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Fiddynut's indoor jungle


Active member
Hello Jungle Tribe
It hotter than bills blue blazes and warming up. My room is running in the 90s but none of the plants mind, I see a little taco on one plant but I don't think its heat stress. I can stay 10 degrees above outdoor temp without running my air conditioner thats with lights on.
I numbered my larrys in order of perceived vigor at 2 weeks. #9 the absolute runt caught up with the others and is now the first to show herself. I wonder if this pheno will also finish earlier than her sisters since she flowered first.
Fiddy I watched an hour of the Bodhi cast I really enjoy the Spiritual side of his breeding goals, and his suggestions we f2 his stuff to see whats in there. I think he's a Satva. He sure thinks like one. And I don't have any of his beans in my collection. Gonna fix that.

Good afternoon Rodehazrd.

I'd hope you are finding ways to stay cool. It's been hot and humid here too but not as much so as you are dealing with.

I usually wait until my plants show sex and then, like you, I label them by size and vigor. Works for me.

I'm glad you are enjoying the bodhi interviews. I haven't listened to the second part yet but I am looking forward to it. It's nice to get to know a little bit about him and why he breeds the way he does. I think you may be right about him being a satva he seems balanced and meditation is very important to him. Can't wait to listen to part two. I think you'll be happy with his genetics, I haven't heard anyone say anything but good things about growing his gear. He has a lot out there which makes it hard to choose but I guess they call that a good problem. I'd love to make f2's someday.


In my empire of dirt
whats up tribe!
/i like name that rode'; kind of sums up our little group here really well

loves me some fresh picked corn, fiddy!
reminds me of growing up, we always had corn growing in my moms yard
it was so sweet and fresh, i would eat ears straight off the plant!
maybe a sprinkle of salt but it was so tender you dident even have to cook it
fresh corn and peppers sounds awesome!
add some chopped red onion and fresh cilantro and you have a great corn relish!
mrs chicky would add a squeeze of lime and there you go
today a friend at work brought in some cevichi she made and it was bomb
she used coconut milk and lime in it and it was amazing
/ive never had it this way.l she said that how they made it where she grew up in southern mexico

there is a strain called chronic but in this case its just a saying,rode
chronic was a generic term for good weed when i was growing up
ive heard of the fruity chronic juice but havent grown any out myself
is this your first time running this strain?
10* above ambient sounds about right
i dont usually run the ac but with good air circulation i am able to keep the grow room in about the same range as you
thats cool that she has an eye for color
/i actually score very well on the munsell color test

looks like we are almost at the end of another week, fellas'
im super ready for the weekend


Active member
whats up tribe!
/i like name that rode'; kind of sums up our little group here really well

loves me some fresh picked corn, fiddy!
reminds me of growing up, we always had corn growing in my moms yard
it was so sweet and fresh, i would eat ears straight off the plant!
maybe a sprinkle of salt but it was so tender you dident even have to cook it
fresh corn and peppers sounds awesome!
add some chopped red onion and fresh cilantro and you have a great corn relish!
mrs chicky would add a squeeze of lime and there you go
today a friend at work brought in some cevichi she made and it was bomb
she used coconut milk and lime in it and it was amazing
/ive never had it this way.l she said that how they made it where she grew up in southern mexico

there is a strain called chronic but in this case its just a saying,rode
chronic was a generic term for good weed when i was growing up
ive heard of the fruity chronic juice but havent grown any out myself
is this your first time running this strain?
10* above ambient sounds about right
i dont usually run the ac but with good air circulation i am able to keep the grow room in about the same range as you
thats cool that she has an eye for color
/i actually score very well on the munsell color test

looks like we are almost at the end of another week, fellas'
im super ready for the weekend
Good pop_rocks.

I agree that tribe is a great name for us. In fact icmag is a worldwide tribe of growers sharing wisdom, knowledge and experience with each other.

Fresh corn right off the stalk has to be the best. I know the sugars start converting to starches as soon as it's picked and it dosent get any better that picked in your back yard. I love just throwing the whole ear on the grill natural style and eating it right of the cob. I use to soak the ears in water and partly peal them but found out that was a waist of time. If it's fresh it's ready to grill as is. Once it steams on the grill a while the husk and silk peal right off and you have a handle to grab it with. Slather it in butter and some salt and it's just wonderful. I think I'll stop and grab a half dozen ears on the way home tonight.

