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GAVITA Pro 1000 DE


What you missed from my post is the SE (single ended) gavita bulbs are nothing special. They are high quality bulbs yes, much better than a 10 dollar Chinese knock off, but as far as setting up a room to grow with them, it's no different from any other 600w bulb. Therefore any information pertaining to setting up vert with any 600w bulb is applicable to you. The DE (double ended) gavita bulb being discussed in this thread is a different monster when compared to other SE style 1000w bulbs, but that has no effect on you using a 600. Two completely different bulbs.

Ok thanks for clearing this up Mister. I was thinking of upgrading to gavita pro 600's with a SE bulbs to replace my current vert setup but sounds like it might not be worth it.
Yes, I'm curious as well. I'm on multiple forums and have never seen mention of someone dumping their Gat's

The only thing I can think of is they were getting pissed at their plants burning up because they didn't have the proper head room.

I was kinda of pissed after I burnt up a few crops(was documented on here, ask anyone in the "nights or the round table" thread, they all seen it).

Where is that thread?
I have a room with a low ceiling (like 7') and really want to run the DE lights. Am I screwed or can the AC/DEs work?

lost in a sea

i'm using one in a 7' room,, the ballast is actually alot cooler on these than others so that helps.. you want a 2' distance from the bulb when it's on 1000 and especially 1125 so so long as your plants aren't very much taller than 4' your fine, and that you're using AC..

i think the nights of the round table thread was in dutchgrowns vendor forum and i think that has disappeared.
i'm using one in a 7' room,, the ballast is actually alot cooler on these than others so that helps.. you want a 2' distance from the bulb when it's on 1000 and especially 1125 so so long as your plants aren't taller than 4' your fine..

i think the nights of the round table thread was in dutchgrowns vendor forum and i think that has disappeared.

Sweet, thank you! I think I am going to give the AC/DE reflectors a shot (4 of them) and should be able to maintain a good 18-24" (with some good scrog'ing for the stretchy ones anyway). If these things are as good as everyone says - I'll end up replacing the raptors and figure out how to get the rest of them in.

I found a copy of that thread. there are like 3 parts to it now and entirely too many pages to actually peruse :)

lost in a sea

oh yeah that thread has some chatter in there lol :D

i think you will fall in love with these lights,, for PAR light and moles of light they can't really be beaten for a 1000w hps rig so the difference is noticeable pretty quickly.. and you get better quality bud for the same electricity bill,, only makes sense ;)

oh yeah that thread has some chatter in there lol :D

i think you will fall in love with these lights,, for PAR light and moles of light they can't be beaten so the difference is noticeable pretty quickly.. and you get better quality bud for the same electricity bill,, only makes sense ;)


Stoked. I am pretty sold - I am putting them into some of the commercial grows I consult for where ceiling heights are not as restrictive, but for my personal one I am screwed with this damn low ceiling - so I was pensive cause I don't want to cause more problems than benefit I am adding, but the AC/DE should work well for the first 4 and if I swap out the others, I think the Gavita's work better cause I can get them up in between the floor joists (gonna use some of the automotive heat shielding around the wood just to be extra safe) and still maintain a reasonable canopy distance.

Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
Is anyone using these in tents? I'm gonna try 1 in the midle of 2x600's in a 4x8. My temps are border line too cold now so I don't think the heat will be a problem till summer. As for height my tent is 7' and with my style 36" from the canopy is no problem

Luther Burbank

Gonna be trying one of these out next week in a 4x4 tent. On the fence as I'm a cmh boy but figured it's time to do some experimenting.

Luther Burbank

I did some measuring and BARELY clear 7 feet in the basement I'm setting up for growing. I've been hearing a lot about having sufficient overhead between lights and plants. Is this cutting it way too close for the 1000w DE? Would I be better off going a different route?

Gardens Keeper

Active member
I am running three 600w gavitas and I've had problems for 2 months first 99 seedling 50% had to be replanted and were killed had the light 2 1/2 feet away. Raised it to 3 feet get slow growth still but improved and lots of deficiencies still evident but more minor. Mag, cal, and phos. They look better now but not perfect and I like perfect plants. I can't figure this shit out what the hell is high enough for these plants really scared to flower under these things. I'd take my old lights back any time to be honest. Hopefully I can get these figured out though.


this is one 600 gavita , plant's are four foot high and light has 18 inches left in middle, if they stay there or there about's I'm right. maybe your using to much light? these are from seed and were under 130 watt cfl and tube fluro.


