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Deep State: Exposed


Active member
Pelosi witholding impeachment...isn't that.essentially obstructing congress? Classic Democrat doing what they accuse others of....

White Beard

Active member
I'm not dodging. I simply don't follow that subculture. But, I would not be surprised, if they were dnc operatives, at all.
obviously you *do* follow members of that subculture - you simply overlook the subculture they’re self-acknowledged members of.

I am not at all surprised to learn that you’d not be surprised if they were DNC. You add green and 12 and get “hungry” for an answer, but sure, make up whatever you want, there’s plenty like you who’ll believe anything.

For your next point. It's a bit off the mark for comparrison. So, I'll say that if they said they were 'white liberal' than the 'white' specification would be totally unnecessary. I love cheeseburgers. I would never say I'm a white cheeseburger'er. My ethnicity has nothing to do with it.
You really have never thought about any of this, have you?

That is also why I wouldn't necessarilly take it as fact that a public figure like R Spencer is genuine. He could certainly be a dnc operative meant to enhance the democratic platform by creating an eternal enemy and reason to vote democrat. I often here about white supremacists being emboldened lately, but I'm not seeing it in the world around me (thankfully). I think they are a ever shrinking minority (good ridance).
And in one swift stroke you reveal the depth of your cluelessness.

I will agree with you that they are shrinking in some ways, but you clearly have no idea of the reach and scope and spread of white-supremacist/“white nationalist” sentiment - which has worked to hide itself since the civil-rights movement, and so effectively that an intrepid investigator like yourself can miss it entirely.

For my part, I was raised by racists during segregation, among racists, in a population that was overall 40% black. If you think they were hiding then, let me disabuse you: I heard it frequently suggested - by ‘respectable’ people - that the only good nigger was a dead nigger, and they were not coy about it.

Now they pretend that it was not like that and we’re all better now, but the same motives and ‘arguments’ underlie all their ‘respectable’ dissembling, their policies, their wall-to-wall effort to redefine shared experience in terms that support their continued supremacy...and you whistle past the graveyard and breezily claim it’s all a story cooked up against the “nice people”.

I think the dnc's greatest fear is the diversification of the republican party.

I think the DNC’s biggest fear is losing control of the Democrats voting base: diversity among republican voters is NOT a THING.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Stephen Miller does not deny that the emails between Katie McHugh and himself are real.

I’ve never heard a trump supporter have any problem with Miller though, he’s obviously a large, or the largest reason people
voted for trump in the first place.

Lot of people defend him on this site

Well, I wouldn't know because I didn't vote for Trump. I hated him. I started supporting him in August 2018 when I found out what's up. I am 100% anti racist that is why I am against the term "white nationalist."
I like using precise language as much as possible and also appreciate it when others do. Language can be weaponized against humanity. A great example is the situation with zionism vs anti-semitism and the word 'anti-semite' itself is a rediculous twist of definition. I shouldn't have to spell it out, but I want respect for all people. Governments around the world are dividing people along every line possible and I wont fall into that divisive hate. I actually feel like some of you are a waste of my time because some of you are vested in spreading hate and ignorance. As much as you may hate the idea of unity. The world will be at peace once the global deep state is erradicated. And remember this: no republican ever owned a slave. The republican party was formed specifically to end slavery. The democrats created the kkk. The NRA was formed by republicans to combat democratic kkk affiliated rifle clubs meant to help the south rise again. The republican party didn't become the party of racism until the CIA was created and warped US politics with the southern strategy.
Lyndon Johnson signed the civil rights act and said "We'll have these n*****s voting democrat for the next two hundred years."



Active member
Well, I wouldn't know because I didn't vote for Trump. I hated him. I started supporting him in August 2018 when I found out what's up. I am 100% anti racist that is why I am against the term "white nationalist."
I like using precise language as much as possible and also appreciate it when others do. Language can be weaponized against humanity. A great example is the situation with zionism vs anti-semitism and the word 'anti-semite' itself is a rediculous twist of definition. I shouldn't have to spell it out, but I want respect for all people. Governments around the world are dividing people along every line possible and I wont fall into that divisive hate. I actually feel like some of you are a waste of my time because some of you are vested in spreading hate and ignorance. As much as you may hate the idea of unity. The world will be at peace once the global deep state is erradicated. And remember this: no republican ever owned a slave. The republican party was formed specifically to end slavery. The democrats created the kkk. The NRA was formed by republicans to combat democratic kkk affiliated rifle clubs meant to help the south rise again. The republican party didn't become the party of racism until the CIA was created and warped US politics with the southern strategy.
Lyndon Johnson signed the civil rights act and said "We'll have these n*****s voting democrat for the next two hundred years."


The only Dems that Republicans support are the racist slave owners from the 1860's who have statues dedicated to them in the south that current GOP have no desire to take down. In fact it was the GOP who wrote state laws to stop localities from being able to remove statues dedicated to slave owners. It's today's Dems that want them removed.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
The only Dems that Republicans support are the racist slave owners from the 1860's who have statues dedicated to them in the south that current GOP have no desire to take down. In fact it was the GOP who wrote state laws to stop localities from being able to remove statues dedicated to slave owners. It's today's Dems that want them removed.

That's because democrats are historical revisionists and if they have their way, the history books of the future will say that republicans owned slaves and democrats freed them. I'm not a republican or a dem. But the only dem I liked was JFK. Not sure about Carter...

Also, painting all repubs as the same is just plain wrong. Diversity of thought is much stronger on the repub side in these current times. Just ask my trans coworker friend who used to be in antifa but was sick of the hate and hypocracy and they are planning on voting Trump. Hell of people are fleeing the democratic party.


