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Farmerlion's; Just A Grow, Ya Know


ICMag Donor
Reverend was saying in the Outdoor thread if you do too much inner branch pruning, it will alter the structure of your plants and make them have lots of terminal branches and yield less. You want flower production all the way down the branch. The plant puts flowers on wherever it determines there is adequate light/energy.


Well-known member
You guys are the outdoor and gh experts.

If growing indoors and have all that time that the flower tent is flowering...there's plenty of time to trim and train the veggers, for a nice scrog.

So, when considering trimming or not to trim, i tend to agree and disagree, harrrrr.


Well-known member
EnjoyingLife and @pipeline ,
If when I'm misting or watering lower branches/leaves are touching the soil, I shake the water off. If they don't lift back up then I will remove them.

This is my reasoning for not defoliating my plants other than dying vegetation. (Sunlight on a bud is not it's greatest source of energy) The fan/sun leaves are the biggest energy producers of the plant. Forming buds takes a lot of effort for the plant. *(Cannabis produces bud in direct proportions of the energy the plant has available. )*

Indoor growers will argue against this and they are wrong, plain and simple. If you are harvesting upper buds first, cut the meristem at that point and leave all the foliage on the bottom with it's buds for another week or two 😉 you will get better results.

*Remember, your plant doesn't produce more leaves than what it needs for it's environmental conditions * You need more light energy not less leaves. Many growers go about this the exact opposite way.

Yes if all you have is the bud. It will work tirelessly to heal the defoliation first. Then it will try to protect the seeds to maturity. You are gaining very little growth this way. Yes you will get bigger buds eventually. It's no where near the most efficient way.

But please do as you will, if you're happy with your system and you consistently have fun and get some smoke, God bless.

Time to mist and maybe water, have a wonderful day my friends.
Peace farmerlion
I'm new to growing so it was a genuine question. Plus I have a plant that got sad (recent top dress, compost tea and a deep watering waiting to see changes) but I was thinking of pruning it come transition or shortly after.

It seems everyone has different thoughts on best practices growing this plant so finding info can be challenging.

I typically stick with give a dying leaf a slight tug if it comes off its ready if not let it stay. Unless of course mold or pests set in.

Last season was a no go for me because of the heatwave, it killed my plants (thats on me but now I know what not to do). So I'm trying to be a little more sucessful this season.

My plan was to take the two... nodes? closest to the main stem on each lateral branch (except where I believe the cola starts) as to not promote larf come transition. Then maybe remove the lower branches that won't produce much after I see budset so I know what I'm looking at.

I guess the real question is does the above plan sound good at all or should I just let the plant grow as it will?


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
My friend you're not wrong. Everybody has different ways of growing. You need to master the environment you grow in. Each environment is unique to the geographic region you are in.

An indoor grow or greenhouse in North Dakota is going to be different from say Vermontman's facilities both indoor and in his greenhouse. Temperature, humidity, light cycling all play an independent roll.
Master your conditions, form a baseline of what works and experiment with a couple bags each season until the production of like strains is maxed out. I get biased and think what works in my system will be best for every system, and that isn't always the case. But it's close, lol.
I lean towards leaving stuff alone when in doubt, but if you never try anything new you won't learn.

Once you think you know everything you stop learning. ✋️ Keep learning my friend, you are doing fine.

@vermontman thank you for posting pictures of your greenhouse, your plants are beautiful.

Peace farmerlion


Well-known member
My friend you're not wrong. Everybody has different ways of growing. You need to master the environment you grow in. Each environment is unique to the geographic region you are in.

An indoor grow or greenhouse in North Dakota is going to be different from say Vermontman's facilities both indoor and in his greenhouse. Temperature, humidity, light cycling all play an independent roll.
Master your conditions, form a baseline of what works and experiment with a couple bags each season until the production of like strains is maxed out. I get biased and think what works in my system will be best for every system, and that isn't always the case. But it's close, lol.
I lean towards leaving stuff alone when in doubt, but if you never try anything new you won't learn.

