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Fiddynut's indoor jungle


Active member
Hey guys
the week is off to a blazing start high humidity and triple digit temps. The powdery Mildew is on every other plant in the forest. Asters and milk weed are almost white. Golden rod and some others totally free of it. How can one plant be immune?
I read Dubi's claim of immunity in his Bangi Haze but don't have any going now to test that out. I do know my friend who is covered up this year on headband and og. but never had this issue with the Liberty Haze from Barneys farm he ran 3 years ago. I don't think there is any way to keep from having spores come inside on our feet and clothes even the fresh air intakes. Keeping humidity low is my best hope I think. It stays mostly below 50 bumps up some when I go dark and temps drop.
Should I be spraying safers now while Im not in flower?
Anyone in this Tribe know these things.
Good afternoon Rodehazrd.

Man that sounds hot, I hope you are finding ways to stay cool out there. I know all about the humidity, when it gets hot here it's usually very humid as well. There is hot and dry and then there's hot and humid and the humid part can be worse than the heat.

I don't know but I doubt that a plant can be completely immune to mold and PM. I've heard plenty of talk about some strains being much more resistant to it than others though.

I'd think the best you can do is to keep the humidity low and keep the plants as healthy as possible so they can fight it. I recently heard something about mold and PM having to get between the cells of the plant on the leaves and that a healthy plant is better at fighting that off. I don't know about the product that you mention but if it's safe to use it can't hurt right.


Active member
I wouldn't say everyone is lax with the law enforcement, I have more to lose than most. My idiot bro in law has nothing, except a crappy truck with no 3rd gear that he owes 4 grand to his mom, which he will never pay. Lol. He's constantly a financial and emotional drain on everyone in the family. He gets with psycho women who cause even more drama.

I borrowed 6 grand to build my shed and expenses, but I have paid most of it back.the wife borrowed another 5 or so paid that to. We are the only ones to pay anything back. I have a thing about paying my debts.

That mendobreath is awesome, but prone to mold. I am hoping topping it a few times will reduce the size of the colas enough to keep the mold to a minimum. Their are ways to get cuts to you. Better during the cooler weather.

Hash is awesome, I got some new hash bags recently. They are 20 gallon and all mesh so they drain in under a minute. I use hash to make my rosin. Which I need to make more of.
Good afternoon Packerfan.

You are right that those with the most to lose have the most reasons to be cautious. It sucks when your trying to be carful and others don't have respect for that.

I'm with you on borrowing money. I hate owing anyone anything and that keeps me from asking even if I'm in a spot where I could use some help. I guess all you can do is to pay your debts like a man. If people keep borrowing money to someone they know isn't responsible it's on them.

That's interesting about the mendobreath being prone to mold. I've heard some strains are more so than others but not sure why. Keep them healthy and keep the humidity in check and that's about all you can do. And top the shit out of them.

I've heard of sending clones in the mail and such but have no idea how that works. Maybe I'll PM you sometime and we can talk more about that.

Defenatly digging the hash. I think I'll sample some tonight allong with a bottom bud of the gorilla bubble I cut last week before leaving for the north woods.
Those hash bags sound great. I have the 5 gallon that just have the mesh on the bottom so it does take a while to drain. I just do a little at a time so it's not a big deal. If I was making a lot I'd want to upgrade to bigger bags.

How many bags do you use and what sizes? My set has like 8 bags with diffrent size screens. I use the big one on top to catch the ice and trim and then 2 to catch the heads. I think I use the smallest mesh I have on the bottom and somewhere in the middle for the other bag. Not sure if I should be using all three or not. I know I'd never be able to use all 8 at once.


Active member
I use 8 bags, each bag is a different size screen, I the first bag holds the ice and material, 2nd bag is highly contaminated with plant matter, the next 5 bags I keep for rosin or for bubble, the last bag is just for hash the heads are smaller than the bags I use to press the rosin so they contaminate the rosin.
You should use all 8 bags you are missing a good chunk of your yield.
I will tell you the all mesh bags make it so much quicker, I used to hate the labor that goes into pulling the bags. Nothing like holding bags with 35 pounds of water for an hour or to. Kills the shoulder.

