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Well-known member
*This thread has been cleaned up to minimize the disrespectful nature of some of the posts. If you want to participate, please do so with mutual respect.*

Disagree respectfully. cc

Precisely which one of my post regarding "Steven Greer's Alien Contacting Tours" did you find to be disrespectful? Let me know which one it is, and I will be more than happy to edit/delete it.

It's a legitimate tour that he offers on his web-site, check-it-out for yourself. For $600 per-person he takes you into the woods near his farm in Virginia, where he intitates contact with Aliens, and calls UFO's.

I really felt it might be of interest to others since the title of the thread is "ET Evidence".


Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
Maybe moderate anything but your threads?

That info or should I say evidence that the nut bar running the disclosure project is in it for the money made more sense than most of your tube links.

I got news for your sirgrassalot. EVERYONE NEEDS MONEY be it for gas, food or an airplane ticket. Even you do. So it would make sense for him to make money for expenses, I hear setting up a press conference and getting 400 military, scientists etc aint too cheap or maybe you can do it for FREE? The system is made that way even before you were born...

Make sense?


It seems that UFO's are a touchier subject than religion. And people wonder why the two subjects get linked together...


Active member
And thank you for the polite response.

What I find to be an amazing coincidence is that aliens from another world happen to look almost exactly like us. It took billions of years and countless number of species for evolution to produce anything that resembles modern humans. I think it's highly improbable that another species would ever resemble us without being part of our evolutionary chain.

The fact we keep coming up with alien imagines that resemble ourselves tells us more about ourselves than it does about the universe. Usually the simplest explanation is the correct one. Occam's razor.

The thing with using statistics to determine the probability of intelligent life on other planets is that we don't know what values to assign. How probable is life? We only know of one place that life exist. Earth. We can't reproduce it in a lab. We just don't know how probable it is. Do you assign a high value to the probability of life forming under the right conditions or a low value? As of yet, we don't know. Even if the probability is high, it doesn't mean we've been visited.

Dinosaurs were on this planet for, what, 250 million years and they never evolved beyond eating plants and each other. So one has to consider not only the probability of life on other planets but also the probability of intelligent life. Regardless, the universe is so damn big it just seems like more of a probability than a possibility.

There's also the possibility that what people have seen are human beings from way in our future who are engaged in time travel. If you think about it, traveling long distances in space would require the technology to get around the time factor involved, so why couldn't the unexplained vehicles and beings be human time travelers? That would certainly explain the physical similarities.

As far as photos of my artifacts are concerned, the majority of the tools are made from black rock, which isn't real conducive to good contrast. The sculptings are made from various colors of rock but they are monotone and the lighting and angle would have to be just right to see them in a one-dimensional photo. Plus that, I'm not that great of a photographer. I'll see if I can gets some pics that are worth posting, but don't hold your breath.



ICMag Donor
Rojo, that crap isn't going to fly, and you know that.

If you want to be part of the discussion then do it in a respectful manner....


Domesticator of Cannabis
I got news for your sirgrassalot. EVERYONE NEEDS MONEY be it for gas, food or an airplane ticket. Even you do. So it would make sense for him to make money for expenses, I hear setting up a press conference and getting 400 military, scientists etc aint too cheap or maybe you can do it for FREE? The system is made that way even before you were born...

Make sense?

I don't need to rob anyone with some far fetched scheme of contacting aliens LoL

So scientists & 400 military get paid to speak on the disclosure project? Hotels paid for? Lunch & dinners? Yes I will testify before the congress on my own dime. If I saw something out of this world.


Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
I would not pay $400 to go, and I believe in certain areas of this topic very strongly. There are some kooks out there, but did you realize that Steven Greer briefs members of congress, the president, etc on the UFO disclosure topic? This isn't some random kook, he's only portrayed that way by people who won't accept that what they know is not enough. None of us know it all, but some of us refuse to stop learning.


Domesticator of Cannabis
I'm all about learning but I'm not dumbing down to do it. Lets say we both want to get to the truth whatever that may be.

Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
It's not dumbing down. It's the opposite, IMO. This is what I mean. I DO NOT believe anything completely, except that I have seen enough to know that there is a much greater truth out there being controlled by the intellectual and corporate elite, something dealing with ET technology, ET contact, dimensional travel, and other such things too hard for the regular public to accept.

Personally, I go about finding as much info on the topic as I can find, much of it is easily discountable IMO, which flies in the face of what many of the more abrasive posters in this thread have said... that we believe anything... This is ridiculous and short-sighted. I try to accept all theories as possible, and none as exactly right. This way any new info can be considered.

I consider all things possible at any given time. IMO this is the best way for me to live. I close my mind to absolutely nothing, no matter how foreign, or... alien it may seem to me at first.

