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Deep State: Exposed


Well-known member
Watching what has unfolded in the Dakotas to those protesting the pipeline has been disturbing.


Active member
Watching what has unfolded in the Dakotas to those protesting the pipeline has been disturbing.

It was the Mexican flag on their FB page that confused me about their goal. I doubt it brought much support.


Active member
Talk to Julian Assange , Bradley Manning(aka Chelsie) or Edward Snowden about your freedom of speech or right to know

Assange: In prison awaiting extradition to the U.S.

Manning: In prison

Snowden: In exile

1st Amendment is all but gone & "Red Flags" are fast after the second , but keep on going blaming the other faction of the "Party"


Hard pass on leaking classified information being freedom of speech kiddo. Snowden is obviously a CIA asset so he’s fine until scattered into 1000 pieces. All 3 should be hanging from lamp posts not put on pedestals as some ‘freedom fighters’


Well-known member
Hard pass on leaking classified information being freedom of speech kiddo. Snowden is obviously a CIA asset so he’s fine until scattered into 1000 pieces. All 3 should be hanging from lamp posts not put on pedestals as some ‘freedom fighters’

I trust all 3 more than shithead. We need more people like them. Not less.


Well-known member
I trust all 3 more than shithead. We need more people like them. Not less.

i am of two thoughts on "leaking" so-called "classified information". if doing so endangers people risking their lives to collect information needed to keep us safe, hang those motherfuckers NOW, not later. if the information leaked is "classified" because it exposes someone/something as criminally negligent/corrupt/an embarrassment to the human race, then put that shit on billboards/television & give that man a cigar!:tiphat:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I believe there's a large gray area of overlapping circumstances in many instances of information leaks.

Maybe we should just hang a half of each of them.


Active member
I trust all 3 more than shithead. We need more people like them. Not less.

You also trust CNN and snopes. Not much to ‘trust’. All they did was download and hit send. What is there to ‘trust’? Not much surprise you are on same page as another mentally ill person (bradley manning) after all birds of a feather...

Mr D

Clean up in aisle 5....

Kash Patel has been chosen to serve as senior advisor to Amb. Richard Grenell, Acting DNI chief.

According to sources who spoke to CBS reporter Catherine Herridge, Grenell and Patel are mandated to “clean house” including a “top to bottom” review of ODNI operations.

knucklehead bob

Hard pass on leaking classified information being freedom of speech kiddo. Snowden is obviously a CIA asset so he’s fine until scattered into 1000 pieces. All 3 should be hanging from lamp posts not put on pedestals as some ‘freedom fighters’

How can evidence of indiscriminate murder & other crimes committed by the State be considered Classified: TOP SECRET unless you are a good little National Socialist ?


knucklehead bob

This is how warmongers explain the dis-appearance of $715,000,000 of your $$$$$$$$$$ for G.O.D. & Country ...................

(U) SOJTF-OIR personnel did not account for the budgeted $715.8 million of CTEF-S equipment for FYs 2017 and 2018 from procurement through divestment in accordance with DoD Instruction 5000.64 and Army Regulation 735-5. For example, SOJTF-OIR personnel did not maintain comprehensive lists of all equipment purchased and received. This occurred because SOJTF-OIR personnel allowed multiple entities involved with CTEF-S equipment to store records in numerous locations instead of designating a central repository for all supporting accountability documentation.



Mr D

This is how warmongers explain the dis-appearance of $715,000,000 of your $$$$$$$$$$ for G.O.D. & Country ...................

(U) SOJTF-OIR personnel did not account for the budgeted $715.8 million of CTEF-S equipment for FYs 2017 and 2018 from procurement through divestment in accordance with DoD Instruction 5000.64 and Army Regulation 735-5. For example, SOJTF-OIR personnel did not maintain comprehensive lists of all equipment purchased and received. This occurred because SOJTF-OIR personnel allowed multiple entities involved with CTEF-S equipment to store records in numerous locations instead of designating a central repository for all supporting accountability documentation.



Bob don't bring that up, last time someone brought it up we had 9/11.

On September 10, 2001, then U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld disclosed that his department was unable to account for roughly $2.3 trillion worth of transactions.

Mr D

Geez and here Bernie's telling me the problem is that government doesn't get enough tax money.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
America’s Missing Money
The federal government can’t account for $21 trillion—but does anybody care?

During last month’s State of the Union address, President Trump called on Congress to end the automatic budget caps enacted in 2013, which have significantly limited the expansion of defense spending. In a rare show of political support, the chiefs of staff of each armed-service branch cheered the president’s call. And yet, unmentioned in the House chamber—and unnoticed by most viewers—was the fact that trillions of dollars meant to support American troops have been spent for purposes unknown even to our elected representatives.

