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Gorilla Glue #4

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just trying to spread some good info I'm good I'm not smokeing stuff that makes you mad nothing but smooth burning white ash organics true medicine ✌️✌️No bad salts or metals in my stuff ����������


Just Say Grow
if stony says possibility of 4sd I'd say it's been figured out. let me see if I can dig up any pics of the 4sd cut

no need to get holier than thou organic-Nazi on us ;)

all anyone has repeatedly said is that your cut doesn't look like dubb, and every one of em has first hand experience with the dubb. I personally would be second guessing the validity of my cut if I had the same amount of experienced dubb growers chime in...shit even greyskull the father of the dubb doesn't think it's her. mix-ups happen even from legit sources...and that is imho a much more plausible scenario than your methods completely transforming an otherwise unmistakable cut

like I said though, let me know when she's done I'll verify it ;)




Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Yep im the bad guy for telling him his sdubb is not right. Trying to cloud the reason why we started this convo total bullshit. What he posted is meaningless. I can find everyone of those in any nutrient. When it's time to harvest if he thinks there's Salt and metals left that would be any diff then what he has is ignorant.. Sometimes people amaze me what they post. Say's alot about someone character. No one is being fooled. Stop being a kid and grow up. Even offered to send a real cut to the guy. Got bit with that 1. I tried 2x to put the thread back on topic.

DK the terps are completely diff then the glue. Thats why I said apples an oranges there very diff in growth, Smell, Flavor, Yield.


Stop being a kid your the one calling names your real grown up huh purp. Anyways keep smoking your bud that obviously is making u mad.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
I got bitch slapped for mentioning this once before, the very first line of the very first post, in this thread, by RB-26

"This is the new, ON TOPIC, thread regarding Gorilla Glue #4. This thread is solely for the purpose of discussing the strain itself and sharing her beautiful pictures."


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
How long you gonna keep this up. Believe me your making an ass of yourself. If you cant handle my "bad names lol" you have issues. Yep im so pissed off I cant stand it. It's pretty funny you think your making a diff with your posts. We all can see your being defensive. Everyone here tried to help you then you tried to make it look like me using PBP was a bad thing lol.. Maybe when you grow up you will learn how to behave. Until then I cant help ya. Instead of continue this useless banter I will let the rest of the guys respond to your drivel..


why do u have to make excuses first you talked to pure blend and they said no arsenic and now I show u and a bunch of exuses again just trying to give you some good advise

pappy masonjar

Well-known member
First i wanna say, i have no dog in this fight.
I dont care either way.. who has what.

Koolkush is a good guy. There is no need to call names here Pf.
And KK, who cares how somebody grows their buds.. you dont gotta smoke it.

That said.. i gotta tell you KK. Im 100% sure your cut is not sour dubb.
Your veg pics (and flower) are way off.
not even close to looking like sour dubb.
It doesnt matter if you use gavitas, hps, organics..etc... a cut is never gonna look that different.

I have a bunch of dubbs at different stages and sizes right now.. ill grab some shots tommorrow and maybe youll be able to tell what im taking about better.

And i hope you dont think im trying to be a dick. I would want somebody to tell me if a cut i was running was mislabeled.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If he is he hasn't showed that to me.. I offered to help the guy remember that. I said the same thing you did pages ago. Pics the works. Maybe you being his buddy you will get a better response. ...I talk just like that to my friends. If those names actually hurt someone feelings your to young to be on here. If you guys want to keep this up have at it im done


hey guys, you dont know me but let me give you advise on how to make your buds burn to white ash because thats the best sign of quality and it has nothing to do with end of flower ca:mg ratio, k thxs bye
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