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Gorilla Glue #4

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Active member
EasternOG here.
Sort of a stranger to this thread but recently acquired a few cuts of GG4 that I'm extremely grateful for! Further research of the strain and it's origins gave me an intro on JW! It's selfless peeps like him who we need in this community! With that being my heart and vibes are sent to any and every person out there who have gotten stung by a so called friend it's tough to go through but pertinent for the story of greatness!! On the road to success those in for themselves tend to weed themselves out early and although it's a tough hit there is light at the end of the tunnel and calm at the end of the storm! Prayers for JW and anyone else facing such betrayal! I will be following this thread to contribute to whatever is agreed upon.


$$ ALONE $$
Damn rats!
Ive been away for awhile and just basically got back in the threads to read this.
Im soooo sorry JW!
Ill donate beans to help. Got a fresh batch of Chemical Blue just dying to be grown out.
Keep your head up and know that we are strong together, every time we stand together, here on IC.
We are here to help anyway we can.


Active member

I know we all want to help people who get busted.. but choose who you help when they get busted..

this might have just been the post that screwed josey.. sucks man.. anything I can do to help count me in.. but... I will take as many precautions as possible..

isn't it weird.. that sunset.. around 12/27 is bitching about seed bay losing his seeds or some BS.. u mean.. u sent seeds and they got picked up by the leo.. and then u needed to snitch because u were already fucked from the last search warrant....

Snitches Seed Collective.... I bet they will do GREAT HAHA.. There moto could be.. each pack of seeds is tracked by law enforcement.


Active member
Well all I have to say is people get a new hobby if you aren't ready to take the charges.

Anyways if I were to make seeds to send in for a J.W fund please give me some feedback as to what crosses some would want because I am almost done harvesting and getting the next round ready to go in.

Here is my list of clones that I could make fem seeds with.

Cherry pie
Cory stardawg
Illuminati stardawg
Orgnkid banana og
Ghost og
KK strawberry cough
Gorilla glue#4
The white
Lemon skunk
Fire cookies#12 aka cherry cookies
Forum cut gsc
"Thin mint gsc" which I think is actually the same cut as silver mullets platinum cookies
Gorilla glue#4
Chem D
lime cookies hybrid (my selected cut that carrys more mint and kush than the forum cut)

And I'll have the sour dub this week as well so any suggestions I am all ears.

Purple frostbyte how did your reversal go with the STS? Did the plant actually reverse with 1 spraying? I am gonna use STS this round for a better reversal.


This is seriously not cool, sending good vibes to jw. I havent posted here in a while but i had to login and offer at least the good energy.

Gofundme is a good site that allows charity fundraising, if a page is set up there i will post it on instagram and other sites to spread the word to help get the legal fund going.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Well gee, it sure seems to me that lessons are to be learned here... hard ones.

When we founded this site we banned trading because of situations like this. It has happened on every grow site since Overgrow...so, instead of saying stuff like someone should have manned up and did his time for the deed, perhaps you might be wondering about the safety and security of trading cuts to people you meet online in a social forum...

Sorry for the rant...I am simply concerned about everyone's safety.
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I think beyond what you said, people also need to consider, its not just cannabis charges this gentleman and snitch are facing. Using communication devices to facilitate, conspiracy, interstate trafficking, using the post to send or receive illegal goods etc. All of which are felonies and all of which can be turned into a fed case. You do a min of 85% of your time for the feds, if you get 10 you are absolutely doing 8.5+ before your considered for release.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
to everyone sending good vibes jw's way,he really appreciates all the well wishes from everyone,sounds like its just state level trouble,still bad enough but could be worse...and also sounds like it wasnt a snitch situation either so put the axes and torches away...


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Thanks for posting that Unc, axes and pitchforks are very messy and should be handled with caution.

All I really know is that Joesy Whales has been a kind gentleman in every respect of the word here at ICMag, and I hope he is ok.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Is sunset out on bail? In jail ?

