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Original Editor of ICMagazine
Interesting tale about the bell in the lump of coal CC...

I am wondering how a lump of metal 5 mm in diameter got lodged in my jawbone.

It shows up quite clearly in x-rays, which were taken in Australia by my dentist.

An affable fellow, he told me about it and showed me the x-rays. Said he's only seen it rarely, and wonders how it happened as there is no discernible scar or entry point in the jaw.

It's not magnetic, I tried that already...

Anybody else wanna fess up with their truths?

Mom is firmly convinced it was done to me as a child when I once went missing for a day...and was found right where I was supposed to be all along....

Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Payaso, there are videos of people having these implants removed. The material is sent to labs where they conclude the material is nothing from this planet.

I don't doubt you for a minute.

And yeah, there's TONS of info on forbidden archaeology. Other objects found in coal, million year old humanoid skeletons, etc. But you never hear about that stuff in bible school. :)

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
Comprehension is not your strong suit I see. Don't worry about what threads I join in on you just mind your own business K. You've obviously opened your mouth before knowing what you're talking about but feel free to continue making an ass out of yourself, very entertaining.


I can comprehend just fine. Don't get mad just because we disagree.

It is you that cannot comprehend the probability of extraterrestrial life. You can't even accept it. Give me at least that: ACCEPT THE PROBABILITY OF EXTRATERRESTRIALS.

Your comprehension comment should be said while you stand in front of a mirror."Comprehension is not your strong suit I see"

If I make an ass out of myself, please bring this to my attention and point out where. All I have done is show some links...



I ask you, why is it so wrong to say that there is a high probability that aliens exist. Why can't you just accept it: there is a high probablility. BUT YOU CAN'T.

You are so eager to debunk all the links provided on this thread. And you have failed miserably, you have not debunked ONE. You just go on with your questions trying to convince yourself that everything is OK. What is wrong with accepting the possibility of UFO/aliens?

Last time I checked:
Science is studied by a scientist right? Here is this SCIENTIST telling you they exist:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhNdx...layer_embedded

Talking to me about science? science sais that we're in a multi-dimensional universe. You can't see everything! Science sais that there is a very high probablility of life on other planets.
Once you go into quantum physics, things get much weirder. Everything is a vibration, everything you see! Some things don't even happen until WE see them. T.baggins please enlighten us with your knowledge about this...

You say that a conspiracy theory only makes things more complicated. Well it DOES!! Why do you think I'm so worried? Here's this guy, the president telling you JFK: "BUT WE ARE OPPOSED AROUND THE WORLD BY A MONOLITHIC AND RUTHLESS CONSPIRACY"

You are free to think as you wish...

I feel like I'm telling someone from back in the day that the world is round. And their like "NO, its flat!" LOL


Another strawman. How surprising. I never said I thought that aliens don't exist. I believe it is probable enough that Earth is not the only planet with life. I am debating that we have been visited by alien beings. It does you no good to attack a position I'm not even arguing for.

I don't need to go around debunking every link on this thread. There is nothing of much value or extraordinary. I am just pointing out the mental gymnastics you guys go through to convince yourselves that aliens have visited us, or even made contact. Also, I do accept the possibility that we may have been visited. It's just very improbable.

You're really reaching for straws if you are asserting that whatever a scientist says is science. And we all know about Edgar Mitchell and his interest in pseudoscience.

Let's talk science then. As for multiple dimensions, science tells us that we have at least 4. The others you talk about come from research into string theory and are needed to make the math work right. There is even debate about how many there are. There is still a lot of evidence that scientist are waiting on.

Since you seem so confident about your knowledge of science. Tell me the probability that a self replicating molecule will form when all the building blocks are in the environment? I'm curious about your answer, because that means there are molecular biologist and physicist wasting time and money working on this problem right now.

If you really want to go into qauntum physics, we can, but not here. Make a new thread for that.

I would like to make clear that from a purely logical standpoint, making an already complicated explanation more complicated (by adding in a conspiracy theory) makes that explanation more improbable not probable.

Also, I would think it would be great if we made alien contact. That is something I've thought about since I was a child. It would be world changing! Absolutely amazing! Yet, I'm going to let myself get carried away. I try to put aside any emotion and look at it from a logical standpoint.


If there is so much of this evidence out there, where is it? Where are the reports on the implants? You're talking about physical evidence now. Where is the link that and the studies done on it?

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
Also, I do accept the possibility that we may have been visited.

Thank you. It wasn't that hard was it?

I'm no scientist so I can't give you the answers.

I think theres already a thread about other dimensions. I'll look for it...

Puff Puff:joint:


Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor

Here's an interesting link I found:



Domesticator of Cannabis
I can comprehend just fine. Don't get mad just because we disagree.

It is you that cannot comprehend the probability of extraterrestrial life. You can't even accept it. Give me at least that: ACCEPT THE PROBABILITY OF EXTRATERRESTRIALS.

