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***DrBud Takes CFL SOG to the Next Level***


Well-known member
Maj.PotHead said:
what so hard to make sense of

[There must be a certain amount of plants harvested from each and every sq. ft. to determine yield results from said sq. ftg. even if they`re pulled periodically or as you all say perpetually..........I totally disagree with the statement that anyone with 1/2 a brain can run 144 plants under 2k with a 4x8 table and achieve 1 gpw...........Plant numbers DO dictate yield but only to the point of having too many plants competing for the same sq. ftg. and environment.............Ya`ll take care.......}

the Dr after all he is a laughing joke around some other canibis websites. with his touting 2-4GPW dry under CFL's

And your Example of this is where?

i'll say again cfls have to be with in a certin distance to be effective anything more then 6 inchs away is pretty much useless. dosent matter about the light wave length if the lighting isnt hitting the lowers of the plants. only the tops and few inchs underneath catch the proper light and wave length.

Above is yet ANOTHER example of someone shooting off their mouth B4 they are fully briefed on the situation...
Again will you show me an example of my plants when they are more than 2-3"s from the lights?

i'll also say this instead of flat white paint on inside of cab. line it with mylar and the light will reflect much better then flat white. flat white is for cheapys who wont or cant invest 50$ into a roll of mylar heck even the black n white poly in the hydro shops white side facing the grow is way better then flat white. again cost factor

No young man It is NOT cost it is "TimeTested and Proven method"....flat white paint allowed the grower to refresh the wall coating...and seal in and mold spores or Insect eggs...at will (Ever try to clean Mylar in a 2-3 year old grow?)
Unless Mylar is stretched drum tight It will not work as well as Flat White.
Mylar and/or Panda film allow the Borg and others a safe place to hide...between the wall and the mylar

but yall keep behind the Dr and his tryn to build himself as a canibis GOD lmao i've seen his Dr's tutorials the bonsai 1 is a scaled down version of http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=31919 ALL ABOUT BONSAI MOMS thread reposted from another site after it shut down overgrowdotcom.

Silly silly Boy.....can you tell me where I have EVER mentioned "Root Trimming"? B cuz that is what the sample you provided is based on.....
and EVERY thread I have started on this site was by REQUEST...I'm am out for.....NO Fame...I've NEVER said this was the way to do things....I simple stated "This is what I do and it will prolly work for you"

So now what............... :joint:
Dr, the proof of the pudding, as we say in my part of the UK, is in the eating. You've got great results from this method, but you're an experienced grower, probably the most experienced I have ever read a thread by. Your threads have provided inspiration for a number of us, including at least one first time grower (me). If I can get a decent grow going with this method, anyone can - I've only ever grown cress and peas before.

My grow is progressing, the nay-sayers in here have provided a little extra motivation and I expect to have most of my cabinet in place by the end of the week. I'm going to do half the space of your grow at the cabin, about a square foot, packed tightly, under about 110-150w of CFL - i've found a source of 30w spirals in the UK so these will have to do. Going to be trying biobizz organic nutes, supplemented with superthrive and whatever extra lil bits it needs. PC fans throughout. I'll put up a diary as and when but if my ghetto-esque grow succeeds then anyone can use these methods and I owe you a beer.. or a whiskey, and you ARE an internet god.. lol

Without this method I would probably have never got a growcab even partially finished, now I have the perfect grow for me planned, if i can make it work. I did notice some similarities between your method of bonsai-ing and the one maj. pothead linked to, but it's a method that works so it's no surprise there are similarities.

anyways enough about my heath robinson growbox, how was the holiday? have fun? bet you're glad to get back to your plants, hope they didn't miss you too much lol

Look forward to your next grow update. Keep up the good work sah.