Well-known member
That's because democrats are historical revisionists and if they have their way, the history books of the future will say that republicans owned slaves and democrats freed them. I'm not a republican or a dem. But the only dem I liked was JFK. Not sure about Carter...

Also, painting all repubs as the same is just plain wrong. Diversity of thought is much stronger on the repub side in these current times. Just ask my trans coworker friend who used to be in antifa but was sick of the hate and hypocracy and they are planning on voting Trump. Hell of people are fleeing the democratic party.

anyone trying to re-write history has a problem...the millions of books out there that people have read and have on their shelves. merely denying that something happened does not make it so, as trump is discovering. indeed, as our country is slowly admitting. read the other day where the feds have "finally" admitted that the Armenian Genocide committed by Turkey in early 1900s was real...the GOP is much more monolithic than the Democrats of today. listening to any of my co-workers is like drawing a card from a deck full of threes' they all say the same thing. you can't find a dozen democrats that can agree on squat, all over the place. i pity Pelosi, her job must be much like herding cats with a leaf blower. sorry if facts keep getting in your way. pesky little SOBs, aint they?

White Beard

Active member
“Hempy McNoodle” said:
Well, I wouldn't know because I didn't vote for Trump. I hated him. I started supporting him in August 2018 when I found out what's up. I am 100% anti racist that is why I am against the term "white nationalist."
I like using precise language as much as possible and also appreciate it when others do. Language can be weaponized against humanity. A great example is the situation with zionism vs anti-semitism and the word 'anti-semite' itself is a rediculous twist of definition.
Clear and precise use of language is indeed important - as you will eventually learn if you keep embarrassing yourself

Exhibit A is in bold, above

I shouldn't have to spell it out, but I want respect for all people. Governments around the world are dividing people along every line possible and I wont fall into that divisive hate. I actually feel like some of you are a waste of my time because some of you are vested in spreading hate and ignorance. As much as you may hate the idea of unity. The world will be at peace once the global deep state is erradicated.
Your ideals and motivations sound great, but that change depends on integrity at the heart of every participant. You take too much at face value: you need to check your friends and your choices much more thoroughly.

And remember this: no republican ever owned a slave. The republican party was formed specifically to end slavery. The democrats created the kkk. The NRA was formed by republicans to combat democratic kkk affiliated rifle clubs meant to help the south rise again. The republican party didn't become the party of racism until the CIA was created and warped US politics with the southern strategy.
True enough at the start, but then you fall right into bullshit:

The NRA was formed in 1871 for the development and promotion of scientific shooting. “Rifle clubs” - kkk-affiliated or not - are a more modern invention, and were not started by Democrats to help the south rise, but by “modern era patriots” opposed to the federal government at large, and largely if not entirely white-supremacist.

Look up “Posse Comitatus”, “Aryan Nation” to start. They began calling themselves rifle clubs and other things after ‘militia’ got a lot of bad press.

BTW in case you haven’t picked it up yet, “white nationalism” is only a thing for those who like to say “oh, NO, *I* am not a white SUPREMACIST!!! *I* am I white NATIONALIST! I don’t hate ANYBODY!!! I just want to run the country as if there were only white people here (ie, ‘a white nation’)! WHATS WRONG WITH THAAAAT??” A figurative fig-leaf behind which to pretend to hide.

The Republican Party became the party of racism after Richard Nixon guaranteed them (The Dixiecrats, since you value precision and accuracy) a place in the Republican Party. For nearly twelve years (maybe more) they have been pretending the racist migration never happened, but you can’t sell that to people who watched it while it was happening.

You like imagining monsters. So much so you’ve made the CIA into one - like your “global deep state”. Too bad: your superficial misunderstandings interfere with your gaining a better, larger, deeper understanding.

Lyndon Johnson signed the civil rights act and said "We'll have these n*****s voting democrat for the next two hundred years.

LBJ is *reported* by his press secretary Bill Moyers as having said “We have lost the South for a generation”, but there is no other documentation; OTOH I see you favor the redneck racist asshole restatement you provide. You didn’t know it’s a redneck restatement popular among the racist portion of the GOP base?

Gee. Imagine what else you might not know.

Feel free to provide a more solid source for your ‘quote’, but I won’t hold my breath: the South is STILL lost.

By the way, you can find EVERYTHING I mentioned in the public record. Try it. You’ll learn a lot

The only Dems that Republicans support are the racist slave owners from the 1860's who have statues dedicated to them in the south that current GOP have no desire to take down. In fact it was the GOP who wrote state laws to stop localities from being able to remove statues dedicated to slave owners. It's today's Dems that want them removed.


Active member
lol once again billboards of bullshit. Being a nationalist has nothing to do with running a country as if only ones skin color lives there you fucking dunce


Active member
lol once again billboards of bullshit. Being a nationalist has nothing to do with running a country as if only ones skin color lives there you fucking dunce

Still trying to convince yourself the people who label themselves as "white nationalists" don't promote one race over the other?




Well-known member
A nationalist can be anybody who loves their country. I'm white, mexican, and a little cherokee indian and love America. I could easily post a picture of antifa members and say here is the democratic party when really I'm smart enough to know they are a very small % of the democratic party.


Active member
A nationalist can be anybody who loves their country. I'm white, mexican, and a little cherokee indian and love America. I could easily post a picture of antifa members and say here is the democratic party when really I'm smart enough to know they are a very small % of the democratic party.

So the people who organized the Unite the Right rally, who label themselves as "white nationalists" and the flier they used to promote their rally doesn't promote white only policies? If you want to align yourself with those types it's your choice.


Well-known member
"A nationalist can be anybody who loves their country"

by that definition I guess i'm a nationalist? along with 95% or more of the country lol.

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