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Got my seeds in, 1800 Watts here we go!

Bd 2



Bd 3




Looking good Kronik!!! I have my seat now,and will be keeping a sharp eye. I try to keep my Ph around 6 in coco a lil below or above but not by much. I will let it swing a little higher in late flower but not to much. It looks like you are having a Cal/Mg problem to me, but I'm sure you already know that. If its possible for next run you can do a pre-soak with some ph'd water with just Cal/Mg. Not sopping wet just enough to absorb into the Coco. I will do this after I wash my Coco from blocks. It works for me maybe it might help you out just a thought. Keep it rockin.
Gidday HB. Yeah I suspected a Cal Mag problem however I feed Canna, and IVe read alot on here that you shouldnt need Cal Mag with Canna and tap water. So I started a thread over in the infirmary (https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=4983982#post4983982) and people picked up on my high PH so we suspect that the high PH might be cauing the nute issues.

We will soon know no doubt.

I must admit I struggle with Coco, when I grew in hydro I knew what my nutes were doing but in hydro I have to "read" the plants which isnt some thing Im good at. I want my recir4culating res back!
Just set up a new tent as my veg tent. Im going to buy another tent as a mother tent too.

Anyway thought Id post up some pics of the new veg setup.

At the moment its got a 250 over the remaining plants (2 White Widows, 1 Blue Widow, 2 Power Kush's and a bag seed) Also got 4 OG Kush seedlings in there. 3 Weeks after I switch the flower room Im going to introduce the next lot (this is figuring I get a harvest in 8 weeks from the black domina, 2 weeks later the lavender will be ready as its a ten week strain, and if IVe introduced the widows and the kush they're all 9 week strains so they'll be ready two weeks after that, then with any luck the OG 2 weeks after that, then we get our perpetual going).

Anyway some quick pics



12/12 Switch!

12/12 Switch!

Alright people, heres where it gets interesting! The plants have been switched!

I'm off to get some cloning supplies today as I have to take a bunch of clones off of them.

I already stocked up and have the full canna range, boost included, waiting to go. For a little while over here I tried that Advanced Floriculture bloom shit, cause SOG stopped selling Canna (a wee fight between canna and SOG after op lime) so I was left with no option, I was sorely disapointed by the results, and I used the full range too! The resin production was INSANE but the yield was conciderably down on what I achieved using the canna range. So Im stoked to be back using Canna now.

The girls are showing signs of too much nitrogen, but I did just hit them with some Nitrozyme the other day (amazing shit by the way!)
They're new growth has gone back to a lush dark green colour and all the plants have stood up rather than sagging.

I will give them their first bloom feed tonight, although the only difference is adding Canna Boost.

Im thinking:
Canna A+B 3 Mils per liter
Canna Rhizo 1 Mil per liter
Canna Cannazyme 1 Mil per liter
Canna Boost 5 Mils per Liter

EC of 1.6 and PH of 5.8

Anyway I'll be back tomorrow with some pics.
One of the Lav's is busting at the nut to turn purple, shes already spitting out purple leaves! I know purple weed isnt a big deal in the US where you have dispensaries and a good range of genetics, but in NZ its rare as hens teeth.

Wat it do

puttin in work i see.... I might have missed it but did u put hydroton in the saucers to to hold up the bags far enough to get oxygen to the roots?


Its probably so the bags will drain all the way, they have been known to retain old water in the bottoms at least that's what has happened to me using them.
Hey there people.

Yeap you're both right.

I found that just sitting the bags in the saucers it meant that the bags absorbed all the run off, thus preventing proper oxygenation, in my opinion anyway. Since propping the bags up on hydroton and dropping my PH to 5.8 the girls have come a long way. The new growth is still yellowish but soon turns to green. I know what the problem is though, it gets to cold during lights off (range is 24 degrees celcius lights on and as cold as 16 degrees during lights off) so to amend this I am putting a timer on the fan. See if I run a thermostat it mean the fans will never run during lights off, resulting in huge humidity, so I plan on running the fans 5 minutes on and 15 minutes of during lights on, then 5 minutes on every 4 hours during lights off.

I have some bad news, the BD's only gave me one female, BD5, BD7 hasnt shown yet, but the others are definitely males. So I have to rip them out tonight, and dump their clones. I shall leave BD5 and BD7 in there with the Lav's. I have all the free seeds waiting to go in, which by the way are looking brilliant. I dont want to put them in there for 2 more weeks though so I can achieve my fortnightly perpetual harvest.

Clones are all rooting! I love rockwool! IVe always fucked about with jiffies before, and it normally too 12-14 days, but this lot rooted in 6 days! I mean some are still rooting but most are good to go! So I will bag up the clones of the Lav's and BD5 today in coco.

I'll be back tonight with pics.
Hey there everyone.

Well I promised I'd be back with pics, so here I am.

Been busy today. I bagged up 4 OG seedlings into PB 6 1/2s and I bagged up rooted clones.
I ended up, so far, with 6 BD's and 2 of each Lavender. Vegging tent's humming along nicely, theres a bunch of plants all backed up waiting to go into the budding room!

Anyway pics

First we have the two WW's



Then the PK's, this strain is really a lovely strain! Shes growing beautifully and is a very pretty plant!


Then the Og's



And finally the clones



L's these are in their order BD1 BD 2 BD 3 etc


I'll be back tonight with photo's of the budding plants!

Till next time take care, and stay safe!
Good morning everyone

checked this morning and another 3 BD's have rooted, and another L2. Veg room is PACKED!!! I only needed one of each L to use as mothers.

I have to veg the BD's I have for a little while and then clone them hard out! Im hoping in 2 weeks they will be big enough to give me 10 clones or so each. (hoping). It was soul destroying dumping all the male clones, but on a positive note I was worried about over crowding in the clone tub, yet not a single clone died! Some yellowed a little but thats expected, but they all survived! And they rooted so quick! This is my most succesful cloning ever!

I pulled the males from the flowering tent last night, I now have 5 Lavs in there, 1 confirmed female BD and 1 unconfirmed BD. Im going to bag up the PK and the WW today so they're good to go in the flower room in a couple of weeks. This mix Im using has trichodermia in it, I cant rave enough about it! It really grows roots incredibly! If I bag these girls up today and give them 10 days or so they'll be PACKED with roots, and we all know more roots=more bud!
Alright back with pics of budding stuff.

First off though:

Veg Room:

Clones=EC0.7 Canna A+B 1 mil per liter Canna Rhizo 4 mils per liter Super Thrive 1 drip per liter

OG Seeds=EC1.0 Canna A+B 2 mils per liter Canna Rhizo 4 mils per liter Super Thrive 1 drip per liter.

Big seedlings=EC1.9 Canna A+B 4 mils per liter Canna Rhizo 1 mil per liter Canna Cannazyme 2 mils per liter Superthrive 1 drip per liter

Flowering Room:

All Plants: EC 2.1 Canna A+B 4.5 mils per liter Canna Rhizo 1 mil per liter Canna Cannazyme 2.5 mils per liter Canna Boost 2 mils per liter

Now time for some pics:


