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Gorilla Glue #4

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Active member
You're out of your mind if you think JW has any fault on him for someone else rolling on him. Fuck that. Cops raid then ask questions like that concerning paperwork.

WOW this got out of hand real quick. paperwork will not help ya if your doing something your not suppose to.. would really hate to see this thread get locked. Should probably make a new thread for this like suggested.

What's paperwork? Just a quasi legal, hopefully keep your ass out of jail pieces of paper? Paperwork dont mean anything to the police...

the paperwork was more of a question than a statement. i've walked away from many situations with LEO because of paperwork. we all make a choice and know the risks associated with this industry. i have nothing but support for Joesy.

Mad Lab

we all make a choice and know the risks associated with this industry. i have nothing but support for Joesy.


I was once taught something called total accountability for my life.

If I walk outside of my house and a bird poops on my head. I'm accountable. It's my fault.

I choose to walk out of my house at that moment. Blaming the bird for shitting on my head is impractical.

If Sunset talking is one of the things that led to this situation, he will reap what he deserves soon enough.

If Josey is as great of a person as we all believe, he will also get what he deserves.

Mad Lab

5 x 5 double ended are killing it, looking forward to switching all lights to double ended.

Nice bro.

Yeah I have a hard working with people with regular HPS these days. I just know how much money is being lost.

What are you averaging on each 5x5 area?

I am pulling 3.1 average from 5x5. But am testing the gg4 for the first time with a 6x6. I feel my gavitas always wanna go higher and can definately take care of the 6x6 if I train the canopy to do so. (which we all know is too easy with the ever stretching gg4).

My goal is 4.


Active member
only did one true run with 7 e paps and got 21, but where I'm mixing in hps i'm getting about 2.6 average....i trellis and weave also.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I use 2 Gavita's and 1 EPAP..Both Gavita's are remote Ballast..Will need to replace the bulb's mid year in 2 units. That will be 2 years...





the paperwork was more of a question than a statement. i've walked away from many situations with LEO because of paperwork. we all make a choice and know the risks associated with this industry. i have nothing but support for Joesy.
your right bobble, I am accountable for ever trusting sunset, no one to blame but myself.


Active member
first things first gotta talk to and find a good lawyer who will take your case but not bend you over in the process…at least you are a medcard holder in the past so maybe that will help somewhat. i know in CA some people have had the 215 applied retroactively in their cases, but some others have not. then get back to us on the forum with how much the lawyer requires and we can set up the fund and get you covered ASAP. the lawyer would be able to give you the best available advice and expectations of what can happen. at least you aren't in a super backwards state without a med program of any sorts. they are the only ones who can give you a straight answer since most of us aren't from your state and dont know what has happened to other grow martyrs before you.

sounds like sunset made a critical mistake and error with a pretty simple fucking thing to do, which is leading to all this madness. which we should all learn from, and remember to try and cover every possible base when dealing with colleagues. NO PERSONAL INFORMATION should ever be at the site of a grow operation or anything leading to anyone other than yourself. BURN THAT SHIT!

he managed to wiggle himself out of a few controversies here, and even if he didn't directly snitch and do testimony on JW he's going to have a very hard time making amends for this critical fuck up. if he's doing so big now off all the glue success he should be the first one to offer to cover lawyers for jW. but we can also do that as well since you got an army here JW, so lets put the pitchforks away and figure out this lawyer situation!! its more important than all focusing on negative energy.


Active member
but we can also do that as well since you got an army here JW, so lets put the pitchforks away and figure out this lawyer situation!! its more important than all focusing on negative energy.

Private EC checking in. Joesy represents the very essence of why I enjoy it here
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Active member
Well gee, it sure seems to me that lessons are to be learned here... hard ones.

When we founded this site we banned trading because of situations like this. It has happened on every grow site since Overgrow...so, instead of saying stuff like someone should have manned up and did his time for the deed, perhaps you might be wondering about the safety and security of trading cuts to people you meet online in a social forum...

Sorry for the rant...I am simply concerned about everyone's safety.

there is no stopping online trading.. that's the real problem.. is it will never go away.. wether the TOU says so or not..

but people trying to help others who just got raided.. isn't the smartest thing in the world..

not to mention.. when sunset got busted.. he prolly thought.. u know GG4.. the strain that's everywere and huge winning cups.. ill give you the creator!..

now... we all just lost out on the rest of the CLONES that JW would of passed freely. or the seeds he woulda made we coulda bought..!!!

sucks.. but in reality.. security should be your biggest concern.. not friendships with people who u "ONLY KNOW ONLINE"


The way things r going.... jw should be offered a government job growing the finest gg4 for the gov.... haha... sometimes shit goes golden...


Active member
just wanted to say keep ur head up, U'll get thru this... And I'm sorry that this happened to u.
Life is a mofo.
I hope there is a way being set up so we can help pay the really excellent lawyer ur gonna get... I don't really much care if it's anonymous or not.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Sunset deserves to be Broken Off in a bad way....

That loser made so many personal threats to me and spoke out of his ass like he's got G'z on his Team.... Showing off his bunk Rolex and trying to act all cool... Stupid Punk

Loose Lips Sink Ships... Never forget that... Guys in the weed biz that act like wanna be Gangsters should be avoided at all cost...

Sunset your a Mark ass Trick and I hope karma puts a Ryu/Ken All You Can Uppercut on your life

Keep your Head up JW... We've all been through the gutter and brushed ourselves off
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