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***DrBud Takes CFL SOG to the Next Level***



I think a lot of information has been sidetracked about this yield issue meaning these are micro grows where excess humidity and heat really play no part in taking away from the plant`s environment and very possibly could yield on up there but 2-4 gpw. is not something easily approachable without entertaining the vertical grows with even more plant numbers..........This is finite and without arguement that a single unvegged plant needs a certain amount of sq.ftg. as well as air to breathe along with room to transpire before it can ever hope to be harvested with anything attached to the stems much less do 7 grams per plant dried with 15 others just like it competing for the same environment in one sq. ft.....4 ozs. per sq. ft. is double the amount any of my experienced sog bro`s pull and 2 ozs. per is as far as I`ve seen totally dialed..........That being said .........Smaller grow areas don`t haveta deal with excess humidity buildup nor heat gain from mega wattage grows so who`s to say they can`t yield accordingly by comparison......The findings most of my seasoned vets have come to is that above 4 plants per sq. ft. in sog grows dwindles the yield per watt but yet the Dr. says cram em in there and is showing results in theses smaller grows.........Head`s input on the light spectrum spreads further knowledge that I`ve been wasting thousands of dollars on lighting equipment for many yrs. but I`m almost positive it`s been used wisely due to my final numbers but I`m always willing to learn with an open mind..........I`d haveta say that what I`ve been preaching for yrs. about lumen concentration instead of dissipation in bigger rooms is what the Dr. has found to work for him although it be from cfl`s in micro climates .....To each his own in his own environment and available sq. ftg......I`ve seen my friends go big with HID lights everywhere and not be able to control their environments without ever even getting close to 1/2 gram per watt ,while I consistently went over 1 per using smaller rooms with dialed environments and nowhere near 50 watts per sq. ft. and mostly thought of as a liar and bullshitter.......I hope we all can come together and work this out for the good of all growers where grams per watt can go through the roof for massive yields from all of us on EVERY system we run.........Ya`ll take care...............DHF..............Knowledge is power........ :joint: .......
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The Doc can fit so many in because of the perpetual style.,,, I think?,,,, Not the same as harvesting this table this weekend and that table next weekend. But these plants beside those plants that are about to start swelling up.

This is what I got out of reading his threads? But I can read the bible and you can read the bible and we could both have two different opinions of what is said.. Unity, peace


anybody remember like a 9k floro grow on og? it was in a garage and it was double stacked. by double stack i mean top tier bottom tier. that floro grow was insane


incognitoman said:
The Doc can fit so many in because of the perpetual style.,,, I think?,,,, Not the same as harvesting this table this weekend and that table next weekend. But these plants beside those plants that are about to start swelling up.

This is what I got out of reading his threads? But I can read the bible and you can read the bible and we could both have two different opinions of what is said.. Unity, peace

Yup. If they were all put in at the same time, they would overgrow the space and decrease yield. With his method you can space the mature ones out and just put the small ones wherever they fit.


You cannot calculate grams per watt by pulling out mature plants while replacing them with immature plants as you all are implying that the reason Doc can pack so many in cuz of the perpetual style of growing...........There must be a certain amount of plants harvested from each and every sq. ft. to determine yield results from said sq. ftg. even if they`re pulled periodically or as you all say perpetually..........I totally disagree with the statement that anyone with 1/2 a brain can run 144 plants under 2k with a 4x8 table and achieve 1 gpw...........Plant numbers DO dictate yield but only to the point of having too many plants competing for the same sq. ftg. and environment.............Ya`ll take care.......DHF............ :joint: ............
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yes u can, its continuous and all ur doing is taking an average. they do this in accounting all the time. the world couldn't run without this concept. u think toyota sells all its cars before it calculates its profit?? Walmart empty's all the warehouses??

lemm know what u tink bou' tat?




Its not complicated at all. Get you stuff set up, when your plants and grow room are in timing. if you strain takes 60 days, in 60 days add up all the weight you have harvested in a 60 day time frame. that is your grams......how ever many watts your burning...Simple:D

I think the doc is using the best growing methods to date, for personal use.

