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GAVITA Pro 1000 DE


New member
I just moved here to norcal and my buddy has his 4 light 1000watt gativa setup.....Im coming from a 2 light 600 watt hps setup......definately stoked to see how my genetics fair under these babies.....


Active member
Are they the type of growers that get 2+ every time with the old school hps? I suspect not.

One of them is. After Third Coast's post I may give the Gavita a test run to see what happens. Still hard to believe that even 2 pounds is possible with a 600 Watt.


2 lbs is 906 gram, that would be 1.5 gram per watt. That's extreme, and surely that would be done by a great grower with a high yielding strain in scrog and maybe he wasn't that precise in drying and giving it a very clean cut ;).

The more lamps and the better the spread of the light at the right distances, the better the yield (and gr/W). The fewer the walls, the better the light.

The most common error is placing the lamps too close to the crop. always keep 3 ft distance at 1000W, at 2.5 ft you are already starting to oversaturate your plants, as you are getting in the crossing light paths of the reflector. Closer to the light you get above 2000 umol m-2 s-1.

Second common error: not using enough space! I made calculations for customers who had to exchange 8 1000W air cooled fixtures. Based on the calculations (and measurements in the room before and afterwards!) they could do with just 6 Pro 1000 fixtures. Exchanging all 8 for Pro 1000 would almost over saturate the crop at about 1350 - 1400 umol m-2 s-1.


I just set up a 14x21x10 room. 5 tables and 10 gavitas. Got a 5 ton ac and it barely keeps up. Do these put out more heat then the standard 4kbtu of a 1k? Ive only tried it at 1150 setting.. does anyone use the 1150 setting and do u think it would change the heat output if turned to 1000?

Do u think this is to much lighting for the room? Ive heard of 4x6 footprints for the gavitas.. its just weird to me a 5ton cant cool 10lights. Ive got another room with 10 hortiluxs un aircooled and a 5ton and everything is great.


Well-known member
I just set up a 14x21x10 room. 5 tables and 10 gavitas. Got a 5 ton ac and it barely keeps up. Do these put out more heat then the standard 4kbtu of a 1k? Ive only tried it at 1150 setting.. does anyone use the 1150 setting and do u think it would change the heat output if turned to 1000?

Do u think this is to much lighting for the room? Ive heard of 4x6 footprints for the gavitas.. its just weird to me a 5ton cant cool 10lights. Ive got another room with 10 hortiluxs un aircooled and a 5ton and everything is great.

make sure your filters are clean an all coils, with use dust can really block air flow over the coils, veryyyyyyy important fact often over looked. also check to see if your lineset is freezing before the evaporator coil, if so your a/c could be low on coolant. b-safe


4000 btu is at 1000W. If you boost to 1150 you need 600 BTU more per fixture of course (+15%).

14x21 = 4,3 x 6.4= 27 m2. To light your complete room with 1000 umol you would need about 14 fixtures @1000W. I suppose you attempt to light your tables only? At 1150W you can light your room with average 800 umol m-2 s-1, which is sufficient, but you can go 200 umol higher. Remember: this is when you light the complete room evenly. At those levels you should be able to get about 9-10 kg form your room easily if most space is utilized. It is often much easier to grow at lower levels and a big area than high levels on a small area.

Remember with ten fixtures @ 1150 you need 6000 BTU in total more!

5 tons would be about 60,000 BTU according to my calculator. That should be ample cooling power for 10 fixtures (if there are real tons/BTU's, not chinese tons ;)) and if you have no other heat sources in the room (CO2 burner?).

Of course this is for a moderate climate, things are a bit different in a hot environment.
Hey Whazzup, what's the deal with Gavita's customer service? Been trying to contact both Kavita in Canada, and Gavita Netherlands. Regarding a large potential order(800-1000 units). After 4 emails no response. Was looking forward to using Gavita, but now leaning towards E-pap. Their customer service has been second to none.

Cheers GG.


Hey Whazzup, what's the deal with Gavita's customer service? Been trying to contact both Kavita in Canada, and Gavita Netherlands. Regarding a large potential order(800-1000 units). After 4 emails no response. Was looking forward to using Gavita, but now leaning towards E-pap. Their customer service has been second to none.

Cheers GG.
Sorry to hear that. Please contact us at gavita-holland.com at our support system. You always have a response within average a day.

I assure you our customer service is responsive and of high quality.


The graph somewhere in this thread, or the other Gavita thread shows both settings are the highest efficiency with 2.07 umol/watt

That's right, thanks for the reminder BCNeil, I do have that graph saved and am aware of the published specs for the Philips DE bulb as well as those other branded lamps.
For some reason I thought this bulb had a max output of 2000-2100 micromole

So, technically @1150w setting this bulb outputs 2,380.5 micromole.
Is this a fact and fair to assume?


Active member
That's right, thanks for the reminder BCNeil, I do have that graph saved and am aware of the published specs for the Philips DE bulb as well as those other branded lamps.
For some reason I thought this bulb had a max output of 2000-2100 micromole

So, technically @1150w setting this bulb outputs 2,380.5 micromole.
Is this a fact and fair to assume?

Yeah I believe that is so


The only thing I can think of is they were getting pissed at their plants burning up because they didn't have the proper head room.

I was kinda of pissed after I burnt up a few crops(was documented on here, ask anyone in the "nights or the round table" thread, they all seen it).