Once you think you know everything you stop learning. ✋️ Keep learning my friend, you are doing fine.

@vermontman thank you for posting pictures of your greenhouse, your plants are beautiful.

Peace farmerlion
You are most welcome! And thank you farmerlion. Speaking about conditions, this year is another juggling act. Just battling the rains here and they have been relentless.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hello friends,
Today when I get home from appointments I will be doing beet/bananas smoothies for the girls.
Here's some pictures in the door at different angles/heights to reference a previous post. So of my two Auto crosses I have this season (Lebanese x Auto Malawi and Highland Nepalese Grape x Auto Zamaldelica) I have more seeds of.

What I don't have more of is the Phitsanulok Thai x Ogers Kush. I have one Beautiful female and one early for the genetics male. Both are in the same bag. The male is expressing 11 finger skinny leaf bracts and the female has settled at 9 finger skinny leaf bracts. So he will be the preferred donor male this season.
Peace farmerlion
Pictures in a bit...


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Ok, the second picture is of the Phitsanulok Thai x Ogers Kush male I'm goingto use this season. The first is of the female in the same bag.



Microbial Repositories
Premium user
You guys are the outdoor and gh experts.

If growing indoors and have all that time that the flower tent is flowering...there's plenty of time to trim and train the veggers, for a nice scrog.

So, when considering trimming or not to trim, i tend to agree and disagree, harrrrr.
It can be manipulated more indoors for sure, especially if you are in or revert back to vegetative growth at will as long as you don't have auto flowering genetics. That clock is always ticking as it is for outdoor/greenhouse growers.
Have a great weekend my dear friend.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Good Morning ICMAG,
I just made a 18 syringe batch of Strawberries and Blueberry smoothie for the girls. South African Transkie Cubensis was the spore strain for the day. I have it all in a five gallon bucket pureed sitting in the sun for a few hours.

I have 17 grow bags not counting the two control bags that don't get spores. I will administer into the repositories, I have not decided how much per bag and over what time frame I will feed the roughly two gallons of smoothie cubensis.

I have enough syringes for one more cycle of feedings. That will predominantly be Purple Mystics/Purple Meanies. Those and the Pink Buffalo are my personal favorites to consume for/of Magic Mushrooms 🍄.

I think it's alright for me to thank a company for their help and not really be advertising for them against our terms of service here on the mag. With that stated I thank Carl at The Mushroom Underground for his kindness and provision of extra spores for me to work with.

I have spent several hundred dollars of my own money on spores this season. Carl thank you very much for your kindness and support with this study that promises nothing in return.
Peace farmerlion


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hello friends,
Yesterday I fed the repositories the Strawberry/Blueberry, psilosybin smoothies. They visibly grew overnight. WOW! I broke one branch being careless not walking sideways and walking to fast down the left isle.
I ended up cutting the branch as it didn't appear to be healing at all the next day. Generally it's mid August when I have to get really cautious when walking.

Oddly enough to me, several plants have declared to be female's, only two so far to be male's and one of those has been culled. Leaving 8 or 9 plants that are still yet to show.

Knowing that the recombination of the auto flowering plants can skip the auto parental donor in a hybrid f1/f2 generations. If they haven't declared by the end of July. I wouldn't expect the Zamal/Thai or Malawi/Thai genetics to flower until mid late September. Those photo period dominant plants will be given until the second week in August as per seed making will be compromised at any later time.

Anything later isn't beneficial to my goals for provision to patients and our own needs. Here is some pictures from this morning. The top picture is of my male I'm keeping. I didn't turn the fans off for pictures today so I apologize for the lack of clarity. Have a wonderful day my friends, God Bless and happy growing.
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Microbial Repositories
Premium user
ha, you may have to dig holes in the floor to set those bags into!
I have though about making two beds 12" high and 16' long. Placing my tiles on the outside and center rows. Going to two rows would drop my plant count(I'm OK with that I guess) and giving me more room to stumble around and more head space for plants by a foot.