Think about this http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=77825&page=9&pp=15 But only for personal use with a little extra, sometimes :rasta:
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1) IF someone wants to be specific it "could" be noted that his numbers are "Perpetual GPW" (Since that is an advantageous method). I am new, and will soon be starting my first grow, but to me, one way or another the math still adds up to GPW.

2) I also wanted to thank the good Doctor for taking the time to share his knowledge with us. You are doing a great service to both Human and Cannabis kind.

I am in my mid 20's and for the past 3 years have had a strong desire to learn to grow. Doc, you gave me that helpful shove in the right direction :D

You have my sincerest thanks, my appreciation and respect.
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those big slurpee cups would probably work well

sometimes you get them with the largest drinks at jack in the box and places like that


Smoke it if ya got it!!
You cannot calculate grams per watt by pulling out mature plants while replacing them with immature plants as you all are implying that the reason Doc can pack so many in cuz of the perpetual style of growing...........There must be a certain amount of plants harvested from each and every sq. ft. to determine yield results from said sq. ftg. even if they`re pulled periodically or as you all say perpetually..........I totally disagree with the statement that anyone with 1/2 a brain can run 144 plants under 2k with a 4x8 table and achieve 1 gpw...........Plant numbers DO dictate yield but only to the point of having too many plants competing for the same sq. ftg. and environment.............Ya`ll take care.......DHF............ :joint: ............

I'm not sure you made much sense.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Connoisseur300 said:
I'm not sure you made much sense.

what so hard to make sense of

[There must be a certain amount of plants harvested from each and every sq. ft. to determine yield results from said sq. ftg. even if they`re pulled periodically or as you all say perpetually..........I totally disagree with the statement that anyone with 1/2 a brain can run 144 plants under 2k with a 4x8 table and achieve 1 gpw...........Plant numbers DO dictate yield but only to the point of having too many plants competing for the same sq. ftg. and environment.............Ya`ll take care.......}

SOG 2 plants per sqft min 4 plants per sqft max not 16 per sqft but thats ok dont believe us believe the Dr after all he is a laughing joke around some other canibis websites. with his touting 2-4GPW dry under CFL's

again cfls grow some very nice bud but they'll never out produce HID never cfls are great for micro growers in PC cases or very small cabs. thier wonderful for vegging plants and do fine flowering plants, but no way will they even come close to whats achieved under HID. i'll say it again if cfls where the chit the best way to grow and have massive yields. then comercial growers wouldnt use HID they would use CFL's why because cfls cost way less then HID lighting to buy and operate. i'll say again cfls have to be with in a certin distance to be effective anything more then 6 inchs away is pretty much useless. dosent matter about the light wave length if the lighting isnt hitting the lowers of the plants. only the tops and few inchs underneath catch the proper light and wave length.

i'll also say this instead of flat white paint on inside of cab. line it with mylar and the light will reflect much better then flat white. flat white is for cheapys who wont or cant invest 50$ into a roll of mylar heck even the black n white poly in the hydro shops white side facing the grow is way better then flat white. again cost factor

but yall keep behind the Dr and his tryn to build himself as a canibis GOD lmao i've seen his Dr's tutorials the bonsai 1 is a scaled down version of http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=31919 ALL ABOUT BONSAI MOMS thread reposted from another site after it shut down overgrowdotcom.

yall do realize when i'm feeling down i come to this thread to get a grate laugh and feel better lmao :laughing: cause this chit is fn funny


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
incognitoman said:
Its not complicated at all. Get you stuff set up, when your plants and grow room are in timing. if you strain takes 60 days, in 60 days add up all the weight you have harvested in a 60 day time frame. that is your grams......how ever many watts your burning...Simple:D

I think the doc is using the best growing methods to date, for personal use.