Your posts sure do seem awful dramatic Doc.........Why so offensive when you`re questioned by experienced growers ?..... Maj............Don`t let it get to yas............I wish all these kiddies 2-4 gpw`s using Doc`s cfl "system"........You totally bypassed my post by attacking Maj. Pothead about what I said Doc........Talk`s cheap and situation`s are easily manipulated to suit one`s objective......In a cabinet where there IS no sq. ftg. with the cfl`s touching the clones yields might be great by comparison.......Maybe...... If you manipulated the time , veg , flower factor to fit your gpw`s ......But for you to compare this to real time actual room size grows using HID lights ?.....Ya`ll take care.........DHF.........
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I don't see what people don't get. Of course a perpetual system is gonna be more effective and yield more. To the post above, why can't he compare to a real grow? It's just a scaled down version. That's why alot of commercial growers are using perpetual SOG systems riight? It's simple; The more you sow, the more you reap. Might wanna take it easy on the herbals man, it's affecting your typing.


I'm brand new but even I can see that a Perpetual SOG utilizes the space and lighting to the MAX. The principle is very simple, smart, and effective.

Perhaps some people think that this is an "Un-fair" advantage, not unlike when Over Sized Golf Clubs/Drivers came out. :D


Dr Green! hey ive been watching your treads for a while and im glad to learn from what you have to offer.

You have exceptional root development in your bottles. I noticed that your roots branch off in a "air pruned' manner. I was reading up on air pots and smart pots and drew the correlation. Is this partly responsible for your excellent root development and yield. If not what is?


Hey DrBudGreengenes, I have a question. One of my clones ,,,,I don't remember if it was a top that I made two clones out of or if maybe the top died while it was rooting,,,But it is around 3 weeks into 12-12 and it has three tops I have been trying for a few days now to upload a picture but ,,I guess that still doesn't work? would you let all three tops grow or cut two of them off? The last run I had was 4 plants 2 was topped and two were not and I had more bud per plant with the one's I topped at one week into 12/12 but they took up three times the amount of floor space. I was thinking to get the most out of the grow area, I need my containers as close as possible so I fit as many plants in as possible with each plant having 1 cola. ??? Thanks, peace


Well-known member
incognitoman said:
Hey DrBudGreengenes, I have a question. One of my clones ,,,,I don't remember if it was a top that I made two clones out of or if maybe the top died while it was rooting,,,But it is around 3 weeks into 12-12 and it has three tops I have been trying for a few days now to upload a picture but ,,I guess that still doesn't work? would you let all three tops grow or cut two of them off? The last run I had was 4 plants 2 was topped and two were not and I had more bud per plant with the one's I topped at one week into 12/12 but they took up three times the amount of floor space. I was thinking to get the most out of the grow area, I need my containers as close as possible so I fit as many plants in as possible with each plant having 1 cola. ??? Thanks, peace

If you have enuff plants to fill yur space.....then yes I would whack all but one...for the nice single cola...and 2 more clones of a known female :joint:


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to DrBudGreengenes again.,,,,Thanks peace

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Smoke it if ya got it!!
People keep trying to prove the Doc wrong but if you just look at my thread you shouldn't have any more doubts about his methods It works for me and i'm not half as experienced as the doc.

So what the fuck people.


I got this in the space it takes for three beer cups I don't have a scale or give a shit about GPW's But I am more than happy with the doc's techniques. Not to mention the fact that I over feed and burnt them up. But I learn from my mistakes so next go around I am expecting better.

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Active member
Dear Doc,

I have a couple of quick questions for ya, one how do u mix up your soil? is it in certain proportions for each pop bottle or do you mix up a big batch and then just fill up the bottles from it? Also how many parts of each do u add? I have some seeds that are sprouting that I want to turn into a first attempt at a mama so when do you usually put the popped seeds in the soil and also do you go 24/0 from the get go? What kind of ventilation do you have on your mother/clone cab? Sorry for all the questions, I have read this whole thread and one of your other ones and I wrote down a crap load of info but i didn't see this stuff so I apologize in advance if it has already been answered. Thank you and hope ur vacation was relaxing. Peace


Active member
Good question about mixing the soil, jimbo. Doc mentioned that your soil has to be "prepared" and "alive". That means you should mix the soil (peat moss, worm poo, perlite, compost, dolomite lime etc) and moisten it beforehand. A couple of weeks for the organisms to eat and breed. I mix the soil in a kitty litter container, sprinkle some water in and open the cover every few days to air it out. After a week or so, the soil is alive with biological activity and ready to use. I know there's something going on because my wooden spoon inside the container is being eaten away by something! LOL


Non Conformist
Good post Petemoss.

