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Got my seeds in, 1800 Watts here we go!

Good evening everyone!

Well spent a few hours today and harvested L3,4 and BD.

Definitely L4 was the yielder of the lot as she caught over flow light from the 400 CMH sorounding the OG's next to her.

Wet weights were
BD 250grams
L3 320 grams
L4 525 grams

Time for some pics....






So yeah thats where we're at at the moment. L1 and 2 look like they need a couple more weeks, and L5 looks like she could take a long time, and thats if she ever eventuates to anything at all! Shes just so fucken fluffy!

PK and WW have 3 more weeks till they're ready.

I put four GHS Chemdogs in where the other plants came out.
Gidday there everyone.

Well I thought Id call in and update.

I'll take photo's tonight.

Veg Room:

I have got clones of RP OG Kush#18 and GHS Chem Dog, however despite the fact that they are "stuck" in the rockwool, no roots are yet showing out the sides even though they've been in there for ages (2 and a half weeks for the Og and a week and a half for the Chem). I am getting sick of waiting! It will put my whole perpetual back a week or two! I have the remaining L's and 2 PK's and 2 WW's coming out in the next few weeks, and so far I only have plants to replace one light (there are 4 well veged BD's waiting to go in) so Im hoping out of my clones I get something to replace the WW/PK light.

I was intending on running 4 OG's or CD's to replace that light however with such a slow root time I need more plants (theres only two and a half weeks till I need plants to put under that light) so I've taken a bunch of L3 and L4 clones as I know they will root quickly, and then I can give them a week or so veg then put 16 under the light.

Other than that everythings looking good in the veg room, I've got BD, WW, BW, L3 and 4 mums going, need those two strains to root so I get mums of them aswell.

I've got 9 rooted PK's but they were taken 5 weeks into 12/12 so they will need a while to reveg (I'm hoping they will be going in to replace me OG budding plants in around 5 weeks or so).

Bud room:

The bud rooms looks sparce since L3, L4 and BD came out. I have put 4 large chem dog girls in there that are approximately 50 CM's and really bushy when they went in (Monday)
They are in the back corner under a cool tubed 400.

Under the cool tubed 600 I have the remaining 3 lavenders, L1 and 2 look alright, they're certainly never goona be as dense as their two sisters that just came out, but they are certainly looking like they are getting more solid each day. L5 is a disaster, I am contemplating turning her into cookies. She has lots of crystal on the buds but the buds are soooo fluffy, theres just no density there at all!

Under the uncooled 400 I have the two PK's and WW's. The PK are incredible and just covered in crystal, certainly my favourite strain so far. Y^ield looks to be on the low side under this light as one of the PK's stretched quite high so the other three plants were left quite a distance from the light.

Finally sorrounding the vertical 400CMH I have four OG Kush#18. This strain had better pull a good trick out of the bag otherwise I will swear off RP for life. They are coming up 6 weeks on sunday and so far have tiny little budlets on them. My other strains have this level of development at 2 and a half weeks in! They look like shit! I mean they have a bit of crystal on them and they smell nice but they buds are just not there. Dissapointed bitg time for a strain with such hype!

Anyway will be back tonight with pics.
Hey there everyone.

Well Im back with photo's as promised.

First off my veg tent, this is a 1 meter squared tent with a 250 watt HPS in there.


Power Kush clones, these were taken off plants 4-5 weeks into budding so Im hoping they reveg! Im LOVING power kush at the moment.


Now all my mothers

Black Domina


Lavender 3 and 4 and White Widow, and blue widow.


And finally a pic of 4 Black Domina's due to go in when the Lavender 1,2 and 5 finish in a week or so.

Now some photo's of what happening in the budding tent:

First off Stage 1: GHS Chem Dog

These girls have been in budding around 5 days now. No major sign of stretch at the moment. They're under a cool tubed 400.


Stage Two: RP OG Kush#18

Severely dissapointed by these girls! They are soooo far behind where they should be! They're 5 and a half weeks in and they still havnt formed proper cola's! I am holding out hope that they are just really slow, but Im starting to suspect that these are going to be a disaster! I have these four in a vertical setup sorrounding a 400 CMH


Stage 3: Power Kush, and White Widow

Really impressed by one of the power kush's REALLY impressed! Unfortunately because she stretched so high the other power kush and two white widow's were always a fair distance from the light and I believe this meant they never reached their full potential. However they two White Widows look okay. I dont think they'll yield very much. These four girls are under a bare bulb 400.

Power Kush



White Widow:


Stage 4: Lavender 1,2 and 5

These girls were incredibly fluffy however 1 and 2 are starting to fill out a bit. L5 is always going to be fluffy and I imagine she'll find her way into a cake. These girls are huge! The main cola's on them are huge but alas they are fluffy! They're under a cool tubed 600 HPS.
Couldnt get them out of the tent for pics sorry, they're just tooo big!




looks great kronik sry I have been absent it has been a very stressful month and a half. trying to get everything outside has been proven a task in itself plus I have been battling high temps in the flower box. as soon as my last 3 are done I will be shutting down till fall. your plants look great man great job. Did you ever try a vertical light? hope everything is well and keep it green brotha. HB
Gidday Everyone.

Sorry I havn't been updating, but I will get better.