They make all mesh bags in 5 gallon, I paid 90 bucks for my 20 gallon set on amazon,Paid 70 for my 5 gallon bags in the hydro shop SMH


In my empire of dirt
that pic of rufus on the boat is awesome!
if we had to choose a pic to sum up this years summer, i would say thats it!
that is cool that your wife was able to enjoy a toke!
i bet she was flying off your stuff and really had a good time
/i used to abstain for a day or two just to catch that good old first timers buzz
that is awesome that you are planning on heading back to the cabin later this summer!
it seems like this year is flying by ,an, all we can do is enjoy each moment to its fullest

i have a five bag set up
its getting kind of worn and im thinking of getting a new set
my favorite way to smoke hash it to top a nice bowl
i will roll out several small balls, each about the size of a bb, or i will flatten it out with a lighter into a pancake
lay that on top and hold on to your hat!
i will occasionally smoke it straight but it gets kind of heavy after a few hits
plus it burns better when mixed with weed
i hear in europe they mix their hash with tobacco, i bet that is intense for us non smokers

that is crazy about the conditions you are dealing wiht rode'
you are right that if you are anywhere near infected plants, you are prob carrying the spores
a lot of growers will change clothes before going into their garden
i grow at home so if its not me its the dog tracking that shit in
you just deal with it and try not to let it get out of hand
from what i know, safer is mostly soap
i dont have an ingredient list handy but im pretty sure the active ingredient is soap and maybe some botanical oils
i still recommend serenade, but whatever you choose to spray, please do it as early as possible in the day so that it has a chance to dry before the sun gets too intense
if you see spots on the plants that means there is residual spray and its burning from the direct sunlight


Active member
that pic of rufus on the boat is awesome!
if we had to choose a pic to sum up this years summer, i would say thats it!
that is cool that your wife was able to enjoy a toke!
i bet she was flying off your stuff and really had a good time
/i used to abstain for a day or two just to catch that good old first timers buzz
that is awesome that you are planning on heading back to the cabin later this summer!
it seems like this year is flying by ,an, all we can do is enjoy each moment to its fullest

i have a five bag set up
its getting kind of worn and im thinking of getting a new set
my favorite way to smoke hash it to top a nice bowl
i will roll out several small balls, each about the size of a bb, or i will flatten it out with a lighter into a pancake
lay that on top and hold on to your hat!
i will occasionally smoke it straight but it gets kind of heavy after a few hits
plus it burns better when mixed with weed
i hear in europe they mix their hash with tobacco, i bet that is intense for us non smokers

that is crazy about the conditions you are dealing wiht rode'
you are right that if you are anywhere near infected plants, you are prob carrying the spores
a lot of growers will change clothes before going into their garden
i grow at home so if its not me its the dog tracking that shit in
you just deal with it and try not to let it get out of hand
from what i know, safer is mostly soap
i dont have an ingredient list handy but im pretty sure the active ingredient is soap and maybe some botanical oils
i still recommend serenade, but whatever you choose to spray, please do it as early as possible in the day so that it has a chance to dry before the sun gets too intense
if you see spots on the plants that means there is residual spray and its burning from the direct sunlight

Pop rocks, I love me some hash. I put it on top of some bud. I like the way it keeps burning without having to be list constantly. Probably going to top a bowl of mendobreath tonight. I didn't sleep for shit lastnight, I need a good nights sleep.

Rode I have read that raw milk or even regular milk mixed with water is supposed to work wonders for pm. I tried eagle 20 did nothing. I tried high ph water did nothing. I wound up tossing half a pound of bubba kush, a sad day. I was fighting spidermites at th e same time. All bad. I wound up tearing my room down and moving. When I was trimming, the partner in the garden said if they get pm, he would walk away from everything. Kinda shitty to have a partner bail during a challenging time. I do understand though. He runs 6 gardens, with other partners and he lives in a grow that takes up most of a 3000 sq ft house, he's got a lot to lose.he works for a delivery service.

Fiddynuts I liked the pictures of the pup, t hats a happy dog. Glad to hear you and the wife are doing better. Sometimes the stresses of life get to people, nothing like time on the lake to wash the stresses away. The wife is planning on taking a trip with the kids and her mother. I am like wtf, I like trips. I am thinking it might be a good time for a nice shroom trip. I can take my own trip.lol. I was laughing at my buddy he's like I love shrooms , but only 0.1 grams. They call it a microdose, I ca ll it missing the trip entirely. We always started with 2 grams and up, had a 10 gram trip right befor I meet my wife. Probably wouldn't go that far, but a couple grams would be cool. They keep talking about dmt it's got me interested super spiritual trip to another world but it only last 15 minutes.