The corn relish sounds great. Not sure if I've ever made one but I'm going to now. Peppers onion cilantro lime juice man that sounds good. I always get too much corn to eat and have some ears left over and this would be a great way to do something tasty with the left overs. Not sure if I mentioned this before but I was watching a food show a few months ago and they were at a Korean bar and had something they call corn cheese. It looked really good so I made a version of I a couple times. Corn, onion, a little choped green pepper and cheese. I used cream cheese for a binder and mozzarella and colby cheese for flavor. Not so healthy but a great hot appetizer or side when it's not as hot outside.

I'm not into the seafood but a ceviche without it would be something I'd be interested in trying to make. Just put the veggies in and maybe some black beans or something. Coconut milk and lime sounds good. I love how rich coconut milk is, and the citrus would balance that very well.

I'm also familiar with "chronic" being a slang for good weed. Play any rap song from the 90's and you'll hear them talking about the chronic. Dr. Dre even has an album called the chronic. I hadent heard of any particular strains called that but I don't know a lot of strain names.

The week went by quick for me and I'm looking forward to the weekend. I've not played a round of disc golf in a couple weeks so I think I'm going to get some rounds in over the next few days. Anyone got anything exciting going on this weekend?


Active member
This thread always makes me hungry, I may have to give the corn on the grill a try. I love corn on the cob, can't stand the canned and frozen crap. I planted a bunch of corn at the mother in laws. My garden is chugging along. Bummed my bell peppers are getting destroyed by the damn horn worms. I got 7 jalapenos swelling up nicely. 4 zucchini getting ready to pick. No tomatoes or bell peppers yet. I giggled it and found out most tomatoes won't produce if the temps are over 90. So no tomatoes for a month or so. Kids are digging the garden, they go out and,water with me in the morning. Freaking pool is turning green so I am going to have to shock it today no swimming this weekend.

Nothing much going on this weekend. Waiting for this guy to get back from Wyoming, so we can discuss work. I guess I am going to start hanging drywall for a living. Kinda nervous, because he doesn't pay much. I am hoping he's willing to negotiate some. If not I will go back to plastering, just not wanting to drive to San Diego everyday. Considering the lame ass California legislature voted to up the gas tax another 73 cents a gallon. Th at's an increase of over a dollar a gallon in just the last few months. We already lead the nation in poverty, taxes, cost of living and failing schools. Man I can't wait to get out of California. The only good thing about California was the medical marijuana laws, now prop 64 killed that.I am sure they will come after the home grows soon.


Active member
This thread always makes me hungry, I may have to give the corn on the grill a try. I love corn on the cob, can't stand the canned and frozen crap. I planted a bunch of corn at the mother in laws. My garden is chugging along. Bummed my bell peppers are getting destroyed by the damn horn worms. I got 7 jalapenos swelling up nicely. 4 zucchini getting ready to pick. No tomatoes or bell peppers yet. I giggled it and found out most tomatoes won't produce if the temps are over 90. So no tomatoes for a month or so. Kids are digging the garden, they go out and,water with me in the morning. Freaking pool is turning green so I am going to have to shock it today no swimming this weekend.

Nothing much going on this weekend. Waiting for this guy to get back from Wyoming, so we can discuss work. I guess I am going to start hanging drywall for a living. Kinda nervous, because he doesn't pay much. I am hoping he's willing to negotiate some. If not I will go back to plastering, just not wanting to drive to San Diego everyday. Considering the lame ass California legislature voted to up the gas tax another 73 cents a gallon. Th at's an increase of over a dollar a gallon in just the last few months. We already lead the nation in poverty, taxes, cost of living and failing schools. Man I can't wait to get out of California. The only good thing about California was the medical marijuana laws, now prop 64 killed that.I am sure they will come after the home grows soon.
Good afternoon Packerfan.

Yep I just went to the farm stand and got some corn for tonight. They had some nice zucchini too so I grabbed a couple of those. I like to slice the zucchini thin and fry it up with a little onion and butter. Just a quick fry I don't like them to get soggy. It's one of my favorite side dishes in summer. Corn is great on the grill. You don't need really hot grill just want to heat the husks enough to get them to steam the corn. I turn them every few minutes to keep them from burning.

