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Felt cute. Made a log. Might delete, later.


Active member
Azomite - in soil vs watering

Originally, I intended to add azomite into the soil but decided to add it to waterings. Looked into a bit and the reasoning for watering vs adding to soil is as follows...

  1. Even Distribution:
    • When Azomite is dissolved in water, it ensures more uniform distribution throughout the soil, reaching all the roots evenly. This is especially important for trace minerals, which are needed in small amounts but must be accessible to all parts of the plant.
  2. Immediate Availability:
    • Dissolving Azomite in water makes its minerals more immediately available to plants. This can be particularly beneficial if your plants show signs of mineral deficiencies and need a quick boost.
  3. Reduced Risk of Over-application:
    • Applying Azomite through watering allows you to control the amount more precisely, reducing the risk of over-application, which can lead to imbalances in the soil.
  4. Enhanced Soil Microbial Activity:
    • When applied in a liquid form, trace minerals can be more readily utilized by soil microbes, enhancing their activity and further improving soil health.
  5. Flexibility:
    • Adding Azomite during watering provides flexibility. You can adjust the amount based on the specific needs of your plants at different growth stages or in response to observed deficiencies.
Thought I'd share in case helpful to someone.
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Active member

Guava Fritter's 2 new tops grew out after the FIM. It's about 3 weeks since germination.


2 fem UK Cheese popped this morning 🙏

Seedlings are currently under a single 150w cfl.


Active member
Setup the flowering tent, 3 x 3 from AC Infinity. Being able to control everything from an app is epic.

LED will be fixed throughout the grow. Goal is to finish clones 1' below.

In the photo, lighting is at 20% power. Really surprised how much this 210w puts out. Now to see what kind of bud it can grow 😤

Later, it'll be compared to 400w hps with the same conditions.


Started germinating Malawi from Ace Seeds and Gorilla Glue #4 from GG Strains.
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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
look at you go, me encanta
Here's what the cab used to look like before making the doors and painting it

View attachment 19035897

One time I flowered a Critical Jack Herer in there. This is 5 weeks and last photo I have, unfortunately.

View attachment 19035898

It was one of a few I grew from seed.

View attachment 19035899

I've always been amazed at what you can do with a small space.
Set the clone cab up. Almost forgot I had a 30w LED with cree diodes, used for a planted tank.

It seems perfect for clones and gives more height vs house LEDs.

Found a pair of scrap square brackets and screws to make a mount for it.

It's kept under a desk where it's hard to notice unless you're sitting there.

Temps were tested and despite being the early stages of hell outside, 82F was peak.

It's not light proof but good enough for my situation.

View attachment 19035892
View attachment 19035893

Guava Fritter had a bit of a haircut today to start the bonsai branching. For fun, I'm attempting to clone the cut even though it's less than 1". Dipped it in honey, stuck it in perlite. I don't expect much but would be cool if something happens.

Then I can figure out is this a male or female.

View attachment 19035894
View attachment 19035895
that has to be one of the coolest banzai plants ive ever seen!
plus what you did with that nightstand! the light looks so cool
/ like something you would see at a disco *
great post

*dont listen to the haters
disco is not dead
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Active member
look at you go, me encanta

that has to be one of the coolest banzai plants ive ever seen!
plus what you did with that nightstand! the light looks so cool
/ like something you would see at a disco *
great post

*dont listen to the haters
disco is not dead

Appreciate the love! I very much like the idea of this being a disco themed grow. It will indeed be playing for these girls 😍

Make Disco Great Again 🪩🕺💃🏽


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
the new tent will give you so much more room
but i still dig the diy crafting cabinet
/thats sweet! being about to refurbish furniture like that!!

you go girl!


Active member
The 4 mamasitas this morning


They get watered in this bucket with the flood and drain method Dr. Bud was using:
  • Place the plants in the bucket, slowly filling with water (and any nutes) until the water covers 1/4" above the soil line.
  • Once there aren't any more bubbles from gas releasing, lift the plant out (draining water into another bucket) and new air rushes into the soil.

Supposedly, this style of watering was key to the results especially when growing in such small pots to begin with. It allows total saturation of the medium.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
The 4 mamasitas this morning

View attachment 19040130

They get watered in this bucket with the flood and drain method Dr. Bud was using:
  • Place the plants in the bucket, slowly filling with water (and any nutes) until the water covers 1/4" above the soil line.
  • Once there aren't any more bubbles from gas releasing, lift the plant out (draining water into another bucket) and new air rushes into the soil.

Supposedly, this style of watering was key to the results especially when growing in such small pots to begin with. It allows total saturation of the medium.
are you growing the cheese?!
why does one of those girls look like a usper star? is she older than the others?
that sounds like a great way to avoid dry pockets in your soil
are these plants going into your 3x3 tent? what size containers are you thinking of going with?


Active member
are you growing the cheese?!
why does one of those girls look like a usper star? is she older than the others?
that sounds like a great way to avoid dry pockets in your soil
are these plants going into your 3x3 tent? what size containers are you thinking of going with?

Yea! Cheese is one of my sister's favorite strains. No idea how close it'll be to what she remembers from Amsterdam in the early 2000s but we'll see.

