Such a great thread.... SOG it up, bro!
Sir please help me understand here... Is drbud flowering all 144 plants at once or he is putting in 9 plants per week and harvesting 9 plants per week??Yo MajPothead have you tried the method for yourself yet? I remember seeing a system like this in Hightimes years ago in a closet with shelves and the guy had a micro hydro table for each set of 8 clones and he flowered them right when they rooted.... I saw that article before CFL's were around this guy was using T12's !!! I can't comment on GPW cuz I don't have my SOG going yet but I do know that everything I've followed from the Dr. has kept my ladies happy....
CaptinStoner - You should check out this link and click on Products then CFL and you will find what need in the UK, I'm hoping to find some of these in the US cuz the Purple Bio Tropic CFL's and T5's have the perfect wavelengths for growing!!!!
http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.nlites.co.uk/extra2/PURpleSPD.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.nlites.co.uk/photoponics.htm&h=367&w=550&sz=28&hl=en&start=10&um=1&tbnid=w83Ej7Ca0LxmZM:&tbnh=89&tbnw=133&prev=/images?q=spectral power of Daylight CFL&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-USfficial&hs=izi&sa=N
Perpetual. He harvested some plants every week and put in rooted clones every week.Sir please help me understand here... Is drbud flowering all 144 plants at once or he is putting in 9 plants per week and harvesting 9 plants per week??