Active member
What size space are you covering with 3 600's? If it's at least 4x8' your problem isn't the lights.

Gardens Keeper

Active member
I use 2 in a 4x8 tent and one in a 4x4. I noticed 2 or 3 weeks ago that the plants in the center were doing awful while the ones on the outer perimeter were doing good and someone on another board said this is a sign of too much light and to raise it as it was at 2 feet at first then I went to one 2 1/2 and then 3 and now a little more (I stated that wrong earlier). For the most part they bounced back compared to what they were so I guess I will wait 2 weeks more and see what becomes of them.


Active member
I run bare bulb 600's in vert and in reflectors less than 12" away from the plants at times with zero burn or other issues. You might try checking your bulb over really good for cracks in arc tube (ceramic piece that glows when the bulb is on). If there's even a hairline crack toss the bulb and get a new one, it's fucked. My guess is your problem is likely due to a feed issue or ph being off though. Start a thread with some pictures and pm me a link, i'll see if I can't sort you out.

Gardens Keeper

Active member
I run bare bulb 600's in vert and in reflectors less than 12" away from the plants at times with zero burn or other issues. You might try checking your bulb over really good for cracks in arc tube (ceramic piece that glows when the bulb is on). If there's even a hairline crack toss the bulb and get a new one, it's fucked. My guess is your problem is likely due to a feed issue or ph being off though. Start a thread with some pictures and pm me a link, i'll see if I can't sort you out.

Thanks I am going to check my bulbs and may be lower my lights. You run the new 600w gavita pro's 12" away? Everyone says 2-3 feet distance. I am 100% organic so I don't see how my ph could be an issue but I've been so paranoid I almost bought a meter again and some ph down. Thx for help.

Luther Burbank

If you're organic toss the pH down. I'm not saying not to have a good pH meter if you're antsy about it, but remember that pH is just a measurement of one function in the soil and not a thing in of itself to be altered.

If your pH is off in organic medium it's because something is out of sorts in the soil and it's not something pH down can fix. If this is a soil mix you plan on working with for a long time get a soil test done and find out for sure. You'll find what's missing. It sounds like a light distance issue though.


Active member
Thanks I am going to check my bulbs and may be lower my lights. You run the new 600w gavita pro's 12" away? Everyone says 2-3 feet distance. I am 100% organic so I don't see how my ph could be an issue but I've been so paranoid I almost bought a meter again and some ph down. Thx for help.

The 2-3ft distance is recommended for the 1000w DE bulbs, not the 600's. They are totally different bulb and reflector setups. I'd do a slurry test (mix 50/50 soil and RO or distilled water, wait at least 30 min., strain and measure PH). You can be further out of the ideal range in organic soil, but that doesn't mean you should just ignore it either. If you find your ph is inline (between 6-6.8), my guess is likely an issue with your soil recipe, or cook times.


New member
Hey everybody, I was talking to a friend of mine who has been an electrician for 27 years, he's not a grower, but has been paid to set up rooms for some people in NY and Fla, so I showed him the specs of these ballasts and de bulbs, and what he told me was that a 240v ballast can not properly power a bulb that is meant to be fired at 400v, and it makes sense to me also because the ballast is a 160v short of the required voltage need to fire these bulbs, it's asking for trouble
An issue I have with these light systems is the fact that they must be almost 3 feet above the top of the canopy and the inverse law of the power of the light being halved at every foot between the distance of your plants and the light source, I know for a fact that I can get an air cooled lumatek 1000w between 8-12 inches from my plants, so it seems logical that I have more light penetration and more actual usable light reaching my plants
The whole thing about the claims of the lamps seems like fools gold, a marketing tactic looking to cash in on un informed growers world wide, because I know that I can get 2lb's per light with my basic lumatek in my rooms with a strain that is an average yielder in a room whose temps are consistent with proper air exchange and a decent nutrient regiment.
I'm just trying to let fellow growers become informed about the claims of these so called magical beanstalk ballasts and bulbs, people should realize that when the next great grow room light systems come out, they will not be some so called supercharged hps system, but rather they will be an LED light system who will have the proper light spectrum and a more improved light penetration compared to LED panels of today, then again maybe they won't be LED systems but maybe some futuristic alien light source, just saying