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Deep State: Exposed


Capra ibex

Mind blown?



Capra ibex

Jeez Capra - 21 x that - might be as big as the Nimitz eh?

I didn't do the math, all of the weird dimensions of the ship make it difficult but i think you would struggle to fit 5 trillion into an empty Nimitz hull.

Maybe someone better at math than me could figure it out exactly?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Sure - I figured it would be a tough calculation - I guess first you would have to find out what the displacement of the Nimitz is - how much water it 'displaces' when fully loaded in the sea -

I didn't do the math, all of the weird dimensions of the ship make it difficult but i think you would struggle to fit 5 trillion into an empty Nimitz hull.

Maybe someone better at math than me could figure it out exactly?

Capra ibex

Sure - I figured it would be a tough calculation - I guess first you would have to find out what the displacement of the Nimitz is - how much water it 'displaces' when fully loaded in the sea -

It does mention the displacement is roughly 100,000 tons but i'm pretty sure that is only the size of the maximum that's under water.... maybe i'm wrong, but that's how i understood it.

231,485.56 tons of 100 dollar bills

This is the weight of $21 trillion, or how much would fit inside the hull?

Capra ibex

That 100,000 ton is estimated displacement empty. It can carry much more than its initial displacement.

So by weight it possibly could hold 21 trillion??

I wonder if it would fit by size?

These kind of things always pique my interest :)

Like, all of the worlds already mined gold would fit on the Wimbledon centre court if it were a 20m x 20m x 20m cube roughly (i think.... don't quote me)

knucklehead bob

City Of San Diego Awarded GE Mass Surveillance Contract Without Oversight

San Diego is now home to the largest mass surveillance operation across the country
By Katy Grimes, January 13, 2020 4:31 pm

While the California Legislature passed and Governor Brown signed the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) into law in 2018, ostensibly to help California consumers protect their online data, state and local government doesn’t appear to be required to comply with this law.

Recently we learned that the Department of Motor Vehicles is earning more than $50-million a year by selling California drivers’ personal information, and the public is not offered an opt-out option of sharing personal information.



knucklehead bob

It’s not just Trump. The US has always broken its treaties, pacts and promises

One of the dangerous consequences of violating the Iran deal is a loss of credibility for the US, say critics of Donald Trump’s decision including former president Barack Obama. Iran and all other parties have respected the deal’s terms, they point out, making the US look like an unreliable international partner.

Well, the US is an unreliable international partner—and it has long been one, even before the current administration pulled out from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Paris agreement on climate change, and threatened to end NAFTA. History is dotted with treaties that the US has signed but not ratified, signed and then unsigned, and even refused to sign after pushing everyone else to sign.



knucklehead bob

Yes, the Government is Still Lying about Cannabis in 2020/U]

With so many ballots and candidates talking about legalizing cannabis or ending federal prohibition – one would think that the educational models of the government would have changed its tone since the 1980s. One would be wrong.

Today it is my displeasure to share with you a gem of toxicity cobbled together by the genius minds of the folks working at SAMHSA – Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration.



knucklehead bob

“Am I Going to Jail?”: Watch Cops Take 6-Year-Old to Mental Health Facility Without Parental Consent

6-year-old Nadia Falk was sedated and kept away from her mom for two days. The mother of a 6-year-old Florida girl wants answers after her daughter was taken to a mental health facility following an incident at her elementary school.


An investigation reveals allegations that deaf children were sexually and physically abused for decades at the American School for the Deaf

A sweeping investigation has uncovered dozens of credible allegations of sexual and physical abuse at the American School for the Deaf in West Hartford from the late 1950s through the 1980s, including an allegation against a longtime executive director.
The exhaustive review by the school of the claims of more than 80 alumni, witnesses and former faculty or staff corroborated dozens of accounts of sexual abuse of minors, additional physical abuse against young students and persistent, humiliating corporal punishment spanning 30 years.

