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Deep State: Exposed


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor

The financial bust everyone has forgotten is all about a huge debt bubble busting. Those frackers are in debt up to their necks, a lot of debt, so much debt that it is the bank's problem as they say.

The WuFlu has transportation in a freeze. OIl is way down. Trump said he will "fill up the SPR" because if the demand for oil stops, the banks are dead. huge correlation between stawk prices and oil.

So the .guv will borrow moolahs from the fed (who prints it), congress will add it to the debt, and frackers will be paid to frack and pump. And flare off all the gas, cause it ain't selling. So that that oil can be sent by train cause there is no pipeline, down to the SPR. There it will be mixed in with a bunch of crude.

Drill a hole, pump it out, move it, put it in another hole. Burn off all the gas in the process. OK then.

They have a saying about gold, that they dig it from the ground just to store it in a vault under ground somewhere else. Same thing I think.


Active member

I don't get what you are claiming victory on here?

It's going to take to long? I can only assume you believe it will not finish before the election, and that your candidate will win and stop the investigation.

Muller took 2 years to find nothing. He couldn't, or wouldn't even find the illegal acts by the DOJ, and FBI. It's common knowledge that within the first few weeks Muller , and his team knew their was no crime. In reality most of his team knew their was no crime, they manufactured the crime. When that failed, they went full bore on process crimes to get people to manufacture crimes to save their own hide. 17 errors and omissions, fraudulent FISA warrants cements the facts

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

I disagree. The article you attatched is from a few months ago. Barr has stated that the investigation looks like it will be completed in spring or summer of 2020. Also, in the article, notice that Barr does not refere to any 'report.' Only the clumsy author mentions a 'report.'


Well-known member
I don't get what you are claiming victory on here?

It's going to take to long? I can only assume you believe it will not finish before the election, and that your candidate will win and stop the investigation.

Muller took 2 years to find nothing. He couldn't, or wouldn't even find the illegal acts by the DOJ, and FBI. It's common knowledge that within the first few weeks Muller , and his team knew their was no crime. In reality most of his team knew their was no crime, they manufactured the crime. When that failed, they went full bore on process crimes to get people to manufacture crimes to save their own hide. 17 errors and omissions, fraudulent FISA warrants cements the facts

Claiming victory? lol.

If you read (and comprehend) what was written, Hempy says there will be no report submitted by Durham. He's a prosecutor, not an inspector according to Hempy.

William Barr says that there will be a report. It won't be ready 'for quite a few months'

Seems pretty simple, no?

Hempy says no report... Barr says report forthcoming.

I don't get why you felt the need to chime in about claiming victory and 17 errors... I was busting Hempys balls because he's always right. I'm glad to see that you're so invested in that investigation, though. You keep waiting for it, champ.


Well-known member
I disagree. The article you attatched is from a few months ago. Barr has stated that the investigation looks like it will be completed in spring or summer of 2020. Also, in the article, notice that Barr does not refere to any 'report.' Only the clumsy author mentions a 'report.'

You attached an article from a year ago! Lol. :laughing:


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Claiming victory? lol.

If you read (and comprehend) what was written, Hempy says there will be no report submitted by Durham. He's a prosecutor, not an inspector according to Hempy.

William Barr says that there will be a report. It won't be ready 'for quite a few months'

Seems pretty simple, no?

Hempy says no report... Barr says report forthcoming.

I don't get why you felt the need to chime in about claiming victory and 17 errors... I was busting Hempys balls because he's always right. I'm glad to see that you're so invested in that investigation, though. You keep waiting for it, champ.

Again, Barr does not refere to any report. Only the author does. But, the author does not quote the question asked. Barr does not say a report is forthcoming. Most likely, Barr refered to the Durham 'investigation,' and the author conflated the terms 'investigation' and 'report.' Which would be easy to do because of the high profile IG report and Mueller's special council's report.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
You attached an article from a year ago! Lol. :laughing:

I made it clear that the article was from a year ago because Minds I asked about whether a grand jury had been impaneled. The answer is that an insider says that one was impaneled about a year ago. Also, there was talk on the news (don't remember by who) a couple weeks ago where people were claiming that a grand jury or several grand juries have been impaneled and possibly even completed.

White Beard

Active member
Rumor has it that, yes, a grand jury has been impaneled. There was some chatter about it a couple weeks ago. Could even have something to do with this global shutdown.

After all the storytelling, horse shit, and boilerplate you’ve posted as if it were fact, *now* you bring us something SO vague and hollow that YOU call it “rumor” and “chatter” - but that adds up to a ‘YES’ in your brain?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
After all the storytelling, horse shit, and boilerplate you’ve posted as if it were fact, *now* you bring us something SO vague and hollow that YOU call it “rumor” and “chatter” - but that adds up to a ‘YES’ in your brain?

It was someone on the news, a senator maybe. I wasnt paying very close attention at the time. I didn't know there would be a quiz.


Active member
I made it clear that the article was from a year ago because Minds I asked about whether a grand jury had been impaneled. The answer is that an insider says that one was impaneled about a year ago. Also, there was talk on the news (don't remember by who) a couple weeks ago where people were claiming that a grand jury or several grand juries have been impaneled and possibly even completed.

Hello all,

If there were a GJ impaneled it would be registered on a public docket in some jurisdiction ...the emphasis on public.
