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Deep State: Exposed

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Hello all,

So, Barr says to trump*...stop tweeting about doj shit.

Kewl, hours later, the wh sends out a proclamation that fat conald was not upset and that his ag could say what he wanted..

Do I have that right so far?

Well, shazamm, not 12 hours later impotus the 3rd tweets he has the right to way in on doj shit no matter what barr said, but that he did not do it anyway.

So, its back in barr's court...if barr had any integrity, he would resign.


He said he can ASK the AG to look into anything. Anyone can ask. Doesn't mean Barr has to act on it. But, if it is important they both have obligations related to their oaths of office.

knucklehead bob




Active member
Nobody said you voted for Bush. However it is the same mentality. Expecting everybody to do it on their own while daddy bails you out.

knucklehead bob


A bill making its way through the Texas legislature would make protesting pipelines a third-degree felony, the same as attempted murder.

“It’s an anti-protest bill, favoring the fossil fuel industry, favoring corporations over people.” — Frankie Orona, executive director of the Society of Native Nations

H.B. 3557, which is under consideration in the state Senate after passing the state House earlier this month, ups penalties for interfering in energy infrastructure construction by making the protests a felony. Sentences would range from two to 10 years.


Bill: HB 3557
Relating to civil and criminal liability for engaging in certain conduct involving a critical infrastructure facility; creating criminal offenses.



knucklehead bob

Texas has it wrong, protesting... no matter how dumb the reason may be... Is a constitutional right.

NEWS FLASH: No one believes this but the Party that most people so happily & willingly divide yourselves into ; Democrat/Republican/Libertarian/Veteran , don't give a flying fuck about your Constitution .

That much should be obvious . Maybe Julian Assange , Bradley Manning(aka Chelsie) or Edward Snowden could chime in here .......
(He says facetiously)

The U.S. Constitution doesn't even mention political parties. President George Washington warned about "the danger of parties." But even then, our leaders didn't always agree. In the 1790s, a quarrel broke out between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton over how much power to grant the federal government. The argument split their followers into two separate groups - the beginning of U.S. political parties.



The same will be said about Trump 6 years from now. Nobody will admit to voting for him just like they won't admit they voted for Bush.

Truth! I have been sayin this for over a year. Voting for him will be akin to voting for the Iraq War. No one will claim the orange dumpster fire in a few years....

knucklehead bob

Maybe I spoke without my coffee first but isn't protesting a form of freedom of speech?

Talk to Julian Assange , Bradley Manning(aka Chelsie) or Edward Snowden about your freedom of speech or right to know

Assange: In prison awaiting extradition to the U.S.

Manning: In prison

Snowden: In exile

1st Amendment is all but gone & "Red Flags" are fast after the second , but keep on going blaming the other faction of the "Party"



Active member

A bill making its way through the Texas legislature would make protesting pipelines a third-degree felony, the same as attempted murder.

“It’s an anti-protest bill, favoring the fossil fuel industry, favoring corporations over people.” — Frankie Orona, executive director of the Society of Native Nations

H.B. 3557, which is under consideration in the state Senate after passing the state House earlier this month, ups penalties for interfering in energy infrastructure construction by making the protests a felony. Sentences would range from two to 10 years.


Bill: HB 3557
Relating to civil and criminal liability for engaging in certain conduct involving a critical infrastructure facility; creating criminal offenses.



Did you read the law? It applies to private property, and fenced and secured infrastructure. It doesn't say anything about protesting. It does say it is for people who damage said infrastructure.

I am 100% behind any Americans right to peacefully protest. That's not what the law is about. We are concerned about foreign countries hacking our infrastructure, why would Americans be allowed to destroy infrastructure with immunity? Especially on private property.

From reading your post, I get that you are suspicious of both parties. That obviously is a fair suspicion. That being said you really have to read what is written. Doing a little digging is required to avoid bullshit these days.

The waking times is not a reputable publication


knucklehead bob

Did you read the law? It applies to private property, and fenced and secured infrastructure. It doesn't say anything about protesting. It does say it is for people who damage said infrastructure.

I am 100% behind any Americans right to peacefully protest. That's not what the law is about. We are concerned about foreign countries hacking our infrastructure, why would Americans be allowed to destroy infrastructure with immunity? Especially on private property.

From reading your post, I get that you are suspicious of both parties. That obviously is a fair suspicion. That being said you really have to read what is written. Doing a little digging is required to avoid bullshit these days.

The waking times is not a reputable publication


According to who ? The FBI ? FCC ? CIA ? Or the people that are prosecuting Assange , Manning & Snowden ?

"Did you read the law?"

Yes I did . So I have to ask you the same question . If you did then you know the words " private property" , are not contained therein H.B. No. 3557



Active member
According to who ? The FBI ? FCC ? CIA ? Or the people that are prosecuting Assange , Manning & Snowden ?

"Did you read the law?"

Yes I did . So I have to ask you the same question . If you did then you know the words " private property" , are not contained therein H.B. No. 3557


Oh snap. Major miscommunication bud. I don't at all disagree with the sentiment on Assange, Manning, and Snowden. The constitution is being dismantled bit by bit.

I was referring to the Texas law. The law Isnt about peaceful protest. The article is blatantly misleading. The source is a left-wing Infowars clone.


Well-known member
Maybe I spoke without my coffee first but isn't protesting a form of freedom of speech?

freedom of speech is not absolute; it has limits. if your protesting involves destruction of property, you have crossed the line. that said, i disagree with the premise that destruction of private property should carry same weight as a murder charge, unless the destruction caused foreseeable deaths.:tiphat: