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GAVITA Pro 1000 DE


Last difference is that they mount the reflector under the ballast, which results in a higher fixture. Do take a look at the finishing of the two fixtures and observe the finishing details. Our power cords and IEC connectors for example are watertight IP rated models, the e-papillon does not have a waterproof IEC input. But do take a look at them for yourself and be the judge yourself, don't take my word for it.

Hammerhead I am sure readers know who I am representing and I do that with open visor. I seldom comment on other products and I always ask you to think yourself. I was specifically asked to give my opinion and I did. Do I think our product is better and better produced? I sure do but please do have a look at both 1000W fixtures and make up your own mind.

I am not asking you to share your results on this forum, just like nobody asks me to answer questions in my time off on this forum.


Thanks for the response, Whazzzup

Is there a difference in acoustic resonance and total harmonic distortion? Does one matter more than the other?
Acoustic resonance is instability of the arc, harmonics are an electrical phenomenon that can cause high frequency EMI


Just for the record though: gavita is the oldest independent horticultural lighting company on the market. We do this for more than 30 years already. We do know about lighting, we are not the average Chinese import distributor. I am not here to discredit anyone, but asked for an opinion I will give it with all due respect.


Thanks for the information. I am a little confused about Philips not competing with you. Are they not responsible for the epapillon fixtures? Also does Gavita build both the 600pro de and 1000pro de ballasts?

You're saying Philips doesn't make any luminaries? Sweet, that is new information for me. Thanks for the education.
I see you already found the answer. The e-papillon 1000 is as you can clearly see "inspired" by our pro 1000, up to housing, bracket and they even tried to get the same ballast. I see that as a compliment ;)


i'm really amazed how cool a good quality e light will run. this model that was made by philips run incredibly cool. the only hot part is the actual bulb. when i compare this to my old magnetic ballast hps lamps which run so hot that you can not comfortably keep your hand on them.


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Ok...how are you all setting up your gavitas? If I have 1 row consisting of 3 4x8 tables, so 4x24 roughly. Im putting 5 gavitas down the row...do I put them in line, front to back down the row, or across the table left to right down the row?

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
With 5 lights on a 4x24 run I'm gonna say it doesn't fookin matter lol.

I will default and say wait for Wazzup to answer. Get your metric measurements ready.


You think less than 5 for 24 foot then? Go 6 foot centers instead of 5? And do 4 lights?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
No worries it's all good. I need to locate a Gavita Reflector so I can do the test on that . So far the E-P is substantial higher in par. I dont think this large reflector is as good. Anyone know where I can get one(reflector only) at a good price..I could try the other Sun reflector its alot smaller but still not Gavita and its 350$ retail.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
You think less than 5 for 24 foot then? Go 6 foot centers instead of 5? And do 4 lights?

Hell get six if you can afford it lol.

Seriously tho, 5 would be awesome. I hope you have tall ceilings to work with otherwise it can be a tough transition from veg to flower.

I have to turn mine down to 600 upon entry from veg(3 x 600).

Anything brighter and they burn up.


There is one thing you always have to keep in mind: you light a room and never a table. This is the only way to get uniform light levels.

As explained earlier: Philips withdrew from the horticultural fixture market long ago. They did that for a reason of course. In the old days we all used Philips fixtures, some of you may remember the plastic industria fixtures that sometimes melted ;).

Horticultural fixtures are not easy to make, it is a specialty trade.

Philips now only makes ballast and lamps, their core business. They do not compete. In the fixture market anymore, they just sell the lamps and ballast to the market and let the niche to the specialists.
No worries it's all good. I need to locate a Gavita Reflector so I can do the test on that . So far the E-P is substantial higher in par. I dont think this large reflector is as good. Anyone know where I can get one(reflector only) at a good price..I could try the other Sun reflector its alot smaller but still not Gavita and its 350$ retail.


is that the reflector you want?



so for simplicity...I have a 4 foot by 24 foot room. Which way is it BEST to orient the gavitas? Ive got 3, 4x8 tables on each side of my room, reflective walls surround the tables so each side is very much like a 4x24 room. Do I orient the favitas like pic 1 or pic 2 with the red x? Or does it not make much difference?



New member
I see you already found the answer. The e-papillon 1000 is as you can clearly see "inspired" by our pro 1000, up to housing, bracket and they even tried to get the same ballast. I see that as a compliment ;)

I see they even use the same black dial.

As they imitation is the best form of flattery.


New member
hey lumpstatus, im in a similar situation building a similar style room. although im thinking 6ft centers so 10 4x4 trays under 8 lamps (2 strings 16 lamps total). my room will be 15ft wide with work space in the middle, and the only reason im not doing a center line is because i run flood and drain so res's will not fit.


hmm.. two suggestions:

1. do not place your tables near a wall but in the middle of the room with paths around them. Uoi lose light near the walls.
2. Use the in-line setup as indicated (the crossed-out setup) for the best uniformity in that case.

oops.. 4 ft by 20 ft i see now, I thought it was one room! Is it one room with curtains or really 2 rooms?


hmm.. two suggestions:

1. do not place your tables near a wall but in the middle of the room with paths around them. Uoi lose light near the walls.
2. Use the in-line setup as indicated (the crossed-out setup) for the best uniformity in that case.

oops.. 4 ft by 20 ft i see now, I thought it was one room! Is it one room with curtains or really 2 rooms?

One big room with short reflective walls in the center walkway.


So you have added 2 walls, why? Two more wall that give you light losses. I would keep the tables in the middle and have only 2 reflective walls around them, and the paths on the outer perimeter instead of the center. Much easier to light plus you have the added affect of all lights overlapping. Plus 50% less losses on your walls.