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Dutch Dog Diary + Lemon N Lime Jones Report


Well-known member
Day 55 Flower, just shy of 8 weeks. DD1 back left, DD2 back right, and you guys are stuck with the Romulan cross photoboming these family pics as its a bit too big for me to move now :p
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Been on 11/13 and actually turned the LED down to 80% for the last week or so, as I don’t want to fry the tops and we’re playing just a touch of catchup in the nutrient department. I’ve topdressed a little more castings/barley/gypsum but have zero room left in the pots so that’ll have to do it!

There should be a good amount of slow release nutrients trickling in over time but as I said we’re just a tiny bit behind the 8 ball at this stage. In hindsight I would’ve backed the lights off a bit earlier in these 30L pots, but they didn’t seem very nutrient hungry in veg so thought I’d try push em pretty hard and adjust as needed. Turns out they found their appetite in flower, especially the DD1. Now at aprox 600-800 PPFD across the canopy.

With that being said don’t be alarmed guys! They are doing great, I’m just dedicated to honing my craft and think a lot can be learned from being hard on yourself and open and honest about imperfections. Always learning, always improving (although not always linear), never stagnant. That is my modus operandi.

DD1: Complex woody, floral, slightly sweet, slightly spicy (seems to be more spicy on different days.. weird!). Not particularly loud.
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DD2: Sweet mango and funky/sour papaya backend. Very delicious, bit stronger smelling than DD1 but nothing crazy. It’s definitely picking up as they age though.
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PS, thanks for your input on the fridge flower preservation guys. I think I'm gonna go with a small wine cooler that you can adjust the temp on, and set it to 16 celsius for curing, then drop down to around 10 degrees for longer term, post-cure storage. 15.5 C (60 F) is supposedly the ideal temp for curing, but as for the long term temp, I'm a bit less sure on and will probably do some trial and error at different temps starting at 10.
I don't see any catching up. They look really good to me. It's tough to keep them that perfect. Maybe I should start using more barley, lol.


Active member
I don't see any catching up. They look really good to me. It's tough to keep them that perfect. Maybe I should start using more barley, lol.
Thanks dude I appreciate it. I tend to be pretty critical on myself and a bit nitpicky cos I think I learn more that way. Overall the grow is going pretty damn well, but regardless, I know I can do better.

What I'm seeing when I say that is the slight fading of the uppermost fan leaves, the slightly burnt leaf tips, stems going red where they are getting hit directly by the LED (I think the red stems is somewhat genetic on both phenos especially DD2, but is also partially based on lower amounts of phosphorous than would be ideal). You can't see them in the photos but I also saw them start to cannibilize (mobilize nutrients from) some of the lower shaded fan leaves a bit earlier than I'd like to see usually, especially DD1.

It definitely is tough to keep them perfect all the way through, especially as we're getting close to the finish line now, but I think I could have done a slightly better job by doing a few things in hindsight;
-Topdressed a bit earlier, and maybe use larger pots despite only 30Ls of soil per plant so that I had more room to topdress.
-We had some unusually wet and warm weather lately and I've had to crank the dehumidifier to keep things in check, but this raises the temperature in the grow substantially, and being slightly behind in calcium reduces their ability to tolerate heat.
-Their water requirements also go up in the heat, and I stuck to my 2 day watering cycle but increased the amount irrigated each time, when I think I should have adapted to watering daily instead, just at lower amounts each time. The medium was a little drier than I'd like by the time watering came around on the 2 day cycle. When the medium dries out, nutrients in the leaves become less diluted so to speak and I think this has partially led to the tip burn, and the topdressed amendments don't break down as readily.

I'm now on a daily watering cycle but should have adapted sooner ideally, and I've also purchased a more powerful dehumidifier than can keep up without producing so much extra heat. All set up for a strong finish!
P.S. I think the barley is a good amendment, but its no magic ingredient haha. I'm sure I could get better results without it by just making the aforementioned changes.


Well-known member
Thanks dude I appreciate it. I tend to be pretty critical on myself and a bit nitpicky cos I think I learn more that way. Overall the grow is going pretty damn well, but regardless, I know I can do better.

