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Farmerlion's; Just A Grow, Ya Know

Bio boy

Active member
Honestly I don't know, I was going to see if it kept grasshoppers from eating leaves? I was also curious if it added anything to the aromatics? Does it go to a cheesy funk? There is a big difference between mold and mycelium. Mold reproduces with airborne spores and is a surface contamination. I don't see there being any negative effects.

How is it you have so much mold?
Peace farmerlion
I don’t have a lot just keep it for pm etc as it cures it

Allicin — the major biologically active component of garlic — exhibits antibacterial and antifungal properties and is used in medical treatment and studies.
A sulphur-containing compound in garlic, known as di-allyl thiosulfinate (allicin), is the active component in inhibition of the growth of fungi and bacteria (11).

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc

Inhibitory effect of allicin and garlic extracts on growth of cultured hyphae



Microbial Repositories
Premium user
What a morning! Good day my Ace family, I hope you are all doing well.

Some friends made a beautiful donation to my Cancer Charity and I had some butter made from a Highland Nepalese Grape of @vermontman Green Mountain Seeds. Wow, wow, wow! I forgota great high. I have some very thick Cherry preserves type stuff that I mixed 50/50% with my butter I had made. I used that on top of some large link pork and venison sausage. I was so consumed by the great flavor, I forgot how potent that shit is.

Kudos to Green Mountain Seeds for their magic they share. I can't wait to sample my one and only Baglung Nepalese female this winter. Seeded with that Badass male Mother of Pearl it should Scream like Dio. I can justify running a whole greenhouse of just that.

I'll know much more after sampling the seeded female. She's starting to look pretty good through the loupe. I hope it magnifies what's going on deeper into flowering. She reminds me of the CBG Destroyer from Charlie. The aeromatics and structure are so similar as to how my 2018/2019 Destroyer ladies turned out. Have a wonderful day.
Peace farmerlion


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
I don’t have a lot just keep it for pm etc as it cures it

Allicin — the major biologically active component of garlic — exhibits antibacterial and antifungal properties and is used in medical treatment and studies.
A sulphur-containing compound in garlic, known as di-allyl thiosulfinate (allicin), is the active component in inhibition of the growth of fungi and bacteria (11).
View attachment 18877778
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc

Inhibitory effect of allicin and garlic extracts on growth of cultured hyphae

Hey brother thank you so much for the heads up on that stuff. I will donate that bag to my neighbor who has cows. That's what that particular Sea-90 was for to start with. I should have studied it more first. I am a firm believer in the traditional Sea-90 agri Salts. I use them in a very deleted quantity compared to the bag. It was used by the doctor who brought the Salts to the market originally and he grew everything in hydroponics in Florida. The new owner of the company didn't know any better and didn't show a difference ratio for being used in soils.

I will get a different bag on the way, thanks again.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hey Ace family,
Today was/is a beautiful day. Tomorrow is going to be about 20 degrees hotter. I give the girls an extra drink tonight preparing for tomorrow. I will give them water early getting ready for 120+ in the greenhouse.
Have a great day!
Peace farmerlion


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Heya fam, had a look at that sea 90 , do you not get sodium problems with that ?
I know I used too much kelp once and had sodium problems had to rebuild my soil lol , I’ve seen the fermented sea water knf before but never dared use it ? The sea 90 says sodium is needed ? But don’t we try reduce salts in soil ?
Hey brother a 5 lb. bag lasts. me 5 years. 2-3 teaspoons for 5 gallons. I have to give you kudos my friend I studied the effects of garlic and it's components and their effects on microbial life.

What an amazing find. It serves it's purpose as a fungicide then oxidizes to a harmless residue quickly. The Garlic Sea-90 will be perfect for cleaning inside of tents, grow rooms and greenhouses.

Thank you so much brother for bringing this to light.
Peace farmerlion


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Wondering if you're seeing any fungal growth since we've been getting lots of rainy humid weather. Thought this may be a good environment to be seeing fruiting bodies. Seeing a lot in the lawns.