Once I gave in to the fact that with my headroom and my style(big plants) I couldn't run them at 1150 I started to witness amazing things. Namely 2+ harvests with 600 watts.

Third Coast...would you please explain the situation when you had plants burning up? plant heights, distance from light to plants, total ceiiling height and wattage used?

I am trying to decide between using the Pro 600w and the Pro 1000DE. I have 9 foot (2.7 m) ceilings which could be a bit low for 1000w lights? The lighted area will be 8'x16', 128 sq. ft. (2.5m x 3.5m, 11.9 sq. m). with an additional 1 foot (30cm) path around the perimeter. Plant height at 5' (1.5m). Sealed, Orca film, CO2

Anyone else have similar issues? Which lights did you buy and what has your experience been?

Whazzup, what are you recommendations for this size room and ceiling height? 12-600w (908 umol/m2) or 8-1000w (1210 umol/m2)? I will add 41.01 LEP's in the future.

If off topic, please move my question. Thanks

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
I went with 5 1000 DE's with 8'2" ceilings. I don't use mine on 1150 but I don't care cause I'm getting 2+ with them on 600-1000.

I dial them up over the first few weeks of flower.

I now think some of my early problems in this room had to do with off gassing of
VOC's and not all the lights fault.

I'm having better luck these days.

Anyway, I would recommend the 1000DE to anyone wanting to step up their game.(Same 4 plants that's in the 2nd pic in post 256).

This is under a 600 and coming down tonight. It will be 2+ for sure.



New member
Hi Guys!

WOW it has been a long read through all 19 pages and as a newbie I've learned a lot and some stuff is still over my head. My first run ever was with top feed Hydro and I failed. My set up was off. Now going soil for run #2 and am also looking at my light placement as a source for fine tuning. I bought 10 Gavita Pro 1000 and have 5 in each row in my room that is 14' wide and 21.5' long. I have the lights set up in a Heel to Toe type line and after reading this post I am thinking maybe I should turn the 90 degrees so the are side to side in the row so the overlap will be more efficient. Planing on doing 30 - 40 plants

Whazzup, what an absolute pleasure to have a Gavita person helping customers out like this. I went out on a limb earlier this year when I bought these lights as they were highly talked about but I didn't know anybody that used them so I couldn't know for sure if it was the right move buying these or not. From all these posts I am more pumped up than ever to have my first successful run. I really do feel like I do need to fine tune my light placement though.

As I am learning it is also hard to take what my fellow growers tell me and apply it to my room. My one buddy uses 1000W lights in huge bat wing reflectors and has them right above the plants at 18inches. If I understand correctly here, us Gavita Pro 1000 guys should always have a 3 foot gap between the lights and the plants? I totally understand Whazzups overlapping lights and even spread advice. Anybody have any pics of their Gavita Pro 1000 set up in a similar size room?



Any tips at all would be greatly appreciated. This whole thing has been a ton of work and the failure of my first crop was very humiliating. Thanks for your time

Tupelo Honey

New member
Hey Whazzup and new friends:

I'm new to the scene and head over heels in love! I've averaged about 8 hours a day of reading over the past 30 plus days. It is clear "the more you know, the more you don't know." However, I think I'm ready for my first post... so here it goes.

I have a .6096m x 1.2192m x 2.413m grow tent (24"x48"x95"). I know this is on the smaller side but it is the best I can do with the space I have. For future setups I will design the room around the lights as recommended.

Ideally I would like to run a Gavita Pro at night exchanging the air twice per minute using insulated ducting paired with controllable/powerful fans and no air condition unit. Further, I would prefer to get the 1000w as I'm sure I'll expand in roughly 6 to 8 months. I would run this at 600w to control heat.

As you stated dimming a system decreases efficiency. How much of a decrease in efficiency would there be? Would you recommend just going with the 600w pro for my setup or something even lower in watts (*tear I want a Gavita)? Finally, if the Gavita 1000w is dimmed to 600w would you recommended I keep the height at 60cm as you suggested with the single 600w pro?

Thanks for your help guys
I wouldn't even think of using a pro 1000 in a 2x4 tent. you might get away with a 600 but you'll need a good fan for sure. do you have a 240v outlet available for the ballast?

Tupelo Honey

New member
@ oscarthegrouch

I absolutely agree a 1000w is way to much for such a compact place. As stated, it would be running at 600w and only turned up if I expanded. I will be using a Titan control Orion 1 120v to 240v converter. If I expanded I would of course hire an electrician to install 240v outlets to my breaker.

My theory is: Lights/electronics not running at 100% capacity seem to produce much less heat while maintaining good output. So by turning down a 1000w to 600w (60% of capacity) you would create less heat then a a 600w running at full capacity.

As was mentioned in other post, dimming decreases efficiency by not allowing the bulb to reach optimum levels. The results seem to be a slight deficiency in light spectrum output. Provided my energy/heat theory holds true would dimming a setup to 600w be worth it or would I be better off running a 600w fixture and dealing with the extra heat?

Side note: 400w seems to be the average wattage for a HID in a 2x4. 600w being the max and most likely using a/c lighting hoods. I just love the Gavita lights, want to maximize yield for the small space, and have the wattage to expand latter if I choose. That being said I want to be successful with the 2x4 first. Looking for the win/win here!

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