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Ever smoked a joint of cherry pie?


Well-known member
Remember Mango by KC Brains 🤣
It was like a skunky, milky, mango.. grew banana sized buds. Everybody's uncle grew that in the 90's! You buy an ounce and it's just a single bud that looks like a corn dog 😂😂😂😂
I wish it were so. Everyone's uncle here was doing Northern lights, and their kids trying to better it with NLx5haze. I spent the early 90s trying to grow anything but that, or even remotely related. To this day, I can't smoke northern. I have had my fill. This meant traveling to Amsterdam to get things from the Sensi Seeds seedbank catalogue.

You couldn't get cuttings, without the risk they 'accidentally' got swapped with something like JH, #5haze or Northern. It was like a blizzard of the same old out there. The Mango existed but was always just over the horizon of the Northern forestry.

It did me good. Made me find my own path, and be my own man, so to speak. Run a proper grow, with no reliance on anybody. Keeping well out of the cuttings trade, which was a storm of it's own doing.


Well-known member
My buddy makes weed sugar with the cherry pie and the taste is crazy just like the smell. The sugar is made with an ethanol tincture poured over the sugar. Alcohol evaporates but leaves everything else. Most strains just have normal spicy type taste this was crazy different
Best part of ethanol tincture is chlorophyll is not absorbed it's best way to get true essence of plants effects/traits.
Also tinctures are absorbed direct to saliva glands not the stomach. An effect closer to smoking then edibles

These profiles likely caused by something more powerful and volatile than terpenes-sulfur compounds
.this recent article studied "exotic" types and discovered most had sulfur compounds as main character for smell. Same group found the skunk type sulfur compounds couple years ago. In this article

Bunch of types had similar teroenes but opposite odors due to the sulfur compounds different..



Well-known member
Strange coincidence, I just wet 2 cherry pie seeds. One tailed and we’ll see if it sprouts.

I have had terrible luck germinating lately.
It happens sometimes, there is some period where I plan to pop more seeds because I know some won't make it for various reasons.
I've never seen Cherry Pie plants or flowers as weed is still illegal in my country I don't have access to all the crosses circulating in legal places. How does it smell and taste?


Active member
It happens sometimes, there is some period where I plan to pop more seeds because I know some won't make it for various reasons.
I've never seen Cherry Pie plants or flowers as weed is still illegal in my country I don't have access to all the crosses circulating in legal places. How does it smell and taste?
im not good with descriptions but i guess it smells like artificial cherry and taste like it too


Active member
I agree, I got a dude on my gram that grows/breeds in Washington and when cherry pie was poppin, he was making all kinds of crosses with it and they were fire. But herm city. I've come to believe all plants naturally herm so if I want a strain bad enough I will grow it herm or not because like one time I bought a $300 ounce of Obama Kush when it first came out, and found a bagseed. I grew the bagseed out and didn't take clones because I didn't have high hopes being hermie in mind. But it was exactly like the original! I was kicking myself in the ass damn near crying for not cloning, but when I harvested and was smoking it, I went to roll a joint and found about 9 seeds. I laughed and told my wife "Look! I guess I didn't need to take clones anyway because she gives you enough seeds every time to make sure she sticks around!" lol 😂 😂 😂
i grew the obama kush from CSI friend/founding fathers and although it was kinda tasty,not as much as cherry pie, i didnt realy like it. very nice purple plants though.


Active member
The problem is that every strain basically has cookies, Runtz, or Zkittles in it. So everything tastes exactly the same. If they grow it right it tastes good like a certain dessert for like the first month after harvest, then after that or if grown improperly which everyone does because they bulk their plants for more weight/money 🤑, and then they never flush because they pull it early cutting the flavor and the overall weight down 👇
The Lemonnade/Cookies store is down the street so since it's closest I go there more and I hate it. They have Runtz #9, Runtz #2, Runtz #33, Runtz #6, Runtz 13, all these Runtz Runtz Runtz and it all tastes like toilet paper, dry, old, Granny tissues 🤣😂🤣
ya, runtz is runtz and not my forte. a little overhyped in my opinion. im looking for clone only elite cuts though. but thx for the heads up about your seed hunt


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
the moist paper towel in a ziplock bag on top of the fridge always works for me. unless the seeds are old. oh and always use chlorinated water when you germinate seeds or they will rot and die as soon as they pop
This time they are getting fuzzy around the seed. Sprouts are not coming out of tails. I use food grade peroxide and a little aloe in water. I suspect the aloe is bad.


Well-known member
the moist paper towel in a ziplock bag on top of the fridge always works for me. unless the seeds are old. oh and always use chlorinated water when you germinate seeds or they will rot and die as soon as they pop
Those last years I've had trouble with seeds getting out of soil with their shell still around the cotyledons and I've damaged or killed a few seedlings when removing it. I don't understand why more seeds are doing this today, I had never had a seed doing this in my first years of growing. As if some seeds can't understand they are out soil and should open by themselves, very strange and frustrating with the price of the seeds today.
I have made some seeds with a very tasty Banana Bubblegum from TH Seeds I had as freebee, she had such a strong smell and taste of banana candy mixed with lime I pollinated her with some Sowahh pollen, I have a female in bloom right now who has the same terpene profile than her mother, I could send you a few seeds if you want for free.


