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Deep State: Exposed


Well-known member
Or a clever exit strategy...[/url]

if he is filmed eating cat shit out of a litter box, you will come on here & say "dogs eat it too. and everyone knows that eating cat shit coated with kitty litter is nutritious & brain-cell stimulating...":laughing:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
But remember... he knows both parties are the same, but only hates the left.

And he only takes his tongue out of Trump's butt just long enough to tell you he doesn't love him.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I see what you are saying Mr. D, but I'm not worried. I think there is some likelyhood that Mueller has a understanding with Trump. Mueller got access to his tax records and everything. He had a meeting with Trump the day before he got selected to head the investigation, if I recall correctly. And I suspect Mueller is working against the CIA and deep state, but without allegience to Trump. I think the understanding is that Mueller was going to look over everything amd everyone and remove the CIA operatives from Trumps circle, but if he finds that Trump violated any crimes then Trump will be prosecuted. So, Trump better damn well be clean. And this is why they always end up with nothing. And everything boomerangs on them and they fall for every trap.

I doubt these emails, witnesses that the dems try to come up with will help their case at all.

It is even somewhat likely that the whistleblower or his source baited the deepstate and was part of the plan all along. Would The crimes of Biden/Obama and the (deep)State Dept have ever been covered at all, otherwise. I think it was all a trap. Now so much more is revealed and under investigation. This is how the 'swamp' will get drained. And Mueller actually has more dirt on the swamp creatures, than anything else.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I see what you are saying Mr. D, but I'm not worried. I think there is some likelyhood that Mueller has a understanding with Trump. Mueller got access to his tax records and everything. He had a meeting with Trump the day before he got selected to head the investigation, if I recall correctly. And I suspect Mueller is working against the CIA and deep state, but without allegience to Trump. I think the understanding is that Mueller was going to look over everything amd everyone and remove the CIA operatives from Trumps circle, but if he finds that Trump violated any crimes then Trump will be prosecuted. So, Trump better damn well be clean. And this is why they always end up with nothing. And everything boomerangs on them and they fall for every trap.

I doubt these emails, witnesses that the dems try to come up with will help their case at all.

It is even somewhat likely that the whistleblower or his source baited the deepstate and was part of the plan all along. Would The crimes of Biden/Obama and the (deep)State Dept have ever been covered at all, otherwise. I think it was all a trap. Now so much more is revealed and under investigation. This is how the 'swamp' will get drained. And Mueller actually has more dirt on the swamp creatures, than anything else.

The phone call controversy and impeachment effort has really helped focus public attention and with it directly involving the whole crowdstrike issue. I can't imagine a better plan to build a framework to expose this whole deepstate. Crowdstrike immediately implicates the entire obama admin and US media and Upper dnc of a conspiracy to commit murder and subversion and Treason against the united states. Plus, the Biden angle, exposes the giant foreign aid/ military/false flag complex. It was checkmate as soon as they made the whistle blower filing.


Active member
I see what you are saying Mr. D, but I'm not worried. I think there is some likelyhood that Mueller has a understanding with Trump. Mueller got access to his tax records and everything. He had a meeting with Trump the day before he got selected to head the investigation, if I recall correctly. And I suspect Mueller is working against the CIA and deep state, but without allegience to Trump. I think the understanding is that Mueller was going to look over everything amd everyone and remove the CIA operatives from Trumps circle, but if he finds that Trump violated any crimes then Trump will be prosecuted. So, Trump better damn well be clean. And this is why they always end up with nothing. And everything boomerangs on them and they fall for every trap.

I doubt these emails, witnesses that the dems try to come up with will help their case at all.

It is even somewhat likely that the whistleblower or his source baited the deepstate and was part of the plan all along. Would The crimes of Biden/Obama and the (deep)State Dept have ever been covered at all, otherwise. I think it was all a trap. Now so much more is revealed and under investigation. This is how the 'swamp' will get drained. And Mueller actually has more dirt on the swamp creatures, than anything else.

Gotta disagree with you on this Hempy. If Muller was some kind of hero, he would have shutdown the investigation when he reviewed the evidence, and found nothing but exculpatory evidence. He sure as hell wouldn't have let the Flynn prosecution continue.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Gotta disagree with you on this Hempy. If Muller was some kind of hero, he would have shutdown the investigation when he reviewed the evidence, and found nothing but exculpatory evidence. He sure as hell wouldn't have let the Flynn prosecution continue.

No worries. We may disagree here. It is after all, kind of hard to know for sure. But, I think it is the main feature of a multi-agency counter intelligence operation against the CIA and foreign intelligence. I hope someday soon we find out the answer for sure.
I think Flynn's situation is somehow part of the plan. Maybe related to forcing charges against others who commited similar crimes. But, I'm not positively sure or anything.

Capra ibex

if he is filmed eating cat shit out of a litter box, you will come on here & say "dogs eat it too. and everyone knows that eating cat shit coated with kitty litter is nutritious & brain-cell stimulating...":laughing:

This one made me laugh half way through a cough.... it didn't end pretty :redface:


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Well-known member
ICE Detention Center Captain Was on a Neo-Nazi Website and Wanted to Start a White Nationalist Group
“Deep down, no one really gives a shit about racism,” Travis Frey, who was then a senior employee at an Indianapolis jail, wrote on Iron March.​

Frey’s participation on Iron March and self-identification as a “fascist” in his profile raises questions about his tenure while holding a position of authority over the lives of vulnerable populations, including migrants, who are often people of color.

In June 2017, Frey started putting out feelers about joining the ranks of the Traditionalist Workers Party (TWP), which was run by Heimbach before its demise and was a key player in the violent Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017. “I am interested in helping build the Indiana TWP,” Frey wrote. “Let me know what is needed.”


Active member
tRump and Kim Jong Un are in love.

He's been invited to the White House, and they'll probably keep the door closed, too.

Suleimani might be alive today if he only learned from Kim.

Couple love letters, maybe a few likes on Twitter, trump would’ve bombed someone else


Boreal Curing
Fresh Cambridge Analytica leak ‘shows global manipulation is out of control’

Company’s work in 68 countries laid bare with release of more than 100,000 documents

An explosive leak of tens of thousands of documents from the defunct data firm Cambridge Analytica is set to expose the inner workings of the company that collapsed after the Observer revealed it had misappropriated 87 million Facebook profiles.

More than 100,000 documents relating to work in 68 countries that will lay bare the global infrastructure of an operation used to manipulate voters on “an industrial scale” are set to be released over the next months.

It comes as Christopher Steele, the ex-head of MI6’s Russia desk and the intelligence expert behind the so-called “Steele dossier” into Trump’s relationship with Russia, said that while the company had closed down, the failure to properly punish bad actors meant that the prospects for manipulation of the US election this year were even worse.

The release of documents began on New Year’s Day on an anonymous Twitter account, @HindsightFiles, with links to material on elections in Malaysia, Kenya and Brazil. The documents were revealed to have come from Brittany Kaiser, an ex-Cambridge Analytica employee turned whistleblower, and to be the same ones subpoenaed by Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Kaiser, who starred in the Oscar-shortlisted Netflix documentary The Great Hack, decided to go public after last month’s election in Britain. “It’s so abundantly clear our electoral systems are wide open to abuse,” she said. “I’m very fearful about what is going to happen in the US election later this year, and I think one of the few ways of protecting ourselves is to get as much information out there as possible.”


(Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg testifies to Congress after it was reported 87 million Facebook users had information harvested by Cambridge Analytica.)

The documents were retrieved from her email accounts and hard drives, and though she handed over some material to parliament in April 2018, she said there were thousands and thousands more pages which showed a “breadth and depth of the work” that went “way beyond what people think they know about ‘the Cambridge Analytica scandal’”.

Steele made a rare public intervention to comment on the leaks. He said that while he didn’t know what was in them, the context couldn’t be more important because “on our current trajectory these problems are likely to get worse, not better, and with crucial 2020 elections in America and elsewhere approaching, this is a very scary prospect. Something radical needs to be done about it, and fast.”

He said authorities in the west had failed to punish those practising social and other media manipulation, and “the result will be that while CA may have been exposed and eventually shut down, other, even more sophisticated actors will have been emboldened to interfere in our elections and sow social divisions”.

Kaiser said the Facebook data scandal was part of a much bigger global operation that worked with governments, intelligence agencies, commercial companies and political campaigns to manipulate and influence people, and that raised huge national security implications.

The unpublished documents contain material that suggests the firm was working for a political party in Ukraine in 2017 even while under investigation as part of Mueller’s inquiry and emails that Kaiser says describe how the firm helped develop a “sophisticated infrastructure of shell companies that were designed to funnel dark money into politics”

“There are emails between these major Trump donors discussing ways of obscuring the source of their donations through a series of different financial vehicles. These documents expose the entire dark money machinery behind US politics.” The same machinery, she says, was deployed in other countries that Cambridge Analytica worked in, including, she claims, Britain.

Emma Briant, an academic at Bard College, New York, who specialises in investigating propaganda and has had access to some of the documents for research, said that what had been revealed was “the tip of the iceberg”.

“The documents reveal a much clearer idea of what actually happened in the 2016 US presidential election, which has a huge bearing on what will happen in 2020. It’s the same people involved who we know are building on these same techniques,” she said.

“There’s evidence of really quite disturbing experiments on American voters, manipulating them with fear-based messaging, targeting the most vulnerable, that seems to be continuing. This is an entire global industry that’s out of control but what this does is lay out what was happening with this one company.”

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news...eak-global-election-manipulation?#maincontent

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
"The unpublished documents contain material that suggests the firm was working for a political party in Ukraine in 2017 even while under investigation as part of Mueller’s inquiry and emails that Kaiser says describe how the firm helped develop a “sophisticated infrastructure of shell companies that were designed to funnel dark money into politics”

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