Why wouldn't he come in here to address the situation? If I was innocent I would be quick to voice my side of the story if my personal and business' reputation was on the line.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
sunset IS a snitch whether he snitched on josey or not. keep the axes, pitchforks and the torches handy

At the skunk pharm dude tried to video the entire class and all the people there til someone I won't mention told him that he'd get his phone smashed if he didn't put it away


Well-known member

I think beyond what you said, people also need to consider, its not just cannabis charges this gentleman and snitch are facing. Using communication devices to facilitate, conspiracy, interstate trafficking, using the post to send or receive illegal goods etc. All of which are felonies and all of which can be turned into a fed case. You do a min of 85% of your time for the feds, if you get 10 you are absolutely doing 8.5+ before your considered for release.

It's too easy for them to use the RICO statutes. The way they are used borders on being unconstitutional, imo. Almost any interaction between two or more people regarding an illegal Schedule 1 product like Cannabis could be engineered into a RICO case by zealous LEO and prosecutors. Ones involving money, contracts, interstate communication and transactions definitely leave one open to that kind of a charge.

It's changing slowly with gradual decriminalization and legalization but there's still plenty of people willing to use these kind of charges as stepping stones in their LEO and prosecutorial careers. They almost can't lose a RICO case.
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Just Say Grow
Thanks for posting that Unc, axes and pitchforks are very messy and should be handled with caution.

All I really know is that Joesy Whales has been a kind gentleman in every respect of the word here at ICMag, and I hope he is ok.

sunset (avant gardener) posted all of shandiego's personal info on the san diegos finest thread a few years back after he bought some cuts that went dudd off of craigslist...the dude is a rat regardless.

why would you guys even let a guy like sunset get a vendor account here after that? I'd seriously like to know. how does a known RAT get a pass?

BYF has also supported this, in an entirely different instance.

At the skunk pharm dude tried to video the entire class and all the people there til someone I won't mention told him that he'd get his phone smashed if he didn't put it away

I have nothing but love and respect for JW, not saying that unc is relaying anything other than the truth in this instance( I haven't talked to josey personally since this news but I know marr and jw are close, and I believe what marr says about the situation)...but sunset is a rat and folks need to be made well aware of that.


Thanks for posting that Unc, axes and pitchforks are very messy and should be handled with caution.

All I really know is that Joesy Whales has been a kind gentleman in every respect of the word here at ICMag, and I hope he is ok.
Trailer load of pigs will clean that mess right up sir. ;)


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
You can't just lynch someone yet guys
Even if their past dictates some less than honorable shit (ex: hanging Shan out to dry was kinda low class)

Take a breath
Step away from the firearms
Grab a cup of hot coco
Think completely and clearly

What do we know?
Joesy is in a bad spot.
Sunsets name has come from Joesy.
Not to much else.
Not enough for a justified lynching yet...

We don't know if sunset snitched. As in, from his mouth, "that guy".

What we do know is that somehow sunset is tied in.
Maybe he's pointing fingers
Maybe he's not said shit
Maybe when he got busted his phone got searched
Maybe his cpu was open and his ICmag pms were reviewed and he never deleted the really really important ones that need to be deleted after reading (uh oh)
Maybe there's some other loose end causing Joesy to be have become implicated

We don't know what happened

We cannot react with finality unless the facts are known
What we can do is help Joesy the best we can and stay as positive as we can for him

Until Joesy says different.

Stay safe everybody
Be smart
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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
lets wait until jw has a chance to chime in here before the tar and feathers come out is all im saying,not my place to tell this story since my only concern is helping out jw,not who may or may not be to blame.


Active member
D9 once told me that back in the day a gentleman was considered someone who makes those around him feel comfortable. Joesy is a true gentleman, and I don't think he would incite a lynch mob. If he had renewed his license would he be in hot water? There has to be some personal accountability. Best of luck JW!
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