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Gorilla Glue #4

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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Ok I will do that. I am sorry for name dropping and getting off on the wrong foot I really admire your growing skills as well and wish to be as good as you someday. I know it isn't that big a deal but I feel almost heartbroken to find out my shit is fake. I feel like I let a lot of people down. Mainly me.
no worries...aim higher,i suck at growing,im just better at taking pot pics than most people,its all smoke and mirrors...

and not to diss the glue,but its just another cut,dont get hung up on it,pop some seeds,find your own elite,the searching is half the fun of growing,otherwise its just money farming,and thats boring...


Well-known member
Chemdawggy Dawg if that's who you got it from then your cut is 100% real. Not gonna drop names because I don't know the situation or if it's known or on the hush who that is, but he is verified as having her, plus your pics look just like glue to me.


if anyone in the NorCal region has extra GG4 clones for sale please send me a PM. specifically looking for teenage (1-2ft) plants and will pay generously. i got a bunch of GG cuts from my friend and for some reason they are stunted and barely growing, i dont know why I've had so much bad luck lately with my GG4 clones. got the great run with them last year outdoors and had one great indoor run, then everything just went to shit.

I don't have enough posts to PM yet and I don't know if you can PM me but give it a try. I can help you out but I won't accept $. M.


Active member
sorry man still no angry at myself for letting shit get mixed up..ive had issues mislabeling plants its hard to keep track of all this shit sometimes….but yea the lime warp is a slow grower but nothing as bad as what I'm seeing with some of the GGs I've resourced from friends. just barely any vertical growth the plant likes to stay squat and not stretch at all, nodes pack on right on top of each other. every other strain doesn't show this…i just want some clones like i had back in the day the GG that grows and stretches so fast and had crazy vigor.

After my first run my glue has been like this stacked internode and just wants to grow out instead of up and stay low I figured it was my environment but I'm starting to think I should source a new cut and run them next to each other



This is my 2nd run of GG. 2nd run in coco and my first SCROG and my first run with DE fixtures. I have just been growing trees till now. I little bit of leaf taco as I need to raise the lights another foot These are 40 days from 12/12. Canna a/b, PK13/14,Boost, calmag, 1.2 to 1.8 ec.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
sorry man still no angry at myself for letting shit get mixed up..ive had issues mislabeling plants its hard to keep track of all this shit sometimes….but yea the lime warp is a slow grower but nothing as bad as what I'm seeing with some of the GGs I've resourced from friends. just barely any vertical growth the plant likes to stay squat and not stretch at all, nodes pack on right on top of each other. every other strain doesn't show this…i just want some clones like i had back in the day the GG that grows and stretches so fast and had crazy vigor.

It's cool. I just can't let you live it down, that's all. Really...no problem at all...I just gave you EXACTLY what you wanted...an early high yielding outdoor strain that stinks...and I got....garbage...Nice..!!

Trade baited!!


It's OK We're still friends Prop!


Active member
, i dont know why I've had so much bad luck lately with my GG4 clones. got the great run with them last year outdoors and had one great indoor run, then everything just went to shit.

It's cool. I just can't let you live it down, that's all. Really...no problem at all...I just gave you EXACTLY what you wanted...an early high yielding outdoor strain that stinks...and I got....garbage...Nice..!!

Trade baited!!


It's OK We're still friends Prop!

Might be something to it.


Active member
It's called Karma.

prop gave me a fake GG4 cut on accident and swore up and down that it was the same one he was growing..and now he's getting to grow the GG4 cut he gave me...to see that I wasn't crazy.

Sounds like Prop should have taken my offering awhile back. Free offering at that. Looks like the universe didn't want it to happen.


Active member
its still confusing as fuck how that happened because LW is a super distinct cut that is easily visually identified and looked nothing at all like GG. also i gave GG4 to the homie fisher at the exact same time and his cuts came out legit. must have been a freak accident of some kind…the GG cuts i had at that time were super nice stretchy and lots of node space, waxy green leaves and the LW was short stout and had big indica fan leaves with crinkles in them.

so yea total mindfuck how that even happened. sometimes i have to hire people to do mass transplantings out of the cloner so its possible something got mixed up, but I'm still able to visually discern the two. I'm trying to recall details of that night and what exactly i gave you, were they in small 1/2gal black pots of coco? or rock wool cubes? i had so much shit going on that month with hillside prep and had 100s of plants of like 20+ strains so a mixup was bound to happen and sorry it happened to you.

i vaguely remember you saying you were interested in the purplekushxnevilleshaze so i might have brought a couple of those too as a bonus? shiet man really hard to recall something so long ago. i know for sure you are the only one who had that mixup because nobody else hit me back saying their GG came out like haze!


Active member

I really don't know if I can say slim Jims are real meat or not but, yes, like a giant sour, mocha, diesel, slim Jim. Open a slim Jim and that is what It smells like in the garden with the rest of the fumes she permits. seems to center around the burnt rubber smell if that makes sense.


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
I really don't know if I can say slim Jims are real meat or not but, yes, like a giant sour, mocha, diesel, slim Jim. Open a slim Jim and that is what It smells like in the garden with the rest of the fumes she permits. seems to center around the burnt rubber smell if that makes sense.

That actually really helps me imagine what she could possibly smell like. Which is more dominant, the burnt rubber or the choc/mocha?
From your description it sounds like the diesel is the main smell with undertones of choc/mocha.

Very good description, thanks.


if anyone in the NorCal region has extra GG4 clones for sale please send me a PM. specifically looking for teenage (1-2ft) plants and will pay generously. i got a bunch of GG cuts from my friend and for some reason they are stunted and barely growing, i dont know why I've had so much bad luck lately with my GG4 clones. got the great run with them last year outdoors and had one great indoor run, then everything just went to shit.

Pm me Prop I might be able to help you out

There is enough trees for everyone BLESS!
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