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Farmerlion's; Just A Grow, Ya Know


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Just like us, they will recover against all odds.
@RobFromTX and @Mitsuharu

Thank you all for stopping by my thread, it means a lot to me sharing this growing style. It's untraditional to say the least. OMG is it effective and every step is gleaned from doctorate studies on soil microbiology and my 7 years of testing.

They certainly did recover as expected, but still great disappointment in myself. I hold myself to the highest of standards and screwed the pooch today for a while. OK I'm done...

Here's some pictures from after the kiwis smoothies, the girls are all happy again. Buds are forming on every plant, the nodes are all offsetting from each other as the hormones change. The stretching will stop and all energies are going into flowering.
Each bag got a kiwi and a teaspoon of Sea-90 Ocean Salts mixed in the blender. Have a great weekend.
Peace farmerlion


Well-known member
@goingrey, I will try to find that thread. Is it in the Ace Panama or one of the Panama threads in breeders/vendors? I'll try Ace first.
I couldn't find that discussion in the Panama threads but I think I may have been recalling this old thread that came up in the search.



Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Thank you brother I will check it out.

It's cooled down in the greenhouse to 115f. Having the new screen installed will help with added ventilation and not chasing grasshoppers all the time. Today I found 4 and caught 3 of them little buggers.

So today was my last day of Psilocybin Cubensis inoculations for the season. This round I injected straight into the soil near the meristem and did a syringe flush with my lake water and a light Source Plus that is the Fulvic/Humic acid that I use in almost all waterings.

I have had plants get close to the ceiling at 10'6" in the center of the greenhouse but now there is one in the middle and a few along the sides reaching skyward. I did find a couple webinars on mycelium and it's functions. Dr. James White did confirm some questions I had regarding my study of Dark septate endophytes that cannabis has it's own mycelium in the Rhizosphere. That should cover the compatibility concerns open the door for more testing. A very much appreciated email.

In another resource yeast is also a common influence in the Rhizosphere and my beer smoothies could possibly amplify that potential communication. So here's a few pictures from today. The first picture is of the screen I installed. When the door is closed it can also cover the main air inlet to add another layer of protection.
Peace farmerlion
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Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Sorry about the darker pictures and the one blurry one towards the bottom. I've had to take multiple breaks today as the heat really messes with my breathing.

I'm hoping by next weekend that all plants have visible buds forming. I had a flat tire on my ranger for most of this past week. Inner tube installed and I'm not making multiple trips with 3 five gallon water jugs to the lake and back each day. Now it's just one trip every two days.
Peace farmerlion


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Here is some more.
The metal pipes on the sides are at 8' high the center support pipe is at 10'6". Multiple plants are touching the ceiling. Since these are auto's crossed with semi auto flowering genetics I'm not a fan of topping as I don't want to stunt flowering.

In the future I would certainly consider topping at 6' and go back to single planting in 35 gallon grow bags and double planting in the 45's.
Peace farmerlion


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hello friends
Today the girls got one round of kiwi, banana and peach smoothies then a second round with just one kiwi per each blender full of lake water.
My screen is helping keep it a little cooler in the greenhouse it's 110f in there right now. All the plants are standing tall and happy. Ventilation, Ventilation, Ventilation this might be the most important aspect of growing(indoors or outdoors/greenhouse).

Here is a few pictures from 20 minutes ago.
Peace farmerlion


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
I did cull a beautiful male Highland Nepalese Grape x Auto Zamaldelica today. I let him go for 4 days to see what kind of structure he was going to have.
Flowering the first week of August with a very stout male having 9 weeks for making mature healthy seed would've been ideal. I culled a few other males last week. Today's male was the keeper of the bunch.

I will let my current Mother of Pearl male live thru the end of next week. I will hand pollinate to ensure every plant has a couple branches of seeded buds.
Peace farmerlion


ICMag Donor
I was just going to ask, when are you going to cull the males! Want to make sure you get good medicine! Plants are looking great! Making me hungry watching you make smoothies for the plants! :smoke:

Yeah greenhouse growing is tough to manage with height considerations as well as heat. Glad they are topping out at a decent height. I wouldn't top at 6 feet though as like you said it could delay flowering. What others have recommended and I find works well, is top once in June once the plants reach a foot or so tall and have leaves that are expanded well. Topping early allows them to build on a structure with branches down low and they can have good growth going before final stretch and flowering phase.

110 F is really hot! Yeah ventilation is super important. Are you getting much disease pressure? I wouldn't mist the foliage with water very often with the heat. Maybe just once in the middle of the day, but if the plants stay wet for prolonged periods overnight that could promote disease.

Going to be fun to see the differences in flower. Need to read back a bit, hope you get some good results from the experiment. You are pioneer, brother! Science is fun! :smoke:


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
No disease of any kind, I keep the dropped leaves off the top of the soil. Keeping very good airflow around the plants has many beneficial effects.

1. Transpiration of water and evacuation of manufactured humidity. (Bud rot)

2. Transpiration of water through the plant for cooling in higher temperatures in the greenhouse.

3. Like us swimming against the current it's very difficult to stay in the current for extended periods of time. With constant higher rates of ventilation flying pests continually struggle for position around the plants. Not having an area to rest they leave the environment.

4. Brix Health
Pests and disease can't get a foothold on strong healthy plants. Today I found the average 3 grasshoppers just sitting on the meristems resting trying to digest what they had eaten. I was 0 for 3 on catching any of them so far today.
When you have a brix of 12 + you will get pests still but it's no a favorable environment for them and they move on. Grasshoppers are the toughest of the plant pests, if they are your only battle then you are doing fine.

I haven't needed to purchase ladybugs or other predatory type insects in several years now that I understand how the battle is won. While I like worm castings in the soil, I haven't purchased any in two years.
I haven't even added worms to the soil this season for aeration. I only removed the root ball and the heaviest of root materials and started feeding the repositories again a month before seed germination.

I've had no need to check Ph of soil or waters. I don't spend money on pesticides or herbicides, only on close out deals on fruits and beets. Speaking of which I need to get some Honey Dews out of the freezer for a feeding tomorrow.

Have a wonderful day my friends 😊 happy growing.
Peace farmerlion


ICMag Donor
Thats great! Yeah healthy plants often outgrow the wave of pest pressure, and then things ease up later on from after the wave diminishes with natural predators, other food sources becoming available, etc.

Wanted to mention I don't like doing a hard prune for topping, only pinch off the growing point so the plant is less stressed.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
I don't think being in the ceiling is going to have and I'll effect. Condensation is the only adversary that I will encounter.

Hello friends, today is Honey Kiss smoothie day with a fresh egg in each bag that I collected from the neighbors chickens the last couple days. I will break up the pictures into two posts. I turned off two fans so hopefully the pictures of the small buds is clearer.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Here's another group of 5 pictures. Through the loupe you can see small trichomes forming, but nothing that's going in show your bud shots. They're pretty sparse at this point. You can see a little progression each day when walking through that flowering is setting in harder each day.

The Blue Thai x Purpura Regina are the slowest so far in flowering. Everything this season is a new recombination of genetics f1's that I haven't run before this season, just had them sitting in jars waiting for their time.

Peace farmerlion