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Gorilla Glue #4

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Active member
Which is more dominant, the burnt rubber or the choc/mocha?
From your description it sounds like the diesel is the main smell with undertones of choc/mocha.

Yes I would say the diesel is Dom in perfume dep. slim jims and sour burnt rubber extremely over power everything in here, almost a gross smell, but very pleasant. The sour mocha fades in and out through whiffs, and seems to be the last fainting smell after a breath.

Starts with strong slim jim smell, followed by sour burnt rubber finishing with sour mocha slim Jim with a hint of a light roast coffee bean. Best I can descript it.


Active member
I was trying to put my finger on that putrid smell, wasn't chemmy or choc. I know the glue mellows more into the choc the longer you go, but this is raw putrid dankness, chemmy and choc mocha undertones. Getting more chemmy and mocha like the further I get closer to harvest. Maybe it was the bennies I added this round?

LOL PF seems like you inadvertently entered into a dick measuring contest over at the other site. "Anyone can take shots of frosty lowers" "Noone is running a sealed room like I am" hahahahahaaha. Exactly what I was talking about before. Dickheads roll deep it seems at that site. Let the kiddies troll there, I'll stick to the farm and here.

Edit:I think I'll make an acct there to witness this awesome shutdown in live time


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
Yes I would say the diesel is Dom in perfume dep. slim jims and sour burnt rubber extremely over power everything in here, almost a gross smell, but very pleasant. The sour mocha fades in and out through whiffs, and seems to be the last fainting smell after a breath.

Starts with strong slim jim smell, followed by sour burnt rubber finishing with sour mocha slim Jim with a hint of a light roast coffee bean. Best I can descript it.

So basically when it gets to my area, it's gonna be called "sour", just like everything else?


Active member
So basically when it gets to my area, it's gonna be called "sour", just like everything else?

I wouldnt say that... It's a very unique smell, it's as if it's stronger smelling than a sour. Sour on a funky steroid.

The added smells really take your senses on a ride.


Active member
Yeah the run without bennies, was much more on point with what everyone is smelling, CHemmy, mocha, choc heavy. This run however heavy on that dank stank.

No the profile is too different to be considered just a "sour" that added funk(proper raw funk) and mocha smells, lends itself to a whole 'notha category imo


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Keep in mind we all don't smell the same.. I don't smell anything like Slim Jims or Burnt Rubber. When I open a jar its a strong choc Diesel aroma.


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
I wouldnt say that... It's a very unique smell, it's as if it's stronger smelling than a sour. Sour on a funky steroid.

The added smells really take your senses on a ride.

I usually get compliments on the way I put flavors into words, but you sir I can understand. I use food to describe what I taste and smell also.

I also noticed that sometimes the smell from an open jar and the smell from a crushed up bud can differ quite a bit.

As well as the taste on the inhale vs exhale.

I just made a thread about a cross that tastes like vanilla wafers, smells like meat and onion, but the crushed up bud smell like a sour strain.
I am asking for help naming it.


Active member
Tis true PF, my nose is all fucked up from years of youthful partying anyways lol, plus I suck at describing anything, other than "that shits stinky"

Backyard Farmer

Active member
its still confusing as fuck how that happened because LW is a super distinct cut that is easily visually identified and looked nothing at all like GG. also i gave GG4 to the homie fisher at the exact same time and his cuts came out legit. must have been a freak accident of some kind…the GG cuts i had at that time were super nice stretchy and lots of node space, waxy green leaves and the LW was short stout and had big indica fan leaves with crinkles in them.

so yea total mindfuck how that even happened. sometimes i have to hire people to do mass transplantings out of the cloner so its possible something got mixed up, but I'm still able to visually discern the two. I'm trying to recall details of that night and what exactly i gave you, were they in small 1/2gal black pots of coco? or rock wool cubes? i had so much shit going on that month with hillside prep and had 100s of plants of like 20+ strains so a mixup was bound to happen and sorry it happened to you.

i vaguely remember you saying you were interested in the purplekushxnevilleshaze so i might have brought a couple of those too as a bonus? shiet man really hard to recall something so long ago. i know for sure you are the only one who had that mixup because nobody else hit me back saying their GG came out like haze!

They were unrooted cuts. I rooted all of them.


Active member
Stronger than sour I would have to disagree with that.. Good grown sour is very strong smelling shit. When I had my outdoor glue drying don't get me wrong it stunk but sour has that smell that willpenetrate walls easily almost roadkilly. I would go to say they are both funky strains but saying glue smells way stronger than sour I wouldn't go that far.


Active member
Stronger than sour I would have to disagree with that.. Good grown sour is very strong smelling shit. When I had my outdoor glue drying don't get me wrong it stunk but sour has that smell that willpenetrate walls easily almost roadkilly. I would go to say they are both funky strains but saying glue smells way stronger than sour I wouldn't go that far.

Please don't take words and rewrite them. "as if" does not mean "way". Words get misconstrued this way. Comparing outdoor glue??

My sour D Is def more smellier than the Glue in the SOUR department. However, the Glue has an added funk to that sour smell giving it an "as if" it's stronger than a sour considering the funky "slim Jim" funk aroma that's blasting through.

Uncomparable when asking what's got more funk. Each are unique in the funk department.


Active member
Agreed, please don't take what I say as a 1 to 1 comparison. I mean funk as in gym sock funk or like meaty funk, sour smell imo is a different beast.


Active member


I wouldnt say that... It's a very unique smell, it's as if it's stronger smelling than a sour. Sour on a funky steroid.

The added smells really take your senses on a ride.

I grow both glue and sour indoors and u say " it's like as if it's a stronger smelling than a sour" that screams stronger smell than sour.. Then u say sour on a funky steroid that also screams smells louder.

So what is it? I can read just fine.

Not gonna really argue with you about it I was just stating my opinion real sour d is funky shit and I wouldn't personally say one is louder than the other they are both loud strains when grown right.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
I grow hella strains n proper ecsd 84days has an intensity , overwhelming powerful odor no other strain glue included can over power... now complexity , gg4 has so many different funks depending on many different factors that makes it very hard to describe correctly n have ppl agree... where as u only need one word for ecsd to describe it .....Sour... its unmistakable in ur face clear..,


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
Stronger than sour I would have to disagree with that.. Good grown sour is very strong smelling shit. When I had my outdoor glue drying don't get me wrong it stunk but sour has that smell that willpenetrate walls easily almost roadkilly. I would go to say they are both funky strains but saying glue smells way stronger than sour I wouldn't go that far.

I was a little thrown off at first, but I realize that good sour properly done is prolly only matched by a uk cheese type of offensiveness.

I knew thou that it would be very unlikely to have a sour cross stink worse than the "dour". Even out here there are so many "not that sours" floating around.

I know the few hours before lights on it comes through the filter a little. I totally get the complexity adding a few layers to the glue.

I can tell you this though when I am sourcing locally it's the nose that will tell you to cop or bop.
All the descriptions have helped me imagine what to be on the lookout for. Thanks to all
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