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Gorilla Glue #4

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Registered Med User
Good to see you out Josey! Man thats some bullshit n I'm sorry u had to go through it. Fucked up part about the system, it doesn't judge you by your character. Seems they know legalization is imminent so they are doing what they can while they can, n good people are suffering because of it.
PF good shit, Hopefully mine will be poppin balls right behind yours. if all goes as planned should be a nice size seed harvest, plenty to send in for the JW, i mean fund raiser.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
keep in mind I only sprayed her 3x. I used the same recipe you used. I will do another gg#4 maybe this time I can collect some pollen for later use. I was not able to do that the 1st time.

Fpr those that don't know we used STS to reverse the plants.. Im not so sure info on CS will help. I will read through it though


Dude, that's Joesy you're lecturing about inflated egos, being special and not trying to sound cool. He had to use the old outlaw sign on name for a couple of days because his main account was temporarily locked. I think if there's anyone to look to for advice on how to grow the GG4 best, it would be Joesy. He and Marrdogg created it and put it out there for people like you to have a chance to grow as you see fit. People have given you fair advice. Decline it, use it, no matter to anyone here. But please, show him some respect, whether his advice is what you're looking for or not.

John 8:7

I think there may be some confusion. I'm an Aqua. I don't care about age or clout or any of that bs. The universe is timeless. I reacted to the series of posts I read before the said reaction. It was not a lecture but a reminder. I don't know or care who any of you people are and you shouldn't either. Doesn't matter if you're 6, 60, or 600. People were ganging up on this innocent fellow with negative intentions like a pack of hyenas for asking a few simple questions. I was trying to reassure him/her in my own way that even though we may be in a jungle, things can still be peaceful and beautiful and work out fine. It helps when you're not being eaten for lunch. Is 16 plants perfect? Who cares, good results are sure to be had and tweaks will more than likely be made to improve future crops, as most growers do. Switching nutrient lines can greatly change the structure of any pot plant. How many have grown her in different mediums, with different nutes, in different indoor environments, different water temps, frequency of watering, etc, taken notes, and compared the end result? Did anybody ask these questions before pushing your negative energy on someone else. I see now that in sticking up for the underdog I've exposed myself as an "outsider" or enemy of sorts. I'm ok with that. Viewpoints are far from being truths. We all have a lot to learn from each other, more than just growing. Let's try to get along and accept everyone for who they are. Peace, love, unity.

Mad Lab

hey StudenTeacher,

it was a pleasure to meet you, i wish you well brotha.

if you have any other questions, feel free to ask, i'll answer.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
All I see is hostility in your posts if you where trying to help someone I did no get that out of what you posted. Age matters grasshopper where do you think that Knowledge rolling around in that head of yours came from?? We teach the young what we know so its not lost. All of us have done everything you asked there many times.. I have no clue where your coming from really. If you wish to continue your rant have at it. Anyway obviously you live by a diff mentality then those I know and grew up with. Sorry I don't know what a Agua is you have gills or something lol..

Mad Lab

Dude, that's Joesy you're lecturing about inflated egos, being special and not trying to sound cool. He had to use the old outlaw sign on name for a couple of days because his main account was temporarily locked. I think if there's anyone to look to for advice on how to grow the GG4 best, it would be Joesy. He and Marrdogg created it and put it out there for people like you to have a chance to grow as you see fit. People have given you fair advice. Decline it, use it, no matter to anyone here. But please, show him some respect, whether his advice is what you're looking for or not.

John 8:7


you quoted John 8:7, referring to passing judgement? Are you a Christian?


passing the gas
I found deez nuts on my glue with no silver. my flower room has been getting as low as 38 during lights off in the past cycle
and this plant wanted to pop some S1's for the Joesy defense fund.

best wishes getting out from under this bad luck JW.



ICMag Donor

It's not that any plant can't be grown any way...it's about taking a plant for what it IS - and applying the tools of the trade - regardless if that is environment, nutrients, grow style, etc - to be utilized in the most efficient manner with the best outcome in regards to quality...

It's not that GG#4 CAN NOT be grown different ways - it's a matter of whether or not it is the best allocation of the resources one has at their disposal...

You have nearly 800 pages...(in this, the second thread) that detail and go into depth on HOW to maximize the potential of this great plant...

At some point in time - you simply stop trying to reinvent the wheel...and you just bolt it on.