I'll get pics tonight but until then I'll give ya's all an update.

So the PK and WW came down around a week or so ago. Yield was minimal (roughly around 6 Oz's) but I feel thats my fault because one PK stretched high, and I never raised the other three plants so they were always somewhat shaded by that big plant. So Ive learnt from that, that I have to keep an even canopy and if something stretches to high, then lift the other plants to the same height.

Final yield off the three Lavenders was around an LB. L1 and 2 ended up being quite solid bud, L5 never did come right and was still very fluffy even hat harvest time (12 weeks).

So now in the Budding room I have 4 GHS Chemdog that are 33 days in and looking very good, 4 distinct pheno's (a real stretcher, a shorter girl, and two that are smack bang in the middle, one of which CD3 is the most covered in trichomes, and will definitely be my keeper). The stretch on these girls is rather intense, however after the Lavender I know what a big stretch is!

I have Sensi Seeds Black Domina (Out of 10 seeds, 7 popped, 2 were female, 1 was a good female, so now I run that pheno, shes known as BD5). So there's 4 BD5's in there that are now 19 days into budding. They dont stretch do they? I like that they form tight buds right to the bottom, and I dont have to lollipop them but I still dont get any pop corn, however you dont really get a big main cola, maybe a main bud thats, wet, around the size of 30 gram of tobacco. These BD's are looking good, they're under a 400 and very bushy!

Then finally in there I have the Reserva Privada OG#18. This strain is a bit of a case of Dr Jeckel and Mr Hyde. The plants are a PITA! Never have I grown such a finicky strain! The buds never met up and formed cola's, the leaves all showed signs of nitrogen toxicity early in bud, they have never really formed the way Im used to weed forming. But the bud is insane! Almost dripping in trichomes and huge calyx's. The buds, although small, are incredibly dense!

I have 9 PK's that have reveged waiting to go in and take the corner that the PK and WW was in.

I have 4 Lavenders waiting to take the OG's place when they finish up.

Veg room is over flowing with unwanted clones, Im working up the nerve to just dump them. Othen than that its pretty standard.

Ordered more seeds thew other day:

Barney Farm Liberty Haze
Cannabiogen Sand Storm


Alright everyone, I told ya's I'd be back for an update so here I am.

First up we have our closest to finishing strain,

Reserve Privada, OG Kush#18
Day: 68

As I mentioned before this girl looks incredible, however her bud structure was a bit of a disaster, but I must say shes looking better and better in these last few weeks. Shes starting to pack on a bit of weight but I think shes got a while to go yet, I'll take had to 12 weeks and see how she looks.


OG Kush 1-4 in the right order






And my favourite plant in the whole tent, Chem Dog 3!


I get the feeling this lady is gonna yield the best, and she definitely has the most trichomes!
And the last two plant photo's are our "up and coming"

First off

Dina Fem Seeds Power Kush
Day: 1


These girls were clones taken off my last PK, unfortunately I didnt get excited about the strain and decide to clone it until around 4 weeks into budding so the clones had to reveg, as you can see some have taken off better than others.

Now my last plant photo is off what gonna go into the tent and replace the OG's when they come out in a fortnight or so.

2XSoma Seeds Lavender (L4) and 2XGreenhouse Seeds Chem Dog (CD3)

1 Week veg since rooting


Sorry for the long arse rant, I always wanted to get this perpetual thing down packed! Even when I yielded lots, it was only once ever 12-16 weeks and it never lasted. So now I get a comfortable yield every 2-3 weeks! Im very happy, and the plants are all looking excellent!

Temps in our parts are incredibly cold at the moment (night time often gets freezing) so I run my lights at night and tend to find lights on temps float around 23 degrees celcius. I run a dehumidifier and during lights out I dont exhaust and the dehumidifier tends to keep it around 18 degrees celcius. Humidity tends to sit around 55% however if its particularly wet outside it can spike.

My tent has officially died. The main zip has gone and just wont work any more so currently the door is held closed with safety pins. It seems to work. I've got my eyes on a Home Box GL240, they cost twice what any other tent around here costs but I really like how sturdy they are! Im also dreaming here but I want to get another two cool tubes, and two adjusta wings so all 4 lights are cool tubed adjusta wings. Then I want to run 2X150 centrifugal fans and have two banks of 2 lights, that join back into 1X250 exhaust. Then I can have the tent as a fully sealed unit (well the cooltubes will be atleast, and then I can start looking at C02. I geuss its a pipe dream at the moment.

Anyway till next time take care, stay safe!
Gidday mate.

This is based on L3 and 4.

Lavender was really nice.
You could definitely tell it was a Sativa, although certainly not a real hazey high, it was also a far cry from couch lock stonage.

Nice day time smoke with only a minore hint of paranoia.

Tasted excellent.

Smell was brilliant.

L3 ender up with A LOT more bag appeal than L4. Really looked silvery in the bag! Lots of plump dark hairs! She was incredibly dense!

L4 could have gone an extra week I feel. She didnt have the density that L3 had, neither the bag appeal, however she yielded alot more (L3 was around 3 oz's, L4 was around 5ish).

Definitely both had the Lavender taste!

IVe kept mothers of L3 and 4 and would grow her again (well infact I am).

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