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Deep State: Exposed


Active member
They are. I’ve just raised them better than doing the minimum and expecting others to better their lives

Thinking he's doing something special raising his kids when majority of other parents are doing the same thing. They just don't think they are doing anything groundbreaking and patting themselves on the back for it.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
do those even exist? every time i mention not fucking the world up for future generations, i am immediately labeled as a "radical left-wing tree-hugger" that wants everyone to ride horseback & for children to scrawl on coal shovels with chalk to do their homework... or are the "right-wing environmental extremists" the ones that want to sell off all national parks & other public property to rich folks as summer homes & industrialists to despoil like everything else they touch? i am confused...:laughing:

Haha, I was just foolin around hippy. Making fun of this idea that 'nationalism' is supposedly for right wingers and globalised trade is for leftists. But, leftists are supposedly the environmentalists, but the teachings of environmentalism is to act and buy locally, which is nationalized trade. Lol. So, I was joking about right wing environmental extemism. But, who knows. Left wing used to mean anti-war and right wingers were war mongers but now it's repubs that want wars to end and dems who don't. And dems don't want diplomacy with say Russia.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Jesus Christ.... YOU of all people calling White Beard an idiot??
He is one of the more thoughtful posters in these political forums.
Compared to some of your 'work' he is basically a sage.

TBF i have found *some* of your posts a worthwhile read also, we've all got to learn from people who see things completely differently, if we actually WANT to learn, but listing White Beard in the 'idiot' column comes across a bit *whack* or just salty from where i sit.

I'm just giving white beard a hard time. He does say some decent things here and there. But, when he says something idiotic I gotta say something! I'd extend the same courtesy to anyone else, haha!

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Not hard to spot a racist. They go to "Unite the Right" rallies and call themselves white nationalists. They chant "jew's will not replace us". Can you show me some pics or videos of a white nationalist rally here in the USA where there isn't racist propaganda being displayed?

I get ya now. Words have no meaning or definition. It's up to the individual to define the words. Even if the words are well defined doesn't matter. If a person claims they run a half marathon every other day but really jog a quarter mile it's up to them what the meaning of "marathon" is.

It breaks my heart to hear that some "white nationalists" are lumped in with the white only "white nationalists".

"White nationalist" was a term first used in the 50's to try and soften the white supremacist label. Look how well it's worked. Until you see their rallies and see them for who they truly are.

You keep twisting the meaning of everything I say.


Well-known member
And dems don't want diplomacy with say Russia.

haha. EVERYONE is "joking" when they get corrected. my kids did it too. i'm all for diplomacy with Russia AFTER they start having free elections; which is something we need to work on too. we are drifting away (actually, being pushed) from the ideals our Founding Fathers gave us. the GOP has realized that they are not going to keep being elected on a national scale with the "browning" of this country (actually, the entire world). so, they are doing everything they can to suppress voters of any color other than white. that, and the stuffing of the Supreme Court will hold back the tide...for a while. when the wall is breached (and that WILL happen), however, the Republican party will never hold a nation-wide office again. bank on it...

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
haha. EVERYONE is "joking" when they get corrected. my kids did it too. i'm all for diplomacy with Russia AFTER they start having free elections; which is something we need to work on too. we are drifting away (actually, being pushed) from the ideals our Founding Fathers gave us. the GOP has realized that they are not going to keep being elected on a national scale with the "browning" of this country (actually, the entire world). so, they are doing everything they can to suppress voters of any color other than white. that, and the stuffing of the Supreme Court will hold back the tide...for a while. when the wall is breached (and that WILL happen), however, the Republican party will never hold a nation-wide office again. bank on it...

It's obvious that I was pointing out the humor in the situation. When these investigations are completed, the dems will once again be seen as the confederate party. They will be destroyed. Especially when the crimes against Haitian children become known to the sleeping masses. The people are starting to awaken!


Well-known member

Over 30 West Virginia Prison Guard Trainees Fired Over Nazi Salute Photo


More than 30 West Virginia correctional academy trainees who were seen giving a Nazi salute in a class photo will be fired.

West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice said Monday that he has approved the recommendations from a report by state investigators calling for the dismissal of the correctional officer trainees who participated in the photo. According to the report, the trainees regularly gave the Nazi salute “as a sign of respect” for their instructor in the weeks prior to the release of the photo, The Associated Press reported.

The photo of dozens of participants in the basic training class making the Nazi salute reads “Hail Byrd!” at the top, a reference to their correctional academy instructor, Karrie Byrd.

Byrd told investigators that she was unaware of the “historical or racial implications of the gesture” and said it was “simply a greeting,” according to the report, NBC News reported. Other sources for the report contradicted her statements.

“The investigation disclosed that she encouraged it, reveled in it, and at times reciprocated the gesture,” the report said.

West Virginia correctional cadets who gave Nazi salute in photo will all be fired


The report states some cadets "only followed what they perceived to be an order from Instructor Byrd to do the 'Hail Byrd' for the photograph because they feared they would not graduate, or would be disciplined for failure to follow the order of a superior."

I wonder which guy was hesitant...


ICMag Donor

Interesting story, especially coming from a democrat fake news machine such as NBC.

Looks like another far-left antifa setup to get a national news story about white Nazis.

Its not hard to figure out! Antifa has been busy in their war against truth. All means necessary assault on the American people!

Conservative constitution and liberty loving voters will see the truth through this absurdity.

These types of stories propagate a media narrative which detracts the conversation and focus away from the policy mistakes of the democrats. Don't be mistaken, the democrats and establishment republicans want to take your natural rights, and they are doing whatever they can to keep from honest debate and analysis of facts, instead choosing to create a narrative for everyone to talk about. :smoke:


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