I've heard that tomatoes don't like the heat so much, I hope that put out for you when it cools down. I think tomatoes are the best example of how a fresh local veggie is so much better than a supermarket veggie. The fresh ones tast so good when in season, the ones at the store in the off season tast like cardboard and I never eat them. Won't be long before tomato season will be apon up and I'll be eating bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches like it's going out of style.

Glad your kids are into the garden, learning how to grow food is something everyone should know how to do. I've not had a pool but the people I know who do say they are a lot of work.

Sheet rocking is good honest work. You know how to maneuver on stilts? It's hard work but there's nothing wrong with that. I think it pays pretty well around here.

I remember when we moved to the Bay Area in the late 90's, the cost of living was a shock. Gas was around 2 bucks a gallon here when we left and was like $3.85 there. Good think motorcycles get good mileage. I guess that's why the minimum wage in SF is like 15 bucks an hour at McDonald's. You can live a lot cheaper here but wages are lower too.


Active member
Damn fiddynuts, I am going to have to try that zucchini with onions. Love me some not but I like to add pepper jack and avocado.

We just got a 16 ft above ground pool but yeah it's a little work, but it's worth it when it's over 100 degrees every day.I live in a low wag area, only pay 895 for rent on a 1300 sq ft house on a half acre.still get hammered on the utilities and gas.I pay 41 cents a kilowatt when the grow is going. Highest bill was 890.$. That's for 4 100s a 600, no a.c. just fans. .sad when your rent and electric are about the same.

I read something in the paper, to be able to live in L.A. in a 2bdr apartment, you have to make 100,000$ a year.fucking crazy. They said poverty level in Orange county is 80k a year.


Well-known member
Here's a sweet corn tip
Its always ready too many ears at a time and like you say its loosing from the start.
The reason it looses it's sugar is a chem process of sugar being digested. this loss easily stopped by shucking the corn and dipping it in a 1t per gal bleach solution. This stops the loss and keeps the corn sweet.


Active member
Damn fiddynuts, I am going to have to try that zucchini with onions. Love me some not but I like to add pepper jack and avocado.

We just got a 16 ft above ground pool but yeah it's a little work, but it's worth it when it's over 100 degrees every day.I live in a low wag area, only pay 895 for rent on a 1300 sq ft house on a half acre.still get hammered on the utilities and gas.I pay 41 cents a kilowatt when the grow is going. Highest bill was 890.$. That's for 4 100s a 600, no a.c. just fans. .sad when your rent and electric are about the same.

I read something in the paper, to be able to live in L.A. in a 2bdr apartment, you have to make 100,000$ a year.fucking crazy. They said poverty level in Orange county is 80k a year.
Good morning Packerfan.

Yep I love the zucchini that way. I slice the zucchini into thin medallions and get the butter and onions going first to get them soft, then throw in the zucchini for the last couple minutes and season to taste.

You can't go wrong adding cheese and avocado to anything but on a BLT they are especially good!

That is super reasonable for your rent. In 2002 we were paying over 1100 a month for a little 2 bedroom apt in a not very good neighborhood in Oakland with one parking spot. I guess it you get out of the city prices are more sane. That utility bill is a kick in the balls.


Active member
Here's a sweet corn tip
Its always ready too many ears at a time and like you say its loosing from the start.
The reason it looses it's sugar is a chem process of sugar being digested. this loss easily stopped by shucking the corn and dipping it in a 1t per gal bleach solution. This stops the loss and keeps the corn sweet.
Good morning Rodehazrd.

You are right during the season there is always way too much corn around to eat it all right away. I've not heard of the bleach water wash before. That is very interested I'm going to give it a try. Thanks for the tip brother.


Active member
Good morning Packerfan.

Yep I love the zucchini that way. I slice the zucchini into thin medallions and get the butter and onions going first to get them soft, then throw in the zucchini for the last couple minutes and season to taste.

You can't go wrong adding cheese and avocado to anything but on a BLT they are especially good!

That is super reasonable for your rent. In 2002 we were paying over 1100 a month for a little 2 bedroom apt in a not very good neighborhood in Oakland with one parking spot. I guess it you get out of the city prices are more sane. That utility bill is a kick in the balls.

Yeah I have been lucky with rentals so far. Been her 2.5 years, last house we were in for 6 years. Only paid 695 for a 2bdr on half an acre at the last house.

I can imagine the prices in the bay area are pretty crazy now.

A few years ago I was looking to lease or buyer finance some property in Trinity county or Mendocino county, not a chance. Even with 30 grand couldn't make it happen.

pumpkinpie eyes

Yea, yer autos are fine lookin, man! afterthought are the real deal. have grown 4 of theirs and a few photos & now a high CBD photo looking gr8. Glad theyre available in the states. Bought originally from seedBay.
Rock it!


In my empire of dirt
Yea, yer autos are fine lookin, man! afterthought are the real deal. have grown 4 of theirs and a few photos & now a high CBD photo looking gr8. Glad theyre available in the states. Bought originally from seedBay.
Rock it!

which strains were you able to grow out
can you tell us how they smoked?

welcome aboard,man!


In my empire of dirt
happening guys'

we finally made it to the weekend!
the mrs and i just got back from a long walk in the canyon
we started out kind of early because of the heat and were able to cover a lot of ground before the temps got too high
im cooling off with a nice lemonaid and a few hits off the bong while the mrs is heading over to her friends place

ive never heard of bleaching corn
i will ahev to take a trip out to the east county and see if i can find a farmers stand and pick up some nice fresh ears
we stopped growing it ourselves because of the water restrictions we had last year
/thats one thing you left out packfan, water shortages and restrictions on use
//whats happened to this state man?
corn cheese sounds awesome!
i like the idea of adding black beans to the cevechi recipie
my mom and the mrs love seafood so i usually just eat around the stuff and let them have my leftovers
that great that you got the kids in the gardfen wiht you,p'fan
i thnk its important for kids to know where food comes from and how much work it takes to produce veggies
plus it must be great for them to ge to see the young plans grow and then be able to eat what they produced

i think about moving away from cali too, sometimes
it just isnt the same place i grew up and it feels like san diego is becoming more like la every year
if it were just me i would have prob left when my sister moved to co springs
i went to visit her when they first got their new house and could not believe how cool it was there
beautiful country side, affordable everything and mostly nice people
and for what she paid she lives in a palace!
/we still joke about how im going to move in to their basement (actually the whole lower floor, its like one big room with two separate bedrooms and its own bathroom; there is even a bar down there)

hope everyone is having an awesome weekend


Active member
Yeah pop, water is the most valuable resource on the planet. I was pretty pissed when Sacramento let all the rain we got this winter run out in to the delta.

Good weekend so far went and applied for a job at a local equipment rental place today. Hung out with the family today. Going to brunch tommorow with my parents, after church. My baby brother came bye to show off his new Subaru. We are probably going to hit the bar next month for the McGregor fight. My wife doesn't like bars but she likes to go watch a fight when their is a big fight.alls good on my end, fiddynuts, rodehazard , and pop, hope you guys have a great weekend.


In my empire of dirt
good luck on the job prospect,p'fan!

yeah, we are in a constant state of drought but they dont build new reservoirs or try and capture more of the water that we do get
when you consider that the population is always growing here, you can see how this isnt going to end well for the state

hope you have a great time at the brunch!
love me some good breakfast foods
i hope you guys wreck the place and eat your fill
are the boys pick eater when they go out?

haha, this mcgregor fight is going to be a show for sure
me and the mrs will watch at a friends house probably
she dosent like watching fights either but enjoys going out and socializing


Active member
good luck on the job prospect,p'fan!

yeah, we are in a constant state of drought but they dont build new reservoirs or try and capture more of the water that we do get
when you consider that the population is always growing here, you can see how this isnt going to end well for the state

hope you have a great time at the brunch!
love me some good breakfast foods
i hope you guys wreck the place and eat your fill
are the boys pick eater when they go out?

haha, this mcgregor fight is going to be a show for sure
me and the mrs will watch at a friends house probably
she dosent like watching fights either but enjoys going out and socializing

Yeah my boys are picky eaters but, we manage. My daughter is pretty open to most things.

Truly think California is on the road to implosion, the single payer medical is supposed to more than double the annual budget. Taxes will have to increase in a drastic way.The middle class is being destroyed by the day. It's becoming super rich and poverty strickin, no middle class. My little bro is trying to move to Texas now that his wife got her master's degree. 2 more years and we will be leaving this state.

pumpkinpie eyes

Not to hoard fiddy's line- grew Azure Rocket 2 x, Kilter, Permafrost kush and 20 GA autos & the Mullaways/Blueberry , C99 Purple/Cherry indica photos. All were potent, lipsmackin good man! Mull/BB was more for pain - good mellow buzzzzz not str8 CBD. Got anuther I'll do indoors high CBD Sour Tsunami/GB/BB and more of Mull/BB.


