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Deep State: Exposed


Well-known member
So the people who organized the Unite the Right rally, who label themselves as "white nationalists" and the flier they used to promote their rally doesn't promote white only policies? If you want to align yourself with those types it's your choice.

If it's the people in your picture posted above then yes they are racist and no I don't want anything to do with them.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
So, if someone wants to join the military and they are filling out recruitment forms and it says that by signing the forms, all info is acurate under penalty of perjury. And it asks you if you are a 'white nationalist,' and let's say you are of european descent, and obviously you care about the nation because you otherwise would not be joining the military (generally). How do you answer? Don't you have to answer yes? For acuracy? Maybe it's good that they changed it. What if absolem or white beard or some other idiot is doing the recruiting. This is why the term 'white nationalist should be scrapped. So, idiots like absolem don't confuse non-racists for racists. And also, this is why the deep-state is such a serious threat to our democratic society. Because this is the same model with which they spread sectarian division in countries all over the world.

And if the argument is that Unite the Right uses the term to identify themselves. That doesnt mean that people outside of their movement should use the term. It's up to you as an individual to decide what terminology is best to use. I use terminology that helps clarify, not confuse. That's my choice.

It also bugs me when people use the term 'Neo-nazi' in a non literal sense because it takes away the serious meaning of the term. Third reich nazis continued their operations after WW2. Those are neo nazis. That is who has ruled the US and the rest of the world. So, when people refer to some skin head down the street as a neo nazi, it diminishes the term.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Nationalism and patriotism are not synonymous.

"The difference between patriotism and nationalism is that the patriot is proud of his country for what it does, and the nationalist is proud of his country no matter what it does; the first attitude creates a feeling of responsibility, but the second a feeling of blind arrogance that leads to war."
Sydney J. Harris

"Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. Both words are normally used in so vague a way that any definition is liable to be challenged, but one must draw a distinction between them, since two different and even opposing ideas are involved. By ‘patriotism’ I mean devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the world but has no wish to force on other people. Patriotism is of its nature defensive, both militarily and culturally. Nationalism, on the other hand, is inseparable from the desire for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality."
George Orwell

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Nationalism and patriotism are not synonymous.

"The difference between patriotism and nationalism is that the patriot is proud of his country for what it does, and the nationalist is proud of his country no matter what it does; the first attitude creates a feeling of responsibility, but the second a feeling of blind arrogance that leads to war."
Sydney J. Harris

"Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. Both words are normally used in so vague a way that any definition is liable to be challenged, but one must draw a distinction between them, since two different and even opposing ideas are involved. By ‘patriotism’ I mean devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the world but has no wish to force on other people. Patriotism is of its nature defensive, both militarily and culturally. Nationalism, on the other hand, is inseparable from the desire for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality."
George Orwell

See how different people can interpret a wide range of words in different ways. I respect Orwell's thoughts, but they fall short because you can be a 'patriotic' advocate for global centric trade. This leaves only negative slurs to describe someone who is patriotic or not, but who prefers sovereign centric trade policies. It's just good to notice the ambiguities that come with various terms. I love Orwell, btw!

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
The common thread is that 'nationalism' is widely regarded as a negative thing even though it probably should be looked at as a good thing, particularly as it pertains to local economics and trade. Meanwhile, it's still good to buy locally isn't it? Or is that just for right wing environmental extremists, lol.


Active member
Do any of you fucking dictionary.com bruh? Take your liberal bullshit and redefinition of words to fit your narrative and fuck right on off. To put America and American interests over say a third world shithole or Israel shouldn’t be an issue. But you useless ****s tripping all over each other to be muh more politically correct aka woke is an issue. Yes, I’m unapologetically white and feel feeding America is a bigger issue than feeding some third world shithole. Fuck off, I’m NOT apologetic about it. Fuck Israel fuck Mexico, and fuck Iran. Boo boo, I don’t fall for you le alt-right ( a ‘nazi’ movement run by a literal race mixing homo)/ muh white nationalist bullshit memes. Yes I’m white and proud. Issue is? Is it not ok to be white? If not, the issue is YOUR racism.


Active member
The common thread is that 'nationalism' is widely regarded as a negative thing even though it probably should be looked at as a good thing, particularly as it pertains to local economics and trade. Meanwhile, it's still good to buy locally isn't it? Or is that just for right wing environmental extremists, lol.

Wrong kiddo. We need to support communist China and the drug cartels in Mexico you fucking raycissss. Why would you promote supporting local when we can feed cartels and zionists instead?


Active member
Do any of you fucking dictionary.com bruh? Take your liberal bullshit and redefinition of words to fit your narrative and fuck right on off. To put America and American interests over say a third world shithole or Israel shouldn’t be an issue. But you useless ****s tripping all over each other to be muh more politically correct aka woke is an issue. Years, I’m unapologetically white and feel feeding America is a bigger issue than feeding some third world shithole. Fuck off, I’m NOT apologetic about it. Fuck Israel fuck Mexico, and fuck Iran. Boo boo, I don’t fall for you le alt-right ( a ‘nazi’ movement run by a literal race mixing homo)/ muh white nationalist bullshit memes. Yes I’m white and proud. Issue is? Is it not ok to be white? If not, the issue is YOUR racism

Hello all,

Buahahahaha, you could just kill yourself and be rid of all this anger.

