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Deep State: Exposed


Active member
I'm not surprised Democrats have a problem with Assange but I would think Bernie supporters appreciate the fact that he exposed how Hillary and the DNC fucked Bernie every chance they had. The emails most likely came from Seth Rich in my opinion.

Now you’re worried about Bernie.
Assange is just a cowardly piece of shit stealing American property. I’m sure as a true conservative, you’re fine with that.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I believe it took great courage to do what he has done.

I would argue the fact that he stole secrets also.

He may have published them.

Good for him.


Active member
I believe it took great courage to do what he has done.

I would argue the fact that he stole secrets also.

He may have published them.

Good for him.

He’s a creep that was looking for publicity and has been hiding in a hole to escape rape charges. He has done nothing for nobody. He should hack his own country. We don’t need him.


Well-known member
Now you’re worried about Bernie.
Assange is just a cowardly piece of shit stealing American property. I’m sure as a true conservative, you’re fine with that.

True conservative? I'm not religious, could give a fuck if gay people get married, believe that all drugs should be legal (true freedom but yes I also believe overdoses will rise if this happens). I'm not really even close to a true conservative. I'm not a Bernie fan what so ever, I just remember what Wikileaks exposed.

White Beard

Active member
Let's hear about it...or are you just assassinating his character. I mean, he's a journalist dying in prison, while journalism morphs into propoganda, much like you are spreading with this post. You have forgotten what real investigative journalism is. I would actually like to hear how you fault someone for informing you and the rest of the world.
Your google-fu that weak?

From back in the day:

Brave young journalist as brave Paul-style “Libertarian”
”Assange the political outsider”

Forbes: Assange, Rand Paul and libertarians are America’s only hope

Russia Today’s full-throated defense of freedom-fighter Assange

yep, amazing how the numb-nuts that seem to live in these threads, do all they can to character assassinate those who reveal the truth,,, kinda makes ya wonder
Ah yes, the fabled truth-tellers of old Soviet Russia, when the world was run by the wealthy and the conniving.

I’m sure you rise to defend Snowden and Manning at every occasion

I believe it took great courage to do what he has done.

I would argue the fact that he stole secrets also.

He may have published them.

Good for him.
I’ve seen no evidence that he stole anything. That he encouraged others to do so is undeniable, as is his assistance to them, and his dissemination of the materials. His many links to and connections with Russia and Putin’s regime are likewise undeniable.

Other aspects checkable in the public record (but will require brains)
- the fact that his releases so far have targeted the US overwhelmingly, whereas authoritarian regimes in other lands have been unbothered by his truth-telling, ‘cause he doesn’t tell any truths about them;

- the fact that his fondness for Trumpist politics and politicians in the US supports the suspicion that he actively and knowingly aided Russian interference in 2016;

- the fact that he consistently aligns with parties inimical to popular self-government, down to seeking asylum with Ecuador, then under the wing of the fascist Fujimori.

Since his troubles began, Assange has been the beneficiary of the most amazing puffery from every corner - you’d practically think he’s the new George Washington, clean as the driven snow.

If that’s not enough to get your questions started, check out how his early supporters feel about him now (hint: he left Australia because he’d pissed of most of them)


Well-known member
Your google-fu that weak?

From back in the day:
Brave young journalist as brave Paul-style “Libertarian”
”Assange the political outsider”

Assange, Rand Paul and libertarians are America’s only hope

Russia Today’s full-throated defense of freedom-fighter Assange

Ah yes, the fabled truth-tellers of old Soviet Russia, when the world was run by the wealthy and the conniving.

I’m sure you rise to defend Snowden and Manning at every occasion

I’ve seen no evidence that he stole anything. That he encouraged others to do so is undeniable, as is his assistance to them, and his dissemination of them. His frequent links to and connections with Russia and Putin’s regime are likewise undeniable.

Other aspects checkable in the public record (but will require brains): the fact that his releases so far have targeted the US overwhelmingly, whereas authoritarian regimes in other lands have been unbothered by his truth-telling, ‘cause he doesn’t tell any truths about them; the fact that his fondness for Trumpist politics and politicians in the US supports the suspicion that he actively and knowingly aided Russian interference in 2016; the fact that he consistently aligns with parties inimical to popular self-government, down to seeking asylum with Ecuador, then under the wing of the fascist Fujimori.

Since them, Assange has been the beneficiary of the most amazing puffery from every corner - you’d practically think he’s the new George Washington, clean as the driven snow.