Active member
I use 8 bags, each bag is a different size screen, I the first bag holds the ice and material, 2nd bag is highly contaminated with plant matter, the next 5 bags I keep for rosin or for bubble, the last bag is just for hash the heads are smaller than the bags I use to press the rosin so they contaminate the rosin.
You should use all 8 bags you are missing a good chunk of your yield.
I will tell you the all mesh bags make it so much quicker, I used to hate the labor that goes into pulling the bags. Nothing like holding bags with 35 pounds of water for an hour or to. Kills the shoulder.

They make all mesh bags in 5 gallon, I paid 90 bucks for my 20 gallon set on amazon,Paid 70 for my 5 gallon bags in the hydro shop SMH
Good morning Packerfan.

Sounds like I could make some improvements in my bubble hash methods. I had thought that each progressively smaller bag catches a diffrent grade of hash and since I mix it all together in the Pyrex dish anyway that it would all end up in the two bags I use. I will try more bags next time, and separate it out on diffrent plates to dry. The first time I made bubble I took a bunch of old dried up flower and chopped it up in the blender, than ran it through the bags. Talk about plant matter in the hash it was really powdery. Using trim and not chopping my buds has really improved quality but sounds like I have some more room for improvement in quality and yeild. Thanks for sharing your experience and wisdom with me. Next run I'll let you know how it goes.


Active member
that pic of rufus on the boat is awesome!
if we had to choose a pic to sum up this years summer, i would say thats it!
that is cool that your wife was able to enjoy a toke!
i bet she was flying off your stuff and really had a good time
/i used to abstain for a day or two just to catch that good old first timers buzz
that is awesome that you are planning on heading back to the cabin later this summer!
it seems like this year is flying by ,an, all we can do is enjoy each moment to its fullest

i have a five bag set up
its getting kind of worn and im thinking of getting a new set
my favorite way to smoke hash it to top a nice bowl
i will roll out several small balls, each about the size of a bb, or i will flatten it out with a lighter into a pancake
lay that on top and hold on to your hat!
i will occasionally smoke it straight but it gets kind of heavy after a few hits
plus it burns better when mixed with weed
i hear in europe they mix their hash with tobacco, i bet that is intense for us non smokers

that is crazy about the conditions you are dealing wiht rode'
you are right that if you are anywhere near infected plants, you are prob carrying the spores
a lot of growers will change clothes before going into their garden
i grow at home so if its not me its the dog tracking that shit in
you just deal with it and try not to let it get out of hand
from what i know, safer is mostly soap
i dont have an ingredient list handy but im pretty sure the active ingredient is soap and maybe some botanical oils
i still recommend serenade, but whatever you choose to spray, please do it as early as possible in the day so that it has a chance to dry before the sun gets too intense
if you see spots on the plants that means there is residual spray and its burning from the direct sunlight
Good morning pop_rocks.

Yep I just love those pics my wife took of Rufus. You are right he looks so relaxed and comfortable. That's how I feel when I'm up there on vacation. Dogs have a great life, living in the moment and enjoying every minute of it.

I'm stoked thet the wife let loose a little and had some drinks and a couple smokes. It felt much more like the old days when we were dating the first few years. We use to go out all the time and do fun stuff and party. The last few years with her health problems and other factors she just didn't have an interest in any of that. I feel like now that she has seen that it's ok to have a good time she will want to do more in the future. She hadent even been to the cabin in a couple years or more and hadent smoked in a long time. She was smart and only took a small hit or two of of the bowles we smoked. I didn't want her to get too high and have a bad experience, that would set things back. She got a nice buzz but not too much, she is a talker and a little buzz lets her chill and quiet dawn a little. Let's hope this is the start of something good.

I'm getting a pretty good strain tolerance for the lemon wookie so I'm trying to just puff on some of the BHO right now. I feel like a few days of smoking something diffrent will reset the tolerance a bit. I have a little of the Larry OG left and I'm going to puff that this coming weekend, then try the wookie again next week. The gorilla bubble bottom bud that I choped last week is dry and I'm going to let it cure for a couple days and sample that this weekend too. Hoping for a good first timers type buzz from that.

