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Fiddynut's indoor jungle


Well-known member
I would be into a beer cup grow. would it be clone or seed? I guess you could start several to insure a female.
I trashed a couple of the larry today and took a late clone from an undecided. I got a couple of rooted clones from all the others, the two males trashed I had not taken cuts from anyway. they are starting to stretch and I'm loading them with fish Hydro every week now three oz per gal. Raising the light 4-5 clicks a day.
I saw a post the other day can't remember who, but he suggested running clones for a full cycle before deciding on keepers. Clones responding different than seeds. Maturing earlier and growing slower. That second scan for hermie sounds like a good idea too.


Active member
I would be into a beer cup grow. would it be clone or seed? I guess you could start several to insure a female.
I trashed a couple of the larry today and took a late clone from an undecided. I got a couple of rooted clones from all the others, the two males trashed I had not taken cuts from anyway. they are starting to stretch and I'm loading them with fish Hydro every week now three oz per gal. Raising the light 4-5 clicks a day.
I saw a post the other day can't remember who, but he suggested running clones for a full cycle before deciding on keepers. Clones responding different than seeds. Maturing earlier and growing slower. That second scan for hermie sounds like a good idea too.

I belive it's clone or seed . It was probably me that said that about clones running different. I am going to skip running seed plants just run clones of said plants.


Active member
Hey kids just droppin by to say hey.Last week I got hospice involved in the process which I think is going to help me I really need some at this point.Mom not only cant take a few steps from the bed to the poddy chair anymore she's hallucinating like a motherfucker the last two days,man I hope this is temporary.The last week has been the absolute hardest I don't know what the fuck I can do except what I'm doing.Don't mean to bum you folks out really,it seems everyone has some good shit goin on but me lol.I don't feel so bad though except for the real bad back and the physical shit,it's all part of life I guess.Packerfan I appreciated your phencyclidine story made me laugh,in DC in the 70's loveboat was all the rage which was PCP sprayed on reefer.Us white folks called it green and sprayed it on parsley,either way it was a trip to the moon and beyond lol.We would go to Kansas and pick huge flowers and the bro's would buy them at a hundred a pound and they were getting a great killer deal they figured,they could have sprayed that shit on a paper towel hell it didn't matter,it's phencyclidine lol.Acids big brother!You guys take care I like checking out your posts you're pretty damn normal lol and I mean that in a good way.All I can say with all honesty,I cannot fuckin wait to germinate some seeds in my new diggs
Good morning Floridian.

Good job getting some help with your mother. You are doing the right thing. When it gets to be too much work for one person it's ok to ask for help. Getting some fresh faces in to help should be good for the both of you. A trained nurse can be a great resource, and after observing your mother for a few days might be able to make changes to her routine or medications that could help her. As Rodehazrd said there are some real angles out there and I hope one finds you and your mom. Your doing a great thing here and even though it can be overwhelming, your the right guy for the job. Take the help you get and keep trucking brother.

Don't worry about bumming anyone out here. We are glad to listen and help if we can. You either Packerfan. No one has a perfict life or is a saint and life is best with a few ups and downs. We may not always enjoy the downs but we often learn important lessons from them.

The pcp storie sounds like a trip for sure. I don't think I ever tried that stuff back in the day. Sounds intense. I'm sure if it was around when I was a teen I'd have done plenty of it. I always had a "I'll try anything" policy.

I'm looking forward to seeing you back growing again too. I'm sure it will be very therapeutic for you to have some plants going. I'm thinking your going to be off paper soon too. End of August? Things will be looking up and a huge weight off your shoulders. Keep moving forward and keep your head up, allmost there.


Active member
Word is a beer cup challenge is in the works for late summer early fall, probably going to be set to end at the end of nov.
Good morning Packerfan.

I was checking the results of the last yogart cup challenge this morning and saw the posts. I'm in for a beer cup challenge to get me more warmed up for a yogart cup challenge down the road. I'll post that I'm interested in the thread too. Looking forward to it.