My bags will be going on their 8th year at the end of this season. The manufacturer said I would get 5 years. Not moving them and not having to change soil has made a big difference.

My floor is insulated with 2" thick Styrofoam sheets laid on the soil. Don't know if I should or would remove the insulation under the grow boxes? 🤔

I think I'm moving and working towards single strain reproduction seasons. The CherryBomb Hawaiian of Mr.Greenjeans is very high on my list of preservation/exploration. Doing those selections towards our natural flowering onset and finish cycles is a goal of mine.

Have a wonderful day dear friend.
peace farmerlion


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Looking at it my boxes would be where my two walking isles are now? Hmm wheels are turning.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hello friends,
Well the bags just got half banana smoothies . Feeding repositories three days in a row the holes are almost plugged and filled.

I better let them digest food and have only water for a few days. What a difference having time with your plants makes. This is shaping up to be my best season yet barring some unforseen issues with law enforcement, 🌪 🌪 🌪 Tornadoes or thieves.
Have a beautiful night Ace family. Thank you for stopping by my thread.
Peace farmerlion


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Good morning Ace family,
Yesterday I went through and did some culling. Early in the germination, seedling phase I was feeling a little rushed as I was waiting on photo period genetics. I had a backup plan but was still anxious. Without the luxury of lights and timers as one has with indoor grows.
Outdoor natural light cycle growers are up against the ever moving, never pausing or stoping for any man sun and it's season of time.

Auto's especially, and I prefer all genetics planted directly into final bags. I dropped multiple Auto crosses into each bag to select and cull later. While originally I had 2, 3 maybe even 4 seedlings come up.

Several late seeds had sprouted with 16" skinny plants now in the bags. Those were all culled Yesterday as well. Including those plants I culled 10 males. There's still 2 maybe 3 plants that haven't declared sex. Everything else is female except the one Mother of Pearl male being used for open pollination.
Here's some pictures of the male Mother of Pearl. When making donor selections you can have your list of traits that you are looking for and choose accordingly.

This males is very early onset for an 11 leaf bract of photo period Thai/Kush genetics. The nodal spacing and leaf bracts density for light penetration is perfect. But that isn't why this (to me) extremely desirable male was chosen.
He was chosen because of the 10 seeds I was gifted of two very rare genetics, nothing came up last season. Then these two came up as volunteers before I had placed the first seed in the soil this season. So now I will have an abundance of f2 generation seeds going forward.
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Microbial Repositories
Premium user
This is of the Phitsanulok Thai x Ogers Kush aka Mother of Pearl female. She has great structure, small thin 9 leaf bracts. She also was early onset for flowering. I'm very excited about these two plants and how the recombination with the Auto flowering plants that are f1 crosses this season. The majority of seeds will go into storage. The Mother of Pearl will be the biggest value this season. The Lebanese x Auto Malawi and the Highland Nepalese Grape x Auto Zamaldelica are my long term focuses and priorities. Have a great upcoming weekend my friends.
Peace farmerlion


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
As you can see in the bottom picture of the last post, I have 4 tall females while everything else is very uniform.
On the far left is a female Lebanese x Auto Malawi. In the middle is a Blue Thai x Purpura Regina and on the right side back Is a Highland Nepalese Grape x Auto Zamaldelica. The right side middle is the Baglung Nepalese female. She is the only plant with meristem, branch and leaf vein coloring of a dark burgundy.
I had twice fed the repositories with beet smoothies, curious if the dark red Anthocyanins would transfer into the cannabis plant and have any influence and they did not at all.
Everything but the one Baglung Nepalese is very green. In the bags these plants reach to the 8' high support bars in the ceiling.
Peace farmerlion