You are right the year is flying by and summer is half over here. The next month will be my busiest of the year so it will fly all the quicker. Can't wait to get back to the northwoods. The wife has the same days as me off at Labor Day so we should be able to enjoy some nice time up there. Rufus too, he can't wait.

I've been makeing hash salad bowles too. It does burn well that way and makes the bowl last a long time. A little ball can turn a bowl of average bud into an ass kicker.

I've tried joints rolled with tobacco and flower but not hash. I still have weak moments and smoke cigs sometimes. I've been mostly quit for a few years but sometimes can't resist. Mostly I chew some nicotine gum when I'm carving tobacco. Maybe next time I have a cig I'll make a little salad with flower and hash and the tobacco.


Active member
Pop rocks, I love me some hash. I put it on top of some bud. I like the way it keeps burning without having to be list constantly. Probably going to top a bowl of mendobreath tonight. I didn't sleep for shit lastnight, I need a good nights sleep.

Rode I have read that raw milk or even regular milk mixed with water is supposed to work wonders for pm. I tried eagle 20 did nothing. I tried high ph water did nothing. I wound up tossing half a pound of bubba kush, a sad day. I was fighting spidermites at th e same time. All bad. I wound up tearing my room down and moving. When I was trimming, the partner in the garden said if they get pm, he would walk away from everything. Kinda shitty to have a partner bail during a challenging time. I do understand though. He runs 6 gardens, with other partners and he lives in a grow that takes up most of a 3000 sq ft house, he's got a lot to lose.he works for a delivery service.

Fiddynuts I liked the pictures of the pup, t hats a happy dog. Glad to hear you and the wife are doing better. Sometimes the stresses of life get to people, nothing like time on the lake to wash the stresses away. The wife is planning on taking a trip with the kids and her mother. I am like wtf, I like trips. I am thinking it might be a good time for a nice shroom trip. I can take my own trip.lol. I was laughing at my buddy he's like I love shrooms , but only 0.1 grams. They call it a microdose, I ca ll it missing the trip entirely. We always started with 2 grams and up, had a 10 gram trip right befor I meet my wife. Probably wouldn't go that far, but a couple grams would be cool. They keep talking about dmt it's got me interested super spiritual trip to another world but it only last 15 minutes.
Good afternoon Packerfan.

I hope you got all high and had a great night sleep last night. I never have trouble getting to sleep at night, after a couple beers and bowles I just doze off in my chair. I do however wish I could sleep in the morning a bit better. As soon as the sun starts to come up and the birds start chirping I have a very hard time sleeping, even if I was up late the night before.

Yep Rufus is a great dog and was super happy and relaxed. You'd have thought he was stoned he was so sleepy after a day in the sun.

I think you are right, a little effort to include her in the things I do latley and a nice couple days up north has some us well. We had been just working and stressing and not seeing each other much for a while but now things seem better.

If your wife and kids do go on a vacationing that might give you a nice chance to get out and have some fun. Maybe go camping in the mountains or go to the coast. Time together is good but time apart is important as well. Like you said maybe an opportunity to party a bit. I've never heard of anyone taking that small a quantity of shrooms, I doubt I'd even feel that. My rule of thumb with good shrooms is that a gram is a good buzz and two grams is a great buzz. A 10 gram buzz must be really intense. I dosed my wife and myself with way too much acid back in the day and we tripped for like two days super intense. Not sure how many doses it was because we had nothing to mesure it with it was liquid. I have some shrooms in my basement that are like 10 years old but we're super dry and kept inside a mason jar in a dark closet. I wonder if they are still any good? I could use a mind expanding trip soon it's been a while. DMT sounds good I've not tried it. A short trip sounds more convenient with a busy schedule. I tried bromomescaline once that was a trip, came on really fast. I use to be more adventurous in my younger days there was nothing I wouldn't try.


Active member
I doubt that a plant can be completely immune to mold and PMTrue.
Good afternoon AB.

Good to see you again. You posted just in time for me to include an update on the outdoor autos in my reply. It works out perfectly since these are your genetics.