Active member
I would be into a beer cup grow. would it be clone or seed? I guess you could start several to insure a female.
I trashed a couple of the larry today and took a late clone from an undecided. I got a couple of rooted clones from all the others, the two males trashed I had not taken cuts from anyway. they are starting to stretch and I'm loading them with fish Hydro every week now three oz per gal. Raising the light 4-5 clicks a day.
I saw a post the other day can't remember who, but he suggested running clones for a full cycle before deciding on keepers. Clones responding different than seeds. Maturing earlier and growing slower. That second scan for hermie sounds like a good idea too.
Good morning Rodehazrd.

Sounds like at least 3 of us are up for a beer cup challenge. In the past the rules have been just that the roots have to stay inside the container and they have to finish on time. Everything else is up to you. Clones or seeds, autos or photos. I've seen a lot of people using coco for their grow mediums in past challenges. I'm in and getting stoked.

Sounds like your Larrys are moving right along. Great news you have clones of all the girls. I hope you find some fire in those.

Yes I think it was Packerfan who was talking about growing from clones of seed plants. Taking clones and growing them out instead of the seed plants themselves. I've seen others say the same things in other threads, about clones growing differently than seed plants and you get a better feel for how they will grow in the future.


Active member
What's up jungle mates, just got out of physical therapy. Sadistic little girl worked the crap out of my shoulder. Must have a bowl befor I get going. Lol. Beer cup challenge should be epic. I am thinking about clones in a hempy beer cup with a dripper in the big room. I guess We will see what the rules are.

Hope you guys are having a great week.

pumpkinpie eyes

a few pages back was asked about C99 Purple/Cherry indica photoindica hybrid from afterthought. we do those in 7 gallon plant pouches from ebay. great lookin plant!


Active member
What's up jungle mates, just got out of physical therapy. Sadistic little girl worked the crap out of my shoulder. Must have a bowl befor I get going. Lol. Beer cup challenge should be epic. I am thinking about clones in a hempy beer cup with a dripper in the big room. I guess We will see what the rules are.

Hope you guys are having a great week.
Good afternoon Packerfan.

I hope your shoulder feels better after the workout. Was she cute at least? Cute and sadistic could be a dangerous combo LOL.

If they stick with yogart cups in Avinash thread we can do our own beer cup challenge this fall. I need practice before jumping into the yogart cup and embarrassing myself.


Active member
a few pages back was asked about C99 Purple/Cherry indica photoindica hybrid from afterthought. we do those in 7 gallon plant pouches from ebay. great lookin plant!
Good afternoon pumpkinpie eyes.

That is interisting is that plant not an autoflower plant? The only non auto seeds I saw from AB was the lemon Thai last time I looked at a strain list. I'll have to have another look. Do you have any pics of her on your grow thread. I'd love to have a look at her.


Active member


Greetings jungle tribe.

In a few hours I'll be harvesting the gorilla bubble bx1f1. I will take some pics and post them tomorrow. She is very resinous but isn't strong smelling. I sampled a little bottom bud from her last weekend and was impressed with how potent she is. The flavor was hard to describe, kind of like incense and charcoal and cat piss. She only had a 3 day cure so I expect the finished buds to change a little. I didn't detect any of the lemon lime that she smelled like when she was younger. Anyone know what the GG4 tastes like? Maybe she is a glue leaner. I plan on doing a fairly complete wet trim and then a touch up in a few days when she is dry.


Active member
Greetings jungle tribe.

In a few hours I'll be harvesting the gorilla bubble bx1f1. I will take some pics and post them tomorrow. She is very resinous but isn't strong smelling. I sampled a little bottom bud from her last weekend and was impressed with how potent she is. The flavor was hard to describe, kind of like incense and charcoal and cat piss. She only had a 3 day cure so I expect the finished buds to change a little. I didn't detect any of the lemon lime that she smelled like when she was younger. Anyone know what the GG4 tastes like? Maybe she is a glue leaner. I plan on doing a fairly complete wet trim and then a touch up in a few days when she is dry.

