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Got my seeds in, 1800 Watts here we go!






Gidday there everyone.

Bagged the rest of the clones up today so Im slightly inundated. Everythings all good.

I trimmed the 2XWW and 2XPK back last night so they dont end up huge before they go in for flowering (25th of March) I also bagged them the other day into PB 18's which are 2 and a half gallons. The coco they're in is Canadian Express Max Coco, which has lots of trichodermia in it and produces brilliant root growth. So they've got a couple of weeks to fill the bags before they go into the flowering chamber, followed by the OG's that were bagged into PB6.5's the other day (I think they're a gallon or so) the OG goes in on the 8th of May. When I put the WW and OK in I'll rebag the OG and put them in the WW/PK spot directly under the 250. Im going to have to look at planting the ChemDog seeds I have soon so they can take the OG's place.
I put the Chem Dog seeds in water to soak the other day, and they have all sprouted so I chucked them in some seed raising mix this morning under a fluoro.

7 days till the 2 WW and PK's go into the budding room, meaning the OG move up to the spot under the 250, and the Chem Dogs will take the OG's place.

I've read that the Lavender is a 9 week strain, however Soma's said in his video's that its 10 weeks so I'm aiming for 10. Certainly some seem very Sativa.

I'll be back with photo's of everything in the veg room, then later tonight everything in the bud room
Just checked, all 5 Chem Dog's have sprouted, Roll on sunday the 25th when everything moves up, and I can put the big WW and PK bushes into budding (they're getting HUGE now)
Day 16 12/12

Day 16 12/12

Gidday everyone.

We're 16 days into budding now. The girls started their stretch around a week ago and are getting really big! The stalks on them are massive and the leaves are huge and they're just soooo healthy!

BD7 is female!!! So Im left with 2 female BD's and the 5 Lavenders although ones a bit wierd and I suspect it may end up being a hermy.

Anyway time for pics

The whole tent


The left side of the tent (all lavender)


The right side of the tent (Black Domina's in the front with a Lavender behind)


BD 7 (the runt)


Cheers bro!

Thats my wifes cat. He ruls the roost around here. I have two Rottweilers that keep well out of his way! The only thing in this house with the guts to mess with the Siamese is my Toddler! My 2 year old boy loves chasing the cat, Im forever having to save him.

Cheers though bro, Im loving the Coco! I used to run in soil but I almost always had nute issues, not the case in coco!

I loved hydro, and to be honest it was alot easier than coco cause I only had to make the res up once a week, but I will eventually have my coco on drippers and use res's etc.
Gidday everyone.

I'll get some pics of everything tonight hopefully...
Just finished all the watering:

Tap Water: EC=0.1 PH=7.4

Newly planted clones: EC=0.6 PH=5.8
1 mil per liter Canna Coco A+B 4 Mils per liter Rhizo 1 drip per liter superthrive

Next level up (OG Seedlings): EC=1.1 PH=5.8
2 mils per liter Canna Coco A+B 4 Mils per liter Rhizo 2 Mils per liter Cannazyme 1 drip per liter superthrive

Next Level up (WW, PK, BW, and Tester): EC=1.8 PH=5.8
4 mils per liter Canna Coco A+B 1 Mil per liter Rhizo 2.5 Mils per liter Cannazyme 1 drip per liter superthrive


All plants: EC=2.1 PH=5.8
4.5 Mils per liter Canna Coco A+B 1 Mil Per liter Canna Rhizo 2.5 Mils per liter Cannazyme 4 Mils per liter Canna Boost

All is looking great in there. Noticed a little bit of mold on one of the dead stumps (left over from where I topped a plant a couple of weeks back) so I carefully chopped it off making sure to leave no mold on the plant. Unfortunately my veg tent is hot, and humid, and has no air movement. But the plants love it!