I just got back from giving the autos some water and a light feed of tiger bloom. My friends house where the plants are is not too far from where I work so I went over on my lunch brake to have a look at them. I got a few pics too. They are looking really good. Starting to branch out a bit. Top buds are starting to stack and secondaries are starting to form. They smell great. For a first experience with outdoor this is going really well. My friend is super happy with them as wel. They are about 3 feet tall now.

Here are a few shots of them.


Well-known member
that pic of rufus on the boat is awesome!
if we had to choose a pic to sum up this years summer, i would say thats it!
that is cool that your wife was able to enjoy a toke!
i bet she was flying off your stuff and really had a good time
/i used to abstain for a day or two just to catch that good old first timers buzz
that is awesome that you are planning on heading back to the cabin later this summer!
it seems like this year is flying by ,an, all we can do is enjoy each moment to its fullest

i have a five bag set up
its getting kind of worn and im thinking of getting a new set
my favorite way to smoke hash it to top a nice bowl
i will roll out several small balls, each about the size of a bb, or i will flatten it out with a lighter into a pancake
lay that on top and hold on to your hat!
i will occasionally smoke it straight but it gets kind of heavy after a few hits
plus it burns better when mixed with weed
i hear in europe they mix their hash with tobacco, i bet that is intense for us non smokers

that is crazy about the conditions you are dealing wiht rode'
you are right that if you are anywhere near infected plants, you are prob carrying the spores
a lot of growers will change clothes before going into their garden
i grow at home so if its not me its the dog tracking that shit in
you just deal with it and try not to let it get out of hand
from what i know, safer is mostly soap
i dont have an ingredient list handy but im pretty sure the active ingredient is soap and maybe some botanical oils
i still recommend serenade, but whatever you choose to spray, please do it as early as possible in the day so that it has a chance to dry before the sun gets too intense
if you see spots on the plants that means there is residual spray and its burning from the direct sunlight
I agree Rufus for summer poster dog
I think the safers is a antifungal product they make not the soap. Mostly bicarbonate I think. I don't plan to spray unless I start to see
it on my stuff but I read theres's a PM that likes the dry and one that likes the wet. Hoping not to get the dry type. I keep my humidity below 50 and have good spacing and lots of air movement. Seeing it on so many other things just makes me freak a little. I am using some foliar feeds now calcium nitrate and fish and kelp but the airflow is enough to dry quick. I hope thats enough.
Still no sign of a flower on the larrys its been 6 days surly they will show soon. The fem cotton candy and chronic are not showing either.
I want to learn about rosin and hash making but having too much fun remodeling now. I replaced our bedroom carpet with some cherry I bought years back. Just as i was about to nail nown the trim. Mrs Hazard then noticed the walls and ceiling were the wrong color replace blue ceiling with white replace rose walls with aqua blue. That was 480 sq ft of flooring 2.5 inch boards by hand and the ceiling and walls were formidable surfaces to cover ceiling took three coats. We just finished replacing all the lampshades did not match and all the bed clothes and pillows, I keeping a low profile as I don't want to change all my clothes.


Active member
Good afternoon AB.

Good to see you again. You posted just in time for me to include an update on the outdoor autos in my reply. It works out perfectly since these are your genetics.

I just got back from giving the autos some water and a light feed of tiger bloom. My friends house where the plants are is not too far from where I work so I went over on my lunch brake to have a look at them. I got a few pics too. They are looking really good. Starting to branch out a bit. Top buds are starting to stack and secondaries are starting to form. They smell great. For a first experience with outdoor this is going really well. My friend is super happy with them as wel. They are about 3 feet tall now.

Here are a few shots of them.
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=70737&pictureid=1765726&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=70737&pictureid=1765725&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=70737&pictureid=1765724&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=70737&pictureid=1765723&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=70737&pictureid=1765722&thumb=1]View Image[/url]
Looking good fiddynuts

Cool to see some afterthought going, what strains are you running their? I ran some autos a coupl years ago they were fast buds. Candy kush was nice, West coast of was more like blue dream decent bud but not what I wanted. Made the jump to bodhi after that.

