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Deep State: Exposed


Chemon 91
Usdeptclock.org says unfunded liabilities are over

Or...two hundred trillion...



Active member
ICMag Donor
recently, instead of feeling guilty like i "owe" someone,

i started asking for all of my school application fees to be refunded retroactively
it isn't exactly asking for a tuition refund but calling a bluff on irs pay stubs and salaries
schools just put a disclaimer no guarantees and then collect money to no end with no rules or regulations financing the fallacy with credit debt even

like give me all of my time back with interest for not paying me a decades retroactive raise effective now
there aren't even youth labor laws big companies have school children work late night hours ...

and explaining to the student loan collection call center employees how ridiculous it is to call me asking for money after the government and school themselves lied in the first place...


Active member
ICMag Donor
"hi this is the loan guy calling again and leaving a message for the 18th time from the call center. where is that $500k that you were supposed to be a lawyer?" - irs


Active member
ICMag Donor
if you are a barista maybe you can negotiate free coffee on the clock and just give the rest of your check back to corporate hq and sleep in the back


Well-known member

huh. nothing on there now about him. i DID notice that they were looking for "tips" that have not been published yet. hmmm... "i've got a good one. LOL!"


Active member
Another One Bites The Dust


A White nationalist who ran for Senate arrested in Florida
MELBOURNE, Fla. — A white nationalist who ran for the U.S. Senate in Florida and was a featured speaker during the 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, was arrested on charges of kidnapping, domestic violence and possession of a firearm during a crime of violence.

Augustus Sol Invictus, 36, was arrested Monday at a Florida mall by Brevard County Sheriff’s deputies on a warrant issued out of South Carolina, the Miami Herald reported. Jail records described him as an “out of state fugitive.”

The Herald noted that news of the arrest was first reported on Twitter by the journalist Nick Martin, who focuses on covering “hate and extremism” in the U.S.

Invictus, an Orlando-area attorney, has called for violent uprisings. During his 2016 Senate bid to unseat U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, he got widespread attention for claiming that he killed a goat and drank its blood as part of a pagan ritual. He failed, however, to win the nomination from Florida’s Libertarian Party to challenge Rubio.


Active member
Heres your grease stain in chief obammies buds,attacking the embassy in iraq...no wonder he let people die in Benghazi...

Scumbag chimp...

Iraqi official spotted outside embassy attack visited Obama White House in 2011



Active member
So, what's tRump going to do about those guys Pompeo pointed out in his tweet?


Maybe drone strike....arrest him...have the mossad kill him....or just use it as a provocation for a Iranian strike....nuttin like a good conflict to unify a nation..or maybe as terrorist 1 in Obama's treason trial...:tiphat:


Active member
Maybe drone strike....arrest him...have the mossad kill him....or just use it as a provocation for a Iranian strike....nuttin like a good conflict to unify a nation..or maybe as terrorist 1 in Obama's treason trial...:tiphat:

Well that did t take long did it?:laughing:
Looks like they took option A....kinda had a feelin....

Better question...What would Bernie do?


Mr D

Democrats are starting to cash in the insurance policy so things will get interesting from now until November.

The Mueller report is the insurance policy. It contains everything about Trump and anyone related to him or that ever knew him. 2 years worth of total surveillance of his entire life.

The democrats lawyers have setup JustSecurity.Org to serve as a clearing house for leaks of the Mueller material in the run up to the election. They are going to unleash a smear campaign that's been 3 years in the making.

There favorite media outlets will be told exactly what the specifics are for targeted FOIA requests.... ie where to look. The agencies, people, dates, times and subjects of specific material that will be helpful in discovering the information.

For those who support Trump this is potentially a game changer. For those that hate Trump your side may have come up with a plan that could work.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Democrats are starting to cash in the insurance policy so things will get interesting from now until November.

The Mueller report is the insurance policy. It contains everything about Trump and anyone related to him or that ever knew him. 2 years worth of total surveillance of his entire life.

