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Active member
ksac - The tools etc. are man-made. It is the images that are etched on them that I find interesting because they resemble how people who claim to have seen aliens describe the appearance of the aliens. This seems to be a little beyond the bounds of coincidence, particularly in light of the 10,000 year time gap.

But I am just relating my experiences, not asking anyone else to believe.

As far as the other points are concerned, I think that if one gets beyond the religious prospect of the "miracle of life" and looks at the it from a purely scientific standpoint, then applies the mathematics of probability, the chances of intelligent life on other planets seems much higher.

While we may not agree, thanks for the intelligent and polite response.



My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
glad to see its not just me around here!
i have had my own experience and ever since i have been uncovering as much as i poss. can. all of the links you have provided i have been to time and again before i ever saw this discussion up!
thanks for trying to wake up some of us out here..... it is seriously needed and nothing will change til many eyes are truely opened!

Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
My parents visited this weekend. Tonight they re-told me of their UFO sighting in Reno, NV in late 1976. Everyone on the highway had stopped to observe a glowing, orange orb of light, during the middle of the day. It just hovered there over the desert. Probably just desert swamp gas.

TB, I skipped through that video real fast, looks really cool. I'll give it a watch as soon as I can really pay attention to the contents. Thnx for the link... never even heard of this show.


My parents visited this weekend. Tonight they re-told me of their UFO sighting in Reno, NV in late 1976. Everyone on the highway had stopped to observe a glowing, orange orb of light, during the middle of the day. It just hovered there over the desert. Probably just desert swamp gas.

here's a link to some other sightings that year... i wish more people would report these things!!


burnt out og'er
This is a very interesting thread CC. :joint:

Folks, there is a fine line between posting your own personal beliefs in or not in a given topic and just plain being rude and disrespectful to the members who are interested in discussing these kinds of topics. Please show some level of respect to everyone here who's interested in the topic, and don't become a thread troll.
It's very rude.


lurking quietly,
but with great interest in this topic,

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
Seeing a UFO does not equal seeing an intelligent extraterrestrial being.

Eyewitness accounts are continuously put into question in criminal trials. It also has been shown that it is prone to error through scientific studies. We're back to "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". And eyewitness accounts are not extraordinary evidence.

Want to know what funny about this government conspiracy? Given how government scandals are leaked so easily, this conspiracy has been kept quiet for over half a century. Also, are other governments in on this conspiracy too? Are they top notch secret keepers that can keep possibly even through revolution? Or do aliens only visit the US? Or is the only evidence in the US? It just raises even more questions.

You have a lot of questions, I wish I knew. But I just don't. I have some of the same questions though.

I invite you to join us and try to find out WTF is going on and piece this together.

Don't take the eyewitness statement too literally, it was just an example to get my point across.

Its scary to some, but everything points to: extraterrestrials exist.

"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." J. Edgar Hoover



Domesticator of Cannabis
Pharma any pictures of the bobble heads?

So far in this thread including the others that came before it there's no believable links & or postings that ET's have ever visited earth, let alone our galaxy. You see a good photo helps the eyewitness accounts. In this day & age with the rate people claiming to see UFO's no one has been able to take a worthy photo?? Why is that? In fact they're all blurred & shaky, in every video in every photo, now those odds are astronomical.

One good photo will turn a UFO into an identifiable object. From there we'll be able to make a further guesstimate on it's origin being of this earth or extraterrestrial. We can see the pilots of jets in flight in photos. Sound can be important as well, anything that flies as fast as these ufo's have been reported should be breaking the sound barrier or have they not given that technology to Canada yet?

First we need to identify the object(s). Maybe Lear Jr can pull out his cheque book & set up some decent cameras where the dreamers gather for the usual UFO sightings. Good spot for a hot dog cart.

The Twilight Zone for sure.


On with the productive purpose of this thread...

This is VERY cool stuff right here. It's a ten part series about the Montauk Project, and particularly a guy called Preston Nichols who worked on the project. This is some really good inside info.