I have had my fair share of acid trips. We went up to Bakersfield and got 20 little bottles of acid took a couple drops each on the way back. A couple hours and nothing happened, so a couple more another couple hours nothing. We start getting close to town and bam we were fryin balls took like 4 hours to kick in got home right at sunset, awesome 10 hour trip. I like psychedelics at night, you see more.
I don't think I would take acid now, afraid the electric bill would chase me down th e street. Lol


In my empire of dirt
that was good thinking for her not to indulge too much, fiddy
i guess we sometimes forget how strong the chronic can be, esp for someone who isnt a regular smoker
a couple tokes is all it takes and its cool she was able to let her hair down and have fun

glad to see arid' around and posting
hope you are having a great summer and all is well!

i think you are right,rhode
safers is a different product from the incecticidal soap, "safer"
let me know how this works for you
PM is something we all will deal with at some point
its nice to have options for treatment and im interested in hearing how this product works for you,sir
sounds like the mrs has an eye for decorating
you are a smart man to just go with the flow

sucks about the wife not including you in her plans, p'fan
does she know you would like tag along?
man, its been a while since ive had a mushroom trip
good times for sure


Active member
I agree Rufus for summer poster dog
I think the safers is a antifungal product they make not the soap. Mostly bicarbonate I think. I don't plan to spray unless I start to see
it on my stuff but I read theres's a PM that likes the dry and one that likes the wet. Hoping not to get the dry type. I keep my humidity below 50 and have good spacing and lots of air movement. Seeing it on so many other things just makes me freak a little. I am using some foliar feeds now calcium nitrate and fish and kelp but the airflow is enough to dry quick. I hope thats enough.
Still no sign of a flower on the larrys its been 6 days surly they will show soon. The fem cotton candy and chronic are not showing either.
I want to learn about rosin and hash making but having too much fun remodeling now. I replaced our bedroom carpet with some cherry I bought years back. Just as i was about to nail nown the trim. Mrs Hazard then noticed the walls and ceiling were the wrong color replace blue ceiling with white replace rose walls with aqua blue. That was 480 sq ft of flooring 2.5 inch boards by hand and the ceiling and walls were formidable surfaces to cover ceiling took three coats. We just finished replacing all the lampshades did not match and all the bed clothes and pillows, I keeping a low profile as I don't want to change all my clothes.
Good morning Rodehazrd.

I think you are doing the right thing with keeping humidity in check and keeping as much air moving as possible. I'd bet that in the forest the mold and PM gets established at night when there is condensate and no airflow, just my thoughts but I'm no expert. Anyway keeping it dry and plenty of wind even if you have to run a couple extra box fans or something should be your best hope. I remember reeding in the high brix thread about how resistant plants can be when healthy. Keep those girls healthy and happy and I bet they will be fine.

I don't usually see flowers until about two weeks into 12/12 so I wouldn't worry about how they look at day 6. They should be getting their streach starting soon though.

Sounds like you ar keeping busy. Man 480 sq/ft sounds like you have a huge bedroom. That's allmost half the size of my house. Lots of surface to paint too. My wife gets on her redecorating and painting phases too and you just have to go with it. Sounds like you need to dress in neutral colors or you risk being redecorated LOL.


Active member
Looking good fiddynuts

Cool to see some afterthought going, what strains are you running their? I ran some autos a coupl years ago they were fast buds. Candy kush was nice, West coast of was more like blue dream decent bud but not what I wanted. Made the jump to bodhi after that.

I have had my fair share of acid trips. We went up to Bakersfield and got 20 little bottles of acid took a couple drops each on the way back. A couple hours and nothing happened, so a couple more another couple hours nothing. We start getting close to town and bam we were fryin balls took like 4 hours to kick in got home right at sunset, awesome 10 hour trip. I like psychedelics at night, you see more.
I don't think I would take acid now, afraid the electric bill would chase me down th e street. Lol
Good morning Packerfan.

Yep it's nice to be rocking some afterthought again. I grew them indoors for my first grow of 2017 and they were fun to grow and I had a nice variety of buds at harvest. I had 3 strains in that run. They were the first plants that finished properly for me and the grow gave me a lot of confidence going forward. Now they are the first plants I've tried outdoor and are going really well. They are super hardy. On their third night in the ground we had a strong thunderstorm and they took it like champs. Now at 3+ weeks in the ground they are well established and look happy.

I have some A-rocket X afgan autos going that will be going outside at my bros house soon. Those are in 4 gallon pots and I can't wait to see how those do. Even though my indoor is winding down for a little break it's nice to have plants growing still.