Super Cherries, sounds potent! :smoke:
Pipeline, I haven't had any fruiting bodies as in mushrooms. I have been cleaning clearing the top of the soil clearing any debris, fallen leaves etc. From the smoothies especially the banana smoothies leaves a thin film of material that would be ideal for pinning fruits.
It's also a great environment for gnats. So I skipped the visible fruit for a better growing environment.
Peace brother


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hello my friends,
Today was feeding day for the girls. They got two honeydew melons and two beets I had in the freezer. We have had heavy smoke this past 5 days that has been kicking my ass trying to breathe.

One of my most dominant Blue Thai plants is in the early stages of flowering finally. I will use some colored zip ties and mark some branches on two or three plants that didn't get pollinated before I culled the Mother of Pearl male.

I have spoken with Nannymouse about her running some Blue Thai. Then I can get cuttings from her in the spring. Having those and a second running of f1's of my recombination of the f1's of the Mother of Pearl I received from a friend. They're an f2 as a lineage of Mother of Pearl, but f1's as specific parental donors for my goals with this hybrid cross.

Testing and samplings of each cross will reveal much. Before I start making any hash I will try my cured buds. I like to grind a bud then stir it into a cup of yogurt. The quality and type of high is very important to me. I detest couch lock highs and any high that is scary or worrying/anxious.

I'm looking for the fun meter spinning fast and being alert/awake, giggling and a definite decrease in nerve pain are my goals. This all fits under the umbrella of early onset of flowering and early finishing of flowering. Last week or two of September is my ideal date for my geographical location.
Here's some bud/plant pictures from this morning.
Peace farmerlion


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
A few more pictures. The bottom picture is of the Blue Thai x Purpura Regina cross that just started flowering with pistils forming finally. This plant would go to the end of October. I would have to change water sources most likely but I would like to see how far I can take her. I have three dairy barn heaters, they can certainly keep it warn enough to keep flowering. Crossing this and the original Blue Thai to the Mother of Pearl f1's is my goal. I do want to cross the Blue Thai with the Auto Zamaldelica as well. So many wonderful possibilities await discovery in those rabbit holes.
Peace farmerlion


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hello Ace family,

Today was feeding day again for the girls. Today was Pineapple, peaches and strawberries. My new bag of Sea-90 came today in the mail so the 35 gallon grow bags were given 2 teaspoons of Sea-90 and the 45 gallon grow bags were given 3 teaspoons of Sea-90 each.
The temperature is back up to 115f in the greenhouse after two days of rain and overcast skies. I mixed 20 teaspoons of Sea-90 in my 65 gallon tank after the smoothies, then I topped the tank off again with fresh lake water. They will get a light dose of macro nutrients over the next two days. I also added two liquid ounces of Source Plus ➕ in the fresh filled water tank.

Here's some pictures from today.
Peace farmerlion

Bio boy

Active member
Hello Ace family,

Today was feeding day again for the girls. Today was Pineapple, peaches and strawberries. My new bag of Sea-90 came today in the mail so the 35 gallon grow bags were given 2 teaspoons of Sea-90 and the 45 gallon grow bags were given 3 teaspoons of Sea-90 each.
The temperature is back up to 115f in the greenhouse after two days of rain and overcast skies. I mixed 20 teaspoons of Sea-90 in my 65 gallon tank after the smoothies, then I topped the tank off again with fresh lake water. They will get a light dose of macro nutrients over the next two days. I also added two liquid ounces of Source Plus ➕ in the fresh filled water tank.

Here's some pictures from today.
Peace farmerlion
View attachment 18880560 View attachment 18880561 View attachment 18880562 View attachment 18880563
No worries bro garlic is an amazing compound but yeah it breaks down in hours so makes me wonder how somany garlic products have been in shelved years and peeps assume if it smells a garlic it must have a benefit , but the compounds die off and flavour terps remain

I make my own fresh each time i need it with the cost of garlic lol it’s so damn cheap and if ya grow em they multiply lol

can’t wait to see ya yield and will ya do a cross section of the root ball if possible lol


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hello friends,
Today the girls got a half banana smoothie each. The temperature was 100f inside the greenhouse. I have the door open and the screen closed.

@Bio boy I will happily show you the rootball of multiple bags. I use that hole as a repository in the spring when I restart the colonies again. I don't flush the soil away leaving the ball in tact. I cut the roots with a small shovel, leaving the roots as a water dispersion trail throughout the entire bag. It seems to be very consistent from season to season.

