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Gorilla Glue #4

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there is so many pheno's from a 10 pack of elmers, something for everyone and everyone seems top shelf.

tell us about the future

Good to know, like I said I'd love to try it, especially if there are higher yielding phenos. My rooms demand high yielding strains so I am somewhat limited in what I can run.

The Future is the #4 x Starfighter F2 by Exotic. I haven't heard anything from reliable sources but it sounds interesting - https://exoticgenetix.com/portfolio/future/


Active member
that does sound exciting, I hear you growing plants that produce, its hard to take chances on seed runs, I have so many beans of gg4 crosses that I want to pop, just not enough room and have to make sure the numbers are there to pay the bills.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
look mister high roller with a huge assed pole barn. lol nothing I would like better but I would have to put it in a bedroom and the ole lady aint having it.

Meanwhile my old lady is pushing to build a new barn. I'd rather wait till we had cash but she wants to use credit to get it done.


ICMag Donor

Happy New Year, Glue Crew.

2014 - was without question the year of the Glue. Congrats on a wild and exciting ride, JW. Been a blast to witness.

Here's to the next 365 :joint:



Just Say Grow
my 5 year plan was banking on 2012 being the myan apocalypse...I've kinda just been piecing it all together since then...here's to another year on the grind! may 2015 be fruitful to all those that put in work.

Red Fang

Active member
OK feeling more than a little left out here as I still don't have it and don't think I'm THAT bad, and thought I was about to get it and then who the hell knows, but I am happy for those who are enjoying it, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
my 5 year plan was banking on 2012 being the myan apocalypse...I've kinda just been piecing it all together since then...here's to another year on the grind! may 2015 be fruitful to all those that put in work.

Haha, New Years eve 1999/2000 I went to New Orleans and being 29 at the time kind of figured that would be my end...

I've been dealing with that miscalculation ever since.


Active member
Awe shit Red Fang... Don't be down about it son... I know if u follow these GG threads you've def seen how much I'm in love with the standout bitch (GG#4) from Joesy's accidental "manaja-twa"... AND STILL, I don't have her... I know I know, it seems like everyone is hoarding her, but really she's being whore'd out, that's the way her daddy (Joesy) wanted it... Thanks JW ya sick sob :biggrin... I'm sure with the coming of 2015, we'll both get her Red Fang... Cheer the hell up brother... Here's to it :friends: :smoke out: ... Happy New Year Glueheads... :tiphat: -F.S


Active member
Yeah, I agree with that 100% J.O... Sum of us aren't as fortunate as others though, and I gd sure ain't gonna suck, kiss ass, or beg for the cut like I see some ppl around here did/do'n... It's just not the hip thing for an old skool cat like myself to do, ya dig... I try to network a lil but I'm not the most computer savvy feller, that's for sure... Also, Some of us have real jobs and don't have time to baby sit the closet, not that I wouldn't love to baby set my 12 x 12 tho :biggrin: ... She'll get here when she gets here... I've been offered her by a couple ppl and WILL HAVE HER hopefully no later then early spring... I'm trying to hold off till the od season rolls around again, which is getting close... But like I said before, if I don't, she dam sure wont hold up the show here... I'm honestly not try'n to come off as a prick here brother... It's just my southern term, I guess lol... Anyway, have a good one and take it easy... :tiphat: -F.S


Active member
belated happy new year all you guys and gals, and unc to, haven't figured out the gender yet. seriously though I hope this is a good year. seems the the glue has really spread 10 fold this year, there has been some great pic's posted and I am glad all seem happy to have her,


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Thank god you where generous with a strain that could have been horded. I wish everyone would be so kind. Lot's more people would get to experience great genetics...


Thought I was going to get my gorilla by now but the most promising lead I had didn't pan out. Yet.

How's the Glue doing in crosses? I have a pack of that greenpoint gg x mc going they're about 6 inches now and a couple other freebie packs I haven't popped yet from strayfox: gg x fantasy island, gg x bshd (not sure what bshd stands for).

Really nice pics and a good vibe in here. Been drooling over this thread for a long time now.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
if you cant get the clone your best bet is to try and get s1 seeds. I know these are around. Check with relentless seeds.
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