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Felt cute. Made a log. Might delete, later.


Well-known member
Premium user
Discovered something that blew my mind today...you can produce stable feminized seeds from a hermie, no chemicals.

This is from Marijuana Botany - An Advanced Study: The Propagation and Breeding of Distinctive Cannabis by Robert Connell Clarke:

"The accidental release of some pollen from
predominantly pistillate hermaphrodites, along with
the complete eradication of nearly every staminate
and staminate hermaphrodite plant may have led to a
shift in sexual ratio in domestic populations of
sinsemilla drug Cannabis. It is commonly observed
that these strains tend toward 60% to 80% pistillate
plants and a few pistillate hermaphrodites are not
uncommon in these populations.

However, a cross can be made which will produce
nearly all pistillate or staminate individuals. If the
proper pistillate hermaphrodite plant is selected as the
pollen-parent and a pure pistillate plant is selected as
the seed-parent it is possible to produce an F1, and
subsequent generations, of nearly all pistillate
offspring. The proper pistillate hermaphrodite pollen-
parent is one which has grown as a pure pistillate
plant and at the end of the sea son, or under artificial
environmental stress, begins to develop a very few
staminate flowers. If pollen from these few staminate
flowers forming on a pistillate plant is applied to a
pure pistillate seed parent, the resulting F1 generation
should be almost all pistillate with only a few pistillate
hermaphrodites. This will also be the case if the
selected pistillate hermaphrodite pollen source is
selfed and bears its own seeds.

Remember that a
selfed hermaphrodite gives rise to more
hermaphrodites, but a selfed pistillate plant that has
given rise to a limited number of staminate flowers in
response to environmental stresses should give rise
to nearly all pistillate offspring. The F1 offspring may
have a slight tendency to produce a few staminate
flowers under further environmental stress and these
are used to produce F2 seed. A monoecious strain
produces 95+% plants with many pistillate and
staminate flowers, but a dioecious strain produces
95+% pure pistillate or staminate plants. A plant from
a dioecious strain with a few inter sexual flowers is a
pistillate or staminate hermaphrodite. Therefore, the
difference between monoecism and her maphrodism
is one of degree, determined by genetics and
Interesting. Have you had luck with this theory?


Active member
Found 2 seeds in bud I was smoking. One called Jordanz (Gary Payton x Runtz) and Thai Jack (some kind of Thai x jack Herer?). Both were solid smoke and germed so I guess I'm rolling with it. Would classify them as midgrade. Don't know if it's the genetics or how they grew so I'm curious how they'll be in my setup.


Mawai is doing well, even if maybe a little heavy on the N.


Third cheese is showing different characteristics than her sisters


Since Guava Fritter was an unplanned addition, she'll be first as tribute for a rodelization experiment. The plan is to flower her to ripeness until male parts show and see if I can get pollen / seeds made on just her. This method produces only a bit of seeds, but I would like to grow them out and see what happens.



Active member
GG#4 Original Glue from Sensible Seeds wouldn't germ, neither seed. Kind of disappointing but they were free so eh, it happens.

Started germing Amnesia Lemon (Sensible), Glookies (Barney's Farm), and Mimosa EVO (Barney's Farm).
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Active member
look at you go! that looks like a happy plant
seems like they like the new tent
do you have plans on up potting them anytime soon?

enjoying the show!

Hey pop, how are you?

Aye, she is liking the tent...feels good to have something under 12/12


This is her final pot, 1 liter. Let's see what happens.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
estoy bien! just enjoying the olympics and the summer weather here in socal

so this is your flower tent! i cant wait to see how she blooms
what about the other girls? are they going to be joining her soon in the 12/12 room
fill that tent with little plants and have fun!


Active member
estoy bien! just enjoying the olympics and the summer weather here in socal

so this is your flower tent! i cant wait to see how she blooms
what about the other girls? are they going to be joining her soon in the 12/12 room
fill that tent with little plants and have fun!
I miss socal. Hopefully fires haven't been too crazy your way this year.

The other girls are in a 2 x 4 tent under a 150w cfl. They'll be bonsai moms to perpetually feed the 3 x 3 flower tent. From there, I'll decide what's worth keeping around. Am super skeptical about the origins of some of these beans lol.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
if you are growing out bagseed its all ???
/whatever they said it was thats what it is
but if you are getting beans from reputable vendors you should be cool
/or at least thei version of cool"
yeah fill that tent up with all the flavors you can find!
hahah, when were you in socal? i thought you lived in like narnia or someplace exotic like that


Active member
if you are growing out bagseed its all ???
/whatever they said it was thats what it is
but if you are getting beans from reputable vendors you should be cool
/or at least thei version of cool"
yeah fill that tent up with all the flavors you can find!
hahah, when were you in socal? i thought you lived in like narnia or someplace exotic like that
Not all the beans are reputable vendors, unfortunately. In hindsight, I'm positive 100% of reviews where the cheese is from are fake. Same grammar and sentence structure, 0 spelling errors, lowest rating is 4 stars. Can't complain as beans were free from a friend and I really just missed growing after taking a long time away. The bud will tell whether they're worthy. Hoping for the best, planning for the worst haha.

It works out in the end...if I have to cull a lot of moms I'm getting MrSoul's reg C99 beans and Ace landraces.

I was in the valley in the mid 2000s! Narnia sounds a good way to describe where I am now lol
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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Not all the beans are reputable vendors, unfortunately. In hindsight, I'm positive 100% of reviews where the cheese is from are fake. Same grammar and sentence structure, 0 spelling errors, lowest rating is 4 stars. Can't complain as beans were free from a friend and I really just missed growing after taking a long time away. The bud will tell whether they're worthy. Hoping for the best, planning for the worst haha.

It works out in the end...if I have to cull a lot of moms I'm getting MrSoul's reg C99 beans and Ace landraces.

I was in the valley in the mid 2000s! Narnia sounds a good way to describe where I am now lol
you are just getting your feet wet and this is a good place to start
work out the kinks in your grow room and your technique and have fun

hahah, sfv i had no idea


Active member
Interesting RIU thread about foliar feeding in addition to feeding the soil. Essentially results in increased yields. Studies referenced in the thread. I may decide to incorporate this and later compare clones with and without daily foliar feeds.

I got the idea to check it out when Mike from The Village and Symbiotic Genetics (original breeder of Mimosa, Wedding Crasher) referenced it.



Active member
After reading the Foliar spray thread I'm tickled. It flies in the face of many ideas we're typically taught about foliar spray like:
  1. Spraying any type of liquid on your plants under a light will burn them due to light being reflected in the droplets
  2. Foliar feeding daily is going to kill your plants
  3. Healthy plants don't need foliar feeding
  4. Residue will be left on your plant (and lead to 2 or 6)
  5. You can't foliar spray in flowering or you get mold
  6. Foliar feeding in flowering affects bud taste

A lot of people were pissed at the suggestion those weren't necessarily true lol.

I'm open to the idea because there's a few things I discovered on my own are myths.

For one: spraying your plants under lighting does not lead to leaf burn.

I learned about it first in a gardening group when someone explained the intensity of light, even when directly under the sun isn't enough to cause focused heat that would burn leaves. They explained what actually happens is:
  • plants need extra water under intense sun / light / temps and will undergo phases of wilting
  • There's a certain threshold where if the plants are not watered in time, they will experience damage that won't always be immediately apparent.
  • Grower ends up noticing the wilt, waters plants, sees damage and assumes = leaf burn from droplets on leaves.
  • In a fully hydrated plant, lights don't burn the leaves.
I've tested this myself and regularly put my plants directly under lighting after spraying them down and there's no burning.

It’s supposedly best to do just as lights come on (leaves are cool from their dark period). But, I’ve personally sprayed water at different times throughout the light cycle without issue.

In the thread, OP linked many studies in favor of foliar feeding in addition to nutes at watering, resulting in higher yields. I was able to find more papers using Google Scholar.

With misting throughout the day, you can rinse off any residue, just as you would rinse produce before eating.

As for overferting, this seems to be difficult to do with the correct ratio of nutes and plants can regularly (as frequently as daily) take in foliar sprays.

OP foliar sprayed up until week 5 of flower and supplied commercially for medical clients, without it affecting bud taste or acquiring mold. In fact, he made a case for the spray not only reducing the likelihood of mold, but of pests.

TLDR: This my long winded way of saying I'm going to foliar spray in addition to nutes in water and see what happens :smoker:

When I have clones ready, I'll do one that receives daily foliar spray until week 5 of flower and the other with only nutes during watering.

2 days in a row I've sprayed it on my veggie garden, houseplants, and ganja...all the girls love it

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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
I'm not too far behind ya. Am an 80s baby. Often wish I could have experienced the 70s. I live vicariously through the music 💃🏽

now the wee baby pops dosent feel so old
the 80s were good times and i dont think we will ever have a generation like we were back then
if you are just spraying clear water on the plants i dont see any problem as long as its not too close to lights out time
like you mentioned, later in flower its not such a good idea because water can get into the bud and cause mold
also be sure to maintain good airflow
i like your idea of running an experiment side by side with identical clones and we can all follow along with your results