Good post Petemoss.

But one of the main reasons for doin this ( besides makin more microbes ) is ta let the PH stablize itself. Many organic amendments are not in the correct PH range, the microbes bring it all tagether. Btw, I think I'd take yer wood spoon outa there. The microbes that break down wood rob N from the soil ta do it. Prolly not that big of a deal, but I thought I'd mention it. Take care... BC
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Active member
all of the soil i can find is enriched with plant food, continuous release for months, is that an issue? Does anyone use this stuff?
jimbob420 said:
all of the soil i can find is enriched with plant food, continuous release for months, is that an issue? Does anyone use this stuff?

i'ld say look a litle harder if u are in the u.s. u should be able to find just top soil and amend it urself with peat, perlite and whatever else u like.

just a suggestion.



Active member
i did, found a store that wasn't a big box store, seems they don't carry soil with no additives. Got the soil mixed up it was some hyponex topsoil, perilite, worm castings, mushroom compost, and cow poop, just got some vermiculite today and will most likely add that into the mix, I put some water in it and sealed it up in a big rubbermaid tub. I need to get a new one thou as this one isnt air tight and I am afraid if it stays in my garage for too long it will become infested with insects. The clone/mama cab is finished now too. Got a pic of the flowering cab up in my thread and had about 7 beaners pop so I threw them in some 5oz paper cups with the soil mix and put them in the clone cab.

What are the temps supposed to be in the clone/mama cab and what kind of ventilation do you use? anyone?


VERY WELL SAID MY MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VERY WELL SAID MY MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maj.PotHead said:
what so hard to make sense of

[There must be a certain amount of plants harvested from each and every sq. ft. to determine yield results from said sq. ftg. even if they`re pulled periodically or as you all say perpetually..........I totally disagree with the statement that anyone with 1/2 a brain can run 144 plants under 2k with a 4x8 table and achieve 1 gpw...........Plant numbers DO dictate yield but only to the point of having too many plants competing for the same sq. ftg. and environment.............Ya`ll take care.......}

SOG 2 plants per sqft min 4 plants per sqft max not 16 per sqft but thats ok dont believe us believe the Dr after all he is a laughing joke around some other canibis websites. with his touting 2-4GPW dry under CFL's

again cfls grow some very nice bud but they'll never out produce HID never cfls are great for micro growers in PC cases or very small cabs. thier wonderful for vegging plants and do fine flowering plants, but no way will they even come close to whats achieved under HID. i'll say it again if cfls where the chit the best way to grow and have massive yields. then comercial growers wouldnt use HID they would use CFL's why because cfls cost way less then HID lighting to buy and operate. i'll say again cfls have to be with in a certin distance to be effective anything more then 6 inchs away is pretty much useless. dosent matter about the light wave length if the lighting isnt hitting the lowers of the plants. only the tops and few inchs underneath catch the proper light and wave length.

i'll also say this instead of flat white paint on inside of cab. line it with mylar and the light will reflect much better then flat white. flat white is for cheapys who wont or cant invest 50$ into a roll of mylar heck even the black n white poly in the hydro shops white side facing the grow is way better then flat white. again cost factor

but yall keep behind the Dr and his tryn to build himself as a canibis GOD lmao i've seen his Dr's tutorials the bonsai 1 is a scaled down version of http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=31919 ALL ABOUT BONSAI MOMS thread reposted from another site after it shut down overgrowdotcom.

yall do realize when i'm feeling down i come to this thread to get a grate laugh and feel better lmao :laughing: cause this chit is fn funny

ALRIGHT NOW are WE having FUN yet Dr. Green wish hahahaha i am!!!!!!!!!!!
COming back to progress and finding static is a BALL aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah....