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Got my seeds in, 1800 Watts here we go!


Did you ever try putting doing a vertical light like we talked about in the past? evrything looks wonderful though Kronik keep up the great work brotha. keep it green HB
Cheers bro.

Yeah the four Og#18's are Vert. They have a 400 CMH hanging down between the four of them. I couldnt say weather it helped the yield or not as these plants have been painful right from the start. What I can say is all the buds are usable, and theres no popcorn down the bottom. I also suspect I would have yielded better, had I used a HPS rather than a CMH, as one stage before the PK's went in I put a couple of the Og's under the spare 400 HPS just for ease of access to my garden and they put on quite a bit of weight in the main cola's just in those two weeks.

Im hoping I can run another vert at some stage, possibly with 4 lavenders as I know they love to stretch. Next time I'll go the whole 9 yards and put the trellis up around the vert set up as well.


Smile Vs Cry
hey yuor og#18 lookin nice kk!!! some remember my sour kush from reserva p...
ill be watching the progress grower!!
Cheers bro!

Yeah Im really excited about the Og. Apparently alot of RP gear has gone down hill recently, and certainly I was very skeptical about these OG's right up until recently. They grew in such a bizarre fashion, like no plant Ive ever grown.

They're definitely the nicest looking buds Ive ever grown, there doesnt seem to be those "fuzzy" buds with all the pistil sticking out, but alot more like a solid mass if calyx's.

They were sold as a 9 week strain, but they are now at 10 weeks, and showing no sign of letting up. They probably did their biggest weight gain in weeks 9 onwards.


I have been dealing with high temps in the flower box I'm very glad I went with a dimmible ballast because the %100 setting is just pushing off to much heat. I put it down to %50 the buds aren't as tight as they are in the winter time but for personal smoke it don't matter to me.
Shit thats no good HB. Wont running the bulbs at 50% damage the bulbs?

Well a quick update for ya's all. I'll be back on Sunday with pics.

Ive started the Chemdog (6th week) and Black Domina (4th Week) on PK. They're really starting to pack on weight now! Chemdog's not forming full cola's yet, but they're covered in solid little golf ball nugs.

The Black Domina doesn't have buds quite that size yet, but it does have closer nodal spacing and therefore better main cola's.

I've got 5 LSD seeds that have popped and have been put in seed raising mix. They will be going in after the Black Domina's finish (approximately 4 and a half weeks).

Then I've got 4 Liberty Haze seeds that have also been popped and put in seed raising mix. They will replace the chemdog.

I've also got Kandy Kush, Afghan Kush X White Widow, Afghan Kush X Skunk, Northern Lights X Big Bud, Critical Jack Herer seeds all popped, however these will be mums. Definitely looking forward to the Kandy Kush! The Critical Jack, and Northern Lights X Big Bud will be entering the 2012 beer cup challenge (although I am running a bit late).

Anyway I will be back on sunday with pics.


Nah it hasnt so far and the plants stopped stretching so much cause of the heat so...... I use hortilux 430 Watt bulbs and they have been doing a great job so far. I have to get a new A/C soon anyways so we'll see if that helps the heat issue. I hope so its 99 outside now with a RH of 60% so I'm just lucky I have anything going at all lol.


the critical Jack is pretty good I just had some last week. I traded some clones with a guy. I got Jack #33, vanilla kush ,and LSD so I am about to flower out a few of those to get some more variety.
Good evening everyone!

As promised, I am taking more interest in my thread.

Things are ticking along slowly, I fixed my tent. All I had to do was take the actual zipper and use pliers to squeeze the edge of it where the zip feeds through. I'll explain in more detail if anyone is remotely interested, but yeah I saved my tent which is great!

With the main door of the tent being held closed with safety pins there were big gaping open holes (although my garage is dark enough that it didnt matter) but it did mean that the temps were always too low! So alas with the zip fixed the temps are back upwhere they need to be again.

So yeah plants are coming along nicely. Chemdog and Black Domina are currently being fed PK 13/14, they have been for the last 6 days, and will be for the next 8. Naturally due to this they are bulking up big time!

So unfortunately I dont have whole plant pics, but Ive got plenty of bud pics.

First up we have:

Reserva Privada: Og Kush#18
Day: 76





And finally we have:

Sensi Seeds: Black Domina
Day: 27






My final stage in the budding room is 9 PK's however they are only 6 days in so its hardly worth showing. They havnt stretched as much as I might have liked, however they are only 6 days in so we shall see.