Society has been engineered as such that we don't get the time we need to research too deeply into what we're interested in. Most people are forced to spend their off time with family, or having what little fun they are allowed during the week. My life isn't restricted like that, thankfully, and I have spent a lot of time... a LOT of time looking into this topic. I have more friends and family than I can count on both hands who have had quintessential ET experiences, from being tailed by a saucer, to full on abduction experiences. What I find is that these people, and indeed most people, have a tough time expressing what they know. There is a culture of ridicule established in this country where it is hard to be too different from the next guy, because the next guy has society's blessings to denigrate people with strange things to say. This is the way it is.

This thread is for the people who want to talk about their beliefs in a mutually respectful way. I've taken tons of flak for trying to keep this a place for the more timid folks with pertinent experiences to share their stories with us. It's fine to think of these people as idiots, fools, tin foil hat wearing morons and all that... But don't share those disrespecting thoughts, keep them to yourselves, or start a thread for the purpose of calling Ufologists stupid or insane... That way there is a proper forum for people who want to be abrasive to each other on the topic of ETs.


Well-known member
I would not pay $400 to go, and I believe in certain areas of this topic very strongly. There are some kooks out there, but did you realize that Steven Greer briefs members of congress, the president, etc on the UFO disclosure topic? This isn't some random kook, he's only portrayed that way by people who won't accept that what they know is not enough. None of us know it all, but some of us refuse to stop learning.

I dont know CC?

Kooks come in all shapes, sizes, and professions.

Here are a few Steven Greer quotes that cause me to question his validity, and state of mind:

"The US Government has genetically created Reptilian & Gray Aliens as working androids, and uses them to pilot UFO's, and abduct US citizens in a grand spy-ops program."

"Most Alien abductions are US Governmnet operations."

"UFO's can be "vectored in" by groups of ordinary people with flash-lights out in the woods, and the people can "remote-view" the UFO occupants, and engage in mental telepathic communications with the Aliens"

'Last June, while on training in San Luis Valley, NM. I "remote-viewed" the ET's living at the ET Spaceport under 14,345ft. Mt. Blanca in Colorardo. The elder ET' informed me that they had recently experienced an attack by US Covert Forces with Nerve Gas. The ET's went on to tell me that it ended in disaster when the US Covert Forces were overcome by the gas and a quarter of their personal had to be medically evacuated".

I noticed that Steven Greer was also a Meditation teacher and Sanskit Instructor before becoming a UFO-ologist. It's possible he took one to many of those Shaman Trips and never fully came back?


Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
I don't need to rob anyone with some far fetched scheme of contacting aliens LoL

So scientists & 400 military get paid to speak on the disclosure project? Hotels paid for? Lunch & dinners? Yes I will testify before the congress on my own dime. If I saw something out of this world.

If you feel like your dumbing yourself down, maybe your big intellectual brain doesn't belong here on this thread. You obviously can't put 2+2 together so I will just leave it how it is...

You can't even admit the probability of aliens/ufo's. That pretty much sais everything.


Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
trouble, have you gone forward and... even though it sounds too strange to be true to you... researched these claims? If you did, you'd have to come back with a list of thousands of kooks just like Greer. It's obvious you have not seen enough of the information out there. It's also possible that, you could see hundreds of cases to corroborate these crazy claims, and still not be able to believe them. That's a personality thing, each of us operates differently. I happen to have put a lot of time trying to know for sure... and I still don't know anything for sure... But what I have seen is that even the most outlandish stories have merit when you consider that many people report the same exact things, in different parts of the world.

Part of my own personality makes me trust people I get the right vibes from. I trust that these people, for the most part, are telling the truth as they believe it to be. With the mountain of people who report, and the even larger mountain of people who never report what they experienced, the math is entirely in favor of Et existence. After learning what I have on this subject, I simply must consider that some of these outlandish stories are true. For me, it comes down to the number of similar cases, and the incredible similarities in the details between experiences.

I have been skeptical of the interaction of human and alien races my whole life, even with friends and family telling me of their mind-blowing experiences. I know that the people who told me their experiences are not liars, and what they describe simply cannot be mistaken identity. You can't mistakenly see a saucer touched down, get a nice feeling from the ship that tells you to approach, be greeted by a humanoid extraterrestrial being, be offered a ride by said beings, and turn it down. You can't mistake something like that. And guess what? I can only believe this story because it's one of many stories just like it that I've heard.

The difference between the me that was a skeptic and me now is... I allowed myself to look into it with an absolutely open mind. All things are possible, therefore nothing is impossible. If you know that, then you should know to discount nothing without looking into it yourself.

Some prefer to know nothing. The truth may actually be too great for many people to wrap their heads around. This is what the elite are counting on, our inability to believe something of this magnitude. We are like ants at the edge of a 5 lane super highway, oblivious of what's going on just a few feet away. It takes a special sort of ant to even care to know what a highway is, let alone who is driving on it, what their vehicles are made of, what they eat, etc.