StudenTeacher - no one has labeled you as an enemy as you say - being told you're point of view isn't accurate doesn't make you the enemy - it just makes you incorrect. If Zar didn't care whether or not 16 plants (or whatever) was the best approach - then why did he bother to come here and ask? He was obviously looking for some input on how he could maximize the time and resources he was planning to invest into the plant. What good is it to him, if we just sit here and stroke his wang and tell him YEAH...GO FOR IT...LET US KNOW HOW IT WORKS...YEEE HAWWW. Why let him waste the time? Why let him be inefficient in his resources? Is it not the more polite and proper thing to tell him what has been collectively learned and share with him that knowledge base so he can formulate a better game plan before he ever flips the switch on flower???

Maybe I'm missing something here...???

No one in this thread has been attacked. Have opinions been expressed...yep. Are those opinions founded upon solid experience...you bet! So what harm has been done? Who has been wronged?

I'm at a loss - screw it - grow it however you want. Take 10 runs and two years to figure it out - and then come back and tell us how you can't get more than 1# per light and how it's nothing but hype and how we are all just a bunch of fan boys. Wouldn't be the first time...and it won't be the last.

If all you want is to log in for affirmation and be told you are right...then go join RIU.



yah what is an aqua

its annoying when people say things like that without explaining them.

My apologies. Meant Aquarius. I won't go into detail since its not an astrology site :) People sometimes perceive hostility because we tend to go against the grain. This is only due to having different points of view than the mainsteam. Some people feel that by being offered a different point of view it is an attack on their own. I don't feel this way, a true Aquarius will always share what they can. We tend to challenge egos and power structures. People are usually trying to keep us in check. Most people act according to their nature and if my vibe is negative, I'll find another way to get my points across, because my intentions are not. It's clear that after my coment to the outlaw that there is a hierarchy on this site.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
My apologies. Meant Aquarius. I won't go into detail since its not an astrology site :) People sometimes perceive hostility because we tend to go against the grain. This is only due to having different points of view than the mainsteam. Some people feel that by being offered a different point of view it is an attack on their own. I don't feel this way, a true Aquarius will always share what they can. We tend to challenge egos and power structures. People are usually trying to keep us in check. Most people act according to their nature and if my vibe is negative, I'll find another way to get my points across, because my intentions are not. It's clear that after my coment to the outlaw that there is a hierarchy on this site.

I never post on this thread, because of the self important, that will not listen to anything, and others suggest reading posts that would take 5 weeks to read (not DF, but others in past), most of which have nothing to do with the subject. I know I will get blasted, by them, but I do not care, since their opinions do not matter. I am in no way referring to MD or JW, the other greats, and many others.

The important points are it stretches like hell, and should be scrogged.

I wish the discussion would go back to helping JW!!!

In the mind of an expert, there are no possibilities. In the mind of a novice, the possibilities are endless. Be a novice!!! - Bruce Lee.

Not necessarily for this post, but life in general.
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Z I know stoney ran like 16 per bulb and lolly popped them and had a 3 lb yield, he had two plants in 1 3 gl pot, they ended up like 6ft tall. a real pain in the ess to water and control . , with gg4 its crazy to run so many, you can get the same numbers with 1/4 the plants and a scrogg screen

This is not a reply to JW but to Dank Frank. I think this confirms what I'm getting at. We all have different ways of skinning cats, and we all prefer to wear different hats. 3 weeks of veg time is out of the question for some. Its nice to know good results can be achieved otherwise. Some people need positive affirmation and while I won't speak for Z, it was my feeling that is what He/she was after. This can be helpful to people. If someone is set in their way, and is apparently wrong to some, why cause them added stress? These peeps more than most need positive vibes.

We should all grow her our own way without putting others down. Good yields are to be had because she is a good plant:) Everyone seems to love her so. Thanks for getting her out there JW:)
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Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Why not start a separate thread, of GG4 experiments, documenting techniques, and results, based on 1k bulb. One problem would be comparing quality. Larfy or low potency.
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Active member
I think Sunset Limited and REZ should start a seed company together. They seem to share similar traits. It could be a huge success.


Well-known member
My apologies. Meant Aquarius. I won't go into detail since its not an astrology site :) People sometimes perceive hostility because we tend to go against the grain. This is only due to having different points of view than the mainsteam. Some people feel that by being offered a different point of view it is an attack on their own. I don't feel this way, a true Aquarius will always share what they can. We tend to challenge egos and power structures. People are usually trying to keep us in check. Most people act according to their nature and if my vibe is negative, I'll find another way to get my points across, because my intentions are not. It's clear that after my coment to the outlaw that there is a hierarchy on this site.


Couldn't help myself lol...
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