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Gorilla Glue #4

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Well-known member
Locktite looks pretty legit

Didn't see anything resembling gg4 in the gg4 x monster cookie plants ive seen people posting online imo.


Active member
week 7 second run with her






Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
No not from mine.. I have herd other say that. I have no clue where they got the gg#4 from. sour,chem,choc is what I smell and taste....


Active member
Would some of you who have grown or smoked GG4 from a reliable source say that the taste and smell can be very piney.

no pine taste in the 4, now gg1 has a very pine smell and it does have a faint pine taste. I have been reading reviews from people that say pine but I have no idea were there getting that from, when you google gg4 its amazing how much bullshit there spreading,


Active member
no pine taste in the 4, now gg1 has a very pine smell and it does have a faint pine taste. I have been reading reviews from people that say pine but I have no idea were there getting that from, when you google gg4 its amazing how much bullshit there spreading,

I'm not surprised. The clone I got was from Medicinal Organic Nursery. From their site it reads.. "This pheno cut was gifted to the SSC from Joesy Whales the strain breeder as followed online at International Cannagraphic".

The smell of the buds is more chemy, spicey fuel type odor, but the exhale is very piney. Very christmas tree.


Active member
I'm not surprised. The clone I got was from Medicinal Organic Nursery. From their site it reads.. "This pheno cut was gifted to the SSC from Joesy Whales the strain breeder as followed online at International Cannagraphic".

The smell of the buds is more chemy, spicey fuel type odor, but the exhale is very piney. Very christmas tree.
I don't know them unless they go by another name here on ic, and I deffinitly haven't given her to any dispenserys


Well-known member
no pine taste in the 4, now gg1 has a very pine smell and it does have a faint pine taste. I have been reading reviews from people that say pine but I have no idea were there getting that from, when you google gg4 its amazing how much bullshit there spreading,

From a consumer/reviewer point of view, they seem to report a range of taste. From pine to diesel/rubber to sage/peppermint/cilantro to earthy to sweet.

My gg4 was more diesel rubber if I had to go by one of those^^

Finally gettin a taste of gorilla glue

A pack of gorilla glue crossed with karmas sour jack is on its way.

Kash didn't know you was over here too. I don't get on much over here except for info purposes but I feel you bro. I got in on the promo too so I have her with SourJack and the Monster Cookies. Hoping I get her in the new round of testers. But man I wish I could get this girl where I'm at. Nobody has even heard of her lol


ICMag Donor
It's likely people are throwing the name GG4 on other shit that wont sell.
There is absolutely nothing piney, pepperminty or sweet about GG4 imo.
GG4 is incredibly loud rank shit. I get mostly diesel and sour tones with hints of burnt coffee and chocolate.
I agree with marlo ^^^ earthy slightly chemmy diesel rubber, thick smoke.. very good strain but i think it needs a little something else in the smell and taste department. bag appeal is 9.5/10


i get the pine kinda funk from the early pulled. I had to harvest some on october 1st outdoor and i guess i could see where they could get the pine but its def way more sweeet the longer you let it go. like i said the 5 gallon one i let run into the middle of November is suppper sweet and smells nothing like the october 1st harvest.

i dont think its quite pine though.. when i think of pine i think of trainwreck smells like somone stuck them up your nose haha. it has more of the blander pine sap maybe? i dunno she has a very unique terp profile and once you smell her you will always know the glue.. you cant pass anything off as her because nothing has quite that funk

Who was the dude that we had on here that had like super human smell haha? we need to get him on a description for the strain
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