Oh shit harvest time is an awesome time. Not sure on the gg4, pretty sure the stuff I have seen is fake gg4. It smelled like pine, kinda like Jack Herer. It's possible you have gone nose blind, I had my mom tell me it stunk at the street once. I couldn't tell, but I was around it every night.the parents are both legit fire so I would think most phenos are quality


Active member
Oh shit harvest time is an awesome time. Not sure on the gg4, pretty sure the stuff I have seen is fake gg4. It smelled like pine, kinda like Jack Herer. It's possible you have gone nose blind, I had my mom tell me it stunk at the street once. I couldn't tell, but I was around it every night.the parents are both legit fire so I would think most phenos are quality
Good afternoon Packerfan.

Good point about the possibility of being nose blind. My carbon filter is like a year old and maybe I've been exposed to her smell more than I thought.

I had heard that GG4 had a "unique" terp profile but haven't tasted it so not sure.

The flavor of the sample was not unpleasant or bad in any way, just diffrent and I'm not picking up on the sour. The potency was there for sure as well as the thick trichome coverage. Looking forward to trying some when it has a bit of cure to it. I let more trichomes get Amber than I have in the past so should be more hard hitting on the buzz.


In my empire of dirt
looks like i have some catching up to do!
i will quickly touch on a few topics and maybe post up more as i go back and reread a bunch of the previous posts

would totally be down for a beer cup challenge among friends
lets put this together!
basic guide lines like container size and whatnot need to be nailed down but i think we are all in!
/awesome idea btw

that is a cool story about johnny boone, rode'
i love stories of american folk heros and even have a few of my own
/mrsChicky comes from boston and has a few stories of whitey bulger
i agree that we all kind of pull for the outlaw in some ways
someone who lives life on teir own terms and isnt afraid of the "man" and his rules

glad to see floridian posting again
you are doing the right thing brother, getting some help to take care of mom
sometimes it tough for us to ask for help, but you have to do whats best for her
a professional is better equipped to deal with her special needs
i hope you are lucky enough to find an angel like rode' did
stay involved with her care and let them know you are there to help in any way you can
/this also lets them know that you are keeping an eye on things and wont let things slide; sometimes people will just shuffle their folks off to the caregivers and not be involved, thats straight bullshit right there brother
anytime you feel like you want to get things off your chest, man, you know where we are

hope you have a great harvest f'nut!
one of the strongest strains i ever smokes was a sativa that smelled like almost nothing untill you burned it
even then it wasnt really that stand out
five minutes later you would stare at the half burned joint in your hand and laugh at how high you were!

let finish this week off strong boys!
hope everyone is having a great summer


Active member
What's up jungle mates,

Fiddynuts how goes the trim?

Beer cup challenge is deffinately going to be interesting. I hope I can get the timing right. I probably won't have anything in flower till October, mabey a bog sour grape they finish fast, straight 12/12 from seed should be interesting.

Going to the house of blues tonight. The wife's cousins band is in the final round of battle of the bands. They have a pretty cool sound. Straight classic rock, I guess I am not the only person who only likes old music. Older than me lol.

Whitey Bulges stories sound interesting. My wife's family is from New England, they left is the 70s and followed construction jobs around the country. Different times I guess, I wouldn't drag my family is allover the country, for work. They settled in California.

Floridian hope things are ok on your end. I know it's hard to be ok when the ones you love are suffering, we are all thinking about you and your mom.I hope you know people are pulling for you.