Till next time take care, stay safe!
Forgot to get trimming pics everyone, sorry, but the OG came down yesterday at 80 days 12/12. Wet weight was 838 grams, but it seams like incredibly dense/solid bud so I dont think it will loose too much. Id like to see 7/8 oz's. I unfortunately lost hope in her right until the end, she always behaved in a wierd fashion and didn't "comply" with the way Im used to bud growing. I over fed her. I let a couple of her main cola's get burnt by the vert CMH. And in truth I never gave her a fair chance, but having seen the incredible bud thats come off of her I want to give her a fair try. Ive saved one pheno, now know as OG1, to be honest they were mostly pretty similar, Og 1 and 2 were very similar, OG 4 stretched very high, and OG 3 was nute sensitive. So yeah I want to give 4 OG1's a solid go next round.

Next round thats just sprouted and will be going in is Barneys Farm, Liberty Haze and L.S.D.
Gidday Everyone!

Well things are ticking along nicely. I have beaten my fungus gnat infection finally! Plants are looking very healthy.

First off a shot of the room.


These are my four new girls:

Greenhouse seeds: Chemdog and Soma Seeds Lavender

Day: 5


Next stage in is:

Dinafem Seeds: Power Kush

Day: 23


Then we have Green house Seeds Chemdog

Day: 51


Then closest to finishing we have:

Sensi Seeds: Black Domina

Day: 37

Finally some pics of my OG#18.



Total yield off the OG was 7 oz's 17 grams.

So yeah the plants are doing well. We've been getting some incredibly cold nights around here, and having the plants in the garage probably doesnt help, lights on temps tend to sit around 19-22 degrees celcius, however it doesnt seem to be upsetting them too much, lights off temps dont seem to suffer too badly as it is during the day time and I stop the exhaust fan and just run the dehumidifier. Humidity sits around the high fourties to low fifties.

Popped seeds the other day. Gotta say that Im incredibly dissapointed in my Barneys farm germ rates, I got two L.S.D's from 5 and 2 Liberty Haze from 4, I tend to run at around 80-100% germ rates, so I was pretty dissapointed, won't be ordering off BF again.

All the other seeds germed no issues, so Im looking forward to using the kandy kush as a mother, Ive heard good things about this strain and the Og#18 from RP was off the hook!

Next round will be LSD and LH. The seedlings are coming along nicely and I hope they're a reasonable size in the 18 days when they go in to replace the BD.

Anyway till next time...
Hey there everyone.

Well not alot to tell, rooms running along nicely, no head aches, gnats have gone, temps are too low, plants are doing great, yeah thats about it.

Looking to upgrade in the near future to a Homebox GL240 with Digital ballasts, Cool Tubes for all the lights (running as a sealed unit) a Green Air Co2 Gen, and a Harvest Master Co2 easi. So yeah watch this space as Im looking to do all this by mid august.

Anyway on with some pics.

First off my new run:
Soma Seeds Lavender (L4) and Green House Seeds Chem Dog (CD3)



Then we have the next installment:
Dina Fem Seeds: Power Kush
Day: 31

These girls are slow, however concidering they were revegged clones, that had only juuuust revegged when they were switched, its no suprise.




Then we have the second closest to harvest:

Greenhouse seeds: Chem Dog
Day: 59

Good evening everyone.

Well not a lot to say, the Black Domina's looking very close to being ready (shes 49 days in tomorrow). I have been flushing her for a week or so now, I plan on pulling her on Wednesday.

Found mold in one of my big Chem Dog buds, however it was no great surprise as she spent several weeks pushed against the shade cause she was too tall. Chopped the mold out, couldn't find any more. The biggest Chem Dog bud survived. Unfortunately I only kept a mother of Chem Dog 3. I wrote CD 4 off as she stretched soooo high, however she has turned into such solid girl, every node has at least a golf ball on it, and most have a tennis ball!

The Power Kush is well behind where it should be at 34 days. However as I've said in previous posts I believe this is because the clones were revegged, then switched back to budding within the first week of showing signs of revegging. I have dropped the light right on them to try and get them as fat as possible as it is a very dense canopy in there!

The newest members to our room (Lavender 4 and Chem Dog 3) are also slow! The stretch is getting going now at day 17. They sat there and didn't stretch for around a week but now they're away! If history repeats these girls will get VERY tall, at the moment I'd say they've stretched from approximately 30cm's to around 50, I'd like to see them reach at least 80ish.

Sorry if my pics seem to be of the same buds every time (especially of the BD) its hard to access a lot of part of my tent as it is packed in there. I will be doing a MAJOR revamp of my gear in the next month, and then access will be a lot easier for better pics.

So anyway my first pic is my "up and coming" girls, these girls will be going in to replace the BD (although I want to give them at least another week of veg)


Reserva Privada: Kandy Kush G13 Labs: Pineapple Express and 2XDelicious Seeds: Critical Jack Herer


The next pic is...

Green House Seeds: Chemdog (CD3) and Soma Seeds Lavender (L4)



Then we have the next stage...

Dinafem Seeds: Power Kush

Day: 34




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