What I'm seeing when I say that is the slight fading of the uppermost fan leaves, the slightly burnt leaf tips, stems going red where they are getting hit directly by the LED (I think the red stems is somewhat genetic on both phenos especially DD2, but is also partially based on lower amounts of phosphorous than would be ideal). You can't see them in the photos but I also saw them start to cannibilize (mobilize nutrients from) some of the lower shaded fan leaves a bit earlier than I'd like to see usually, especially DD1.

It definitely is tough to keep them perfect all the way through, especially as we're getting close to the finish line now, but I think I could have done a slightly better job by doing a few things in hindsight;
-Topdressed a bit earlier, and maybe use larger pots despite only 30Ls of soil per plant so that I had more room to topdress.
-We had some unusually wet and warm weather lately and I've had to crank the dehumidifier to keep things in check, but this raises the temperature in the grow substantially, and being slightly behind in calcium reduces their ability to tolerate heat.
-Their water requirements also go up in the heat, and I stuck to my 2 day watering cycle but increased the amount irrigated each time, when I think I should have adapted to watering daily instead, just at lower amounts each time. The medium was a little drier than I'd like by the time watering came around on the 2 day cycle. When the medium dries out, nutrients in the leaves become less diluted so to speak and I think this has partially led to the tip burn, and the topdressed amendments don't break down as readily.

I'm now on a daily watering cycle but should have adapted sooner ideally, and I've also purchased a more powerful dehumidifier than can keep up without producing so much extra heat. All set up for a strong finish!
P.S. I think the barley is a good amendment, but its no magic ingredient haha. I'm sure I could get better results without it by just making the aforementioned changes.
Ya your doing awesome. It's not easy doing recycled organic soil. I've got a bunch of 15 gal notill pots and I've been messing with some smaller ones of recycled soil.

I get P deficiency quite a bit in mid to late flower. I use guano when I see them start fading but it takes a little bit for it to start working even though it's pretty quick. I just got some P promoting bacteria from BAS (BioPhos) that's supposed to make P more available so maybe it'll help. I topdress too late still too but I'm trying to start doing it more often but using less at a time.

I know what you mean about the heat and nutrients. It's really dry here so that makes them drink more too. I have been using barley. I got some Gnarly barley from BAS. It's barley, corn, and lentil mixed. I grind it up and they love it. I'm not using much though so I'll bump up the amount or frequency. That might help the guano breakdown faster too. I don't know.

I saw the leaves on the #3 kinda curled up. Do you know what causes that. Because I've got a couple plants that have done that lately. One still has it. I was thinking maybe P toxicity but that is purely a guess. I actually have no clue.


Active member
Ya your doing awesome. It's not easy doing recycled organic soil. I've got a bunch of 15 gal notill pots and I've been messing with some smaller ones of recycled soil.

I get P deficiency quite a bit in mid to late flower. I use guano when I see them start fading but it takes a little bit for it to start working even though it's pretty quick. I just got some P promoting bacteria from BAS (BioPhos) that's supposed to make P more available so maybe it'll help. I topdress too late still too but I'm trying to start doing it more often but using less at a time.

I know what you mean about the heat and nutrients. It's really dry here so that makes them drink more too. I have been using barley. I got some Gnarly barley from BAS. It's barley, corn, and lentil mixed. I grind it up and they love it. I'm not using much though so I'll bump up the amount or frequency. That might help the guano breakdown faster too. I don't know.

I saw the leaves on the #3 kinda curled up. Do you know what causes that. Because I've got a couple plants that have done that lately. One still has it. I was thinking maybe P toxicity but that is purely a guess. I actually have no clue.
Yes good call on the BioPhos I think that ought to help quite a bit. And the Gnarley Barley! That was based on Coot's trials with barley too. Interesting they add lentils and corn, its supposed to be better than straight barley. Diversity of inputs seems very valuable in this world of organics, but it made more sense for me to just buy local barley.
Trying to boost relative phosphorous levels via P heavy amendments could be worthwhile too. For example the 'Nutrient Pack' from KIS is 2.5-3.5-1-10-1 (N-P-K-Ca-Mg), and that's designed to 'recharge' a batch of used water only soil for recycling all in one product. Just shows you how in demand phosphorous is.