I believe the universe is teeming with life, in every possible place. Life is not a special thing, it is part of all creation, everywhere, always. I believe it's time to start coming to grips with the larger picture. Whatever that may be... and I hope it be really, really weird. :)


Domesticator of Cannabis
If you feel like your dumbing yourself down, maybe your big intellectual brain doesn't belong here on this thread. You obviously can't put 2+2 together so I will just leave it how it is...

You can't even admit the probability of aliens/ufo's. That pretty much sais everything.


Comprehension is not your strong suit I see. Don't worry about what threads I join in on you just mind your own business K. You've obviously opened your mouth before knowing what you're talking about but feel free to continue making an ass out of yourself, very entertaining.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Dinosaurs were on this planet for, what, 250 million years and they never evolved beyond eating plants and each other. So one has to consider not only the probability of life on other planets but also the probability of intelligent life. Regardless, the universe is so damn big it just seems like more of a probability than a possibility.

There's also the possibility that what people have seen are human beings from way in our future who are engaged in time travel. If you think about it, traveling long distances in space would require the technology to get around the time factor involved, so why couldn't the unexplained vehicles and beings be human time travelers? That would certainly explain the physical similarities.

As far as photos of my artifacts are concerned, the majority of the tools are made from black rock, which isn't real conducive to good contrast. The sculptings are made from various colors of rock but they are monotone and the lighting and angle would have to be just right to see them in a one-dimensional photo. Plus that, I'm not that great of a photographer. I'll see if I can gets some pics that are worth posting, but don't hold your breath.


Was there any intelligent life on earth before man as we know it, we've only been here a very short time compared to the dino. So our planet has not known intelligent life very long at all. I have the Time Tunnel series love it.

If I ever hold evidence of extraterrestrial life & attest to that fact before congress I'd have some photos taken pronto. I would try to find a museum to house the said piece(s) you know people are going crazy for the real proof you have held in your hands. We want to believe you & I love artifacts anyways so some good pictures would be nice. If you were overzealous in your quote that's alright just want to see what you're seeing as proof.

I have to chuckle at those who say "show me proof". I've held all the proof I need in my hand.

Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
How long have humans, or some other intelligent beings been on earth? Who knows... but some forbidden archaeology has reavealed interesting stuff.

Take this bell for instance. It was found in a lump of coal from the carboniferous are, some 300,000,000 years ago. Here's a link:


Also, the pyramids at Giza are known to have fossilized sea crustaceans on them. This would throw their accepted age and origin right out the window.

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
if you dont believe people about contact with E.T. then DONT BELIEVE ANYTHING ANYONE EVER SAYS

its just like anything else in life
experience it
then its real
otherwise its always stories
and if you give more credit to other stories then some, how do you judge? because you know someone vs. not knowing someone and only makin assumptions?
both sides can throw shit forever
but what you yourself experience is the key

so i say to you all
go look
open your eyes and minds
look into the heavens
remember what creativity is
what the world was like when you were still 'innocent'

truth is always far stranger than fiction

its experience its not proof
take a picture of telekinetic contact
take a picture of any other 'supernatural occurence'
take a picture with your brain
cause a real camera only exists in 380 to 750 nm
see with something else


Domesticator of Cannabis
How long have humans, or some other intelligent beings been on earth? Who knows... but some forbidden archaeology has reavealed interesting stuff.

Take this bell for instance. It was found in a lump of coal from the carboniferous are, some 300,000,000 years ago. Here's a link:


Also, the pyramids at Giza are known to have fossilized sea crustaceans on them. This would throw their accepted age and origin right out the window.
Beautiful bell, it doesn't look crushed or damaged. A great find for a 10 year old kid with a few problems originating in his early life. He did take a polygraph a few years ago. He was 73 years old by than now on Ritalin. He's really only testified to what, I'd of asked some more questions. I wonder who paid for the expert. Have you read the book mentioned by Norm Sharbaugh’s?

nar·co·lep·sy Pronunciation (närk-lps)
n. pl. nar·co·lep·sies
A disorder characterized by sudden and uncontrollable, though often brief, attacks of deep sleep, sometimes accompanied by paralysis and hallucinations.

cat·a·lep·sy Pronunciation (ktl-ps)
n. pl. cat·a·lep·sies
A condition characterized by lack of response to external stimuli and by muscular rigidity, so that the limbs remain in whatever position they are placed. It is known to occur in a variety of physical and psychological disorders, such as epilepsy and schizophrenia, and can be induced by hypnosis.

I've heard the Sphinx has what appears to be water erosion. I suspect there could be a few sea crustaceans in the area.

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