The democrats lawyers have setup JustSecurity.Org to serve as a clearing house for leaks of the Mueller material in the run up to the election. They are going to unleash a smear campaign that's been 3 years in the making.

There favorite media outlets will be told exactly what the specifics are for targeted FOIA requests.... ie where to look. The agencies, people, dates, times and subjects of specific material that will be helpful in discovering the information.

For those who support Trump this is potentially a game changer. For those that hate Trump your side may have come up with a plan that could work.

What are you suggesting? As far as I understand it, the report is out there for anyone to read. The dems want the grand jury material, but it doesn't seem likely that they'll get it. So, what else is there? Redactions?


Active member
Democrats are starting to cash in the insurance policy so things will get interesting from now until November.

The Mueller report is the insurance policy. It contains everything about Trump and anyone related to him or that ever knew him. 2 years worth of total surveillance of his entire life.

The democrats lawyers have setup JustSecurity.Org to serve as a clearing house for leaks of the Mueller material in the run up to the election. They are going to unleash a smear campaign that's been 3 years in the making.

There favorite media outlets will be told exactly what the specifics are for targeted FOIA requests.... ie where to look. The agencies, people, dates, times and subjects of specific material that will be helpful in discovering the information.

For those who support Trump this is potentially a game changer. For those that hate Trump your side may have come up with a plan that could work.

Hello all,

What's to worry about....don't you know? tRump* is innocent.



Active member
What are you suggesting? As far as I understand it, the report is out there for anyone to read. The dems want the grand jury material, but it doesn't seem likely that they'll get it. So, what else is there? Redactions?

Still seething over McGhan testimony and financial records. They can FOIA the shit all they want until it gets caught up in the court systems. Surprised nobody yet has taken the ‘handpicked cabinet’ will just redact everything and protect drumpf angle....

Mr D

What are you suggesting? As far as I understand it, the report is out there for anyone to read. The dems want the grand jury material, but it doesn't seem likely that they'll get it. So, what else is there? Redactions?

What Mueller wrote in his report is irrelevant.

The investigation itself was purposed to dig, legally, into every aspect of Donald Trump, his family, his friends, his finances, his companies, his legal holdings, his lawyers, his accountants, his history… all of it… and they did so under both Title-1 and Title-3 surveillance authority because the Mueller probe was a counterintelligence operation.

President Trump: travel records, phone records, electronic files, electronic communications, emails, electronic records, family files, medical records, bank records, tax records,… THE WORKS …all with unlimited surveillance authority as granted by former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and the useful status of an unlimited counterintelligence operation. Think about the scale of the material Weissmann and Mueller gained access to.

Think about the scale of these Trump files we now call the Mueller Dossier.

Mueller was the insurance policy. What Weissmann and Mueller assembled was the insurance policy files. They legally spied on President Trump for more than two years; and they legally dug into his background for the same amount of time. This is the massive Mueller edition of the “Trump Dossier”.

Remember, dozens of Democrat operatives behind Nadler have much of that Mueller collected material already; or they have been told about the content.

The HJC lawsuit is an attempt to gain legal authority to exploit it. However, if they don’t get the legal authority, meaning they lose the lawsuits, they will use it anyway – through a system of leaks to their resistance allies in the media.

Which brings us to the new phase….

♦ Understanding this ongoing process is the key to understanding a new “Leak Clearing House” created with this intent in mind. The clearing house is JustSecurity.Org

The “Just Security” group is similar to the “Lawfare” group. Their purpose is to receive and then distribute leaked material. They will be leaking material from Mueller, via the House teams, as well as material from current insider operations from the resistance.


