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Felt cute. Made a log. Might delete, later.


Active member
After reading the Foliar spray thread I'm tickled. It flies in the face of many ideas we're typically taught about foliar spray like:
  1. Spraying any type of liquid on your plants under a light will burn them due to light being reflected in the droplets
  2. Foliar feeding daily is going to kill your plants
  3. Healthy plants don't need foliar feeding
  4. Residue will be left on your plant (and lead to 2 or 6)
  5. You can't foliar spray in flowering or you get mold
  6. Foliar feeding in flowering affects bud taste

A lot of people were pissed at the suggestion those weren't necessarily true lol.

I'm open to the idea because there's a few things I discovered on my own are myths.

For one: spraying your plants under lighting does not lead to leaf burn.

I learned about it first in a gardening group when someone explained the intensity of light, even when directly under the sun isn't enough to cause focused heat that would burn leaves. They explained what actually happens is:
  • plants need extra water under intense sun / light / temps and will undergo phases of wilting
  • There's a certain threshold where if the plants are not watered in time, they will experience damage that won't always be immediately apparent.
  • Grower ends up noticing the wilt, waters plants, sees damage and assumes = leaf burn from droplets on leaves.
  • In a fully hydrated plant, lights don't burn the leaves.
I've tested this myself and regularly put my plants directly under lighting after spraying them down and there's no burning.

It’s supposedly best to do just as lights come on (leaves are cool from their dark period). But, I’ve personally sprayed water at different times throughout the light cycle without issue.

In the thread, OP linked many studies in favor of foliar feeding in addition to nutes at watering, resulting in higher yields. I was able to find more papers using Google Scholar.

With misting throughout the day, you can rinse off any residue, just as you would rinse produce before eating.

As for overferting, this seems to be difficult to do with the correct ratio of nutes and plants can regularly (as frequently as daily) take in foliar sprays.

OP foliar sprayed up until week 5 of flower and supplied commercially for medical clients, without it affecting bud taste or acquiring mold. In fact, he made a case for the spray not only reducing the likelihood of mold, but of pests.

TLDR: This my long winded way of saying I'm going to foliar spray in addition to nutes in water and see what happens :smoker:

When I have clones ready, I'll do one that receives daily foliar spray until week 5 of flower and the other with only nutes during watering.

2 days in a row I've sprayed it on my veggie garden, houseplants, and ganja...all the girls love it

Very interesting


Active member
now the wee baby pops dosent feel so old
the 80s were good times and i dont think we will ever have a generation like we were back then
if you are just spraying clear water on the plants i dont see any problem as long as its not too close to lights out time
like you mentioned, later in flower its not such a good idea because water can get into the bud and cause mold
also be sure to maintain good airflow
i like your idea of running an experiment side by side with identical clones and we can all follow along with your results
True, I'll spray just as lights come on to be safe. Won't push it past 5 weeks flower...would die a bit inside to get bud rot.

The best part of a SOG is all the micro experiments 🤓


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
True, I'll spray just as lights come on to be safe. Won't push it past 5 weeks flower...would die a bit inside to get bud rot.

The best part of a SOG is all the micro experiments 🤓
im along for the ride! i might even chip in for gas

so where you are at is it getting hot, like peak summer heat yet?
its still nice by the coast but i was visiting a friend a little inland and it was hot like hell there
now i need a cold beverage and im eyeing the popsicles i have in the freezer but will wait till after dinner
more olympics so ive got time


Active member
im along for the ride! i might even chip in for gas

so where you are at is it getting hot, like peak summer heat yet?
its still nice by the coast but i was visiting a friend a little inland and it was hot like hell there
now i need a cold beverage and im eyeing the popsicles i have in the freezer but will wait till after dinner
more olympics so ive got time

Glad to have you, please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times.

It’s always cool here, partially underground. Temp fluctuates 10 degrees year round :smokey:


learning and laughing
I've tested this myself and regularly put my plants directly under lighting after spraying them down and there's no burning.

It’s supposedly best to do just as lights come on (leaves are cool from their dark period). But, I’ve personally sprayed water at different times throughout the light cycle without issue.
That's also my experience.
I've been misting them (eg. horse tail) within the first two hours after lights on. No burns, just stronger + more happy plants 🥰

Afaiu the ladies have their stoma wide open in the 2h after lights on and the 2h before lights off. The misting then is most efficient.


Active member
That's also my experience.
I've been misting them (eg. horse tail) within the first two hours after lights on. No burns, just stronger + more happy plants 🥰

Afaiu the ladies have their stoma wide open in the 2h after lights on and the 2h before lights off. The misting then is most efficient.
Oooh I didn’t know that, interesting. Thanks for sharing that Hasch.


Active member
Couldn't sleep. Read some research to help get there lol. Found this:

Foliar application of nutrients on medicinal and aromatic plants, the sustainable approaches for higher and better production

Inside the paper are 125 referenced studies supporting the conclusion:

"The positive effects of feeding plants via foliar fertilizers directly to the leaves are reported in many studies, therefore foliar application can be considered as the best tool to give supplemental doses of both minor and major nutrients, stimulants, and even plant hormones.

Foliar application is advisable where additional benefits from the plant's activity can be obtained. The big advantage of foliar treatment is that they can address an urgent need within a relatively short time, and they are therefore especially efficient as a preventative and in some cases curative treatments.

Foliar treatment is not generally intended to replace soil or fertigation applications, but to complement them."

Last edited:


Active member
New growth on clones but no roots :unsure:

And I didn't go by them not showing through the peat...I removed one and checked the bottom. When I take clones I split the bottom with a razor two ways so it looks like a cross, vertical and horizontal cut in half. Idk if that allowed nutrient uptake despite no roots but it's interesting.

Didn't know that was possible. Cracked a corner and will see in the next few days. Will be 14 days by then.



After almost 3 weeks, GG#4 bean popped...and it popped upside down :bashhead:

Had written it off as a goner, then saw white fuzzy tap root sticking up from the soil under the saran wrap I cover "pots" with until the bean sprouts. Righted it and after a day, it looks like a normal seedling.

Because of all the problems named it "Can't get right."



Active member
Best video I've found explaining VPD. Glad I watched because I need to be careful with my nute mixes.

And something relieving: "VPD is optimal over a very wide range...we go all the way to 4 in the field, and it's fine." Bruce Bugbee



In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Guava Fritter liked the LST. Still dialing in nutes. Learning about VPD helped me understand why N was coming off heavy. Higher VPD = more frequent waterings and I add nutes each watering.

View attachment 19047748
oh wow, look at you go
or look at her go! that is a nice looking plant
how heavy are you feeding them, looking good for such a small container
are you going to up pot her at some point or just flower her in the container she is in?


Active member
oh wow, look at you go
or look at her go! that is a nice looking plant
how heavy are you feeding them, looking good for such a small container
are you going to up pot her at some point or just flower her in the container she is in?
thank you. it does bring a smile to see her in the morning.

wasn't feeding too heavy, 1/4 what I'd normally feed but the frequency made that more than intended (due to higher VPD).

she's going to stay in this pot the entire time. This sizing is how I'll be able to fit in new plants every week and harvest every week. may go even lower than this. It depends how much the plant ends up stretching.

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