You're talking about the heavy curling of leaf tips and crunchy leaves on the #3 in that post with possible PM where I killed it off right? That was a bit of a weird one, never seen anything like it. I'm still not totally sure to be honest, the fact it was so isolated to one branch was very strange.
In my case I don't think it was nutrient based I will say that, otherwise I think it would be more consistent throughout the plant and probably seeing some level of it on other phenos too.
I do think there was a bit too much nitrogen in the soil for them early on, and I diluted the soil a bit with some used soil before transplanting to their final pots, but I don't think any of that was causing the leaf curl.

If I had to put money on it, coupled with all the weird mutations I was seeing, I think that particular plant was a bit compromised genetically and may have got some kind of soil-borne pathogen or some other kind of disease or environmental infection. From my understanding with mutants, sometimes they can go this way, other times the mutations are more or less just aesthetics. This is just my best guess though.
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Well-known member
Yes good call on the BioPhos I think that ought to help quite a bit. And the Gnarley Barley! That was based on Coot's trials with barley too. Interesting they add lentils and corn, its supposed to be better than straight barley which is interesting. Diversity of inputs seems very valuable in this world of organics, but it made more sense for me to just buy local barley.
Trying to boost relative phosphorous levels via P heavy amendments could be worthwhile too. For example the 'Nutrient Pack' from KIS is 2.5-3.5-1-10-1 (N-P-K-Ca-Mg), and that's designed to 'recharge' a batch of used water only soil for recycling all in one product. Just shows you how in demand phosphorous is.

You're talking about the heavy curling of leaf tips and crunchy leaves on the #3 in that post with possible PM where I killed it off right? That was a bit of a weird one, never seen anything like it. I'm still not totally sure to be honest, the fact it was so isolated to one branch was very strange.
In my case I don't think it was nutrient based I will say that, otherwise I think it would be more consistent throughout the plant and probably seeing some level of it on other phenos too.
I do think there was a bit too much nitrogen in the soil for them early on, and I diluted the soil a bit with some used soil before transplanting to their final pots, but I don't think any of that was causing the leaf curl.

If I had to put money on it, coupled with all the weird mutations I was seeing, I think that particular plant was a bit compromised genetically and may have got some kind of soil-borne pathogen or some other kind of disease or environmental infection. From my understanding with mutants, sometimes they can go this way, other times the mutations are more or less just aesthetics. This is just my best guess though.
Ya that upward curl. It's only doing that on plants that have ARC in it so maybe it's partly genetic on mine too. It went away on one plant that had it after I flipped. Doesn't seem to be a problem but I'm just curious. Anyways your plants look great. I'll be following along.


Active member
Day 65 Flower - 9.5 Weeks

Plants seem a little happier since making a few of the aforementioned adjustments which is great to see. I think the change to daily watering schedule was particularly well received and is helping to break down the topdressed amendments faster by keeping the top soil layer more consistently moist.

DD1 - Smells: Complex floral, woody, and more musk and dank/musty than spicy currently.
Getting seriously chunky! The bud structure isn’t like a super dense rock hard indica type, so I think we should be pretty safe as far as budrot. Keeping humidity in the 45-50% range regardless. A combination of LED, cooler nights, and a bit of fade/senescence is bringing out some purple/pink/red accents.



DD1 Neck Meat

DD2 - Smells: Big changes in the smell department lately, we still have a bit of the mango smell remaining but its fallen into the background, and all the sweet fruitiness has pretty much dropped off, being replaced by a dank musty basement smell and slight rubber notes too.
It’s quite hard to describe the aromas on these plants at this stage, I feel its the kind of thing where someone else could smell it and have quite a different interpretation and terminology used to describe it. I suspect post-dry and particularly post-cure the aromas will be quite different, we’ll see!



DD2 Neck Meat
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ICMag Donor
Day 65 Flower - 9.5 Weeks

Plants seem a little happier since making a few of the aforementioned adjustments which is great to see. I think the change to daily watering schedule was particularly well received and is helping to break down the topdressed amendments faster by keeping the top soil layer more consistently moist.