Active member
Yea, yer autos are fine lookin, man! afterthought are the real deal. have grown 4 of theirs and a few photos & now a high CBD photo looking gr8. Glad theyre available in the states. Bought originally from seedBay.
Rock it!

pumpkinpie eyes said:
Not to hoard fiddy's line- grew Azure Rocket 2 x, Kilter, Permafrost kush and 20 GA autos & the Mullaways/Blueberry , C99 Purple/Cherry indica photos. All were potent, lipsmackin good man! Mull/BB was more for pain - good mellow buzzzzz not str8 CBD. Got anuther I'll do indoors high CBD Sour Tsunami/G

Good afternoon pumpkinpie eyes.

Welcome to the jungle. Glad to have you here. Feel free to post here anytime you like. We talk about lots of things in this thread and anyone is welcome.

I had great experience with afterthought autos growing indoor under a 600w a few months back and really wanted to try some for my first go at outdoor growing. I grew AVGas, ARocket and FuelFilled indoor. So far everything is going well with the first round of outdoor plants and the second round went out yesterday. The second round is A-rocket X afgani auto and they are in 4 gallon pots. Neither of these grows are on my property but both are close so I get to check in on them when needed.

Sounds like you have some great experiences with afterthought as well. Good to see others enjoying their grows, you seem enthusiastic about growing and I love to see that. AB is a great guy and has given me a lot of good advice about growing these wonderful plants.


In my empire of dirt
like fiddy said,feel free to chime in pumpkinpie eyes
that sounds like a kick@ss lineup you have there
/never had the cherry c99 pheno
how are you growing these?


Active member
happening guys'

we finally made it to the weekend!
the mrs and i just got back from a long walk in the canyon
we started out kind of early because of the heat and were able to cover a lot of ground before the temps got too high
im cooling off with a nice lemonaid and a few hits off the bong while the mrs is heading over to her friends place

ive never heard of bleaching corn
i will ahev to take a trip out to the east county and see if i can find a farmers stand and pick up some nice fresh ears
we stopped growing it ourselves because of the water restrictions we had last year
/thats one thing you left out packfan, water shortages and restrictions on use
//whats happened to this state man?
corn cheese sounds awesome!
i like the idea of adding black beans to the cevechi recipie
my mom and the mrs love seafood so i usually just eat around the stuff and let them have my leftovers
that great that you got the kids in the gardfen wiht you,p'fan
i thnk its important for kids to know where food comes from and how much work it takes to produce veggies
plus it must be great for them to ge to see the young plans grow and then be able to eat what they produced

i think about moving away from cali too, sometimes
it just isnt the same place i grew up and it feels like san diego is becoming more like la every year
if it were just me i would have prob left when my sister moved to co springs
i went to visit her when they first got their new house and could not believe how cool it was there
beautiful country side, affordable everything and mostly nice people
and for what she paid she lives in a palace!
/we still joke about how im going to move in to their basement (actually the whole lower floor, its like one big room with two separate bedrooms and its own bathroom; there is even a bar down there)

hope everyone is having an awesome weekend
Good afternoon pop_rocks.

The weekend sure went by fast for me this week. A couple games of disc golf in some hot and humid weather tired me out quickly. Going to try to get a round in with Rufus today. It's much cooler today and dryer as well.

That hike sounds like a good time. I like getting after it in the morning. Sometimes I'll get a round of disc in early before work. Like you mention you can beat the heat plus places are less crowded.

That's too bad you had to stop growing corn. I remember hearing how tight the water can be out there. We are spoiled here with the grate lakes in our backyard.

I think I'm going to make a corn relish tonight. I have some pork loin leftover from last nights BBQ and will dice it up for tacos. Maybe do some beans too and I'll be set. The wife and I have a couple Mondays off a month and this is one of them.

I really need to get my shit together and plan a garden next for next summer. I have the space I just need to plan something that won't be too much work for my lazy ass. Like you said watching the plants grow and produce is very satisfying.

I'm sure every part of the country has its good and bad things. Diffrent places just have other problems and no where is perfict. I was so ready to leave Wisconsin when we moved west. After a few years when we came back it felt like home again. I'd love to live in a diffrent spot again someday, just to see what it's like. We are lucky to live in a country with so much to see and experience and so much diversity of scenery.