If that’s not enough to get your questions started, check out how his early supporters feel about him now (hint: he left Australia because he’d pissed of most of them)

More insinuations and fear mongering from you. There is no Russia connection. Period. If there was, the manufactured rape charges wouldn't have been necessary. You live in an empire that seeks to control the globe. The "stolen" information belongs to the people, not to shadowy government. This type of information used to come from the watchdog press, the media. Wikileaks is doing journalism, like it or not.

You seem very condescending.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Oh I suppose I just take issue with exposure to the truth causing a head in the sand mentality.

We suck at war because we are so good.

Nobody likes us now.

Now we need to spend triple the next guy's budget on defense and say we don't need to pay for the kids to be healthy or smart or happy it's just going to have to wait until they get drafted.

But we were doing that before he stuck our dick in the woodchipper.

We suck until we get leadership who cares about an entire nation and not focused on building a base for their personal agenda.

Or a fucking wall.

But plenty of guys risking their futures to show the truth make no difference.

We know we suck and half of us love it.

Thanks Trump.


Active member
True conservative? I'm not religious, could give a fuck if gay people get married, believe that all drugs should be legal (true freedom but yes I also believe overdoses will rise if this happens). I'm not really even close to a true conservative. I'm not a Bernie fan what so ever, I just remember what Wikileaks exposed.

Stolen e-mails. I can find better heroes. But then you back a p**** grabber.


Active member
Oh I suppose I just take issue with exposure to the truth causing a head in the sand mentality.

We suck at war because we are so good.

Nobody likes us now.

Now we need to spend triple the next guy's budget on defense and say we don't need to pay for the kids to be healthy or smart or happy it's just going to have to wait until they get drafted.

But we were doing that before he stuck our dick in the woodchipper.

We suck until we get leadership who cares about an entire nation and not focused on building a base for their personal agenda.

Or a fucking wall.

But plenty of guys risking their futures to show the truth make no difference.

We know we suck and half of us love it.

Thanks Trump.

Good at waging wars we can’t win.


Active member
Instead of “yellow”, read the colors of any given flag.

Nishida sought to reverse the key premise of Western philosophy, writing not about ‘being’ or ‘what is’, but instead about ‘nothingness’. His was not the relative nothingness of non-being – the world of the gone-away, the not-yet or the might-be. He meant absolute nothingness: an unfathomable ‘place’ or horizon upon which both being and non-being arise.

To help students make sense of this idea, Nishida liked to draw a cluster of small circles on the lecture-hall board. This is how people usually see the world, he would say: a collection of objects, and judgments about those objects. Take a simple sentence: ‘The flower is yellow.’ We tend to focus on the flower, reinforcing in the process the idea that objects are somehow primary. But what if we turn it around, focusing instead on the quality of yellowness? What if we say to ourselves ‘the flower is yellow’, and allow ourselves to become perceptually engrossed in that yellowness? Something interesting happens: our concern with the ‘is-ness’ of the flower, and also the is-ness of ourselves, begins to recede. By making ‘yellowness’ the subject of our investigation – trying to complete the sentence ‘Yellowness is…’ – we end up thinking not in terms of substance, but in terms of place. The question isn’t so much ‘What is yellowness?’ as ‘Where is yellowness?’ Against what broader backdrop does ‘yellowness’ emerge?

For Nishida, the answer was a special sort of consciousness: not first-person reflection, where consciousness is the possession of an individual, but rather a consciousness that possesses people. It becomes less true to say that ‘an individual has experiences’ than that ‘experience has individuals’.

White Beard

Active member
More insinuations and fear mongering from you. There is no Russia connection. Period. If there was, the manufactured rape charges wouldn't have been necessary. You live in an empire that seeks to control the globe. The "stolen" information belongs to the people, not to shadowy government. This type of information used to come from the watchdog press, the media. Wikileaks is doing journalism, like it or not.

You seem very condescending.
On script and on key.

Amusing that speaking to you as an equal results in your feeling talked down to: what empire do *you* live in?

I do confess, I was hoping you’d dig at least a little, *think* at least a little - instead of the signature hand-waving and contradiction.

Tell me you are at least consistent enough to want full exoneration of Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning - that you call for it from your representatives (should you be an American)

Don't you know the US is sacrificing to police the world?
Sacrificing our people: their lives, their families, their hopes for the future. Their inalienable right not to get fed to the machine.

knucklehead bob



Active member
Yessir....Durham is walking around with adm Mike rodgers in his pocket
I believe Rodgers holds the keys to the covenant all the way back to the
Hussein Obammy crew....Allah Akhbar motherfuckers