Active member
looks like i have some catching up to do!
i will quickly touch on a few topics and maybe post up more as i go back and reread a bunch of the previous posts

would totally be down for a beer cup challenge among friends
lets put this together!
basic guide lines like container size and whatnot need to be nailed down but i think we are all in!
/awesome idea btw

that is a cool story about johnny boone, rode'
i love stories of american folk heros and even have a few of my own
/mrsChicky comes from boston and has a few stories of whitey bulger
i agree that we all kind of pull for the outlaw in some ways
someone who lives life on teir own terms and isnt afraid of the "man" and his rules

glad to see floridian posting again
you are doing the right thing brother, getting some help to take care of mom
sometimes it tough for us to ask for help, but you have to do whats best for her
a professional is better equipped to deal with her special needs
i hope you are lucky enough to find an angel like rode' did
stay involved with her care and let them know you are there to help in any way you can
/this also lets them know that you are keeping an eye on things and wont let things slide; sometimes people will just shuffle their folks off to the caregivers and not be involved, thats straight bullshit right there brother
anytime you feel like you want to get things off your chest, man, you know where we are

hope you have a great harvest f'nut!
one of the strongest strains i ever smokes was a sativa that smelled like almost nothing untill you burned it
even then it wasnt really that stand out
five minutes later you would stare at the half burned joint in your hand and laugh at how high you were!

let finish this week off strong boys!
hope everyone is having a great summer

Good afternoon pop_rocks.

Looking forward to a beer cup challenge as well. I woke up this morning and for the first time in a long time I had no live plants to check on. I miss them already. I gotta pop some seeds soon. I'd love to run a clone in the beer cup challenging but might not have time to get one ready. I'm thinking if you went 12/12 on a clone right after it rooted it would stay pretty small but not sure about that.

Yep that storie about boon and what I read on the internet about him was great. Gives me hope that there are some good old outlaws out there. Growing up so close to Chicago there were a lot of stories of the old mobsters when I was young. I kind of looked up to the bosses and families. The Italians and Sicilians came to this country and were treated poorly by many. I know that the mob ended up doing a lot of bad things but I think that came from greed. The early mobsters were just groups of immigrants sticking together and keeping each other's interests safe. Being half Sicilian myself I can't help but have some love for them. Like you said they live life on their own terms and arnt going to follow the mans rules.

The harvest went smoothly last night. I think I was a little nose blind to that plant, but she was smelling nice as we were trimming. I had a dentist apt this morning and I think I was still smelling of weed a little as I was getting my teeth cleaned. The hygienist is cool but she was looking at me like I smelled like a weed factory. I'll do an update and pics today.


Active member
What's up jungle mates,

Fiddynuts how goes the trim?

Beer cup challenge is deffinately going to be interesting. I hope I can get the timing right. I probably won't have anything in flower till October, mabey a bog sour grape they finish fast, straight 12/12 from seed should be interesting.

Going to the house of blues tonight. The wife's cousins band is in the final round of battle of the bands. They have a pretty cool sound. Straight classic rock, I guess I am not the only person who only likes old music. Older than me lol.

Whitey Bulges stories sound interesting. My wife's family is from New England, they left is the 70s and followed construction jobs around the country. Different times I guess, I wouldn't drag my family is allover the country, for work. They settled in California.

Floridian hope things are ok on your end. I know it's hard to be ok when the ones you love are suffering, we are all thinking about you and your mom.I hope you know people are pulling for you.
Good afternoon Packerfan.

All went well with the harvest, I'll elaborate more in an update today.

The house of blues sounds cool. That's great that the wife's cousin is in a band and that they are getting some playing time. How many bands were competing in the battle?

I listen to a lot of music from right around and just before I was born as well. They were making such good music in the late 60's and early 70's. I think some of the best all time came from that era. I don't get exposed to a lot of the newer stuff but what I've heard of the modern pop music sucks. I know that there isn't a lot of money in the music industry these days as far as album sales so maybe we will see more music from people who just have a love for it and not the money grabbing boy bands going forward. It seems like some of the best music comes from oppressed people, like the reggae I like so much.


Active member
Good afternoon Packerfan.

All went well with the harvest, I'll elaborate more in an update today.

The house of blues sounds cool. That's great that the wife's cousin is in a band and that they are getting some playing time. How many bands were competing in the battle?

I listen to a lot of music from right around and just before I was born as well. They were making such good music in the late 60's and early 70's. I think some of the best all time came from that era. I don't get exposed to a lot of the newer stuff but what I've heard of the modern pop music sucks. I know that there isn't a lot of money in the music industry these days as far as album sales so maybe we will see more music from people who just have a love for it and not the money grabbing boy bands going forward. It seems like some of the best music comes from oppressed people, like the reggae I like so much.