On September 10, 2001, then U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld disclosed that his department was unable to account for roughly $2.3 trillion worth of transactions. The next day, the U.S. sustained the terrorist attacks that changed the world, and this startling revelation was forgotten.

When an account discrepancy occurs that cannot be traced, it’s customary to make what is called an “un-documentable adjustment.” This is similar to when your checkbook balance is off by, say, ten dollars; you add or subtract that amount to make everything balance with the bank. In 1999, the amount that the Pentagon adjusted was eight times the Defense Department budget for that year; it was one-third greater than the entire federal budget.

By 2015, the amount reported missing by the Office of the Inspector General had increased to $6.5 trillion—and that was just for the army. Using public data from federal databases, Mark Skidmore, a professor of economics at Michigan State University, found that $21 trillion in unsupported adjustments had been reported by the Defense and Housing and Urban Development departments between 1998 and 2015. That’s about $65,000 for every American.

There is no sign that the government’s internal auditors have made much headway in finding the missing money. Jim Minnery of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service traveled the country in 2002 looking for documents on just $300 million worth of unrecorded spending. “We know it’s gone. But we don’t know what they spent it on,” he said. He was reassigned after suggesting that higher-ups covered up the problem by writing it off. He’s not the only who thinks so. “The books are cooked routinely year after year,” says former defense analyst Franklin C. Spinney.
According to a 2013 Reuters report, the Pentagon is the only federal agency that has not complied with a 1996 law that requires annual audits of all government departments. The Pentagon has spent tens of billions of dollars to upgrade to more efficient technology in order to become audit-ready. But many of these new systems have failed and been scrapped.

Predictably, the government did not race to correct the problem even after investigators sounded the alarm. Skidmore contacted the Office of the Inspector General but was not permitted to speak to anyone who had worked on the corruption report. Both the Congressional Budget Office and the Government Accountability Office assured him that congressional hearings would have been held if there was a significant problem. When Rumsfeld eventually did appear before Congress in March 2005, his testimony offered no substantive answers.

In short: the military doesn’t know how its budget is being spent. The “total military expenditures” that analysts so confidently cite are whatever the Treasury Department says they are, and the individual line items, at least for the army, are for the most part unknown. If money is being diverted from the armed forces, the losses are degrading our defense capability in ways difficult to observe. The same is true on a smaller scale for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, where billions in missing expenditures could have gone to support the perennially cash-strapped federal mortgage-loan program, and possibly other unrelated programs, without congressional knowledge or approval.

Though each passing year diminishes the likelihood that already-disbursed funds will be tracked down, Americans should insist on a renewed effort to rein in future discrepancies.

The Trump presidency presents a fresh chance to prioritize accountability, and the president campaigned on robust military spending and reducing government waste. With congressional cooperation, the president should ask the secretaries of the Departments of Defense and of Housing and Urban Development to testify about any misplaced spending, and commission new independent audits of their expenses. This ongoing mismanagement of the public trust—and public dollars—is possibly the greatest silent scandal in America today.

*Terrence Leveck is a physician who graduated from the University of Colorado School of Medicine in 1972. He did a general surgery residency in the Army at Fort Lewis, Washington, and spent most of his career doing emergency medicine in Kentucky and Tennessee.

*link above in Mr D's post -

knucklehead bob

In newly inked deal, F-35 price falls to $78 million a copy

Which is basically a flying lemon

The F-35 Can’t Fire Its Cannon Without Committing Suicide

That’s one finding of a Pentagon audit of America’s flagship warplane. As in previous years, the Pentagon’s Director Operational Test & Evaluation (DOT&E), which evaluates testing on new and improved equipment, identified numerous problems with America’s flagship warplane.

Compounding the problem is that the F-35A’s cannon can’t hit the target, a problem that has been reported in previous years. “Based on F-35A gun testing to date, DOT&E considers the accuracy of the gun, as installed in the F-35A, to be unacceptable,” said the audit. “F-35A gun accuracy during SDD [the System Development and Demonstration phase of the program] failed to meet the contract specification. Investigations into the gun mounts of the F-35A revealed misalignments that result in muzzle alignment errors. As a result, the true alignment of each F-35A gun is not known, so the program is considering options to re-boresight and correct gun alignments.”


America Has Been at War 93% of the Time – 222 out of 239 Years – Since 1776


People still believe the root cause of the problem is going to somehow save them & personally , I can't think of anything more STUPID than that

Day 28 veg this looks like  magnesium deficiency Not sure Started right after transplant 10 days ago

Last edited:

knucklehead bob

American Federal Agency Scientists Have Reduced Their Cell Phone Radiation Exposure. Has Your Family?

