So yeah I check rigorously every day for signs of mold.

I might get some H&G drip clean this week as it helps with flushing.
Hey there bro.

Not alot to say.
Plants are looking good, still not yellow though, and showing no signs of turning yellow. Its been two weeks of flush now, and I've been hitting them with the drip clean the last few nights. Anyway Im hoping to pull sundayish depending.

Hope all is good in your neck of the woods!


Well-known member
Hey Kronikal, I heard you shouldn't use drip clean late during a grow as it releases all the built up salts in the coir very quickly, this may be why they aren't flushing properly , maybe stick to water now. Drip clean should be used during the entire run or it to work correctly. There looking stellar by the way!

Cheers bro

They had been flushed for 10 days prior to the start of drip clean, so Im fairly confident that there was few built up salts left in there.

I have introduced Drip Clean on some OG Ksuh#18 that I have that are 4 weeks into flowering but are miles behind where they should be. People have said that I shouldnt use drip clean on plants later in, and I dont intend to really but these OG's are severely stunted due to my over feeding, and I think that the drip clean may well end up causing less issues than leaving the OG's with built up solids in the coco. I will pull them out tonight and flush them in the bath and check runoff to see if the drip clean has worked yet,then from there in I will continue to feed at an E.C of around 1.5/1.6.

I have held back on using the drip clean on my WW, PK, and the later lasting Lavenders due to peoples concerns around using drip clean on older plants.

I have taken warning from people saying I have way to high an E.C as I have been getting as high as 2.1 at times and when I measure the run off it's come out as high as 3.5!!!

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