DD1 - Smells: Complex floral, woody, and more musk and dank/musty than spicy currently.
Getting seriously chunky! The bud structure isn’t like a super dense golfball indica type structure, so I think we should be pretty safe as far as budrot. Keeping humidity in the 45-50% range regardless. A combination of LED, cooler nights, and a bit of fade/senescence is bringing out some purple/pink/red accents.
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DD1 Neck Meat
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DD2 - Smells: Big changes in the smell department lately, we still have a bit of the mango smell remaining but its fallen into the background, and all the sweet fruitiness has pretty much dropped off, being replaced by a dank musty basement smell and slight rubber notes too.
It’s quite hard to describe the aromas on these plants at this stage, I feel its the kind of thing where someone else could smell it and have quite a different interpretation and terminology used to describe it. I suspect post-dry and particularly post-cure the aromas will be quite different, we’ll see!

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DD2 Neck Meat
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Looking great , nice update


Active member
Day 75 - 10.5 Weeks Flower

Everything going well. They’re still humming along, pushing new pistils even on lowers. Getting pretty weighty too! They’ve been testing the integrity of my supports as the relatively small stems are no match for the weight of the massive flowers dripping in resin.
I can only take these about 13 weeks maximum as I need to pack down the tent for a bit for housing reasons. Hopefully they’re more or less done by then, and if not i’ve got them both cloned and so I can re-run them once i’m back up and running and try to nail it on round 2 letting them go as long as they want. It’s mostly DD2 that looks like it may be a bit longer flowering.

DD1: Smells - Floral, Musk, Woody, Pine and citrus in the background.




DD2: Smells - Mango, dank musty basement, and an interesting citrusy note on the that has an almost effervescent smell to it, kind of like the vitamin c tablets that fizz and dissolve in water, like Berocca. I guess you could say a slightly fizzy/gassy citrus smell to keep it simple.


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Active member
Day 84 Flower - 12 Weeks

Cold winter temps, LED lighting, and some late flower fade is bringing out gorgeous purple/burgundy colours. Smell seems to be intensifying. They’re still drinking quite a lot.

DD1: Smells - I would describe it as a fresh (floral, citrus, pine), incensed (musk, spice) aroma with a touch of a chem D sort of raunchy BO stank on top.




DD1 Lower:

DD2: Smells - Distinctively mango smelling although not super sweet, and has a little bit of a musty dank basement and gassy/carbonated smell on top.




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Active member
Day 89 Flower, just shy of 13 weeks.
Tomorrow they will be chopped when the lights turn on.

DD1 is totally done and getting a few amber trichs and heavy fade. It’s gotten more chemmy stank to it as its matured but mostly the same as last update.

DD2 could maybe use a few more days in an ideal world, but it’s pretty much good to go. Still got the lovely mango smell, mostly the same as last update.

Both these plants like to continue pushing white pistils and foxtailing under more intense lighting (relatively speaking) and 11/13 lighting, but the lowers have basically all browned off and aren’t pushing any new growth. I’ve had the light down pretty low for the past week, aiming for a smooth finish, definitely no crazy intensity, probably only around 500-600 PPFD. I mostly go off trichome maturity anyway and these are both within a good harvest window for me.





Overall these two Dutch Dog girls have been a pleasure to grow. Nice vigorous plants that smell great and yield well too. Little bit more picky and sensitive than your average plants in my experience, but I’m no veteran when it comes to growing sativas.
I’ve spent many hours just peeking through the window on my tent, lovingly watching my babies grow. They sure put on a show, especially late with the pretty fade.

Ultimately, for me it’s all about the smoke! So with that being said, I’ll be back in a couple weeks with some dried flower pics and a pre-cure smoke report. I’ll be sure to come back down the line with another update and report after they’ve had a good cure too.

Thanks for all the love on this grow log guys, I really appreciate it. In the real world I’m a bit of a hermit and also just like to stay low key, so its been cool having other passionate people to engage with. Cheers!


Active member
Grew this one out myself years ago. Real nice plant. Nice grow and report. Can’t wait to hear on smoke. Peace and smoke.
Oh nice! Thanks for the kind words.
I had a hard time finding many pictures or reports on the Dutch Dog, so if you have any pics or anything like that feel free to drop it in this thread, I'd love to see em. What did you think of the smoke on yours? Cheers.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Oh nice! Thanks for the kind words.
I had a hard time finding many pictures or reports on the Dutch Dog, so if you have any pics or anything like that feel free to drop it in this thread, I'd love to see em. What did you think of the smoke on yours? Cheers.
Man I was buzzzzzzin. I did the lemon n lime jones. Great stuff from great breeder.

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