Think about this http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=77825&page=9&pp=15 But only for personal use with a little extra, sometimes :rasta:
yepper T 5 lighting for veg way better the cfls

HID for flowering

duder theres no comparing the link you posted to the Dr's thread all it dose is comfirm what i'm saying lmao right on mang :rasta: also Dr grows in soil with 20oz soda bottels

the above pics from your link are hydro i think the Doc is full of it and i'm here to disprove him in a major way. 2-4 GPW under HID would make any1 a god but as the good Dr implys 2-4 GPW he pulls under cfls makes him The GOD.

now if the good Dr wishs to admit his 2-4 GPW is wet and not dry then i'll back off but not untill !!! :dueling:
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The way the Doc water's his plants is even better than a hydro set-up IMO. Although very similar. With a standard flood & drain system, (as I am sure you know) you have to adjust the nutes in the res. every few days and you must flood your expanded clay (or what ever) at least twice a day. With a soil mix the medium can hold some nutes and with less heat from the cfl's ( from my experience ) you only have to flood the plants every 5 days to start with and by the time they are big every two or three days dependent on how much air you have blowing around. I used that link as an example because of the high yields from the SOG from clone technique, There is no other example of somebody else using CFL's in a SOG but the good Dr. who has turned us on to it. and those of us trying it for our selves. peace and happy growing with how every you want to grow your plants. They grow like weeds don't they :D
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in all honesty, as much as i support these methods and intend to try for myself, I have been considering at least a HID/CFL mix. Or even trying to replicate this under a small HID. I've also thought about using PL-L tubes which are like long 1U CFLs, or even T5 tubes. This is only because I can't find big CFLs here in the UK, 25w max. I think i'm going to experiment with it.

I think people are arguing about CFL vs HID when really the active parts of these grows are the perpetual SOG method and the watering method. Without those two things its just like any other grow.

In his original thread Dr explains his reasons for using CFL. I'm not commenting on any motives for posting these threads re being an internet god or whatever, but they have been truely inspirational to me, and it seems, others. And for that, regardless of anything else, the dr deserves our thanks.
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Just Call me Urkle!!
Yo MajPothead have you tried the method for yourself yet? I remember seeing a system like this in Hightimes years ago in a closet with shelves and the guy had a micro hydro table for each set of 8 clones and he flowered them right when they rooted.... I saw that article before CFL's were around this guy was using T12's !!! I can't comment on GPW cuz I don't have my SOG going yet but I do know that everything I've followed from the Dr. has kept my ladies happy....

CaptinStoner - You should check out this link and click on Products then CFL and you will find what need in the UK, I'm hoping to find some of these in the US cuz the Purple Bio Tropic CFL's and T5's have the perfect wavelengths for growing!!!!


:joint: :joint: :joint: :joint:


CaptainStoner said:
in all honesty, as much as i support these methods and intend to try for myself, I have been considering at least a HID/CFL mix. Or even trying to replicate this under a small HID. I've also thought about using PL-L tubes which are like long 1U CFLs, or even T5 tubes. This is only because I can't find big CFLs here in the UK, 25w max. I think i'm going to experiment with it.

I think people are arguing about CFL vs HID when really the active parts of these grows are the perpetual SOG method and the watering method. Without those two things its just like any other grow.

In his original thread Dr explains his reasons for using CFL. I'm not commenting on any motives for posting these threads re being an internet god or whatever, but they have been truely inspirational to me, and it seems, others. And for that, regardless of anything else, the dr deserves our thanks.

That's what I'm doing. I'm using a 70 watt hps and two 42 watt cfl's in 2.8 square feet, though it's too early for any numbers. I agree, though, that it doesn't matter what kinda light you're using. It's the method and the plant density that gives you the seemingly impossible numbers.

Maj. Pothead's flowering setup doesn't fit what the Dr. has been preaching. It's a perpetual setup, but it's not combined. It is seperate tables so his mature plants are all squished together and the young ones are more spaced out. Also, it's an open area so more light is wasted. Don't get me wrong, it's a great setup as is, and I'm not even sure it would be possible to replicate what the Dr. has done on a large scale, but there is room for improvement. It feels bad saying that when I'm still a noob, but it's true.