The Cheeses (and other plants from seed) will be moms to take clones from. I'm curious to see which phenos come out and how they differ from each other. Over time, I'll decide what to keep around and flower whatever doesn't fit the bill.

The Guava Fritter is a little over 3 weeks old, that's why it’s so much bigger than the others. The Cheese I & II popped open above soil 3 days ago and the Cheese III 2 days ago.

These are all under a 150w cfl in a 2 x 4 tent that's usually a seedling area for my outdoor plants. I was trying to keep the grow smaller but I may end up keeping them in that tent unless I mount more house lights in the clone cab. I don't think 30w LED will be enough to keep the moms putting out clones in a timely manner.

All clones will go in the 3 x 3 tent, perpetually. I'll be playing with putting them in as soon as they root vs different heights, depending on the cultivar's rep for stretching.

The containers will be 16oz and 1 liter. Ideally, everything would be in 1 liter but it may allow the plant to stretch too big. I'm curious to see how the different cultivars respond. The Malawi will surely be a stretcher.
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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
that is nice of you to grow her favorite strain! where did you get the cheese from?
/sorry if you have already answered this, im high
i once grew out a cheese cut i got from a friend, it smelled rank but all anyone wanted at the time was fruity
the guava fritter looks nice
it sounds like you have a couple nice set ups and put a lot of love into your grow

almost forgot the disco!

you grow girl!
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Active member
that is nice of you to grow her favorite strain! where did you get the cheese from?
/sorry if you have already answered this, im high
i once grew out a cheese cut i got from a friend, it smelled rank but all anyone wanted at the time was fruity
the guava fritter looks nice
it sounds like you have a couple nice set ups and put a lot of love into your grow

almost forgot the disco!

you grow girl!

one of my favorite songs!

It's "UK Cheese" from Original Kush Seeds. Never heard of them before and couldn't find much on them so I'm basically considering it a Skunk #1 pheno tryna be like Cheese 😅

Even if it's not the real cheese, I'm sure she will be happy just to have free smoke she can be sure doesn't have pesticides.

Always a lot of love goes into the grow! I genuinely love my plants ♥️

Appreciate you taking an interest and being supportive :thank you:


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
look at you go! growing in recycled materials
and your plants look awesome
/plus i like the graphic job on the plant on pure white!
those clones look good, just keep misting them and they are rooted

you grow the most awesome little plants!

almost forgot the disco!
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Active member
Ever find yourself shopping for seeds you have no business buying right now? 🤭

Really want to hit up the landrace sativas like Panama, Bangi Haze, Congo, highland Thai then a few heirlooms like DJ Short’s Blueberry and Mr. Soul’s C99. Starting to formulate a plan where I could keep some bonsai moms and a couple strong males, then really start experimenting.

Once I get the nuances of nutes and the perpetual sog down, I’m moving in that direction.


Active member
The girls taking a bath


The seedling stage is fun seeing the foundation being built, but I can't wait to see something in flower. Cheese is 1 week and Malawi is 3 days.


Active member
Discovered something that blew my mind today...you can produce stable feminized seeds from a female allowed to produce a few male parts, no chemicals.

This is from Marijuana Botany - An Advanced Study: The Propagation and Breeding of Distinctive Cannabis by Robert Connell Clarke:

"The accidental release of some pollen from
predominantly pistillate hermaphrodites, along with
the complete eradication of nearly every staminate
and staminate hermaphrodite plant may have led to a
shift in sexual ratio in domestic populations of
sinsemilla drug Cannabis. It is commonly observed
that these strains tend toward 60% to 80% pistillate
plants and a few pistillate hermaphrodites are not
uncommon in these populations.

However, a cross can be made which will produce
nearly all pistillate or staminate individuals. If the
proper pistillate hermaphrodite plant is selected as the
pollen-parent and a pure pistillate plant is selected as
the seed-parent it is possible to produce an F1, and
subsequent generations, of nearly all pistillate
offspring. The proper pistillate hermaphrodite pollen-
parent is one which has grown as a pure pistillate
plant and at the end of the sea son, or under artificial
environmental stress, begins to develop a very few
staminate flowers. If pollen from these few staminate
flowers forming on a pistillate plant is applied to a
pure pistillate seed parent, the resulting F1 generation
should be almost all pistillate with only a few pistillate
hermaphrodites. This will also be the case if the
selected pistillate hermaphrodite pollen source is
selfed and bears its own seeds.

Remember that a
selfed hermaphrodite gives rise to more
hermaphrodites, but a selfed pistillate plant that has
given rise to a limited number of staminate flowers in
response to environmental stresses should give rise
to nearly all pistillate offspring. The F1 offspring may
have a slight tendency to produce a few staminate
flowers under further environmental stress and these
are used to produce F2 seed. A monoecious strain
produces 95+% plants with many pistillate and
staminate flowers, but a dioecious strain produces
95+% pure pistillate or staminate plants. A plant from
a dioecious strain with a few inter sexual flowers is a
pistillate or staminate hermaphrodite. Therefore, the
difference between monoecism and her maphrodism
is one of degree, determined by genetics and
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