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Got my seeds in, 1800 Watts here we go!

Hotboxes...bro...You my friend are a legend! I was gonna fuck about running extension cords here there and everywhere but you mate are a legend! I checked and its all running off a 15 amp breaker, so on monday I plan on going to an electrical supplies shop and getting a 30 or even a 50, thanks heaps man!
Gidday everyone.

Well just a quick update, went out and sorted another 400 today, so we've put the WW and PK into the budding room.

Resorted and cleaned the whole room thoroughly, couldn't afford another adjusta-wings cool tube combo, so I just went with the standard shade.





Looking good, did you get your electrical problem sorted out yet? I will be throwing up an update on my thread tomorrow night. Keep it green brother
Hey there people,

Thanks for stopping by!

Um havn't sorted the electrical problem, however I've run an extension cord through the ceiling from a point down the other end of the house, which has plugs that run off a different circuit breaker.

Not a lot to say, the fan runs for the full 12 hours during lights on, then the dehumidifier runs non stop during lights off, temps tend to sit around 23-25 during lights on and 25 during lights off. Humidity is off the chart which is a PITA, Im gonna have to look into running the dehumidifier 24/7l. During lights on it tends to sit around 75% and during lights off it sits around 50%. I've got a big oscillating fan moving a lot of air around in there.

Next lot to go in will be the OG Kush, followed by the Chem Dog.


get an A/C and the dehumidifier that will get rid of the humidity. I am wondering why you don't already have one hooked up to the tent. Are you air cooling your lights? If so are you drawing fresh air for the lights, or ambient air from inside the tent threw lights cooling them? The cooler air will help with the stretch especially at night. I just think If you put 4 individual 400's in there your gonna have to Run an A/C or at least cool all the lights from outside air unless of course the outside temp. is higher than inside the tent. just my thoughts nothing more.
Hey there bro,

No AC, to be honest, I wouldnt want to up my power any more than I already have it (well maybe another 400 but yeah, certainly no AC).

Thinking of it, I have an AC window unit lying around, but I would then need to look at C02 which I just dont have the cash for at the moment.

I will check the humidity tonight, the Dehumidifier didn't work yesterday during lights out, as I left the bucket slightly out. if needs be I will just run the dehumidifier non stop 24/7 which will undoubtably remedy the situation, its just that running 3X400 and a 600 I'm starting to get somewhat worried about power consumption in our house. To make matters worse, they're installing smart meters in everyone's houses in NZ which is a real PITA as it means Ill have to run 2 tents with two lights in each so I don't have a huge spike in power usage for 12 hours a day.

A lot of my mates steal power, I wont do this! I don't feel what I'm doing is "criminal" per set but to me, stealing is.

So yeah, all is looking good anyway. Im off work now for a few days so will get some pics at some stage.

Till next time, take care


Run 2 tents but flip them, run them 12 hours apart so you never have a spike its constant.You can keep your perpetual, you wont be using as many lights in 1 tent so your temps will go down, and maybe you could run 1 tent vertical to see what works better ;). I used to always run Horizontal bulbs but since I went vert. my buds are way tighter and the light hits the whole side of the plant so all you do is place the plants around the bulbs. Check out the vert. section you will be amazed what peeps are doing w/ bare bulbs hanging vertical.
Hey there HB

Can't run vertical as I have a separate veg tent and moving plants with those big stands/racks whatever it is they use would be a huge PITA! I could just put big plants in there and hang a bulb vertically in the middle, so I geuss it's something I can look into later on.

Yeah thats what I was thinking, 2 tents each one 2.8 meters by 1.4. The smart meters sound like they're a little while off arriving where I live yet, so I might have a year or so up my sleeve.

Well this morning I'll be bagging up the OG's into 2.5 gallon bags. I'll be giving the veg tent a good feed, and a general clean up in there. The BD clones are starting to take off properly, so hopefully I can take the clones off of them soon after that.


Yeah I have to transplant my young ones into more of a coco perlite mix cause I think my mix now is to much EWC cause I think my ph is to low for them and I'm locking out the N I'm having a deficiency but when I feed it burns them so I need to get this sorted before to long.Here are a few pics of them hope you don't mind me posting pics in your thread.


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Yeah definitely need repotting, I find they grow sooo many roots in coco, nothing like soil. They need repotting much sooner.

I dont know where about's you are but if you have access to the Canadian Express Coco I'd grab it, as it is REALLY light and fluffy, and also it has trichodermia in the mix, so the roots just grow like crazy. Maybe Im misguided but I've always felt that More Roots = More Bud! Also have you checked your run off ph? You probably know a whole lot more than me about coco, but everything I've read is says that measuring the run off is far more acurate than measuring what goes in.

But yeah, Im not expert but I'd say repot, then flush them thoroughly, trhen start them on a low dose like EC of 1.0 or something.

Shot for stopping by bro, your gonna have some epic smoke soon enough!
Got some quick pics of all the vegging girls today.

Will get some of the budding room tonight. Not a lot to say, the Chem Dog seedlings are looking great, I bagged them into PB 3/4, I bagged the OG's into PB 18s (2.5 gallons), and I bagged the BD's into PB 6.5's (Im only vegging these BD's so I can get some clones off them for a mate, then the cloned to fuckery stumps will end up in the bin)

OG's (2 weeks till the switch, also I topped them tonight as one of the uglier ones was getting really tall with little lateral growth)




Lavenders (I only kept one each of L1,2,3,4,5)


Chem Dog's (5 days since sprouting)


BW and the Tester

Day 24 12/12

Day 24 12/12

Gidday everyone.

Well Im fucken tired as all hell! Been flushing all the girls tonight while my wife was a lazy arse PITA refusing to do shit!

So anyway its done. I started at 7:30 finished at 11:30. Each girl was carefully moved through the house to the bathroom, flushed with 9 liters of water, carefully moved into the kitchen, then moved back into the bathroom to be fertilized (I have to do everything over the bath tub since there is soooo much run off during flush)

Then all placed back in the tent in the garage, without waking my kids up! Fuck Im tired, oh and then I burnt my hand cooking my pizza before, Shit!

Well its done, Im tired, but I have so lame arse picks.

Then Im eating, and going to bed,

L 1-5







Very nice Kronik looks like everything is coming along nicely for you now. Keep up the great work. Mine are finally starting to come out of their sickness. I need to get an update up It has just been so hectic around here the last couple of weeks, but I am off work today so I have no excuse. Keep it green brotha.
Cheers bro,

I figured yours would come right with a transplant. I've found (and Im no expert) that as long as your PH, and EC coming out the bottom are all good then the girls should be all good, so yeah transplanting and a solid flush shoulda fixed you issues.

Well I woke up this morning feeling much better after last nights valiant effort. Im waiting for my cloning tubs off a mate who took them, cause I need to take some WW, BW, and BD clones for friends.

Also last night I measured the girls, cause with nothing next to them for comparison its hard to get a feel for the sizes.

So here they are, all heights are from the base of the plant (as opposed to the base of the pot)

Ive never really grown plants this tall before, so hopefully they don't end up with too much popcorn. I have done a bit of cleaning around the bottoms to help the cause.

Hopefully the bags are enough for such large plants (2.5 gallons or 10 liters). I water once a day by hand. Current EC 1.8 PH 5.8.

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