New member
Best taste when vaping in my experience 160-175 Celsius, 175 can be noticeably less good sometimes tho.


I'd suggest to get a good vaporizer and don't go with the smallest pocket versions.
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Well-known member
The problem is that every strain basically has cookies, Runtz, or Zkittles in it. So everything tastes exactly the same. If they grow it right it tastes good like a certain dessert for like the first month after harvest, then after that or if grown improperly which everyone does because they bulk their plants for more weight/money 🤑, and then they never flush because they pull it early cutting the flavor and the overall weight down 👇
The Lemonnade/Cookies store is down the street so since it's closest I go there more and I hate it. They have Runtz #9, Runtz #2, Runtz #33, Runtz #6, Runtz 13, all these Runtz Runtz Runtz and it all tastes like toilet paper, dry, old, Granny tissues 🤣😂🤣
I mean, I think I see your problem... you're buying your weed from dispo's. It's purely a money game at this point, quality is a far distant second for those places/corporations. Don't buy dispo weed. Almost literally everything I grow has the kind of loud smell/taste combo you're talking about. Plenty of good weed out there, if you know where to look.

I have fruity things, gassy things, fruity/gassy things, floral, and most everything in between. Stick to old school types, and avoid the dessert weed, and you're on the right track.

Oh, and I don't vape either. If it doesn't taste right out of clean glass, it's not a keeper for me.
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Well-known member
I agree, I got a dude on my gram that grows/breeds in Washington and when cherry pie was poppin, he was making all kinds of crosses with it and they were fire. But herm city. I've come to believe all plants naturally herm so if I want a strain bad enough I will grow it herm or not because like one time I bought a $300 ounce of Obama Kush when it first came out, and found a bagseed. I grew the bagseed out and didn't take clones because I didn't have high hopes being hermie in mind. But it was exactly like the original! I was kicking myself in the ass damn near crying for not cloning, but when I harvested and was smoking it, I went to roll a joint and found about 9 seeds. I laughed and told my wife "Look! I guess I didn't need to take clones anyway because she gives you enough seeds every time to make sure she sticks around!" lol 😂 😂 😂
That's not true either. I've been growing mostly my own seeds the past several years, seeing what I've really made... out of many many plants I have had zero hermies. Zero.


Well-known member
That's not true either. I've been growing mostly my own seeds the past several years, seeing what I've really made... out of many many plants I have had zero hermies. Zero.
It's not because you had no hermies that your plants can't make male flowers when stressed, most cannabis plants can herm in certain conditions. Their only goal being reproduction the plants will find ways to make seeds, each time I had some hermies it was a consequence of a stress, some are more sensitive than others but almost all cannabis plants can herm when triggered


Well-known member
It's not because you had no hermies that your plants can't make male flowers when stressed, most cannabis plants can herm in certain conditions. Their only goal being reproduction the plants will find ways to make seeds, each time I had some hermies it was a consequence of a stress, some are more sensitive than others but almost all cannabis plants can herm when triggered
I am aware of all of that. I think it is massively overblown, primarily by breeders looking for an excuse. I've tested light leaks many times, because I never bought that as a reason a plant would turn hermie. None that I tested did. I've had some severe stress events happen, from plants basically dying from Septoria fungus, to deer eating them down to nubs, to major pest infestations... zero herms.

But I don't work with genetics known to produce hermies very often. Well, except for Thai and Chem lines... but no hermies there either.

So, I guess I just disagree.


Active member
I've tested light leaks many times, because I never bought that as a reason a plant would turn hermie. None that I tested did.
I've once had a single beam of light hit a single plant through a (badly) taped over window and it was enough to produce male flowers exactly around that area on an otherwise 100% female plant, granted the genetics were not all that stable to begin with I guess otherwise she wouldn't have hermied that easily, but still... I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have if it wasn't for that one beam of light hitting her on a daily basis


Well-known member
I've once had a single beam of light hit a single plant through a (badly) taped over window and it was enough to produce male flowers exactly around that area on an otherwise 100% female plant, granted the genetics were not all that stable to begin with I guess otherwise she wouldn't have hermied that easily, but still... I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have if it wasn't for that one beam of light hitting her on a daily basis
IDK man... I have a flood light that routinely shines on my outdoor plants. And another motion light that hits them full blast multiple times every night. No herms. When I first started testing the "light leak" thing, I would leave my flower room door open, with the lung room lights left on. Full flower cycles. No herms.

To me it's pretty solidly established: if you're not working with major herm prone genetics, you won't have herms. Stress or no.


Active member
I don't disagree, I'm just saying lightleaks can be a trigger for genetics which are prone to go hermie. ;)
To what degree depends on the genetics and yes I've also seen genetics you can put through pretty much everything and they won't "turn"

edit: also I think the lightleak has to be rather constant to cause this, if it's only for a few minutes now and then it won't have an effect most of the time


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If your after some of the best tasting weed Sour Dubble is what you want.

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