Hey Fiddynuts, I think their are 4 bands, playing tonight. I always trip when I hang with the younger" Bieber " generation. I had an argument with my lil brother, because he thinks something called "hard-core" is harder than the metal I love. No bands today can touch Slayer, period. I have a strange taste in music. The only new music I listen to is country. I like 90s era rap, metal, classic rock. I had to laugh when my mom says , "we listered to Jimi Hendrix that's metal".lol even my dad hung his head.

I have been getting a bunch of 70s rock on my iPod lately, bad company, eagles, credence, deep purple, foreigner. Need to get some ac/dc now. My wife linked u p our ITunes accounts now I have a couple thousand songs. Mostly country, but some 90s era rap, I had no clue you could share songs, score.

My pain in the ass brother in law keeps bugging me to go to ozzfeat meets knotfest. I told my wife I might go but not with him, lol


Active member
Hey Fiddynuts, I think their are 4 bands, playing tonight. I always trip when I hang with the younger" Bieber " generation. I had an argument with my lil brother, because he thinks something called "hard-core" is harder than the metal I love. No bands today can touch Slayer, period. I have a strange taste in music. The only new music I listen to is country. I like 90s era rap, metal, classic rock. I had to laugh when my mom says , "we listered to Jimi Hendrix that's metal".lol even my dad hung his head.

I have been getting a bunch of 70s rock on my iPod lately, bad company, eagles, credence, deep purple, foreigner. Need to get some ac/dc now. My wife linked u p our ITunes accounts now I have a couple thousand songs. Mostly country, but some 90s era rap, I had no clue you could share songs, score.

My pain in the ass brother in law keeps bugging me to go to ozzfeat meets knotfest. I told my wife I might go but not with him, lol
Good afternoon Packerfan.

You are right about slayer being the gold standard for metal. Love those guys for sure, and they are still rocking to this day. Just saw them a couple years ago, still great. Check out a band called six feet under for some more great hard metal, their album warpath is freaking awesome. Isn't it great you can listen to just about anything for free on YouTube today, no need to buy cd's of bands that I had bought the cassette tapes of in the 80's. I'm with you on the old school rap, late 80's and early 90's hip hop is great stuff. I never liked the country music growing up but in the last few years I've found that some of the old outlaw country is great stuff as well and I love me some Hank Williams the third.


Active member
Update and pics.

Update and pics.

Greetings jungle tribe.

I harvested the gorilla bubble last night. I have not been counting the days but she went into flower on 5/23 so she went over 60 days. She has had great swell on the buds the last couple weeks. The frost on her is thick and really sticky. We will see when I weigh it up but I'm pretty sure she was a good yielder.

I really fried this girl and am lucky to have gotten much from her. I've been pulling dead leaves off her for weeks now. I hope I can take what I've learned from my mistakes this grow and do a much better job in future runs.

Here is a good pic of one of her smaller buds from a lower branch. She was getting some nice purple to her. The trichomes are really thick. Buds are rock hard.

Here are a couple of the whole plant and one with a beer can for size reference of the cola.

And here is how she looks today. Can't wait until she is ready to smoke.

All in all this was a good learning experience for me. There were ups and downs during the grow, but I suppose there always are. My goal is to come back and use the things I learned here to make future grows more successful.


Active member
I love this thread seems like everyone is basically on the same wavelength. I don't get along with most people, selling weed doesn't help. People act different when you have what they want.I had a little enlightening moment the other day. I text what is supposed to be my brother (another mother) and got a quick text back like "I am not smoking right now." Like oh ok. I had a question about a plaster company we worked for, and I got another quick,response. I don't know.

That ain't nothing to look down your nose at fiddynuts. Are you extra hard on yourself? I find myself questioning myself, my buddy always tells me to stop.lol mabey I should listen. Looks like it's going to yield well. Nice frost on the lower bud.