Yep I use to have lots of fun tripping. Never really had a bad trip or anything. Lots of night tripping, trudging through the woods or staring at the camp fire. I actually haven't tripped since the wife and I dosed ourselves with a bunch of acid that time. Her brother was a biochemist and had made that batch. After he ate a bullet his acid went to us and we put down a lot of it. Those dropper bottles can be trouble, ive seen plenty of people give the bottle a squeeze and get more than they bargained for. Good times but more of a young mans type of fun.


Well-known member
Hello Jungle Tribe
It hotter than bills blue blazes and warming up. My room is running in the 90s but none of the plants mind, I see a little taco on one plant but I don't think its heat stress. I can stay 10 degrees above outdoor temp without running my air conditioner thats with lights on.
I numbered my larrys in order of perceived vigor at 2 weeks. #9 the absolute runt caught up with the others and is now the first to show herself. I wonder if this pheno will also finish earlier than her sisters since she flowered first.
Fiddy I watched an hour of the Bodhi cast I really enjoy the Spiritual side of his breeding goals, and his suggestions we f2 his stuff to see whats in there. I think he's a Satva. He sure thinks like one. And I don't have any of his beans in my collection. Gonna fix that.


Well-known member
that was good thinking for her not to indulge too much, fiddy
i guess we sometimes forget how strong the chronic can be, esp for someone who isnt a regular smoker
a couple tokes is all it takes and its cool she was able to let her hair down and have fun

glad to see arid' around and posting
hope you are having a great summer and all is well!

i think you are right,rhode
safers is a different product from the incecticidal soap, "safer"
let me know how this works for you
PM is something we all will deal with at some point
its nice to have options for treatment and im interested in hearing how this product works for you,sir
sounds like the mrs has an eye for decorating
you are a smart man to just go with the flow

sucks about the wife not including you in her plans, p'fan
does she know you would like tag along?
man, its been a while since ive had a mushroom trip
good times for sure

yeah pop she has the gift she can shop for things and remember the color hues of what we have and match or contrast them in her mind. Some hues she sees I don't specially bluish green tints and redish purples. I think women have an extra rod or cone we did not get.
Hey I'm growing a fruity chronic juice and I never had chronic whats it like?


Active member
that was good thinking for her not to indulge too much, fiddy
i guess we sometimes forget how strong the chronic can be, esp for someone who isnt a regular smoker
a couple tokes is all it takes and its cool she was able to let her hair down and have fun

glad to see arid' around and posting
hope you are having a great summer and all is well!

i think you are right,rhode
safers is a different product from the incecticidal soap, "safer"
let me know how this works for you
PM is something we all will deal with at some point
its nice to have options for treatment and im interested in hearing how this product works for you,sir
sounds like the mrs has an eye for decorating
you are a smart man to just go with the flow

sucks about the wife not including you in her plans, p'fan
does she know you would like tag along?
man, its been a while since ive had a mushroom trip
good times for sure
Good afternoon pop_rocks.

Yep I think too much would have not been good for her. She has commented that she didn't smoke anymore because she said it made her anxious and gave her some paranoia. There was none of that last weekend so we are taking steps forward. Even back when she was a daily smoker she never smoked a lot. Her body is pretty sensitive to things like that. When we'd go out dancing and take MDMA she would always take a lot less than me or she would get sick to her stomach. She is a cheap date so to speak.

Man this week is flying by for me. It's been warm and humid here like mid and upper 80's and sticky. Some serious thunderstorms last night has the humidity way up there today. The dehumidifier has been working hard to keep RH at 50% in the basement.

I just got done with a test ride and I saw the local farm has sweet corn available for the first time this year. I love me some sweet corn. Corn picked fresh the same day is so good. It's a couple weeks late this year due to the cold rainy spring we had. Won't be long until all the farm stands have corn, tomatoes, peppers and other fresh veg available. I love eating food fresh and local. Our season for fresh dosent last long so I have to take advantage the next couple months.


Active member
Nice work, Fiddy!
Good afternoon AB.

Thanks for both the compliment and the genetics. I'm taking a more hands off approach to these girls. I go over and see them once a week or so and I'm trying to keep it natural with them, except for a little feed with tiger bloom. I think I'm less likely to screw something up this way LOL. Really looking forward to seeing how the a-rocket X afgani grows in the 4 gallon pots too. They will be going outside soon.