There are also a few more related videos in this playlist... all very interesting. cc


I could only watch the first 5 videos. It's too far fetched and raises red flags everywhere. He just keeps coming with these wild ideas. It would take an extremely long time to debunk every detail. How can you even watch these videos and take any of it seriously? US soldiers find a train full of gold, so DOD comes out to get it and then just kills everyone there? Because DOD wanted the gold? WTF? And this is how the projects were funded? It takes some intense mental gymnastics to believe this stuff.


ksac - The tools etc. are man-made. It is the images that are etched on them that I find interesting because they resemble how people who claim to have seen aliens describe the appearance of the aliens. This seems to be a little beyond the bounds of coincidence, particularly in light of the 10,000 year time gap.

But I am just relating my experiences, not asking anyone else to believe.

As far as the other points are concerned, I think that if one gets beyond the religious prospect of the "miracle of life" and looks at the it from a purely scientific standpoint, then applies the mathematics of probability, the chances of intelligent life on other planets seems much higher.

While we may not agree, thanks for the intelligent and polite response.


And thank you for the polite response.

What I find to be an amazing coincidence is that aliens from another world happen to look almost exactly like us. It took billions of years and countless number of species for evolution to produce anything that resembles modern humans. I think it's highly improbable that another species would ever resemble us without being part of our evolutionary chain.

The fact we keep coming up with alien imagines that resemble ourselves tells us more about ourselves than it does about the universe. Usually the simplest explanation is the correct one. Occam's razor.

The thing with using statistics to determine the probability of intelligent life on other planets is that we don't know what values to assign. How probable is life? We only know of one place that life exist. Earth. We can't reproduce it in a lab. We just don't know how probable it is. Do you assign a high value to the probability of life forming under the right conditions or a low value? As of yet, we don't know. Even if the probability is high, it doesn't mean we've been visited.


You have a lot of questions, I wish I knew. But I just don't. I have some of the same questions though.

I invite you to join us and try to find out WTF is going on and piece this together.

Don't take the eyewitness statement too literally, it was just an example to get my point across.

Its scary to some, but everything points to: extraterrestrials exist.

"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." J. Edgar Hoover


With so many unanswered questions, I would think you would be a little more reluctant to jump on a hypothesis with such a shaky foundation. Sure it's cool and would freaking awesome if we did have contact with an alien lifeform, but that doesn't make it any more true.

I am trying to piece this together some. But all things are not related. Many UFO sightings have been debunked. It's not an easy job having to debunk every single sighting. It's easy to say "that was an alien" without any evidence, but if you want to debunk it you'll have to go out and find the evidence. Tough work. I'm just here trying to keep this discussion intellectually honest.

Furthermore, a UFO sighting in no way confirms alien visitors. It only confirms that someone saw something that they didn't understand. Because they don't understand it, doesn't mean that aliens are responsible. That is just jumping to conclusions. Some people here are eager to jump to this conclusion.

Not everything points to ET, it may be unexplained, but it doesn't infer aliens. Mostly it's people who've already came to a conclusion and trying to make the evidence fit. This is bad science. This is not how science works. This is how religion works.

I still stand that a conspiracy theory only makes things more complicated and less probable.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Love this thread CC, wish I had found it sooner.

Looking forward to discussing some things that have happened...



Well-known member
Pharma any pictures of the bobble heads?

So far in this thread including the others that came before it there's no believable links & or postings that ET's have ever visited earth, let alone our galaxy. You see a good photo helps the eyewitness accounts. In this day & age with the rate people claiming to see UFO's no one has been able to take a worthy photo?? Why is that? In fact they're all blurred & shaky, in every video in every photo, now those odds are astronomical.

One good photo will turn a UFO into an identifiable object. From there we'll be able to make a further guesstimate on it's origin being of this earth or extraterrestrial. We can see the pilots of jets in flight in photos. Sound can be important as well, anything that flies as fast as these ufo's have been reported should be breaking the sound barrier or have they not given that technology to Canada yet?

First we need to identify the object(s). Maybe Lear Jr can pull out his cheque book & set up some decent cameras where the dreamers gather for the usual UFO sightings. Good spot for a hot dog cart.

The Twilight Zone for sure.

Good Day Sir, If you really want to see a UFO, you may want to consider taking "Steven Greer's Extraterrestial Tour". I haven't been on it and don't know anyone thats has, however, it sounds nice.

Steven Greer is the founder of the Discloser Project, and every Saturday he takes a group of 15 people into the woods near his farm in Virginia where he calls and initiates contact with UFO's & Extraterrestial.

He is only able to take 15 at a time, therefore, reservations are required. The cost of the tour is very reasonable as well, only $600 per-person.

Here is the reservation information if your interested:

Mail Checks To:
CSETI/Discloser Project
P.O.Box 4556
Largo, MD. USA

Fax Visa/Master Card Payment to:

If I didn't already have a golf trip booked to Ireland in September, I would fly up to Virginia for the weekend just to check-it-out. I still may try to go before the end of the year if I can find the time.

If you decide to go, let me how it was and if its worth the money?



Good Day Sir, If you really want to see a UFO, you may want to consider taking "Steven Greer's Extraterrestial Tour". I haven't been on it and don't know anyone thats has, however, it sounds nice.

Steven Greer is the founder of the Discloser Project, and every Saturday he takes a group of 15 people into the woods near his farm in Virginia where he calls and initiates contact with UFO's & Extraterrestial.

He is only able to take 15 at a time, therefore, reservations are required. The cost of the tour is very reasonable as well, only $600 per-person.

$600 for a walk in the woods? That's a rip-off. Unless he can actually talk to aliens, like this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvW2fuLYK9M


Well-known member
$600 for a walk in the woods? That's a rip-off. Unless he can actually talk to aliens, like this guy:

Kiz, wheres your sense of adventure? $600 is a hell of a deal if you get to see a UFO/Alien.

He also has a number of books, and one them is a self how-to-guide for contacting aliens. He's books are much less expensive then his Alien tours, and if you have success contacting them on your own you could start your own Alien Tours.



Well-known member
At least the price isn't out of this world.

I agree.

And you get a free Discloser Project T-shit, which is included in the $600 price of the tour.

There must be a great deal of overhead in the alien contacting business.

15 people X $600 a head = $9,000

Not bad for part-time weekend work.



Domesticator of Cannabis
*This thread has been cleaned up to minimize the disrespectful nature of some of the posts. If you want to participate, please do so with mutual respect.*

Disagree respectfully. cc

Maybe moderate anything but your threads?

That info or should I say evidence that the nut bar running the disclosure project is in it for the money made more sense than most of your tube links.

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
With so many unanswered questions, I would think you would be a little more reluctant to jump on a hypothesis with such a shaky foundation. Sure it's cool and would freaking awesome if we did have contact with an alien lifeform, but that doesn't make it any more true.

I am trying to piece this together some. But all things are not related. Many UFO sightings have been debunked. It's not an easy job having to debunk every single sighting. It's easy to say "that was an alien" without any evidence, but if you want to debunk it you'll have to go out and find the evidence. Tough work. I'm just here trying to keep this discussion intellectually honest.

Furthermore, a UFO sighting in no way confirms alien visitors. It only confirms that someone saw something that they didn't understand. Because they don't understand it, doesn't mean that aliens are responsible. That is just jumping to conclusions. Some people here are eager to jump to this conclusion.

Not everything points to ET, it may be unexplained, but it doesn't infer aliens. Mostly it's people who've already came to a conclusion and trying to make the evidence fit. This is bad science. This is not how science works. This is how religion works.

I still stand that a conspiracy theory only makes things more complicated and less probable.

I ask you, why is it so wrong to say that there is a high probability that aliens exist. Why can't you just accept it: there is a high probablility. BUT YOU CAN'T.

You are so eager to debunk all the links provided on this thread. And you have failed miserably, you have not debunked ONE. You just go on with your questions trying to convince yourself that everything is OK. What is wrong with accepting the possibility of UFO/aliens?

Last time I checked:
Science is studied by a scientist right? Here is this SCIENTIST telling you they exist:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhNdx...layer_embedded

Talking to me about science? science sais that we're in a multi-dimensional universe. You can't see everything! Science sais that there is a very high probablility of life on other planets.
Once you go into quantum physics, things get much weirder. Everything is a vibration, everything you see! Some things don't even happen until WE see them. T.baggins please enlighten us with your knowledge about this...

You say that a conspiracy theory only makes things more complicated. Well it DOES!! Why do you think I'm so worried? Here's this guy, the president telling you JFK: "BUT WE ARE OPPOSED AROUND THE WORLD BY A MONOLITHIC AND RUTHLESS CONSPIRACY"

You are free to think as you wish...

I feel like I'm telling someone from back in the day that the world is round. And their like "NO, its flat!" LOL