Your comprehension comment should be said while you stand in front of a mirror."Comprehension is not your strong suit I see"

If I make an ass out of myself, please bring this to my attention and point out where. All I have done is show some links...


Sorry madness is not one of my characteristics, see disclosure project manager. I'm going to let you stay ignorant where I'm concerned. I also stand on my earlier post. You're being an ass again. I am kind of upset, Santa leaving those lumps of coal in my stocking all these years & me chucking them in the fire.

Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
It's very unfortunate that some people choose to be the ants in the anthill that refuse to know what that superhighway (just a few feet away) is, and who built it. But it's not the ant's fault, the ants are STRONGLY encouraged to only know about their own nest. And to be politically over-sensitive, I'm referring to all of us as ants in this analogy.

I hold nothing at all against people who don't see beyond what mainstream society tells them to see, there are just people like that, always have been. And these people will always see people with open minds as idiots, and they love to mention that they think open minded people are idiots, too... Imagine if open minded people called the skeptics idiots for their beliefs!? hehehe Just wouldn't happen. What happens is... once your mind is pried open, you sympathize better with all points of view. You can spot someone who hasn't reached this point, because they ridicule other points of view. Of course this behavior shows a certain level of immaturity and lack of knowledge on the topic, but it also shows how well-spent those billions of dollars in misinformation have been.

Unfortunately, human nature is prone to pride and ego issues. Once a person states publicly that they consider ETs to be figments of our imaginations, it's hard to change their minds because they refuse to be wrong... at any cost whatever. This is closed mindedness. The inability to admit you've been wrong, and come to the light, to be enlightened. If you deny to truth, you'll have access only to fallacy. And when you defend fallacy tooth and nail, you've become a foot soldier for the dark side, so-to-speak, the side where the truth we can all share, is kept in darkness.

Millions of people know the truth about ETs. This number is growing every day, and the number of people who have not woken up is dwindling. This is a simple fact. I can already hear the festering, angry thoughts of some of the regular posters to this thread at this post. Anger is a symptom of ignorance. If someone killed your pet, scratched your car door, flattened your tire, and you did not get angry, it would be due to a much greater understanding of the way things work than the attacker had. So get angry if you like, but it just serves to demonstrate to the enlightened types all around you... what you are.

Now, if we can avoid the usual anger at seeing others with differing points of view express their beliefs, we can have a good chat about this. If you have told us your disbelief in the topic, and refuse to learn enough about it... then move right along, there's no meaningful reason to be posting in this thread. You are not fighting ignorance by calling people crazy for their understandings, you are just causing harm where once there was none. This is an infraction against the laws of karma. And the repayment for causing bad karma usually makes people who are not aware of karmic law, get angrier at their lack of true peace in life. A vicious cycle that this thread does not need the results of.

If you have respectful ET EVIDENCE to share, please post it or discuss it. If you have negativity to spread, start a thread called "Thread for the purpose of causing negativity" and post it there.

Calling names is for the playground. Please find the nearest school playground to call your fellow children asses, idiots, fools, etc there... where it's expected. cc
Last edited:


Thank you. It wasn't that hard was it?

I'm no scientist so I can't give you the answers.

I think theres already a thread about other dimensions. I'll look for it...

Puff Puff:joint:


Was it hard to accept the possibility that we've been visited by aliens? No. It is as easy as accepting the possibility that there is an invisible pink elephant on my lawn. But, at the same time, I realize that it is highly improbable. And I will go on living my life as if there is no invisible pink elephant on my lawn. Just because it is possible does NOT mean that it is true or even probable. This is how most reasonable think. They realize that even though it's possible it's not probable and don't waste their time worrying about something is very unlikely.

Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Respectfully, I'd like to know what data we are using to conclude that ET visitation is "improbable". Nothing personal, I'd just like to know. There's millions of times more evidence that something IS happening than evidence that there's nothing happening. In the face of these overwhelming odds, I would like to know how some folks can be so confident in their assertions that their disbelief is the right course of action in the face of thousands of years of eyewitness accounts, video evidence, and testimonies. Find some testimonies of people who have found proof that it's all wrong, this is my challenge to you.


It's very unfortunate that some people choose to be the ants in the anthill that refuse to know what that superhighway (just a few feet away) is, and who built it. But it's not the ant's fault, the ants are STRONGLY encouraged to only know about their own nest. And to be politically over-sensitive, I'm referring to all of us as ants in this analogy.

I hold nothing at all against people who don't see beyond what mainstream society tells them to see, there are just people like that, always have been. And these people will always see people with open minds as idiots, and they love to mention that they think open minded people are idiots, too... Imagine if open minded people called the skeptics idiots for their beliefs!? hehehe Just wouldn't happen. What happens is... once your mind is pried open, you sympathize better with all points of view. You can spot someone who hasn't reached this point, because they ridicule other points of view. Of course this behavior shows a certain level of immaturity and lack of knowledge on the topic, but it also shows how well-spent those billions of dollars in misinformation have been.