Here is some pictures from today. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my thread.
Peace farmerlion


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
They are hitting roof. Great looking plants Farmer..☮️
10'6" isn't enough ceiling height this season. If a person stayed with these strains I could certainly plant later in the spring. I'm more interested if I will get coke bottle or forearm sized buds from the Lebanese x Auto Malawi?

I have very little information about the Mother of Pearl hybrid. I won't even guess what it might bring to the table? I only have the one female to go off of this season. Both parental donors had great pre flowering structure.

It's all in how they finish. A high quality cure will reveal much. I hope you all are having a great weekend with friends and family.
Peace farmerlion


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hello Ace family,
the girls got potato smoothies today with they're afternoon watering. I did a little general house cleaning, mostly cleaning up dead or dying leaves. Some leaves especially on the Baglung Nepalese are getting a lot of purple Anthocyanins coloring in the leaves. That plant also has the most colorful pistils and among the top in resin production so far.

We have had two full days of sun that has really helped the girls. The week previously had heavy smoke and cloud cover. While it is very exciting to see these f1 hybrids go through their paces for the first time. I cringe at the thought of winter being just around the corner.

We have so many things going on right now with the charity. With the help of our ownership here at the mag we're trying to bring in another vendor for the site. I have a meeting with that vendors ownership September 5th. So any of you that are of the praying kind, I ask you for your prayers and good thoughts and vibes.

It would be nice to build our community here and make it even stronger. I will share more soon. Have a wonderful upcoming week my friends. I thank you all for stopping by this thread.
Peace farmerlion

Bio boy

Active member
Hello Ace family,
the girls got potato smoothies today with they're afternoon watering. I did a little general house cleaning, mostly cleaning up dead or dying leaves. Some leaves especially on the Baglung Nepalese are getting a lot of purple Anthocyanins coloring in the leaves. That plant also has the most colorful pistils and among the top in resin production so far.

We have had two full days of sun that has really helped the girls. The week previously had heavy smoke and cloud cover. While it is very exciting to see these f1 hybrids go through their paces for the first time. I cringe at the thought of winter being just around the corner.

We have so many things going on right now with the charity. With the help of our ownership here at the mag we're trying to bring in another vendor for the site. I have a meeting with that vendors ownership September 5th. So any of you that are of the praying kind, I ask you for your prayers and good thoughts and vibes.

It would be nice to build our community here and make it even stronger. I will share more soon. Have a wonderful upcoming week my friends. I thank you all for stopping by this thread.
Peace farmerlion
Do you not ever ferment your mixes it’s almost jadam knf style but in the soil
I scratch grains in for enzymes etc. but ferment other stuff just don’t know what to use sometimes lol so I end up on a bottle

so if you liked my garlic post check out what build a soils new recipie had … it’s a mustard meal … now go check the use of this on fungal and be shocked how any of them get a fungal team going lol
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Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Bio Boy, when you ferment a tea, certain microbes are eating other microbes during that time. Those microbes that are being eaten outside of your soil are never going to be nutrients in your soil....The exudates that gather microbes to be scrubbed of their nutrients miss out on those food sources.

Tell me something, how do you know when the tea is fermented to perfection??? You don't. You have been (stoner logiced) into a term thinking it somehow makes the tea better. This is the disinformation I am trying to clear up in the cannabis industry. Think of it this way 🤔 The cream rises to the top.

If you are fermenting past the cream you are never getting the best sugars and nutrients to the root system to be used as nourishment. Other microbes are eating them and dying then the 2nd strongest population of microbes eats their preferred food source. By this time you are settling for 2nd to 3rd best food sources for your plants. Yes those are beneficial.

Here's a more vivid analogy, forgive me ladies it's graphic but I'm trying to make my point clear to everybody who has been mislead on Teas.

1. Microbe group, hot sex with the person of your dreams.

2. Sex with your spouse after 30 years of marriage.

3. Prison sex against your will.

In the end like Charlie Manson once said. There's lot's of sex in prison, it might not be the kind you want, but it's sex.

Okay I have stated this principle as plainly as I can. Let's not miss out on #1 & #2 there is enough people in the world trying to #3 us every day at work or in life in general.

Peace farmerlion

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