Cell phone and wireless WiFi radiation are sources of Electromagnetic Radiation. Electromagnetic Radiation creates pollution sometimes referred to as “Electrosmog”. It’s NOT the EPA’s job to protect us from this. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is supposed to do that by regulating the telecom industry. Instead, they’ve been catering to the telecom industry for many years.

There have been lawsuits filed against The FCC for not protecting the public from exposure (see 1, 2) and forcing widespread 5G installation (see 1, 2, 3, 4) despite NO scientific evidence that it’s safe. American Academy of Pediatrics and other health experts have been warning for many years that children are more vulnerable to harm from exposure. In fact, there is still NO “safe” level of wireless radiation that has been scientifically determined for kids or pregnant women.



Capra ibex

America’s Missing Money
The federal government can’t account for $21 trillion—but does anybody care?

During last month’s State of the Union address, President Trump called on Congress to end the automatic budget caps enacted in 2013, which have significantly limited the expansion of defense spending. In a rare show of political support, the chiefs of staff of each armed-service branch cheered the president’s call. And yet, unmentioned in the House chamber—and unnoticed by most viewers—was the fact that trillions of dollars meant to support American troops have been spent for purposes unknown even to our elected representatives.

On September 10, 2001, then U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld disclosed that his department was unable to account for roughly $2.3 trillion worth of transactions. The next day, the U.S. sustained the terrorist attacks that changed the world, and this startling revelation was forgotten.

When an account discrepancy occurs that cannot be traced, it’s customary to make what is called an “un-documentable adjustment.” This is similar to when your checkbook balance is off by, say, ten dollars; you add or subtract that amount to make everything balance with the bank. In 1999, the amount that the Pentagon adjusted was eight times the Defense Department budget for that year; it was one-third greater than the entire federal budget.

By 2015, the amount reported missing by the Office of the Inspector General had increased to $6.5 trillion—and that was just for the army. Using public data from federal databases, Mark Skidmore, a professor of economics at Michigan State University, found that $21 trillion in unsupported adjustments had been reported by the Defense and Housing and Urban Development departments between 1998 and 2015. That’s about $65,000 for every American.

There is no sign that the government’s internal auditors have made much headway in finding the missing money. Jim Minnery of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service traveled the country in 2002 looking for documents on just $300 million worth of unrecorded spending. “We know it’s gone. But we don’t know what they spent it on,” he said. He was reassigned after suggesting that higher-ups covered up the problem by writing it off. He’s not the only who thinks so. “The books are cooked routinely year after year,” says former defense analyst Franklin C. Spinney.
According to a 2013 Reuters report, the Pentagon is the only federal agency that has not complied with a 1996 law that requires annual audits of all government departments. The Pentagon has spent tens of billions of dollars to upgrade to more efficient technology in order to become audit-ready. But many of these new systems have failed and been scrapped.

Predictably, the government did not race to correct the problem even after investigators sounded the alarm. Skidmore contacted the Office of the Inspector General but was not permitted to speak to anyone who had worked on the corruption report. Both the Congressional Budget Office and the Government Accountability Office assured him that congressional hearings would have been held if there was a significant problem. When Rumsfeld eventually did appear before Congress in March 2005, his testimony offered no substantive answers.

In short: the military doesn’t know how its budget is being spent. The “total military expenditures” that analysts so confidently cite are whatever the Treasury Department says they are, and the individual line items, at least for the army, are for the most part unknown. If money is being diverted from the armed forces, the losses are degrading our defense capability in ways difficult to observe. The same is true on a smaller scale for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, where billions in missing expenditures could have gone to support the perennially cash-strapped federal mortgage-loan program, and possibly other unrelated programs, without congressional knowledge or approval.

Though each passing year diminishes the likelihood that already-disbursed funds will be tracked down, Americans should insist on a renewed effort to rein in future discrepancies.

The Trump presidency presents a fresh chance to prioritize accountability, and the president campaigned on robust military spending and reducing government waste. With congressional cooperation, the president should ask the secretaries of the Departments of Defense and of Housing and Urban Development to testify about any misplaced spending, and commission new independent audits of their expenses. This ongoing mismanagement of the public trust—and public dollars—is possibly the greatest silent scandal in America today.

*Terrence Leveck is a physician who graduated from the University of Colorado School of Medicine in 1972. He did a general surgery residency in the Army at Fort Lewis, Washington, and spent most of his career doing emergency medicine in Kentucky and Tennessee.

*link above in Mr D's post -


Ivanka Trump- World's First Multi Trillionaire


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I wonder what $21 Trillion bux looks like? - as big as an aircraft carrier? (in volume of Benjamin's?)

- tut - some wizard mathematician needs to show up right now -