Unfortunately, human nature is prone to pride and ego issues. Once a person states publicly that they consider ETs to be figments of our imaginations, it's hard to change their minds because they refuse to be wrong... at any cost whatever. This is closed mindedness. The inability to admit you've been wrong, and come to the light, to be enlightened. If you deny to truth, you'll have access only to fallacy. And when you defend fallacy tooth and nail, you've become a foot soldier for the dark side, so-to-speak, the side where the truth we can all share, is kept in darkness.

Millions of people know the truth about ETs. This number is growing every day, and the number of people who have not woken up is dwindling. This is a simple fact. I can already hear the festering, angry thoughts of some of the regular posters to this thread at this post. Anger is a symptom of ignorance. If someone killed your pet, scratched your car door, flattened your tire, and you did not get angry, it would be due to a much greater understanding of the way things work than the attacker had. So get angry if you like, but it just serves to demonstrate to the enlightened types all around you... what you are.

Now, if we can avoid the usual anger at seeing others with differing points of view express their beliefs, we can have a good chat about this. If you have told us your disbelief in the topic, and refuse to learn enough about it... then move right along, there's no meaningful reason to be posting in this thread. You are not fighting ignorance by calling people crazy for their understandings, you are just causing harm where once there was none. This is an infraction against the laws of karma. And the repayment for causing bad karma usually makes people who are not aware of karmic law, get angrier at their lack of true peace in life. A vicious cycle that this thread does not need the results of.

If you have respectful ET EVIDENCE to share, please post it or discuss it. If you have negativity to spread, start a thread called "Thread for the purpose of causing negativity" and post it there.

Calling names is for the playground. Please find the nearest school playground to call your fellow children asses, idiots, fools, etc there... where it's expected. cc

Kettle... meet pot.


Respectfully, I'd like to know what data we are using to conclude that ET visitation is "improbable". Nothing personal, I'd just like to know. There's millions of times more evidence that something IS happening than evidence that there's nothing happening. In the face of these overwhelming odds, I would like to know how some folks can be so confident in their assertions that their disbelief is the right course of action in the face of thousands of years of eyewitness accounts, video evidence, and testimonies. Find some testimonies of people who have found proof that it's all wrong, this is my challenge to you.

It's the default position. Without sufficient evidence, there is no reason to move from the default position. It's simple logic.

It's not up to me to prove your position is wrong, you need to provide evidence that your position is right. So far, nothing. If this is the level of your reasoning and science, it is no wonder you hold your evidence in such high regard. To be brutally honest, your evidence is crap and means little to nothing. If there was some real scientific evidence out there, scientist would be up in arms trying to do their own studies, but they're not. Nothing has grabbed the scientific community's attention.

Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
I totally respect your right to think as you do, but I know you're missing out on some really cool stuff.


If you can put aside your distrust for the government, your want for aliens to exist, and your own excitement; I think you would approach the subject more reasonably.


all praises are due to the Most High
well, I think that 600 bucks for anyone who does alright is not a lot, for a weekend in a farm in virginia, evem if you do not get to see a ufo, maybe one of those 15 people who go is a hottie and is alone and the whole things sexy to her and she wants some manly love that weekend, and you may even get to watch ufos or a good performance by the host as he telepathically communicates with the aliens...

but really, if I were not a broken third world dweller, I would buy my friend trouble a weekend with the good doctor in virginia and see what happens, it would be worthy no matter what, what would he write when he came back from camp and saw no thing? or if he did? or if he met a lady there? :chin:

it is all very insteresting to me at this point... wish I had extra 600 laying around...

Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
If you can put aside your distrust for the government, your want for aliens to exist, and your own excitement; I think you would approach the subject more reasonably.

I would be the perfect, FOX-watching, glassy-eyed American citizen. There are already too many people like that allowing the elites to run amok.

So, anyone want to talk about the SUBJECT of this thread?


I would be the perfect, FOX-watching, glassy-eyed American citizen. There are already too many people like that allowing the elites to run amok.

So, anyone want to talk about the SUBJECT of this thread?

Then you're reasoning with emotion and not logic.

Just because someone doesn't believe what you believe doesn't make them closed minded. That kind of think actually makes you closed minded. You refuse to look at the simple logical flaws, but will go through extraordinary lengths to connect your evidence to aliens. You don't realize that it fails on a very simple level. For one, a UFO does NOT equal aliens. I don't care how many UFOs have been seen, it still doesn't make it alien. It has already been proven that not all UFOs are alien in source. Many sightings have been debunked. It's a big logical leap to assume that these things are alien without even trying a worldly explanation first.

I've tried to come up with a good argument for the visitation of aliens, but I can't. Nothing is sound, and there's a good reason why no one has come up with an argument that can't be refuted.

It's the same kind of thinking I see from people when discussing their religion. They don't need real proof or evidence, they're happy just believing it and there is nothing to change their minds. Without any proof or real evidence, you're reasoning that aliens have visited us is based on faith.

And to be clear, eyewitness testimonies don't count for jack in science. there has to be evidence. Good evidence.

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