Also addedc a dehumidifier to the flower tent last night. I had a problem with temps getting too low when I ran the fan on constantly (like reaching as low as 17 degrees celcius lights on!) so I put the fan on a timer so it came on for 15 minutes an hour, the next issue was humidity jumped through the roof! Like I walked in and it hit me straight away! So I've added a dehumidifier, but now temps are too hot! So Im going to run the dehumidifier during lights off, and the fans on 15 minutes every hour during lights on and see how we go!

Anyway hopefully I'll be back with pics tonight!
Take care everyone...Stay safe
Kroniks been a busy boy!!!

Kroniks been a busy boy!!!

Gidday Everyone

Well tonight I pulled everything out for photo's and decided while it was all out I'd give it a flush.

So I checked the run-off from the budding plants...EC=3.5

So I've just spent HOURS flushing each and every budding plant. It took around 9 liters each of PH'd water before I saw the EC reach 1.0ish, then I refed them with EC 1.6 and PH 5.8, on the positive side though all the run off PH was at 5.8!

So anyway, they've had their flush, and their feed, and they're looking good, so heres some pics....


First off some BD5 clones. Im vegging these up so I can take more off for a friend who wants a bunch.


Now my lavender clones, one each of 1,2,3,4,5 photo'd in their correct order


Two white Widow seeds, these two are going in the budding room on Sunday


Two power kush, also going in on Sunday


The tester seedling

Heres the Blue Widow seedling, poor girls looking a bit lanky, cause the four going under the big lights on Sunday have been hogging the 250!


And finally from the veg room, heres my four OG's that are going into the budding tent after the WW and PK's


Now...On with the budding girls:

First up BD 5, this girl is looking great! Big fat indica leaves, although she's not really budding up as fast as I figured she would, based on Sensi claiming her as a 49 days strain (she's o day17 now)


Heres the BD 7, this girl is also budding very slowly, however she was always well behind everything else in the room, and she is finally looking quite healthy!



These next pics are Lavender 1


Lavender 2



Lavender 3, theres two girls in this room that have stretched conciderably higher than the other girls, and this is one of them! She's got a massive stalk, huge leaves, and she's a fucken tower!


Lavender 4, this girl is MASSIVE too. Alot like Lav 3, but shes also very wide and branchy! Super stretchy with long internodal spacing. Probably a great plant, if managed properly, for a SOG.



Lavender 5, this girl is a bit of a runt. I think she may go on to becvome a hermy, because despite forming clusters of "green" at the ends of branches, I am yet to see any white hairs, or calyses. Its a shame cause shes very compact with brilliant branching. If she were to go on to be a succesful female this would be one of the nicer plants in there.




In my experience the plants that took the longest to show sex turned out to be females, males showed in the first week.
Gidday Hotboxes.

Yeah the BD7 turned out to be a female. As for the Lavender 5, she's showing signs of being female, (she is from feminized seeds) however certainly not the big white hairs the others are covered in (they are 3 weeks in today).

Im off to pick up another 400 today to switch the next round. Can't wait till the whole rooms running perpetually!

On another topic, I've overloaded the power system in my house (and we run 240V here in NZ). Well atleast for that fuse, so now I need to run extension cords through wardrobes, up through the ceiling, and out to the garage (as that power point will be on a different fuse). At the moment the fuse turns off only when we try and run the jug, microwave, at the same time as the lights are running, but I dont like my chances or having another 2X400's in there with this issues, so yeah extension cord house here we come. Although being growers we're all used to the fact that our mates know they're not welcome at our houses. So it's no biggie to me.


Can you install a bigger amp breaker into your breaker box? something like a 30 to 50 amp breaker would do probably the 50 would be better and run everything off of the 50 amp for your grow. I am going to be in the same boat here as soon as summer arrives because all the breakers in my house are 15's and 20's so I need to put in a 30 for my A/C unit. So I am not blowing the breaker every time the A/C kicks on. Plus it would be a lot safer and that is the most important thing to think about while enjoying our hobby.