Or, just don't read it. That will teach them won't it. My suggestion.

It seems you are more interested in bitching about your perceived grievances over and over again than come to understanding.

Why do you do this? And on Christmas day at that.

Merry Christmas everyone.



Well-known member
Or is that just for right wing environmental extremists, lol.

do those even exist? every time i mention not fucking the world up for future generations, i am immediately labeled as a "radical left-wing tree-hugger" that wants everyone to ride horseback & for children to scrawl on coal shovels with chalk to do their homework... or are the "right-wing environmental extremists" the ones that want to sell off all national parks & other public property to rich folks as summer homes & industrialists to despoil like everything else they touch? i am confused...:laughing:


Active member
do those even exist? every time i mention not fucking the world up for future generations, i am immediately labeled as a "radical left-wing tree-hugger" that wants everyone to ride horseback & for children to scrawl on coal shovels with chalk to do their homework... or are the "right-wing environmental extremists" the ones that want to sell off all national parks & other public property to rich folks as summer homes & industrialists to despoil like everything else they touch? i am confused...:laughing:

You can’t even change out a toilet without your wife wanting to leave you as proven by the thread you started. Is anybody expected to take anything you say seriously?
But on some really real. Care to explain why desertification in national parks has grown at 2x the rate of every where else?


Active member
There used to be four.

Remember those days?


Oops got you confused with AOF. But no, I’ve never lived anywhere that was built pre 1950’s. Always held myself to put my family in a higher quality of living...

But back to original point. Care to explain reasoning behind desertification happening at double the rate in national parks? Nah, you can’t. That’s conveniently unaddressed by today’s top ‘scientists’.

Capra ibex

So, if someone wants to join the military and they are filling out recruitment forms and it says that by signing the forms, all info is acurate under penalty of perjury. And it asks you if you are a 'white nationalist,' and let's say you are of european descent, and obviously you care about the nation because you otherwise would not be joining the military (generally). How do you answer? Don't you have to answer yes? For acuracy? Maybe it's good that they changed it. What if absolem or white beard or some other idiot is doing the recruiting. This is why the term 'white nationalist should be scrapped. So, idiots like absolem don't confuse non-racists for racists. And also, this is why the deep-state is such a serious threat to our democratic society. Because this is the same model with which they spread sectarian division in countries all over the world.

Jesus Christ.... YOU of all people calling White Beard an idiot??
He is one of the more thoughtful posters in these political forums.
Compared to some of your 'work' he is basically a sage.

TBF i have found *some* of your posts a worthwhile read also, we've all got to learn from people who see things completely differently, if we actually WANT to learn, but listing White Beard in the 'idiot' column comes across a bit *whack* or just salty from where i sit.
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Active member
So, if someone wants to join the military and they are filling out recruitment forms and it says that by signing the forms, all info is acurate under penalty of perjury. And it asks you if you are a 'white nationalist,' and let's say you are of european descent, and obviously you care about the nation because you otherwise would not be joining the military (generally). How do you answer? Don't you have to answer yes? For acuracy? Maybe it's good that they changed it. What if absolem or white beard or some other idiot is doing the recruiting. This is why the term 'white nationalist should be scrapped. So, idiots like absolem don't confuse non-racists for racists. And also, this is why the deep-state is such a serious threat to our democratic society. Because this is the same model with which they spread sectarian division in countries all over the world.

And if the argument is that Unite the Right uses the term to identify themselves. That doesnt mean that people outside of their movement should use the term. It's up to you as an individual to decide what terminology is best to use. I use terminology that helps clarify, not confuse. That's my choice.

It also bugs me when people use the term 'Neo-nazi' in a non literal sense because it takes away the serious meaning of the term. Third reich nazis continued their operations after WW2. Those are neo nazis. That is who has ruled the US and the rest of the world. So, when people refer to some skin head down the street as a neo nazi, it diminishes the term.

Not hard to spot a racist. They go to "Unite the Right" rallies and call themselves white nationalists. They chant "jew's will not replace us". Can you show me some pics or videos of a white nationalist rally here in the USA where there isn't racist propaganda being displayed?

I get ya now. Words have no meaning or definition. It's up to the individual to define the words. Even if the words are well defined doesn't matter. If a person claims they run a half marathon every other day but really jog a quarter mile it's up to them what the meaning of "marathon" is.

It breaks my heart to hear that some "white nationalists" are lumped in with the white only "white nationalists".

"White nationalist" was a term first used in the 50's to try and soften the white supremacist label. Look how well it's worked. Until you see their rallies and see them for who they truly are.