“In 2018, following Trump’s ascendancy to the presidency, the center integrated the publication JustSecurity.org, which is playing a central role as a resource for pro-Democratic party media in the impeachment crisis. ”

“Through both its fellows and its publication, JustSecurity.org, the Reiss Center is closely integrated into the anti-Russia campaign of the national security apparatus and the Democratic Party, and their efforts to impeach Trump on a pro-war and anti-democratic basis. There is a direct connection to the anti-Russia campaign and impeachment efforts by the Democratic Party and intelligence agencies through Andrew Weissman, who is a distinguished senior fellow at the Reiss Center.

“Rachel Goldbrenner, the center’s Executive Director and a professor of law at NYU, served as a senior advisor to Samantha Power…has connections to Eric Ciaramella.”

“David S. Cohen, an advisor to the Center, was working in the Treasury Department in the Obama administration and was the deputy director of the CIA between 2015-2017. … Cohen played a critical role in whipping up anti-Russian hysteria with unsubstantiated claims of interference in the 2016 election”

“Lisa O. Monaco… distinguished senior fellow…was the Homeland Security Advisor of Obama from 2013 to 2017. Jon Finer is another fellow who is the ex-Chief of State at US State Department, where he served as the senior advisor to John Kerry. He was also the US lead negotiator at the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal and the 2016 Paris Climate Accord.

The co-editor of JustSecurity.org is Ryan Goodman…he served as special counsel to the general counsel of the Department of Defense in 2015-2016”

“The Reiss Center’s public involvement proceeds through its JustSecurity.org publication. First established in 2013, the website was based at the Law School’s center for Human Rights and Global Justice, before being relocated to the Reiss Center in September 2018, shortly after the latter’s renaming. It is funded by NYU’s School of Law as well as the Atlantic Philanthropies and Open Society Foundations—both founded and chaired by George Soros.”

Part 1
Part 2

What Mueller assembled over two years was a “Trump Dossier” similar to the Steele Dossier.

The political opposition research against President Trump will either come out legally via HJC, or it will come out illegally via leaks. However, it will come out. The DC Appeals Court and/or the Supreme Court decisions will determine which path.

Most of the Mueller team material is irrelevant for the purpose of Trump-Russia. There is no there ‘there’, and there never was. The Mueller investigation in 2017/2018 was never really designed to find evidence of Trump-Russia… it was designed to find dirt on Trump and his family. That dirt, under the guise of investigative evidence, was then assembled into a political dossier.

Anyone who could deliver rumor, innuendo, gossip or manufactured evidence toward that end, similar to the Steele Dossier was used and included in the Mueller material.

Forget about arguing the Mueller probe found nothing on Trump-Russia therefore… (fill in blank). That argument is moot. The purpose of the Mueller effort was dirt on Trump; it didn’t (and doesn’t) matter what that dirt is. Essentially: find dirt, put in file.

The Just Security group will leak material which will then be picked up by specific Democrat politicians and used as evidence to attack and undermine President Trump.

That effort began yesterday:

[…] Last month, a court ordered the government to release almost 300 pages of emails to the Center for Public Integrity in response to a FOIA lawsuit. It released a first batch on Dec. 12, and then a second installment on Dec. 20, including Duffey’s email, but that document, along with several others, were partially or completely blacked out.

Since then, Just Security has viewed unredacted copies of these emails, which begin in June and end in early October. Together, they tell the behind-the-scenes story of the defense and budget officials who had to carry out the president’s unexplained hold on military aid to Ukraine.

Mr D

Hello all,

PS engagement with Iraq could be viewed as a wag the dog scenario...could it not?

Or a clever exit strategy...

Iraq’s Speaker of Parliament Mohammed al Halbousi vowed to “put an end to U.S. presence” in Iraq after President Trump ordered airstrikes that killed top Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani and Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces boss Mahdi al Muhandis in Baghdad on Thursday.

“Yesterday’s targeting of a military commander in Iraq’s armed forces near Baghdad International Airport is a flagrant breach of sovereignty and violation of international agreements,” a statement from Halbousi read.

Halbousi added that Iraq “must avoid becoming a battlefield or a side in any regional or international conflict.”